June 2019 Moms

Appointments Thread November


Re: Appointments Thread November

  • battleangelbattleangel member
    edited November 2018
    I’m ready to be very very crabby with someone. Was told spud was too small for the NT screening last Saturday. No worries, we’ll reschedule. Oh, my clinic is closed this Saturday for the holiday. Let’s see if we can put you at the hospital nearby. Great, let’s do it. Sorry we can’t schedule anything until next Thursday and it’s STILL NOT AT YOUR CLINIC even though they’re back by then and you’re gonna have to take the day off because no way you’re making it to work that day because we got you in RIIIIIGHT in the middle of the day.  😤 

    TLDR: Rescheduled NT scan is Thursday and I’m already annoyed because no one is working with me here but I’m gonna do it because spud. 
  • @ki1244 I understand how you’re feeling. That happened to me in my first pregnancy at another clinic when I brought up my concern over my lack of symptoms. It doesn’t feel good to have your concerns brushed aside. I’m sorry you had to go through that. 
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  • @antera23 Thank you! I just told my MIL about it and got salty again. I'm mostly just annoyed that I have to go see Dr. Google again if I want any information, and sift through the wackadoo info out there while not freaking myself out too much.

    This nurse also told me I should maybe hold off on taking communion until I see the OB to make sure she would be OK with that level of alcohol consumption...so on second thought I don't know how much stock I would have put in whatever she told me at that point anyway. (Which, that's not a slam on women who choose to abstain -- but I'm fairly sure that's a personal call, and not necessarily a medically-mandated one, and certainly should be something that a nurse conducting an OB education class should be equipped to discuss.)
  • @ki1244 hello, my twin! 

    I’ve been super asymptomatic for most of my pregnancy so far too. Sore boobs and tired are about all I got. Couple of days of MS (but those were a mother).  I talked to my OB about that too, because I have ~concerns~ and she told me the same, but she also checked on the baby (I’m 11+6 now) and told me that the heartbeat was good, they looked okay, and that it’s okay to be nervous. That’s why they have the nurse advice line too.

    My doc told me it’s okay to worry. It’s okay to want to know EVERYTHING. It’s also okay not to feel like a “normal” pregnancy that we’ve heard about. Call your nurse advice line if you have one. Google will scare you. ❤️❤️
  • @ki1244 and @battleangel i am in same boat with barely any symptoms. I had some dizziness and nausea weeks 6 and 7 but i combated it with eating lol. Sore boobs and thats about it.
  • @battleangel and @canuckbaby, thank you! I almost feel bad even admitting it, because I know so many gals here have had it SO much worse and I don't want to come off like I'm braggy or looking for sympathy when others have been dealing with stuff a million times crappier than me (you didn't get all the information you wanted? Womp womp, I've been puking 38 times before noon...yeah, I can deal with being in the dark a little). I just also don't like being brushed off when I'm clearly seeking more, and there is a medical professional right there who, by most assumptions, should be able to provide some answers.

    I managed not to go too far down the rabbit hole, and actually feel pretty good about where I landed (and hearing from other asymptomatic gals here with healthy littles helps even more). I've got another couple weeks until my next appointment so if I can keep the sickies at bay that long I'll call it a win, and at THAT point I will stage a sit-in at the office until they confirm for my by any means necessary that my little nugget is doing fine.
  • @ki1244 yes being brushed off by medical professional is not good. I hope things stay swell. We have a good community here that can provide support. I know nothing either. I just figure i bump along until something seems wrong...
  • @ki1244 it’s okay. You don’t need to feel bad just because you aren’t one who is having symptoms. I’m one of those who would really love to get some asymptomatic days and not puke. But I think the challenge is that they have very little understanding of why women do have symptoms so it’s probably just as uncertain why others don’t. I mean, they blame it on the hormones but they don’t actually know. That’s why the MS treatments don’t work consistently for everyone and all the time. I think it’s completely normal to be nervous. The funny thing is that just because I do have symptoms doesn’t necessarily make me feel any less worrried that I could just be symptomatic but something could still be wrong. Definitely support the other things people have said. You should feel comfortable asking questions and also feel like you get empathy and the info you need. Just don’t beat yourself up too much about being nervous. It’s not like this is an experience that women go through frequently, so it’s natural to be uncertain.   
  • @ki1244 I agree with @chrssyms just because we all feel different doesn't mean your concerns are any less. like she said even with all my symptoms I still freak out and we all want some reassurance when we see our obs!
  • @ki1244 I definitely understand your concern. My first pregnancy I had barely any symptoms, a few bits of spotting but other than that I felt great (occasional headache and took a few extra naps) but I also thought “something must be wrong”. I’m sorry the nurse was less than helpful in providing you answers. Can you email your OB to ask her your concerns prior to your next appointment?
    As for communion, I’m not catholic but I’m assuming it’s a sip and not a full glass? I agree that’s a personal decision, but I personally would not worry about a sip of wine, although I’m probably more relaxed than most. 
  • @nmbrcrnchr1 thanks! It's sounding like it's a bigger number of women who don't present many symptoms than it would otherwise seem. If I do get more anxious about it, I'll call in and see if they can tell me more, from a data-based perspective, but I'll hold off for the time being. As far as communion, I'm not remotely concerned with it. She asked if I had been drinking since I found out I was pregnant, and I said no, unless she counts taking communion on Sundays (not Catholic, but we just do a rip-and-dip with a chunk of bread in the wine)...meaning it just joking around, but not in her world I guess! I know some ladies do hold off, but I certainly don't have a problem with it in the slightest!

