April 2018 Moms

Weekly Randoms 10/2


Re: Weekly Randoms 10/2

  • @JJMNO1616 : joy : except without the space. There are loads of others too, like : cookie : :cookie:
    How did you discover these and why aren't they options in the drop down?!
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  • Nooo not Tom Petty too! :-(  I was hoping that was a hoax or something going around the internet.
  • I don't know if @kbamomma33 was speaking rhetorically when she said she'd probably need all 18 bullets to stop an intruder, but I think it's fair to say that even with a great amount of training and practice, you may need more than one trying to shoot someone in the dark and with the huge effect of adrenaline.

    When guns are so pervasive in our culture and so easily accessible to anyone who wants to do us harm, I literally lose sleep at night worrying about someone coming into our home with one and harming my children - the power dynamic changes completely when someone has a gun. For this reason, we have (one) gun for self protection. Thankfully we have never had occasion to shoot it (other than at a range), but if I ever did need to use it to protect my family in my home I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

    (Do I think you should be able to own any type of assault rifle? Hell no. In an ideal culture do I think citizens would own guns? Probably not, but in ours so many of them do and unringing that bell from a constitutional standpoint seems very difficult/unlikely to me.)
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  • @mdwiny - many great points well stated.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @kbamomma33 I really appreciate your perspective. It sounds like you are as responsible as they come. I hope my post didn't offend you--I'm mostly afraid of the many people out there who aren't so sensible, and I feel we need much better ways of curtailing their ability to shoot things.
    History (TW/loss/child):

    7/2017 -- miscarriage at 6w
    5/2018 -- DS born 3 days after due date, 8lb 4oz
    9/2020 -- missed miscarriage at 9w / DNC
    3/2021 -- miscarriage at 8w
    7/2021 -- missed miscarriage at 8w / DNC
    9/2021 -- IVF cycle #1 (FET 1/25/22)

  • Yeah I really can't be diplomatic about this. No one needs a semi-automatic gun for self defense in the off chance the boogieman invades your home. Someone's irrational fear of an intruder shouldn't trump my very rational fear of a semi-automatic weapon in the hands of people who wish to inflict a ton of harm within minutes. So many lives are lost because we allow a vocal minority to dictate our gun policy in this country. 

    I literally started sobbing over the reports of cell phones ringing over and over again on the victims. In 20 years that can be our kids at a concert or even 5 years from now in an elementary school. It's not okay. It has to change. 
  • julzy said:
    Yeah I really can't be diplomatic about this. No one needs a semi-automatic gun for self defense in the off chance the boogieman invades your home. Someone's irrational fear of an intruder shouldn't trump my very rational fear of a semi-automatic weapon in the hands of people who wish to inflict a ton of harm within minutes. So many lives are lost because we allow a vocal minority to dictate our gun policy in this country. 

    I literally started sobbing over the reports of cell phones ringing over and over again on the victims. In 20 years that can be our kids at a concert or even 5 years from now in an elementary school. It's not okay. It has to change. 
    With all due respect, @julzy, you don't know my family's circumstances and cannot say that our fear of an intruder is irrational. It's not. There are a variety of factors that can make people more at risk of being targeted and several of them apply to us; I do not want to put my children at risk because of choices I have made and my husband has made.
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  • julzyjulzy member
    edited October 2017
    I'm a survivor of domestic violence and lived in fear my abuser was going to come back at any time despite the order of protection I had. He was in the military and had access to assault weapons. I got an alarm system. I kept a phone by my bed and planned exit plans. It never crossed my mind to ever get a gun. That being said, I'm fine if someone wants a hand gun as long as they pass a background check and have no history or record of violence or mental illness and they keep that gun in a lock box. An assault rifle or semi automatic gun is a whole other animal though.

    EDIT: and again a person's fear of a home invasion isn't reason alone for public policy. Public policy should be about the health and safety of the many. The fact is more of us are at risk when these guns are legally accessible.
  • @ngolimento I completely agree; if I lived in a different country - a European one, for example - I also wouldn't feel the need to own a gun. 

