Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now. Unfortunately it wasnt our time for another sweet baby. We now have a sweet angel watching over us I am sure. It's now my turn to say goodbye to you all. Thank you for all of the support, laughs, tears, and advice. I wish you all a happy, healthy rest of your pregnancies. Enjoy every minute. Even the not so pleasant ones. Xo
I am so very sorry @liamsmommy09 I am thinking of your family and your sweet angel. I hope if it’s what you want you are back on the bump very soon. All my thoughts and hugs.
@liamsmommy09 I was so hoping to come and read that everything was ok. I’m sorry. Whenever you are ready, the tttcal ladies on TTGP are such a wonderful support system.
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
@liamsmommy09 I am so sorry to see this update. As I have said to others and in my exiting post, I am here for anyone who needs to talk or vent. Please feel free to reach out if you need. Take time to grieve and heal. Be kind to yourself and feel any feelings you need. They are all valid and okay ❤
@liamsmommy09 I’m so sorry for your loss. Please get some rest and take care of yourself
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
So I spotted a little bit today, maybe 3 drops worth so I came home from work and rested. I had minor, almost unnoticeable cramps for about 15 minutes. After a few hours, I thought all was well but I just went to the bathroom and (sorry if TMI) a lot of clots came out. No blood on own it's own, like none on my underwear. Just bloody mucus, like I get on a first day of a period (but not as heavy, like this would just not be a pad worth). I checked the mucus and theres nothing in there, no pieces or fleshy anything. I have a small SCH, diagnosed yesterday (saw babys HB for second time yesterday too), so maybe it is that? Anyone else have this mucus only happen, or is it typically just blood? I am not sure whether to go to the ER... it seems odd theres not blood itself, just the mucus.
Update: forgot there is an on call nurse, so I called her. She said this is within the normal range, especially as I was on blood thinners (they took me off after they saw the SCH yesterday). No reason to get checked out yet, just wait for my next US on Tuesday. Wish me luck! I'm staying positive!
I spotted when my period would have been due (4 weeks) and then again at 6 weeks and 8 weeks. Each time it was brown colored, nothing red. Everyone is different, so definitely mention it to your OB, but in my case I was told it was normal and nothing to worry about.
Just an update on my situation, after all that worrisome bleeding/spotting last week and this week, I had an US this morning and all is well! Growing little bean and strong heartbeat. Hopefully this provides some comfort to anyone else going through it. Hang in there!
Well crap...I've been feeling kind of off all day, and took a dump earlier and there was bright red when I wiped. There was also some visible red in the toilet, but I had just had red peppers at lunch and chalked it up to that (TMI, sorry). Went to the bathroom again a bit ago and there was nothing in my underwear but pink mucus when I wiped. Considering my complete loss of symptoms in the last week, I'm kind of concerned now (not alarmed yet, but definitely concerned). I know some spotting is normal, but usually the brown stuff, and this was very not brown. DH and I also haven't had sex since Saturday so it isn't like that stimulated anything today. Planning to call my OB in the morning, unless something changes overnight, and I'm trying to keep myself at peace until then but this is a new one for me and definitely unwelcome.
@ki1244 I’m sorry you are going through this but it could very well be from your bowel movement. That is not uncommon. Take it easy and definitely call your dr and hopefully they’ll let you come in for peace of mind.
@ki1244 have you been in for any US? Did the say anything about a SCH. Apparently they can develop at anytime. Hopefully it's nothing and just a one time thing.
@ki1244 Hugs to you. FWIW, your bowel movement could definitely have caused that. I had bright red bleeding after a bowel movement often in the first trimester.
@ki1244, was coming to echo @emeraldcity603. I had a medium size subchorionic hemorrhage develop sometime between 11 and 12 weeks with the twins (I remember distinctly because the bleed happened on the night before Christmas Eve, the night before I was going to tell my husband it was twins). I was sitting on the edge of the tub, giving my older his bath, when all of a sudden I felt like I had wet myself. Stood up and I was literally soaked to the knees by a gush of bright red blood. I went to the downstairs bathroom while my husband finished my son’s bath and quickly got him into bed and I filled the toilet bowl with blood. It took about 5 hours to taper off to more of consistent spotting rather than full bleeding but I continued to actively spot/bleed for another month before it cleared.
It was terrifying, but the big difference was that there was little or no cramping associated with the bleed (that was one of the first questions my OB asked me). SCHs aren’t great, but they’re usually manageable and also reasonably common. I actually have another one (much smaller this time) with this pregnancy that’s located right above my cervix, which is why I’ve seen on and off spotting. Blood color is also more indicative of how long it took for it to make its way out of the uterus and vagina - brown blood is just slower to clear. My doctor has always seemed more concerned about my pain/cramping level (I have yet to make it through a pregnancy without bleeding). And for what it’s worth, I had literally zero symptoms other than being tired with both my previous pregnancies - my symptoms (other than having to pee in the middle of the night) have largely or completely evaporated at this point this time around as well.
