@ecwk I know you meant your kid's daycare, but a daycare for husbands would be so amazing. Just somewhere he can sit and play video games, but out of my damn way.
I'm so tired and dreading school. Report cards are due today, so I'm up early to get to school and finish them. My headaches still won't go away, and they're worse from having to think in English and in French all weekend. Our visitors are here for five more days, and they're lovely, but I'm an introvert so it's hard for me to have to be "on" all the time. I just want to lay on my couch and watch 'Law and Order: SVU' without having to talk to anyone. At least there's only 25 more days until spring break!
Me: 28 DH: 29 Married: 6/2016 TTC #1: 12/2016 Benched due to deployment- Off the bench 8/8/17!
I walk almost every day so I felt really good yesterday power walking a 5k I do with my husband and his family every year. About an hour after we left the race my back stiffened up and now I can barely move. Awesome.
History and blog link in spoiler
2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks May 2020 FET; BFN July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate Oct 2020 BFP!
I'm at work though I would prefer to be in bed binge watching shows with this nasty head cold. Maybe a 1/2 day? We're touring another daycare tonight though because the one DS goes to eliminates it's school age program this summer which means we need to basically start all over again.
Tomorrow we are registering DS for Kindergarten - like WTF it's March?!? Also, how is he old enough to go to Kindergarten this year. My baby!
I didn’t do lesson plans for today, so I’m flying by the seat of my pants. I’m letting my Technology class take apart an iPhone, so that will be interesting.
I am actually in a good mood and enjoying pregnancy today. Hoping my mood sticks. I feel like I’ve been so whiny the whole time. I think I’m just finally adjusting to my symptoms, embracing the bump, and thinking about holding my baby in my arms is starting to feel more real to me, lately. I’m glad we found out we are having a boy early, because I think giving him a name is helping me connect better.
Despite the beautiful sunny and warm weather over the weekend, and much sunbathing and book reading, I was a raging bitch all weekend. The slightest thing sets me off, and even I KNOW it's ridiculous, but I can't help myself either. My husband declared that all of my usual buttons have turned into one giant button. Pregnancy hormones are no joke. Sigh.
Today I hope having the house to myself will help me get some much needed chores done and help ground my mood, somewhat. Although it's not looking promising. Upon walking into the kitchen for my breakfast and coffee, I was accosted by my talkative cat, Salem, screeching at me in the highest pitch she can muster for her morning treats which hasn't started the day off to a good start. Heaven forbid I take a shower before she gets her treats. She had to wait 10 whole minutes. The booklet I was reading last night said the baby's ears are starting to work this week (Week 15) and I had to apologize to my belly for the things that loudly came out of my mouth.
And I'm on Day 5 of hiding from my best friend. So, yay.
@neeraja_k could your anger also be anxiety? Mine manifests like that sometimes - like quick to anger about little things. Usually for me it's clutter hahaha
I can relate to the cat - we have two 13 year old cats and the female, if you don't give her her can food by 5:30 PM she freaks the F out. Then she eats it and I swear she might be getting cat dementia because she'll start meowing for it again recently.
@ecwk - enjoy your day! @jsnakehole - I think I'm in the same boat that you are - I like having visitors but unless it's my dad or my sister after a day I'm done. Can you say you're running to the store for food or something and really just find a bookstore or something to hide out for a bit to recharge? @laurad75 - awesome job on the 5k! I hope you can rest and stretch a bit today. I've heard orange juice helps with muscle soreness @scottishlass1213 - good luck on your day care search! We've been procrastinating on that... And big hugs for kindergarten registration @lalala2004 - So glad you're having a wonderful day! I don't remember if you shared your boy's name or if you were planning to share before he arrives? We're still waffling, every time we have a top 2 or three one of us is like yeah, no. Sigh. @neeraja_k - solidarity love-it. My DH said I've been a terror lately. Awesome. And my dog does the same thing, she'll try to get right under your feet if it's food time and there's no food in her bowl. Coffee first, critters, you can wait!
