December 2017 Moms

Randoms 8/9

Starting a new randoms thread since I know we were trying to be better at not letting threads go too long!

Me: 29 || DH: 29
TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
DD - 12/28/17 <3

TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020

Re: Randoms 8/9

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    Lol! 2 year olds love baked beans, though.
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    Currently looking at nursery threads on farther along BMBs and feeling super inadequate at decorating and making decisions hahaha. All the pretty, coordinating, themed nurseries make me think our random all-over-the-place nursery is going to look ridiculous. Oh well, decorating isn't really my forte.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @MJDsquared we did not do a themed nursery for DD, but her room is still cute! Her crib is white and her sheets were gray & white or just gray (though I have taken those sheets for baby b/c they are quickzip and I haven't needed to change DD's sheets due to blowout/diaper leak in a while, so I bought her some girlier cheap fitted sheets), the walls are a kind of blue/gray/purple (I think the color is called Daydream) and we have quite a variety of artwork on the walls--a disney poster, a monet poster, a cork board with family pics, some quotes, some stamps with children's book art, etc.) None of it is matchy. There are a good number of pastels in the various framed things but otherwise there's not really a theme or any continuity. It still looks pretty good in my opinion. I figure she'll want to change it as she gets older and starts having real preferences anyway. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    @cait5413 I'm glad it's not just me! And I'm glad your mix of things looks good. It's hard for me to picture everything up on the walls (plus anything else we add) and all the furniture, sheets, etc. I'm hoping it works though!
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @brittabatwhite ugh. I hate "no win" social situations like that.  It sounds like any reasonable person would understand where you are coming from. 
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    elcd458elcd458 member
    edited August 2017
    @brittabatwhite Sorry you're going through that.  It almost sounds like she doesn't really want to keep the baby for you, but is more testing you/trying to seek validation for herself.  Do you have other childcare plans yet?  Maybe once something else is set in stone she will back down.

    @MJDsquared Don't worry about having a random mish-mash nursery.  Nursery decor tends to have about a 2 year expiration date at which point your child develops an opinion and things like Elsa comforters and Paw Patrol wall stickers you swore you'd never buy become must-haves and all your carefully crafted nursery plans go straight to hell. 

    Edit: Autocorrect hates me
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    I slept four hours total last night, this is going to be the longest Thursday ever.  Also, my dog is sitting next to me crying right now.  Awesome.   :(
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    @kvacmak It's a bit much to keep up with, when you have limited time or opportunities to check in.  I do appreciate the more specialized threads, like @ktcakes87's  specific breast pumps one outside of the larger breastfeeding, etc, threads because it makes it easier for me to find where those recommendations are later, when my pregnancy-brain reminds me I need to research these things too.
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    @ktcakes87 Plus one to needing that thread! I was just thinking, "Holy crap how do I choose one?" and voila, your post magically appeared! Haha.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @ktcakes87 - I don't think so, but that might be because I'm feeling a bit lost by the whole pump decision and so it was really relevant to me.  

    I'm all for organization and regular posts and generally not a fan of one off posts.  Although there have only been a few lately that I've side-eyed.  

    But there are some bigger decisions we all need to consider or things we need to purchase that make sense to have their own one-off post.  It's a balance.  I'd get annoyed at seeing a post for each common registry item - like a one off post to discuss RNP, to discuss cribs, to discuss PNPs, etc.  But I'm ok with some of the bigger decisions that we will all need to make having their own post, as each person might need to face it and could be facing it at a different time.  But I think general nursery questions should be contained to the nursery thread.  General "is this item helpful" questions to the questions for STM threads.  But the occasional one-off for big things I'm ok with.   

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
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    @jlemons-2 we're in the same boat. I only had about 4 hours of sleep last night too. I had to get a little caffeine today. 
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    I am feeling so low. We were planning a trip to Hawaii next month but the doctor rained on my parade yesterday with the news that its not safe for me to fly on a plane due to my previa. I was looking forward to a much needed break from my rather stressful job. She also said to pretty much avoid my workouts like swimming and running. I feel so frustrated! Add to that I'm on pelvic rest....
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    @YodaIsGreen that sucks! Hopefully you can plan something special closer to home.

    I am having my own little pity party because I have another cold! Come on, immune system, I just got better 10 days ago from the last one. And I'm traveling to LA tomorrow! Boo.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @lavashiner I hope you feel better soon. Having a cold sucks! Have you tried using a Neti pot? I find it helps me with my cold/congestion issues.
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    Yeah, @YodaIsGreen I use one occasionally and do saline spray, too. I really should do the neti pot every day. I hate it, though.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @YodaIsGreen  what terrible news :(:( i hope you guys can plan a substitute trip, at the very least
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
           Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
           Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Anyone heard from @vvitchhazel ?
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    @acgonzalez22 She hasn't signed on since July 15th. We're hoping it's Internet issues from her move. :/
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @yodalsgreen what a bummer. Hope you can find a getaway closer to home

    @lavashiner I'm with you--picked up a cold after my trip this week. UGH.

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    @lavashiner I've got a cold too. I've had people coming up to me all day at work telling me how awful I sound and how I should go home. They're not wrong, I sound like death and have been hacking up a lung for the last three days, but I need to save up my paid time off for maternity leave and doctor appointments, so that's just not really an option. Hope you feel better soon!
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    @Tennis11785 I agree, I may have been a little over-generalized with my post, but whatever. lol Discussions in their own post about significant purchases are helpful. Though the pump one is not for me specifically because I will probably rarely pump, since I have a year off. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    @kvacmak - I hear you.  I'm mostly with you.  I'm much more someone for organized posts than a bunch of one offs.  

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
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    @leilagphillips and @cait5413 here's to getting better ASAP! Nothing worse than summer cold and wasting precious sick time--I'm still on summer break but when I go back to work on the 21st you better believe I will not be squandering those days!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    The thought of not having internet since July 15 gives me a minor heart attack...  I would 100% lose my mind.  

    Insomnia sucks... I've slept 3 1/2 hours tonight and that's it.  
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    @tamaraaaa  Solidarity, sister!  I'm right there with you. Couldn't fall asleep until almost 2 AM, woke up from a nightmare at 3, now still laying here wide awake at almost 4:30. I tried to make myself stay in the dark and just relax, but after an hour I gave up. Alarm goes off at 7:30 and I'm trying not to do the mental countdown, ha. 

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    I was awake from 1-3:00, up again at 4 feeling sick and now up again at 5:15.  RIP productivity today.
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