July 2018 Moms

Thanksgiving Week Randoms 11/20-24

Randomness here, you turkeys!

Re: Thanksgiving Week Randoms 11/20-24

  • @christycalifornia Oh my god -- stomach flu on top of 1st tri?? You poor girl! Glad your little one was such an angel for you. 
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  • Just jumping in here as a newbie! :smile:

    @christycalifornia sorry you’re not feeling great! That’s awesome though how your daughter has been reacting. Hope you start feeling better soon. 

    My son has been sick all weekend with a cough/cold and mild fever. My heart breaks when he’s sick because I just want to make him better, but he’s still too young to really understand why he’s not feeling well. 
  • @christycalifornia I hope you feel better soon, that sounds awful! Yay for your kiddo being such a sweet trooper.

    I'm just looking forward to getting through these 2 workdays then enjoying 5 days off. I'm thinking about getting a Christmas tree the Friday after Thanksgiving but hubby thinks it's too early. What do you guys think? 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @christycalifornia I am so sorry you have a bug on top of all the other first tri symptoms! Rest and stay hydrated!!!!
  • dimeadozendimeadozen member
    edited November 2017

    @christycalifornia can I just say what everyone is thinking. Your daughter is like an angel. Every time you talk about her, she's the sweetest thing ever. So precious!! ETA: Bradybunchmom89 clearly said that... it's Monday. lol. I blame Mondays on missing her comment. Sorry!

    @pumpkinpancake welcome! :) Sha, so sorry for him! Is he feeling better today? I feel so bad for sick kids too, the little girl I nanny coughed so hard once she threw up and I cried! I can't imagine how I'll feel whenever I have this little one.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • feel better @christycalifornia !!

    I am loving catching up on ghost adventures online while dd is napping and I feel like hell. I'm not sure what I believe about the paranormal but nevertheless this show is very entertaining
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @christycalifornia She sounds like such a sweet little girl! Hope you recover quickly! Try some coconut water to rehydrate if you haven't already. It always helps me!

    I am so bloated today that I look like I'm showing already. At 7 weeks. Time to cut down on the sodium intake. Lol
  • You all are too sweet, holy cow. <3@gspmom21 I think every day about how lucky I am...and how this means my next one is likely going to be a terror. :D Murphy's Law's gonna get me!

    @runsomewhere def not too early. My guy always worries about the tree dying by Christmas, which has happened, but if I don't do it after Thanksgiving it doesn't happen for weeks. 
  • @lindsayleigh1989 I used to love ghost adventures! I didn't know they still made new episodes! 
  • @acciocoffee girl, I got some coming. I am SO lucky my local grocery delivers! $50 or more, but we needed a bunch staples anyway, so still. 
  • @pumpkinpancake Im so glad you jumped in! Please do so often! I hope your son feels better. Sick kiddos are the worst. 
  • @pumpkinpancake nothing worse than a sick babe! Sending lots of positive thoughts that he gets better soon and you don't catch it! 
  • @runsomewhere me and my hubby were just having this same discussion.. We don't get a real one, but I still wanted to put ours up on Friday since we're both off& have time to do it.. But he says he would like to wait until after the first of December! So idk!
  • @amylu914 thanks! I’m sure we’ll all end up with it by thanksgiving, and my in laws are in town too, so they’ll probably catch it as well!  Luckily he hasn’t gotten sick too often in his 20 months so far... how do you know when it’s enough to take them to the doctor? I feel like it’s just a cold, so he doesn’t really need anything other than snuggles and time to get better, but not sure when I would make the call otherwise. 
  • @christycalifornia - I hope you feel better! That just sounds terrible! 
    @runsomewhere - I am so jealous that you have 5 days off! We get Thanksgiving, and then back on Friday. Which is okay because we are usually pretty slow that day. We don't put up our Christmas stuff until December 1st, but that's just a family tradition that I keep doing, and I kinda like it. I like keeping my fall decorations out as much as possible. ;) 

    I am so freaking tired right now. I could probably fall asleep at my desk. I've also had no appetite at all the past few days. Ate about 2 bites of my chili and that was about it. 
    Me: 34 DH: 33
    DD: 07/19/18
    EDD: 06/22/22
  • You all are too sweet, holy cow. <3@gspmom21 I think every day about how lucky I am...and how this means my next one is likely going to be a terror. :D Murphy's Law's gonna get me!