AFM I got into work late this morning because I had to drop off my 24 hour urine collection. Fun times! And it's a drizzly dreary Monday that feels more like fall than spring so I want chunky scarves and a pumpkin spice latte instead of spring flowers and whatnot
@neeraja_k yes, the second trimester hormones! Mine got so bad last pregnancy, I seriously couldn't tell if I was upset about something normal or if I was being completely delusional. I had a really hard time handling them. I would have to ask one of my girlfriends or DH if I was being absurd or not. They got a lot better by third tri. It might be a bumpy few weeks but we're here for you!
@scottishlass1213 It could be, I guess? Mostly I was just super frustrated with my husband, my best friend, my shitty family, and everything else in life overwhelming me and having no one to talk to about any of it. If I can't have an outlet of some sort it builds and builds until little insignificant things start causing me to have outbursts of anger.
This is more of a bitch fest, but whatever. I asked him for help looking at carseats, because there's so much selection and different options that I was getting overwhelmed trying to do it by myself. But he told me to do it by myself, so I did. I spent several hours on Friday night and Saturday morning researching things. I picked out what I thought was the best option for us, and reported in what I found. Only to be told it's ridiculous expensive (it was $160), there has to be something cheaper (there is, but they're all discontinued and not available locally), you didn't look hard enough, let's not bother with the 25% BRU coupon and look elsewhere (Eff you), blah blah blah.
I just looked at him, didn't say a word, and walked out the door, because I couldn't say anything that I wouldn't regret later. Two hours later he came to tell me he came to the same conclusion, only never apologized for being a dick about it.
@scottishlass1213 ugh that's BS. I think men sometimes need to be told to apologize. It's like they don't realize they've been hurtful.
@mrsbubbles-2 We are SO stuck on names this time. I have no solid ideas. It's weird. With DS, it was pretty easy.
@jsnakehole do you ever dream in another language when you have to use it a lot? That happens to me usually before/during/after a trip to Mexico. Lol. I wake up EXHAUSTED from translating my own dreams.
I was off the board pretty much since Thursday because I worked out of the office Friday and had a busy weekend. Like some of you, my 2nd tri hormones are terrible. I am in an awful mood today for no real reason.
Also, I think I have anterior placenta again and the movements I was feeling pretty regularly are non-existent now. I've used the doppler so I know all is well (can hear baby kicking it and moving) but it makes me sad to not feel anything.
I have a major major major meeting tomorrow for a big project I finished in January and I don't want to go. Over it!!! Just want to quit now instead of later lol.
@neeraja_k Ugh, sometimes husbands are so dumb. I'm sorry you've been feeling so frustrated, I totally get it. I'm impressed you just walked away when he said that to you though. I would have turned that into a huge fight, which wouldn't have been productive either. I know you're under a lot of stress with family, friend, and a potential move so feel free to let it out here.
I had been feeling so good the last week or so, and then yesterday was terrible. Headache and nausea all day. Although I did manage to get a manicure and make homemade rolls for dinner.
@mrsbubbles-2 We're going with Giovanni Enzo. We have a very Italian last name, so it work, I promise . DS1 is Dante, so we're keeping with a theme. Giovanni was actually our #1 choice originally, but we had a hard time thinking of a middle name before. It took us a little while this time, but we had been thinking about it for years, knowing we wanted to use the name if we had a chance!
@lalala2004 Italian last name over here too and DH seriously wants to name this baby Giuseppe if it's a boy. I just can't get on board. DH's whole family is Italian but *we* aren't that Italian. We're like mutt American status. Just seems wrong to me. Are you planning to call him Giovanni or use a nickname?
@lalala2004 Italian last name over here too and DH seriously wants to name this baby Giuseppe if it's a boy. I just can't get on board. DH's whole family is Italian but *we* aren't that Italian. We're like mutt American status. Just seems wrong to me. Are you planning to call him Giovanni or use a nickname?
We plan to call him Giovanni, but I'm sure nicknames will emerge because DS1 will unlikely be able to say that! So he'll probably be Gio. I feel like both Dante and Giovanni are definitely Italian names, but I'd say they're a little more mainstream than Giuseppe! I've had students named Giovanni that weren't Italian at all.