    @julzy, I'm truly sorry to hear you were a victim of domestic violence. I had a somewhat similar experience with a different personal outcome. I had a stalker in college. It was not anyone I ever knew or dated; it was nothing that I did to invite. He just lived in my apartment complex and for whatever reason became randomly fixated on me. It was a year of my life where I was constantly in fear, felt I had no control over my safety or my privacy and I have never felt more powerless in my life.

    I realize there are plenty of things you can do to regain a feeling of power other than own a gun, and I have done lots of them. I went to law school and have volunteered extensively at a rape crisis center and local women's shelter. I know you didn't intend this, but being told that I have an "irrational" fear of the "boogieman" are both serious triggers for anyone who has been victimized by a stalker - my concerns were dismissed as such by police until the situation escalated severely. So even if you disagree about a person's right to own a gun, please don't make an unjustified judgment about my fear being "irrational." It's just not fair.
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  • @lindsye I'm so sorry for your experience. Being a victim of stalking or violence is truly terrifying and I've personally helped victims of stalking during my own recovery. I'm a lawyer too actually.

    However, to be clear, I never said I disagree with a person's right to own a gun. I just don't think that right should extend to semi automatic weapons and I think that background checks and prohibitions on gun access to anyone with a history of violence or severe mental illness is more than reasonable. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and it should at be very least be drawn there.

    Again, this may sound harsh but I do think it's irrational to think you need a semi automatic weapon to protect yourself because a regular handgun just wouldn't do. That has nothing to do with your experience. I say that as someone who literally fought for my life multiple times while my abuser tried to strangle me. And yes, I had a lot of people downplay what happened to me as well. I'm truly sorry that you felt triggered by my words.
    But I felt pretty shaken by your explanation of feeling like you need to shoot off 18 rounds with the flick of a finger to fend off an intruder...that's pretty scary to me.

    And I'm feeling pretty triggered today myself at the images coming out of Vegas and I'm probably not being as careful with my choice of words as I normally would be. I literally stayed at Mandalay Bay with my 2 year old a little over a week ago. I'm furious that we've allowed this to happen over and over again and sick over the idea that this is the world my kids are living in... and I can't protect them from it, only our policy makers can and they refuse to act.
  • @sparklingdiamond we did the car shopping thing this weekend, and just decided on a Honda Odyssey. I'm super duper excited :smile: Congratulations on your new car!
  • lindsyelindsye member
    edited October 2017
    @julzy then perhaps we actually agree - we own a regular handgun and I completely agree that extensive background checks should be done before anyone can own a gun. I never said I needed 18 rounds to fend off an intruder - that was someone else.

    Thank you for your kind words about my past experience, and I am so sorry for yours as well. I know how hard it is to move forward with something as traumatic as that in your past; I'm sorry that the events of today were particularly difficult for you for that reason.

    And I think what began this dialogue on this board today bears repeating, something we all seem to agree upon: no citizen should be allowed to amass the armory of weapons and ammunition that the shooter had, apparently even automatic ones. Yes, great harm can be done with a single weapon but the magnitude of harm this man was able to accomplish by himself seems like something we can and should be able to prevent. It may be a difficult thing to regulate, but it should still be done - even at great effort and expense - to prevent events like the ones of today from happening again.
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  • Appreciate it @lindsye. Yes my whole point is about automatic and semi automatic weapons. That comment above was what I was initially responding to when I talked about the boogieman. It was the person who said she needed 18 rounds to protect herself from a potential home invasion. I think we both got confused but do agree it seems we're on the same page on this one! 
  • @lindsye @julzy I'm so sorry to hear the both of you ladies had to deal with those situations. 

    @lindsye I'm a mental health therapist and it's still so confusing/mind boggling for me how people become so delusional and fixated like that on someone they don't know. 
  • Thank you, @JJMNO1616. I honestly don't understand it either. I would say it has made me paranoid but it doesn't even feel like paranoia after that experience.

