December 2017 Moms

Randoms 8/9


Re: Randoms 8/9

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    @breezybee I was lurking November and she had intro'd and started posting there because her due date moved up. Then she posted here this afternoon so maybe she'll straddle the two.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @Skcobb I am down for a GoT thread!!! 
    Me 29 I Him 26
    Married 4/22/16
    TTC 9/2015
    BFP 2/1/16 I MC 3/21/16 (11w)
    TTCAL 6/15/16
    BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    This dude came in to work with the flu. I'm 99.9% sure he just came to get his laptop and go home, and he stood far back from the girl in the cubicle next to mine to ask her something and he told her, "I was told I have the flu, so stay over there!" But ughhhhhhhh my immune system is weakened go awaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    MJDsquared  our vacation policy recently changed to eliminate our unlimited sick days so I am REALLY not looking forward to cold and flu season when everyone comes into work sick so they don't have to use PTO. I makes me ragey just thinking about it.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    @flowerpower5838 That's so frustrating! I'm going to be a flu shot crazy lady this wanna come near the baby, you get your damn flu shot! And if you're sick...NOPE. If only I could force everyone at work to get the shot so I won't have to worry quite as much when flu season comes around. Luckily sales reps work from home (or pretend to) really often, so generally they wouldn't come in when they're sick.

    Update: Dude is still here, so my 99.9% sure-ness was way off. There's a sales meeting/training so I guess he was trying to go to that, and I just heard the manager go up to him and say, "Go home if you're sick! Don't get all of us sick!" Uh, duh. Still not sure if he's going to take that advice or not...
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    Haha well that's one way to handle it @kyrwyn. Nothing wrong with being direct!
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    Chiming in to say I'm also down for a GoT thread! 
    Me: 33 DH: 34
    Married: Oct 2015
    TTC #1: Sept 2016
    BFP: 10/19/16 ~ blighted ovum ~ D&C 11/23/16
    BFP: 3/24/17   <3  DD1 born 12/2/17
    TTC #2: July 2018
    BFP: 8/26/18 <3  DD2 born 5/16/19

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    We told family that they can't visit at the hospital unless they have the flu shot. We have limited visitors for our other two as well - but I have family members that don't understand how germs spread. "Oh he was just throwing up 8 hours ago, he's fine now" or "It's just a runny nose and cough with a slight fever." Yeah - stay away.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I watch GoT too!

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    Yeah REALLY. Unless YOU'RE volunteering to stay up with my sick baby, then GTFO. Thanks, K, byyeeeeeeeeee!
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    also a GoT watcher! I'll start a thread here in a few after I get back from lunch if nothings been started yet.

    I am actually kind of nervous for having a newbie in December. My MIL is just ALWAYS sick. Whether she is overreacting or whatever, IDK but like, I don't want you around if you're going to give my new tiny human a cold. DS had his first one right around 6 weeks and it sucked. I couldn't imagine them having one any younger than that. And then with the holidays....I am just worried about the expectations. UGH. I have no issue saying no to going somewhere but I kind of WANT to go to family functions and that's where I think the scrutiny of not letting my 4 aunts and 346658 cousins and their kids hold/hoover/whatever the baby is going to come into play. I'll likely just stay home but the jury is still out.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    mdcd44127mdcd44127 member
    edited August 2017
    @flowerpower5838 I liked all the advice in the "holiday plans" thread to wear the baby in a sling during holiday visits to discourage people from holding/passing around the baby. That's 100% my plan if I do get sucked into any visits. Also planning on using the "if you didn't get a flu shot or tdap booster, you don't get to see baby" line.
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since 12/2015
    BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17

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    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @djd0404 Thank you for that! I missed that thread, and that sounds like such a good idea. I am right there with you @flowerpower5838. Some family events, I really do want to go to, but I will not be ok with the baby stealing that usually happens. In my step family, everytime someone has a baby, within a month that baby is suddenly everyone else's and mom has no say. I know that I will not handle that well, and neither will my H. We haven't decided what our best course of action for avoiding the fallout will be, but I like the idea of babywearing. 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    2 Dogs / 2 Cats 
    IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
    IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
    IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
    IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @flowerpower5838 We have a "baby grabby" aunt and her newest granddaughter (arriving later this month) will not be at the big family Christmas this year.  It's the in-laws' year.  We're planning on baby wearing, and strategically plotting entry/exit times to keep our LO from being passed around too much.  If it gets overwhelming, I'm 100% ready to tell DH we're leaving because "I'm tired" or some other plausible 3-weeks-post-partum reason.  The silver lining is that baby grabby aunt is recently revaccinated due to her incoming granddaughter, and is a big rules follower about nobody sick holding the kid so she's unlikely to just pass the baby off to another relative without a full "have you washed your hands" interrogation.
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    @peachy13 My family does a name draw each year.  The youngest generation gets its own pool, and the grownups are all in the same draw regardless of generation.  It is a lot of fun, and helps in the years when 30+ people show up to Christmas Eve.  I hope you guys enjoy your new secret santa tradition. We love ours! :) 
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    @kvacmak Good for you!  I recently spent a frustrating afternoon trying to explain to my step mom that NO, the baby won't just magically immediately get immunity to everything if I breastfeed him (because that's not how biology works).  Her tetanus booster is like 5 years out of date anyway, so she should get her Tdap for her own preventative care regardless of the kid but what do I know...
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    @peachy13 I have two brothers and a stepsister, plus sister is married now and one brother used to be, then DH and I, so we switched to that system a couple of years ago and it was so much better that way. I'm already dreading Christmas gifts and keep throwing out things like, "Everyone's present this year is that I'm giving birth!" I mean...I'm mostly joking...but can that be it? Hahaha.