@ecwk Enjoy your day off! @laurad75 Congrats on power walking the 5k! Hope your back gets to feeling better soon. Did you try a heating pad? @lalala2004 I fly by the seat of my pants sometimes. Some days I plan in the car And then the days my lesson plans are perfect, something gets screwed up and we have to go off plan anyway. Go figure @neeraja_k I have a 14 year old cat and a 6 mos old kitten. If I'm not up to feed them by 530AM, they are in bed meowing and fighting and bothering me. Lately they've taken to walking across my boobs (which are still horribly sore)... it feels awful. Its like they've found my trigger point to make me get out of bed. Oh and I would have lost it at my H. I've found giving him specific tasks to take care of makes him feel likes he's helping and seems to work pretty well, though.
Other than the cat walking all over my boobs this AM, I think it'll be a good day! Kind of dreary but that's okay. Getting an oil change after work today so I probably won't make it to dance class, but I will go later this week.
SUPER SUPER excited I don't have anything due for grad school for two weeks!! I get a week to relax and not stress about it. I had to turn in a 40 page paper on Friday, then another assignment yesterday, but now.. nothing. Phew. Only 2 more mos and I'm done.
OH! And I had a double yolk in my egg this morning, so you know it's gonna be a good day when that happens
neeraja_k I probably would have flipped out. Good job walking away. I told DH to look into travel systems and I am still waiting on that. He is really into safety to the point of insanity so I figure he would go over anything I picked anyway.
@melbel0824 Hope you fell better today. I wasn't feeling real hot yesterday either. I was just super tired and nauseous. So far today I fell better.
I am getting the NIPT blood drawn again today. I really hope they are able to get results out of it this time because I am freaking out a little bit still and it would just ease my mind.
@lalala2004 I love your DSs' names! And Gio is an awesome NN!
@Brezzy1928 - yay for NIPT today! The genetic counselor told us that the later it is in the pregnancy that you get the blood draw, the more fetal DNA will be in your blood so I have a really really good feeling for you today. And here's hoping they put you at the front of the queue since you have to re-do it and you'll have your results in a few days!
@hardlyhannah - um, YUM! Easter candy is the best! We used to get like 14 packages of Peeps and save them for camping to make s'mores Adult Bubbles is like, hello sugar shock! But 14 year old Bubbles was alllll about them!
Whew! Just catching up this morning, and I echo what @mrsbubbles-2 said. She's a champ with all the tagging!
DH was supposed to go back to work after his surgery today, but when I got up to let the dog out I found him sleeping on the couch. He must have called in, which was a good call. He's barely slept since a Wednesday night, and he's been miserable, which means I've been miserable. He's able to start eating soft food today and he's been looking forward to cream of wheat all weekend (ew). I really want eggs, and I'm weighing the risk v reward of over medium eggs for breakfast.
edit: This week is DSS's 18th birthday! I can't believe my baby is an adult! We're going to Disney World over spring break, which is his big gift, but I also wanted something for him to have on his actual birthday. Something that is a coming of age gift. I decided on a nice monogrammed leather wallet. He's been carrying the same cheap kid wallet for years, and I'm hoping he appreciates having a nice grown up bifold. He'd probably just prefer a computer game, though.
Me:32 DH:45 DSD: 20 DSS: 18 Team green baby due: Aug 6th, 2018
I already complained in the STM check in about my family so I won't bring it over here too, but let's just say I'm in a shitty mood. After last week then finding out about my car being a lemon and then my dad's shit yesterday I'm just not in a happy place.
My work involves travel/hospitality and sometimes people leave things behind. My guys just brought me a brand new in the bag carters newborn sized dinosaur sleeper and I can't stop smiling. It's my first piece of baby clothing for this lo and it totally brought my mood up.
@calimom2524 I snuck over to the STM to see what was up. I really hope things start getting better for you. I am sure it is super frustrating to try and get excited about the baby and then have your family knock you back a little bit. I for one am not "sick of hearing about it". This is a great place to come vent and get some advice and support! Remember no matter what anyone says your baby is something to celebrate and be happy about. Hugs and good vibes to you.
Solidarity with everyone stuggling with raging hormones/emotions. I did have an emotionally draining weekend, but crying at my desk this morning after I walked into a literal and figurative shitstorm was probably a little over the top.
