This is a judgement free zone! Who has broken some pregnancy no no's so far?
With my first I was hyper-vigilant about EVERYTHING! Is that cheese pasteurized? Can't eat lunch meat! No sushi for me, thanks. Please, no sprouts on my salad. Say no to canned tuna. Need to find natural remedies for this awful headache. Gotta watch My language, baby can hear me!
This time around I'm like meh a little lunch meat will be fiiiine! Sure I'll have the spicy tuna roll! F this headache. Pop open the Tylenol asap! Can't wait to see how my parenting style changes as well.
Re: Rule breakers
On most no no lists that I ignore:
A) sushi rules. In the USA all sushi is treated. The only thing you have to worry about is mercury levels. So, tada, avoid swordfish and tuna. That leaves a lot of options though!
B ) Soft cheese. This is an intensely stupid restriction. I live in a first world country with laws against unpasteurized products. So unless I go WAY out of my damn way to find some, it's not happening.
C) Wine. I avoid it completely during first and second tri, but have it extremely sparingly in third. I'm talking one glass a week.
I take hot baths. I live for baths.
Our beef is purchased locally from a butcher, I trust their meat quality, so I cook it to my preference. A lot of the bacteria concerns can be easily consumed in other ways that you are more likely to get something like listeria from produce than lunch meat, so why not just go for it
I drink caffeine, but keep it under the recommended limit.
I eat cold deli meat.
I eat canned tuna, when I do the can gets split between me and both my kids, so it not a lot.
This will be my third pregnancy over he holidays. I always have a mimosa on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then plain champagne on New Year's Eve.
I feel like being neurotic about everything isn't healthy either. I stay away from raw sushi. I don't eat raw oysters. I stopped drinking. I don't smoke. That's about the best I can do.
I drink coffee (below recommended limits) but that's about it because I've found that I'm too neurotic to enjoy breaking the other rules. For example, last pregnancy I read a ton about raw sushi during pregnancy and felt convinced that it was quite safe. Went to sushi dinner with DH, woke up with a slight stomach ache and spent the next day worrying that I had somehow come down with something and harmed the baby. This happened twice.
@holly321 I totally understand what you mean about one glass being a "tease". I'm a big wine person so it's really hard to just have a taste. However, I find that in the third tri, nothing is better than a Sunday night bath and a slight glass of cab to make me sleep like a baby!
I used to drink coffee, but have been averse to it recently
I absolutely eat sushi, and eat it about once a month. I figure if the expecting mothers in other countries can eat it regularly, I should be fine to have it once a month. Albacore tuna is the one to stay away from. I still eat packaged light tuna.
I also get my hair colored and get my nails painted. I have no problem with drinking a glass of wine past first tri, I just never have.
I gave up caffeine and wine, I'll probably find myself to a glass here and there in my third trimester. I definitely need to color my hair but I'll wait until the second trimester I think? I had no idea I should not be eating my meat MR. I'm french originally, there's no way I'm eating well-done meat, they'll take away my passport!
What do they say the limit is for coffee? I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but we have a 12-13 hour overnight drive in October and I am gonna need something, lol.
I guess I break the lunchmeat one by going to Subway, but I get it toasted, lol.
@psuxray07 I believe the limit is 1 cup (8oz) in a 24hr period for coffee. Tea typically has less caffeine though so you can drink more of that.
For New Englanders: 1 medium iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts is less than 200mg. Obviously that was the first thing I looked up
ETA: @orangecup I'm not calling you out, even though the awkward quote arrangement makes it look that way.
I know plenty of women who quit coffee cold turkey when they get pregnant and then start drinking it again to survive the exhaustion of a newborn. Or a newborn plus several other children. I was just pointing out that if you think you might drink it post partum, you may also want to drink small amounts while pregnant. If that's a "DUH" to you, apologies.
I'm not saying it's a reason to keep drinking it if you think it will harm your baby, obviously; if you feel comfortable that it won't pre- or post-partum, though, it's a consideration.
Honestly this whole thing just confuses me. There is a board full of women here saying they will continue to drink coffee pregnant and it's somehow wrong to point out the very obvious - that your baby will be exposed to and affected by what you eat and drink - and thinking through the full range of consequences to it beforehand is wrong or malignant.
But anyway, I've said different versions of the same thing about 60 times now, so I'm out.
I usually would have a Starbucks doubleshot drink thing in a can only when I needed to avoid a nap. (Which I've given up) I'm sure that'd be a lot worse, lol. So one or 2 cups of sweet coffee it is for our trip. That actually sounds kinda good right now, dang it.
@lindsye I thought the connection between pregnant and postpartum caffeine use made a lot of sense and wasn't something I had thought of before. Thanks for sharing!
Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
Started TTC August 2016
BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
BFP: 2/27/20
Handsome Man I Love: 36 / Me: 32 ****FTM!!!
BFP: Aug 11, 2017
EDD: Apr 20, 2018
Fun Fact: Lumbar Discectomy Surgery April 2017
I drink at least 16oz of caffeine a day.
Is anybody avoiding any spices or herbs? I was stuffing my face today with chicken soup, when I decided to Google if cilantro is safe for pregnancy, because I'm a weirdo like that. I came across some stuff that said cilantro, parsley, anise seed, among many other herbs are unsafe to consume because they can cause uterine contractions. I'm assuming the amount that I had was a non-issue since it was a handful of the fresh stuff, but I may just check and see if there's any dried seeds that I should steer clear off because it may be more concentrated? Probably a non-issue and moderation is fine though.