    And @vv826 and @chrssyms, thanks for the reassurance. If this DOES hold up and I make it without puking, I'm certainly not in a rush to roll the dice again and see if I can go 2 for 2 (my luck, I'd be throwing up like 95 times a day on the second...but our heart is more for adopting #2 anyway). I'm for SURE grateful to be spared what you gals (and so many others) are having to deal with! We're just a mystery I guess.

    Aaaaand I'm still convinced that if men got pregnant we'd have a solution for MS, bloating, nausea, weight gain and for sure the lack of sex drive (same as if men got periods, there's no way the height of technology would be jamming a stick full of cotton up your ladybits and popping advil every 90 minutes).
  • @ki1244 lol yeah you are so right about men lol. I think for communion you are more than fine. Not like you are getting sloshed at church. Lets be real if we were in europe it wouldnt even be an issue from what i have read. I think its an issue here in north american because we are gluttons. Its not a glass of wine its a bottle. Its the binging and heavy drinking thats the issue
  • @ki1244 I definitely hear your frustration and I am having some similar anxieties because I’m much less symptomatic this pregnancy. However you will probably not find any evidence based answers. Like @chrssyms said there just isn’t any data. They don’t know why some people have nausea, some have headaches, some have fatigue, some have nothing. And it’s not really easy to study. You could probably find some data about HG about short of that, it’s such a spectrum that it would be hard to quantify. 

    Short of any symptoms, it wouldn’t be indicated to do an urgent U/S. Hopefully when you meet with the OB in a couple weeks they will either use a Doppler or ultrasound and you’ll feel much better! If you’re not having bleeding or severe cramping then the chances of anything being wrong are relatively small. 

    I know its easier said than done (bc I’m feeling the same way), but try to revel in your relative comfort bc it won’t be this way forever! Even those of us that escape the MS wont escape the feet in the ribs and kicks to the bladder and lightning crotch! 
  • @ki1244, oof, lightening crotch...that super awesome sensation of a sudden, painful electric shock when baby starts kicking/hitting your cervix. My sister was worried something was wrong with her when that happened the first time. I was like, nope, sucks, but it’s totally normal.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @KissMeImScottish 😖thanks for the painful reminder. I also remember particularly well when dd2 would jump on my bladder it seriously felt like the ripples when someone jumps a rock on a lake!
  • My daughter picked a spot under my ribs and kicked at it so much that after she was born it itched for a long time from healing. I might have been willing to trade the occasional shot to the cervix and bladder for that. 

    I still have to wait another week for my next appointment. I can't wait to get the scans over with. 
  • @messymyranda My son inserted his foot under and up into my ribs and then pulled it forward so he was basically "hanging" upside down from my ribs. With his foot. Which he liked to move. For the last 2 months of my pregnancy. It was NOT fun. And then he dropped, and his foot moved for a day or two, but basically went right back up in there, so I had a head bouncing on my bladder and pelvis and a foot in my ribs. Growing babies is so much fun. 
    Hubby and Me
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    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • I have I have my second appointment on Thursday and I am excited because my symptoms started to disappear and I’m nervous. I was an every single day puker with both my other two kids. Seems crazy to be worried that I am not totally miserable. 
  • Had my first appointment yesterday. Mostly just a physical and a few tests. The doc found the heartbeat with the doppler (I was 9+6) so that was really amazing! She also scheduled me for an ultrasound on Dec 11th. I can't wait!
  • I will be getting another US this Thursday before my appointment. I want to know if my SCH has grown or shrank. **TW I haven't had any spotting for almost 2 weeks so I'm hoping that is good news and it is completely resolved. TW**

    I also want to talk to my OB about whether I can get back to exercising. My husband has asked me not to do anything but swimming since it is low impact. I was hoping to stay in good shape this pregnancy with my cardio classes because I can burn a lot of calories in one session but it may not be possible. 

  • I know I don’t post much (crazy work life at the moment and website/app issues), but I just wanted to say, if you don’t like your doctor or they aren’t a good fit, look for another one.  I switched doctors and just had my first appointment with the new doctor yesterday. SO MUCH BETTER. I love the entire office. 

    Basically trust your gut and do what’s best for you and your baby. 
  • Had my second appointment today to try to find the baby’s heartbeat since it was too early last time. I was an anxious mess all morning and when the nurse took my blood pressure it was really high and I have never had high blood pressure even with my 2 older kids. He found the heartbeat so quickly and I was so relieved. ***TW*** especially since I had unexplained spotting early and still haven’t had an ultrasound or anything *** end TW***!! It was a good, strong heartbeat and the most precious sound! 💗 I’m so glad my fiancé was able to be there to hear it too! We both cried a little. Needless to say, when the nurse checked my blood pressure after the dr left it was perfectly normal again! Lol

    Unfortunately no ultrasound until 20 week anatomy scan since I’m not high risk, but at least we heard the heartbeat. Next appointment is January 3rd 😊
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