+1 for raging hormones. I've been angry, then crazy happy and sentimental to the point of tears. Also I have those feelings about my son not napping, frustrated about it, but sentimental he's growing out of his naps and kind of happy bc we can go get groceries since he isn't napping.
Sorry to all for the husbands/families not being great. I have been really teary again lately and cry at everything but DH told me on Saturday that I was being weirdly nice to the extent that it scared him, I guess I must have been really moody for a while there
*TTC History*
Me: 37, MH: 38; Married August 2017
TTC #1 October 2017: BFP on 12/1/2017, DD born 7/24/2018 @ 37+1 after induction due to preeclampsia
TTC #2 January 2020: AMA, dx with DOR in May 2020
IVF July 2020: 16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 12 fertilized, 3 blasts, 2 PGT-A normal
FET 10/7/20: BFP on 10/12/20!!! (EDD 6/25/21); First beta 10/16/20 (9dpt): 148; Second beta 10/19/20 (12dpt): 621; Third beta 10/26/20 (19dpt): 4732; Fourth (and final!) beta 11/2/20 (26 dpt): 22,000+
@melbel0824 and cry I did. Luckily, I was able to use the excuse of a dentist appointment this afternoon to sneak home for a shower. I do have a dentist appt, just not for another 2 hrs.
I’m over here with the crazy pregnancy hormones too! I have been short with everyone at work today and everything has made me irrationally mad. A coworker told me she was avoiding me because she could tell I was in a bad mood
4:45 and I'm just now able to check in here today. It started off horrible with my boss getting attitude with me this morning about something so ridiculous I can't even stand it. She is horrible at communicating and half the time she just makes me shake my dang head. I hit 15 week this week and a +1 to hormones. I've just been cranky lately and I'm not even sure why! I don't have a ton of time to tag everyone, but it sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat and have a major case of the Mondays. I think we all need a group hug.
The Amazon Kids Fire Tablet 32G is on sale today for $89. Just an FYI in case anyone is considering one. I kind of feel a little guilty getting my kid a tablet but he's learned a ton on my phone games so I think it will be okay.
@doctormom - So glad you were able to go home and spend some time cleaning up! I'm so sorry! BTW - every time I see your siggy I think that's actually your H that picked it out and I'm like, we could totally be friends because that's hilarious!
Sorry to everyone having a rough day. I agree - we all need another day off!
We've had some company higher-ups come in a few times over the last 2 weeks. I'm avoiding them the best I can because I only have 2 pairs of maternity work pants and I don't feel like doing extra laundry at the moment. So me and my jeans are staying hidden at my desk for as long as possible!
I scored a full wrap conversion Free-to-Grow Tula in their stocking yesterday! I'm soooooo excited for it to come! Sorry if the photo is gigantic.
April Siggy Challenge: April Showers
About me:
29 y/o Married 6.26.11 BFP 12.23.13, EDD 9.2.14 - baby girl, born too soon at 22w6d due to a placental abruption on 5.5.14 BFP 8.4.14, EDD 4.15.15 - rainbow son, born at 30w4d due to a placental abruption on 2.8.15, healthy 3 y/o now! BFP 2.28.17, EDD 11.8.17 - baby girl, miscarried at 11 weeks on 4.21.17 BFP 11.28.17, EDD 8.8.18, delivering in July - another rainbow baby boy!
@mrsbubbles-2 That card makes me think of a Gilmore Girls episode when Rory buys "Happy New Year" cards and replaces "year" with "baby" lol.
@elsieisamoocow I really like the colors, but I'm afraid to get anything not neutral because then I feel I'll have to try and coordinate the carrier to my outfit, and that's way more effort than I'm willing to exert. It would also be harder to share baby duty with DH. I always wonder about that when I see pretty patterned wraps and carriers.
Me:32 DH:45 DSD: 20 DSS: 18 Team green baby due: Aug 6th, 2018
I reached the point of desperation where I'm bribing my class. Today I wrote all of my tables on the board, and said every time I see someone breaking a class rule, the table gets a strike. The table with the least number of strikes gets a prize. Purple table had only two strikes, and got sparkly stickers. I just bought Pringles and candies and everyday will be a new treat for the winners. They were already yelling at each other to stay quiet and do their work. I'm praying this will get us through the year.