    It's very cool that you're a mental health therapist; I'm sure you've had a huge positive impact on many people's lives. I considered that career path as well and very much admire the work that you do.
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  • Coming from Canada, I was really unfamiliar with the gun culture until I moved in the Us and started hearing parents saying they ask their kid's friend's parents if they keep guns inside the house before allowing their child to go play over at their house. I'm obviously not there yet as my son is only 15 months but I don't think I would feel comfortable in that situation but I would also feel incredibly rude asking. As a former teacher I was incredibly traumatized by the Sandy Hook shooting and I know it will be nerve wrecking when my kids goes to school. I do not like that climate at all :( 
  • julzy said:
    @lindsye I'm so sorry for your experience. Being a victim of stalking or violence is truly terrifying and I've personally helped victims of stalking during my own recovery. I'm a lawyer too actually.

    However, to be clear, I never said I disagree with a person's right to own a gun. I just don't think that right should extend to semi automatic weapons and I think that background checks and prohibitions on gun access to anyone with a history of violence or severe mental illness is more than reasonable. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and it should at be very least be drawn there.

    Again, this may sound harsh but I do think it's irrational to think you need a semi automatic weapon to protect yourself because a regular handgun just wouldn't do. That has nothing to do with your experience. I say that as someone who literally fought for my life multiple times while my abuser tried to strangle me. And yes, I had a lot of people downplay what happened to me as well. I'm truly sorry that you felt triggered by my words.
    But I felt pretty shaken by your explanation of feeling like you need to shoot off 18 rounds with the flick of a finger to fend off an intruder...that's pretty scary to me.

    And I'm feeling pretty triggered today myself at the images coming out of Vegas and I'm probably not being as careful with my choice of words as I normally would be. I literally stayed at Mandalay Bay with my 2 year old a little over a week ago. I'm furious that we've allowed this to happen over and over again and sick over the idea that this is the world my kids are living in... and I can't protect them from it, only our policy makers can and they refuse to act.
    Listen, I want to first make it clear that I'm sorry that you have had such close experience with violence in your life. I also want to empathize with the feelings that you must have as a mother, just recently having stayed at the same hotel with your child. Additionally, I want to point out that, most likely, everyone in this country is also very triggered by the images coming out of vegas today. As I have said already, it was a senseless and horrific act. 

    The notion that we have "allowed this to happen again," doesn't apply to this particular incident. The shooter last night was using fully automatic weapons. As I stated in my post for clarity purposes, those types of weapons are already illegal in this country. So, more gun control would not have prevented the vegas shootings. Dude was already doing illegal stuff and was in possession of weapons that are already illegal. Independently of yesterday's shooting, if someone feels that we need more gun control in this country, that is their absolute right as an autonomous, free thinking individual and I respect that opinion, though it does differ from my own. It doesn't make sense to tie the two together though. 

    As for "a regular handgun" just not doing it and needing a semi automatic handgun-- again, as I tried to explain in my post, essentially all "regular handguns" are semi automatic, with the exception of single action revolvers, which you do have to cock with each bullet and, are not widely produced anymore. So, when you are talking about regular handguns, that is inclusive of semi automatic handguns because you need to pull the trigger each time a bullet comes out. Semi automatic is one bullet for one trigger pull. 

    I absolutely did not say that I "need to shoot off 18 rounds with the flick of a finger to protect myself." That is sensationalizing what I said and a major misquote of my explaination and subsequent clarification. I really don't think you even read my post for understanding, because there's no way you could have if that's all you took away from it.

    I'm also not a fan of anyone, not just you, implying that it is sad or irrational to feel comforted by a personal defense arm in their home. You, or anyone else, do not get to decide what is or is not a valid experience, circumstance, or downplay a fear for anyone other than yourself. There is no way for you to know everyone's experience or living conditions and then determine that you have the authority to make the judgement call about what is or isn't rational for someone else to think. To me, that phrasing borders on disrespect and hurts the credibility of anything that comes after. If it's a moral or safety issue that someone has that they feel would be solved by more gun control, fine. Just plain old difference of opinion, fine. Saying someone with a different point of view is irrational, not fine. Valid arguments can and should be be conveyed factually, articulately, and respectfully. 