    @runsomewhere def not too early. My guy always worries about the tree dying by Christmas, which has happened, but if I don't do it after Thanksgiving it doesn't happen for weeks. 
    @christycalifornia - I hope you feel better! That just sounds terrible! 
    @runsomewhere - I am so jealous that you have 5 days off! We get Thanksgiving, and then back on Friday. Which is okay because we are usually pretty slow that day. We don't put up our Christmas stuff until December 1st, but that's just a family tradition that I keep doing, and I kinda like it. I like keeping my fall decorations out as much as possible. ;) 

    I am so freaking tired right now. I could probably fall asleep at my desk. I've also had no appetite at all the past few days. Ate about 2 bites of my chili and that was about it. 
    Hubby thinks the tree will be nearly dead by Christmas if we get it Friday. We've never gotten one before the start of December. I am thinking it would be so nice to get one Friday since my parents are staying over on Thursday night and we can make a day of it. I'm envisioning a big family breakfast, then DH, DD, my parents and I getting the tree and hanging out and dressing it in the afternoon. It sounds so festive. 

    @ajsanders-2 I love fall and wish I had decorated for fall this year. It'll be a goal for next year. I'm so excited about the days off! I hope it helps time pass a little faster. These early weeks are such a waiting game. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @christycalifornia oh girl I hope you feel better soon! 

    @pumpkinpancake Sorry your LO is under the weather! It must be the season! 

    AFM - I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving break. I am just so tired constantly. I slept 10 hrs last night and still had a hard time getting out of bed... 
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • Pretty bummed right now.. Was supposed to have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow& they just called and told the doctor had an emergency &they rescheduled me for December 11th.. I was just so looking forward to this appointment.
  • @runsomewhere We got our tree the day after Thanksgiving two years ago and it was not dead by Christmas. So I say do it!

    Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014 
    Married: August 2015
    DS: Nov 2016 (36w)
    Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)

  • @pumpkinpancake *knock on wood* we've been pretty lucky in the illness department with our 2 yo also. I've always heard that a Dr visit is needed if they have a high fever (I think 102+) that's not responding to Tylenol or breathing issues. It stinks that there's not much we can give our LOs for common cold relief. 
  • @mrsj1215 oh no! That's so much longer to wait. I'm so sorry! Too bad they couldn't just reschedule you with a different provider! I would be ragey if that happened to me!
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @mrsj1215 that really stinks, I am so sorry. I'd be pissed.
  • @mrsj1215 wow that's really far back too! I'm sorry, that sucks! 

    @runsomewhere we usually get our tree on Black Friday and it hasn't died by Christmas yet! Actually I keep ours up until New Years and it's usually still pretty perky. I am a little terrified of house fires though, and rarely light it after Christmas. 
  • @mrsj1215 I’d be so upset too! I’m so sorry. That is a huge difference. I’d be asking to see another doctor if possible. 



  • Thank you @MrsMiller8588.. It is so much longer!.. I thought they were just calling to confirm my appointment so I called back when I got a break at work& they told me that! I called my hubby crying.. Just from dissapointment! I'm only 6 weeks 2 days.. But I scheduled this appointment 2 weeks ago so I've had some time to get excited! And me& DH had both taken off work.. I think I'm just going to stay home from work anyway and rest.. And probably pout! Lol
  • Is anyone else traveling for Thanksgiving? We are in CT but both of our families are in NY; one is two and a half hours away and then the other is another five hours away from there. Our plan is to go to my sisters Wednesday night, stay for Thanksgiving, and then head to my DH’s side Friday and leave there Sunday morning to head home. We love seeing everyone but the driving kills me. Driving that much with two toddlers is just exhausting. I wish we could stay longer so it didn’t feel we spent most of our time in the car. At least there will be lots of good food. :)



  • mrsj1215mrsj1215 member
    edited November 2017
    @amylu914 thank you.. I am kind of upset& I'm not generally one to get too upset!