Me: 28 DH: 29 Married: 6/2016 TTC #1: 12/2016 Benched due to deployment- Off the bench 8/8/17!
@derbysquirrel This *is* neutral for me My ring sling and other favorite Tulas are rainbow (because DS was a rainbow baby), so this one will match more things, mainly because I live in solid colored yoga pants or jeans.
ETA: DH has his own Tula (it has dapper foxes on it, that he claimed after I bought it), which I actually prefer because then he doesn't mess with my straps the way I like them!
April Siggy Challenge: April Showers
About me:
29 y/o Married 6.26.11 BFP 12.23.13, EDD 9.2.14 - baby girl, born too soon at 22w6d due to a placental abruption on 5.5.14 BFP 8.4.14, EDD 4.15.15 - rainbow son, born at 30w4d due to a placental abruption on 2.8.15, healthy 3 y/o now! BFP 2.28.17, EDD 11.8.17 - baby girl, miscarried at 11 weeks on 4.21.17 BFP 11.28.17, EDD 8.8.18, delivering in July - another rainbow baby boy!
@elsieisamoocow I love that!!! I just grabbed this off the BST for baby girl and I cannot wait to get it. I also may or may not have bought the mermaid FTG as well.
Re: Weekly Randoms 3/5
I'm so tired and dreading school. Report cards are due today, so I'm up early to get to school and finish them. My headaches still won't go away, and they're worse from having to think in English and in French all weekend. Our visitors are here for five more days, and they're lovely, but I'm an introvert so it's hard for me to have to be "on" all the time. I just want to lay on my couch and watch 'Law and Order: SVU' without having to talk to anyone. At least there's only 25 more days until spring break!
Married: 6/2016
TTC #1: 12/2016
Benched due to deployment- Off the bench 8/8/17!
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
J’espère que tu te sentiras bientôt mieux!!
Tomorrow we are registering DS for Kindergarten - like WTF it's March?!? Also, how is he old enough to go to Kindergarten this year. My baby!
I am actually in a good mood and enjoying pregnancy today. Hoping my mood sticks. I feel like I’ve been so whiny the whole time. I think I’m just finally adjusting to my symptoms, embracing the bump, and thinking about holding my baby in my arms is starting to feel more real to me, lately. I’m glad we found out we are having a boy early, because I think giving him a name is helping me connect better.
Today I hope having the house to myself will help me get some much needed chores done and help ground my mood, somewhat. Although it's not looking promising. Upon walking into the kitchen for my breakfast and coffee, I was accosted by my talkative cat, Salem, screeching at me in the highest pitch she can muster for her morning treats which hasn't started the day off to a good start. Heaven forbid I take a shower before she gets her treats. She had to wait 10 whole minutes. The booklet I was reading last night said the baby's ears are starting to work this week (Week 15) and I had to apologize to my belly for the things that loudly came out of my mouth.
And I'm on Day 5 of hiding from my best friend. So, yay.
I can relate to the cat - we have two 13 year old cats and the female, if you don't give her her can food by 5:30 PM she freaks the F out. Then she eats it and I swear she might be getting cat dementia because she'll start meowing for it again recently.
@jsnakehole - I think I'm in the same boat that you are - I like having visitors but unless it's my dad or my sister after a day I'm done. Can you say you're running to the store for food or something and really just find a bookstore or something to hide out for a bit to recharge?
@laurad75 - awesome job on the 5k! I hope you can rest and stretch a bit today. I've heard orange juice helps with muscle soreness
@scottishlass1213 - good luck on your day care search! We've been procrastinating on that... And big hugs for kindergarten registration
@lalala2004 - So glad you're having a wonderful day! I don't remember if you shared your boy's name or if you were planning to share before he arrives? We're still waffling, every time we have a top 2 or three one of us is like yeah, no. Sigh.
@neeraja_k - solidarity love-it. My DH said I've been a terror lately. Awesome. And my dog does the same thing, she'll try to get right under your feet if it's food time and there's no food in her bowl. Coffee first, critters, you can wait!