    As for TV show threads, I binge watch everything on Netflix (and if I actually watch a show live, it's recorded or on demand days later, sooo, not live; also the only show mentioned so far that I've been watching is This Is Us though I threaten to stop after every new episode) so I'll be over here not participating in anything! Lol.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @splsmama2016 I used to love Dance Moms but I just can't anymore... I actually AM a Dance Mom now maybe that is why. lol Thankfully I'm a normal Dance Mom... or so I think.

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    I gave up on Dance Mom's but moved to So Sharp.  As a Louisville alumni, I'm both mortified and intrigued.
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    It's about time for my annual hair cut (I'm horrible, lol). Anyway...I can't decide if I just wanna get the dead stuff off (like two inches) or chop it all off (like a bob-ish length).

    I've heard being able to put your hair in a ponytail can be pretty helpful in mom life. Also, I'm not sure if everyone will give me shit for getting pregnant and then suddenly getting a 'mom haircut.' But on the other hand, I'm still kinda tempted to do it. What should I dooooo?
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @MJDsquared my vote would be for the two inches for right now and if after baby is born if you still feel like the bob is right for you, go for it!   I'm also like you in that I get my hair cut maybe once a year.  That time is coming soon and I want a change too but I have no idea what 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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    @MJDsquared DEFINITELY keep it ponytail length! I practically lived with my hair up for the first month +. Newborns have this annoying tendency to get handfuls of your hair without you realizing it. I even had kept a hair tie by my bedside because I'd tie it up for night feedings too!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    @mdjsquared - I don't remember what book it was, but one of the pregnancy books talks about how so many moms in pregnancy want to cut their hair short.  They said if this is not a style you already rock on the regular DO NOT DO IT and it will not be flattering.  Something about the shape of your face and the extra weight during pregnancy.  That's probably a huge oversimplification, but it stuck with me.  I'm getting my hair cut this weekend and will only be making it a trim.  

    +1 for anyone who is going to be around the baby having their shots.  I know my family will be on board (I mean, my dad will probably put off going to the dr as long as possible, but that's just because he hates doctors...once my mom gets him to go it will be fine); I'm optimistic H's family will too.  H's family seems to be very "here is some advice but you do you" when it comes to kids (at least so far).  

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
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    @Tennis11785 I'm pretty much on an every-other-cut schedule of chopping it all off or growing it out. September was chop time, so I'm due for a non-chop cut anyway. I'm kind of worried about my face looking fat regardless of pregnancy because my face is fairly round and my hair is fine and flat. And when I've chopped in the past it's always a lob--ponytail-able. So a real bob is scary.

    i think I'll hold off based on what everyone's said! Thanks, ladies!
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @MJDsquared I'm glad you're just going to do the healthy trim! I was once tempted to do a short cut and actually did it, and regretted it a few days later after the hair salon style wore off. I thought it made my face look chubby and I hated how I looked in photos. I think my confidence took a hit too because during that time of short hair, I was single for the first time in a while and was having zero luck with guys - so it really got to my head that it was something to do with my hair, which I realize is totally silly but it was definitely my mindset at the time. Also having short hair can be more work because you always have to keep it styled. When it's long, you can at least put it up. 
    Me: 33 DH: 34
    Married: Oct 2015
    TTC #1: Sept 2016
    BFP: 10/19/16 ~ blighted ovum ~ D&C 11/23/16
    BFP: 3/24/17   <3  DD1 born 12/2/17
    TTC #2: July 2018
    BFP: 8/26/18 <3  DD2 born 5/16/19

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    i'd say cut it shorter but keep it just long enough for a pony. when it all starts falling out in february, you're going to want to chop it anyway  :D

    unlike the rest of you, i chopped my hair...ehh...coming up on 7 years ago now and i'll never go back. neverrrrr. it's the best. i do agree RE: pregnancy giving you a fatter face than normal, though, lol. THANKS PREGNANCY. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
           Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
           Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @splsmama2016 haha I don't normally watch dance moms since I don't agree with the way it represents my industry... but I did have to watch the episode I was on. Hahaha. My kiddos were competing against them and we had chosen to do an alumni dance. The film crew chose our dance for little highlight bits. Great zoomed in shot of my nostrils. Also made me realize how fake the show was since things "happened" that didn't take place there lol. Abby was very nice to me and my students just FYI
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    The online results of the competitions and the show are always SO off.

    Im a cheer coach and there is nothing worse than a show about your sport on tv.  Everyone thinks it's crazy already, no need to prove them right... haha
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    The show totally misinterprets the dance world!! And Abby REALLY isn't as awful as they make her seem. We have done the costumes for the studio (both the tv girls and the regular studio competition teams) for the last two seasons. She came down to our shop in San Diego and sat with us going over designs, prices, materials, etc. Then we had to go up to LA and take the dancers measurements. She was beyond pleasant to work with, and the girls (tv girls) were also sweet to work with. Although I do know that the blow out between her and Christi/Chloe was real and it was awful, and that part I can't be anything but sad. 

    Yet here i am, still watching lol. I just thank my lucky stars that there hasn't been a reality tv show about ice skating that lasted more than a few episodes!!

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    @breezybee have you heard anything about Color Factory in SF from anyone that has gone??  
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