    Though I did quote you, some of my response is also in reference to other things that have been mentioned on this thread, so I certainly don't want you to feel like I'm singling you out or anything. As I said, my point was just to provide information and clarify as needed. I feel like I've done that as effectively as possible and don't have anything else to add on this topic. 
  • @kbamomma33 all of the reports I've seen from credible sources say that thus far all of the guns he had were bought legally. The AK-47 you're referring to may have either been modified legally or illegally. And automatic rifles aren't illegal but they are more heavily regulated. 
    For reference:

    Again, I don't think it's irrational to have a gun. I may personally disagree with it but if you passed a background check and don't have a history of violence or mental illness and keep your gun in a lockbox, fine. But I do draw the line at automatic and semi automatic weapons. I've read your posts and I simply disagree with them because I don't think your desire to have them negates my desire to not lose a loved one in a mass shooting. Mass shootings like Vegas are not as easy where a shooter is slowed down and has to cock back for each bullet. I also think we should have limits on magazines so that someone has to stop and reload more frequently.

    I don't think anyone other than law enforcement needs access to an automatic or semi automatic gun, period. And yes, I don't think self defense for an intruder is a valid argument for access to semi automatic and automatic weapons. I'm sorry if you find that disrespectful. 

  • PS I'm mentally exhausted by this and need a break so I'm going to try to steer clear of this for a bit for some much needed self care. 
  • @ngolimento, boo!  What a bummer.  I hope tomorrow comes quickly for you.  
  • ngolimentongolimento member
    edited October 2017
    @keeksie84 I have a lot of teachers in my family, and the amount they are paid is laughable.  The right wing is so intensely focused on garroting education and they are paid so little.  It boggles my mind that the NRA wants them to do double-duty on an already insulting salary.  You can't keep defunding and then turn around and demand more services.  It's so stupid.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @ngolimento Oh no that's the worst!  Hopefully you can get a hold of them early today!
  • Had a massive headache last night, got distracted with that and forgot to take morning sickness meds. Two steps back my friends.
  • @Sissy42 dude. We got our Odyssey this summer. I'm obsessed. Its ridiculous. I'm an SUV lover, but practical when it comes to three kids, 3 and under... and lets be honest, you can't beat the damn minivan. I love the stupid thing.

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Total change of subject: Has anyone been experiencing hair loss this pregnancy? I swear, with the last two kiddos my hair looked awesome and my skin was perfection, and this time I'm breaking out everywhere and my hair is falling out. So much for the glow!
  • @ladythrice we leave in 20 minutes to go get it!! 

    If I could figure out how the heck to put in a GIF I would... but major excitement over here. 
  • @sissy42 I finally stopped losing hair so fast after I got pregnant! I'm with you on the acne though - it hasn't gotten any better and I'm not sure what to do about it.
  • @Sissy42 with DD I lost a lot of hair. Towards the end my hairline had receeded like an inch and half maybe 2! I was the only one who noticed until it started growing back and it was too shirt to pin down. It stuck straight up for like a month, I had to get one of those headbands you wear when working out. It was finally starting to look ok and now I'm preggo's again. 
  • dlammersdlammers member
    edited October 2017
    I ended up having to order clothes online because there are no stores in my area that sell maternity...and NOTHING fits!!! I had to return to Target, which was easy because we have a store, but I now I have to return to old navy, which I have to mail back in. I absolutely hate that I have to dress up for my job. With my last pregnancy I was able to wear jeans to work, so I just bought a belly band and wore my regular jeans everyday. Not so lucky this time 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @dlammers - I feel your pain! I hate shopping, and the only local store with maternity is Target (who didn’t have jack). I am one who has to try stuff on, so I took my bestie on a road trip 2 hours away. Went to Motherhood Maternity and found enough to get me started at least. For a fairly large city, I was disappointed that only Macy’s had a section (and it was Motherhood Maternity brand lol). Hopefully you don’t have to return any more - it is a hassle!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yeah there is a Motherhood Maternity store a couple hours away from me too. I got a couple things from there already, but may have to stop again sometime.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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