AFM I got into work late this morning because I had to drop off my 24 hour urine collection. Fun times! And it's a drizzly dreary Monday that feels more like fall than spring so I want chunky scarves and a pumpkin spice latte instead of spring flowers and whatnot
Me: 37 Him: 38
Married 11.07.2015
Hello from Detroit!
This is more of a bitch fest, but whatever. I asked him for help looking at carseats, because there's so much selection and different options that I was getting overwhelmed trying to do it by myself. But he told me to do it by myself, so I did. I spent several hours on Friday night and Saturday morning researching things. I picked out what I thought was the best option for us, and reported in what I found. Only to be told it's ridiculous expensive (it was $160), there has to be something cheaper (there is, but they're all discontinued and not available locally), you didn't look hard enough, let's not bother with the 25% BRU coupon and look elsewhere (Eff you), blah blah blah.
I just looked at him, didn't say a word, and walked out the door, because I couldn't say anything that I wouldn't regret later. Two hours later he came to tell me he came to the same conclusion, only never apologized for being a dick about it.
Formerly known as Kate08young
August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Married: 7/22/14
Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms
Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms
TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017.
Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
@mrsbubbles-2 We are SO stuck on names this time. I have no solid ideas. It's weird. With DS, it was pretty easy.
@jsnakehole do you ever dream in another language when you have to use it a lot? That happens to me usually before/during/after a trip to Mexico. Lol. I wake up EXHAUSTED from translating my own dreams.
I was off the board pretty much since Thursday because I worked out of the office Friday and had a busy weekend. Like some of you, my 2nd tri hormones are terrible. I am in an awful mood today for no real reason.
Also, I think I have anterior placenta again and the movements I was feeling pretty regularly are non-existent now. I've used the doppler so I know all is well (can hear baby kicking it and moving) but it makes me sad to not feel anything.
I have a major major major meeting tomorrow for a big project I finished in January and I don't want to go. Over it!!! Just want to quit now instead of later lol.
I had been feeling so good the last week or so, and then yesterday was terrible. Headache and nausea all day. Although I did manage to get a manicure and make homemade rolls for dinner.
@laurad75 Congrats on power walking the 5k! Hope your back gets to feeling better soon. Did you try a heating pad?
@lalala2004 I fly by the seat of my pants sometimes. Some days I plan in the car
@neeraja_k I have a 14 year old cat and a 6 mos old kitten. If I'm not up to feed them by 530AM, they are in bed meowing and fighting and bothering me. Lately they've taken to walking across my boobs (which are still horribly sore)... it feels awful. Its like they've found my trigger point to make me get out of bed. Oh and I would have lost it at my H. I've found giving him specific tasks to take care of makes him feel likes he's helping and seems to work pretty well, though.
Other than the cat walking all over my boobs this AM, I think it'll be a good day! Kind of dreary but that's okay. Getting an oil change after work today so I probably won't make it to dance class, but I will go later this week.
SUPER SUPER excited I don't have anything due for grad school for two weeks!! I get a week to relax and not stress about it. I had to turn in a 40 page paper on Friday, then another assignment yesterday, but now.. nothing. Phew. Only 2 more mos and I'm done.
OH! And I had a double yolk in my egg this morning, so you know it's gonna be a good day when that happens
@melbel0824 Hope you fell better today. I wasn't feeling real hot yesterday either. I was just super tired and nauseous. So far today I fell better.
@lalala2004 I like Giovanni Enzo!
I am getting the NIPT blood drawn again today. I really hope they are able to get results out of it this time because I am freaking out a little bit still and it would just ease my mind.
August '18 March Siggy Challenge - You had ONE JOB
@Brezzy1928 - yay for NIPT today! The genetic counselor told us that the later it is in the pregnancy that you get the blood draw, the more fetal DNA will be in your blood so I have a really really good feeling for you today. And here's hoping they put you at the front of the queue since you have to re-do it and you'll have your results in a few days!
@hezzer78 - YAY for getting to relax! Enjoy!