All of this is to say don’t panic yet. I would absolutely give your doctor a call (as I’m sure you’ve already done), but I’m hopeful for you that it’s something like this and not something more serious. Fingers crossed for you and keep us updated.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
Thanks gals. I didn't think much of it after the BM (tmi, no straining involved thanks to my usual dose of Benefiber, but still, know that can happen) but when I wiped pink a couple hours later, that was when my red flags went up. But nothing overnight, and this morning everything feels heavy (like that feeling the first day of a period, if that makes sense?) but nothing in my underwear. That's a new sensation, so again, not a bad thing by itself but coupled with everything else, I'm probably being hypervigilant.
I had a US at 7 weeks (no mention of anything abnormal then) but nothing since, and the nurse brushed me off last week when I said I had some FTM over-concern about my symptoms disappearing right at the 9-week mark. Next appointment is a week from today, not for a US, just to actually meet my OB. Still going to call the nurse's line when it goes live, and I'm sure they'll tell me it's nothing to worry about, but I want that in my file anyway, in case, God forbid, it becomes pertinent to know down the road. But thank you for the support! This is all just new and I hate consulting Dr Google if I don't need to.
Edit to update: just got a call back from the nurse, and they're having me come in for a quick visit. She did ask about pain/cramping (nothing out of the ordinary there) and if it could have been a hemorrhoid (if it is, that's news to me). I mentioned the heavy feeling, which is probably neither here nor there. She also referenced my US record to note that I didn't have anything show up then besides a baby. She said it's not worth a panic, but is worth a visit to check on heart tones, and she's checking with my OB to make sure she has no other directives yet. DH is at an eye doctor appointment now, so as soon as he's done there, he wants to go in with me (if I have tendencies of a FTM, he's waaaaay worse as a FTD). I'm 10+2 so using the Doppler may still be an adventure and I'm psyching myself up not to freak out if they can't find anything, but that's where we are at the moment. Just praying now that everything is where it's supposed to be.
That was anticlimactic, although I'm grateful for that! They did a nurse visit, had me pee in a cup (I sneezed and peed directly on my hand first, nice), and checked for heart tones. I wasn't sure I'd hear anything, but sure enough, Baby had a SUPER loud heartbeat! Phew. They sent me over to have some blood drawn too, to check for progesterone levels, but otherwise everything seems fine. Feel a little silly now...although she reassured me I did the right thing by having them check, and they'd rather have me come in to tell me I'm fine than to not come in and have to tell me they wished I would have when they could have done something. No explanation on the spots, but I got the VERY STERN admonishment that if I have anything beyond a mild cramp to call RIGHT AWAY (which, yep, I called because I saw two drops of blood -- if I'm in pain I'll probably wind up at the on-call doctor's front porch).
Anyway, I appreciate all the support and good thoughts, and hopefully nothing more comes of this!
Re: Spotting Support Group (*TW*)
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
@liamsmommy09 I am so sorry to see this update. As I have said to others and in my exiting post, I am here for anyone who needs to talk or vent. Please feel free to reach out if you need. Take time to grieve and heal. Be kind to yourself and feel any feelings you need. They are all valid and okay ❤
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
If you plan to continue to participate in this board please change your username. It is hard to recognize you among the other knottienumbers.
It was terrifying, but the big difference was that there was little or no cramping associated with the bleed (that was one of the first questions my OB asked me). SCHs aren’t great, but they’re usually manageable and also reasonably common. I actually have another one (much smaller this time) with this pregnancy that’s located right above my cervix, which is why I’ve seen on and off spotting. Blood color is also more indicative of how long it took for it to make its way out of the uterus and vagina - brown blood is just slower to clear. My doctor has always seemed more concerned about my pain/cramping level (I have yet to make it through a pregnancy without bleeding). And for what it’s worth, I had literally zero symptoms other than being tired with both my previous pregnancies - my symptoms (other than having to pee in the middle of the night) have largely or completely evaporated at this point this time around as well.
All of this is to say don’t panic yet. I would absolutely give your doctor a call (as I’m sure you’ve already done), but I’m hopeful for you that it’s something like this and not something more serious. Fingers crossed for you and keep us updated.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
I had a US at 7 weeks (no mention of anything abnormal then) but nothing since, and the nurse brushed me off last week when I said I had some FTM over-concern about my symptoms disappearing right at the 9-week mark. Next appointment is a week from today, not for a US, just to actually meet my OB. Still going to call the nurse's line when it goes live, and I'm sure they'll tell me it's nothing to worry about, but I want that in my file anyway, in case, God forbid, it becomes pertinent to know down the road. But thank you for the support! This is all just new and I hate consulting Dr Google if I don't need to.
Edit to update: just got a call back from the nurse, and they're having me come in for a quick visit. She did ask about pain/cramping (nothing out of the ordinary there) and if it could have been a hemorrhoid (if it is, that's news to me). I mentioned the heavy feeling, which is probably neither here nor there. She also referenced my US record to note that I didn't have anything show up then besides a baby. She said it's not worth a panic, but is worth a visit to check on heart tones, and she's checking with my OB to make sure she has no other directives yet. DH is at an eye doctor appointment now, so as soon as he's done there, he wants to go in with me (if I have tendencies of a FTM, he's waaaaay worse as a FTD). I'm 10+2 so using the Doppler may still be an adventure and I'm psyching myself up not to freak out if they can't find anything, but that's where we are at the moment. Just praying now that everything is where it's supposed to be.
Anyway, I appreciate all the support and good thoughts, and hopefully nothing more comes of this!