    @acunamatada thank you& yes way farther back!

    @LadyJ2949 thank you.. It helps to hear that I'm not just being overly emotional about this! 

    I called the doctor office personally& there's only one doctor there so they didn't say anything about scheduling me with anybody else!.. And I didn't figure just calling another doctor's office would get me in since it's so last minute.. I may try though!

  • @LadyJ2949 where in CT?! We're just outside New Haven. We're traveling, but not far at all. My mothers in Madison and DH's parents are in Guilford so we'll be able to stop by both on Thanksgiving. 
  • @mrsj1215 That SUCKS. I'm sorry there was an emergency for whoever's on the other side of it, and sorry you have to wait. Waiting's the WORST. 
  • Oh yes!! @christycalifornia I definitely feel for whoever the other person is.. I definetly don't want to sound selfish it was just hard in the moment not to feel sad& a little upset! Hopefully these next few weeks will pass pretty fast!
  • @mrsj1215 oh hon, I wasn't thinking you were selfish at all! Please don't read it like that. I could have put that better. I was just thinking of both sides, and if I were in your shoes I'd be just as frustrated. 
  • Hey ladies!  @christycalifornia sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.  Hope you are feeling better this afternoon!!

    We always put our Christmas tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving, however this year my husband has to leave to go to Puerto Rico for work on Saturday (and he will be gone unti Dec. 23rd), so we put it up yesterday.  It's weird having it up so early!

    I love Thanksgiving week, but I am not looking forward to all of the travel time and awkward small talk.  I have been so cranky lately, and I am hoping I can manage to be somewhat nice to people....
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • Feeling particularly grateful for my smart, sweet, independent Bean today. Stomach bug had me on the toilet and throwing up this morning, and on the bathroom floor when I wasn't. Now I'm couch-ridden with leg and back cramps. She's played nicely by herself all morning doing activity books and coloring, or coming over to rub my back like I do for her when she's on the potty, and is happily playing computer games in my office unsupervised. I am so blessed by this child.
    Well shoot.  I'm sorry you have the flu!!!  That sounds pretty terrible.  I hope you're on the mend soon.  Love when our littles are cooperative when we need them to be!!!  
    Met: 1/21/2005
    Married: 6/27/2008
    DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
    M/C 6/2012
    DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
    BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE! 
    M/C 12/12/2016
    BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
    EDD: 7/2/2018

    Babysizer Manly Pregnancy Tracker
  • Did I miss someone posting about drinking on Thanksgiving?  Because this girl loves her sparkling vino and it's going to be REAL suspect when I'm not indulging.  I'll have to try to fake it.  Hoping my SIL's pregnancy will be just the ticket, as she's announcing to extended family that day.  Anyone have any clever ideas?  Or can commiserate along with me (because I am missing my wine!)?
    Met: 1/21/2005
    Married: 6/27/2008
    DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
    M/C 6/2012
    DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
    BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE! 
    M/C 12/12/2016
    BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
    EDD: 7/2/2018

    Babysizer Manly Pregnancy Tracker
  • I couldn't handle a cut Christmas tree. I would kill it in a week. Kudos to you ladies who go the real tree route.
  • @mrsj1215 oh hon, I wasn't thinking you were selfish at all! Please don't read it like that. I could have put that better. I was just thinking of both sides, and if I were in your shoes I'd be just as frustrated. 
    Thank you @christycalifornia! It's really good to be able to get on here, and have ladies that understand! Also hope you get to feeling better soon!
  • @WorkinWeezel I can commiserate! The host of our Thanksgiving is making pomegranate martinis! Pardon me while I cry into my ginger beer. I'd care even more if I thought I could stomach it. 
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