@hardlyhannah - um, YUM! Easter candy is the best! We used to get like 14 packages of Peeps and save them for camping to make s'mores
Me: 37 Him: 38
Married 11.07.2015
DH was supposed to go back to work after his surgery today, but when I got up to let the dog out I found him sleeping on the couch. He must have called in, which was a good call. He's barely slept since a Wednesday night, and he's been miserable, which means I've been miserable. He's able to start eating soft food today and he's been looking forward to cream of wheat all weekend (ew). I really want eggs, and I'm weighing the risk v reward of over medium eggs for breakfast.
edit: This week is DSS's 18th birthday! I can't believe my baby is an adult! We're going to Disney World over spring break, which is his big gift, but I also wanted something for him to have on his actual birthday. Something that is a coming of age gift. I decided on a nice monogrammed leather wallet. He's been carrying the same cheap kid wallet for years, and I'm hoping he appreciates having a nice grown up bifold. He'd probably just prefer a computer game, though.
DSD: 20
DSS: 18
Team green baby due: Aug 6th, 2018
My work involves travel/hospitality and sometimes people leave things behind. My guys just brought me a brand new in the bag carters newborn sized dinosaur sleeper and I can't stop smiling. It's my first piece of baby clothing for this lo and it totally brought my mood up.
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
Me: 37, MH: 38; Married August 2017
TTC #1 October 2017: BFP on 12/1/2017, DD born 7/24/2018 @ 37+1 after induction due to preeclampsia
TTC #2 January 2020: AMA, dx with DOR in May 2020
IVF July 2020: 16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 12 fertilized, 3 blasts, 2 PGT-A normal
FET 10/7/20: BFP on 10/12/20!!! (EDD 6/25/21); First beta 10/16/20 (9dpt): 148; Second beta 10/19/20 (12dpt): 621; Third beta 10/26/20 (19dpt): 4732; Fourth (and final!) beta 11/2/20 (26 dpt): 22,000+
I hit 15 week this week and a +1 to hormones. I've just been cranky lately and I'm not even sure why! I don't have a ton of time to tag everyone, but it sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat and have a major case of the Mondays.
I think we all need a group hug.
DS: 5.28.15
DS#2: EDD 8.31.18
Sorry to everyone having a rough day. I agree - we all need another day off!
We've had some company higher-ups come in a few times over the last 2 weeks. I'm avoiding them the best I can because I only have 2 pairs of maternity work pants and I don't feel like doing extra laundry at the moment. So me and my jeans are staying hidden at my desk for as long as possible!
Me: 37 Him: 38
Married 11.07.2015
About me:
Married 6.26.11
BFP 12.23.13, EDD 9.2.14 - baby girl, born too soon at 22w6d due to a placental abruption on 5.5.14
BFP 8.4.14, EDD 4.15.15 - rainbow son, born at 30w4d due to a placental abruption on 2.8.15, healthy 3 y/o now!
BFP 2.28.17, EDD 11.8.17 - baby girl, miscarried at 11 weeks on 4.21.17
BFP 11.28.17, EDD 8.8.18, delivering in July - another rainbow baby boy!
That card makes me think of a Gilmore Girls episode when Rory buys "Happy New Year" cards and replaces "year" with "baby" lol.
I really like the colors, but I'm afraid to get anything not neutral because then I feel I'll have to try and coordinate the carrier to my outfit, and that's way more effort than I'm willing to exert. It would also be harder to share baby duty with DH. I always wonder about that when I see pretty patterned wraps and carriers.
DSD: 20
DSS: 18
Team green baby due: Aug 6th, 2018
Married: 6/2016
TTC #1: 12/2016
Benched due to deployment- Off the bench 8/8/17!
ETA: DH has his own Tula (it has dapper foxes on it, that he claimed after I bought it), which I actually prefer because then he doesn't mess with my straps the way I like them!
About me:
Married 6.26.11
BFP 12.23.13, EDD 9.2.14 - baby girl, born too soon at 22w6d due to a placental abruption on 5.5.14
BFP 8.4.14, EDD 4.15.15 - rainbow son, born at 30w4d due to a placental abruption on 2.8.15, healthy 3 y/o now!
BFP 2.28.17, EDD 11.8.17 - baby girl, miscarried at 11 weeks on 4.21.17
BFP 11.28.17, EDD 8.8.18, delivering in July - another rainbow baby boy!
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers