I started nannying for 3 month old twins today. It's making me so impatient for Chloe to be here!!! They have been sleeping since I got here and I just want them to wake up so I can snuggle!! I'm sure later I'll be begging them to sleep haha. It smells like babies in here and it's amazing....
I just cleaned our mamaroo and am setting it all up. My goal is to have a safe place for my mom to set the baby down in case my bigger baby needs immediate attention wherever they may be.
She tends to get frazzled when my son cries because she can't handle the thought that he's sad in any way. Sigh. She better get ready for two crying at her.
This is a woman that raised 5 children. Not sure when she became so soft.
I went to register for a breastfeeding class at my hospital yesterday, and the registration was based on a couples rate. I plan on bringing DH to baby basics and birthing classes but wasn't thinking he needed attend breastfeeding?... Seems weirder to bring him than to not bring him. Anyone have any feedback from experience?
After my yoga class today I am totally getting McD's french fries and then stopping to buy starburst jelly beans since everyone was raving about them recently.
MC Sept 2010 BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012 TTC again since July 2014 First IUI 9/26/16: BFP! EDD 6/19/2017 It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
@tjvan DH is going to the BF class with me tonight. I figured since he will be the one supporting me he should know what's going on too! Plus I can't remember anything these days so at least he is another person to remember what was said! Although if it's like the birth class, there will be lots of handouts!
@tjvan I brought my husband with me. He learned a ton and was able to understand the demand that went behind breastfeeding. He was able to feel confident in the role he'd be able to play (support me so I can support our baby).
I think him having that knowledge was part of the reason we were so successful with nursing.
@alm5286 - what did you think about the birth class you took this weekend? Also, when you're mobile bumping wasn't working, how did you get it to work? I've tried everything it seems.....
@merrylea We liked the class! I liked that it was through Meriter so she told us Meriter specific things. Tonight is the BF class and tour next weekend! I still haven't figured out how to get the app to work. I gave up. For a week or 2 I could just go on Chrome on my phone but that stopped working so it's back to laptop only. So I have no suggestions. Sorry!
@helloaustin123 some have joined one, but from my understanding not many. We are waiting a little bit longer and are going to have a poll on the board to see what kind of qualifications we want. I know that a major requirement to be added to any FB group we have will be how active the poster was here.
Married 12/17/2011 K born 8/31/12 C born 1/11/14 BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015 BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
Trying to conserve my PTO days at work with a toddler who insists he's "sick" but only has a 100F fever. What a pain! Kept him home to avoid getting called in an hour but my mom is coming to stay with him today so I can get some hours in at the hospital.
I finally registered for the birth class, and BF course through the hospital that Victoria will be delivered at. The birthclass is an all day Saturday class... but they feed you so I was excited! It's at the end of the month. My procrastination bit me in the butt with the BF one though... 1st opening they had was June 8th (9 days before she's due). Here's to hoping she doesn't come too early! Lol I have yet to schedule my tour
@tjvan We're doing the BF class this weekend. DH is coming with me and I think its important for him to be there. He needs to understand how his baby is being fed and ways to support me. I am intimidated by breastfeeding so I know I will need his support. Also he's really good in a class situation so he may pick up more than I do.
Should I be trying to get a breastfeeding class in addition to having my doula? She'll be there with me during and immediately after delivery, as well as follow ups for 6 weeks, so it kinda feels like I'll be covered for anything that comes up.
@CapricaAndrea I think you could skip it if you want. But I'm the type of person who loves to have all the information I can. So I would probably still go. But that's just me.
Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!
Should I be trying to get a breastfeeding class in addition to having my doula? She'll be there with me during and immediately after delivery, as well as follow ups for 6 weeks, so it kinda feels like I'll be covered for anything that comes up.
You'll probably be ok...I will say that I read 2-3 books about breastfeeding before DD was born and skipped the actual class. There were LCs that came around a few times at the hospital, and I was sure to select a pediatrician's office that had LCs on staff in case I needed them. I was either just lucky that it went relatively easily for me, or really well prepared from all of the reading. Either way, I nursed DD for 18 months (when she fully weaned probably because I was about 17 weeks then and my supply was gone). She was on cow's milk during the day at 12 months, but I still nursed her in the evenings and before bed until she lost interest in those feedings.
Just make sure you ask questions to the LCs/doula when they come up. That's what they're there for! Our pediatrician's office has you do your 4 day check up with the LC (who is also either an RN or a physician's assistant or whatever that thing is called where they can write prescriptions, ect) and she watches you nurse the baby to make sure everything is going well, and does a weighted feed. I brought my pump along and she also showed me how to use it, so that was awesome.
Sitting on a plane right now after a 3 day visit with my parents. It went well, thankfully, and it is crazy that the next time I see them (most likely) LO will be on the out! We bought a car seat/travel system, got pedicures, and visited with my grandmother so all that was good. Pregnancy gets you NO help in the airport though... just that delightful pat-down
Me: 36 DH: 37 Married May 2013
TTC #1: April 2016 (Mirena removed March 2016 after 2.5 years)a BFP #1: 10/14/16 - DD born 6/2017 TTC #2 November 2018 (Mirena removed October 2018 after 1 year) BFP #2 9/11/19 - EDD 5/24/20 - DD born 5/2020 TTC #3 May 2022 (Mirena removed after almost 2 years) BFP #3 11/24/23 - EDD 7/30/24
Was anyone else told that they need to bring pillows and a blanket to their childbirth class? I'm wondering what exactly we will be doing with them.
I was told two pillows but not a blanket. You will likely be using these items while on the floor, so don't bring anything you don't mind washing! I used two of our extra pillows and put old cases on them.
Sitting on a plane right now after a 3 day visit with my parents. It went well, thankfully, and it is crazy that the next time I see them (most likely) LO will be on the out! We bought a car seat/travel system, got pedicures, and visited with my grandmother so all that was good. Pregnancy gets you NO help in the airport though... just that delightful pat-down
When we flew a few weeks ago I got to pre-board because of pregnancy! Since I "needed" to have an aisle seat near one of the bathrooms. We were on Southwest though so their boarding process is different than others.
Dd and I went to family yoga this morning at our library. Then I let her play there for another hour with her friends because I didn't want to come home and do all the housework I need to catch up on.
Noticed more people are starting to have their showers and maternity photos. Do we want to have a thread devoted to AW Baby Celebrations like May where we can post photos & info about all our fun pre-baby celebrations?
Noticed more people are starting to have their showers and maternity photos. Do we want to have a thread devoted to AW Baby Celebrations like May where we can post photos & info about all our fun pre-baby celebrations?
I would love to stalk AW photos of showers and maternity photos. Please start a thread!
DH is on his way to Tuscon for work and of course the daycare calls that DD is running another fever. I'm supposed to be training my replacement, but instead I'm at home snuggling My baby and working from home. I'm kind of hoping they just fire me because I'd like to stay home cuddling her every day.
Omg that April birth story! If you haven't hopped over to read Ellery's birth story it is crazy.
I would say I'm scared of that happening but I also think it's pretty awesome. Not sure my DH could handle it though. He'd probably be passed out on the floor next to me!
@MKRLTX I did my class a couple weeks ago, we used the blanket to sit on and the 2 pillows to show us how to lay with them, one under head and one between knees. They also had us on our hands and knees on our blankets to show partners how to apply counter pressure and hip squeeze. I brought one that I folded a few times that helped my knees on the hard floor beneath.
We started standardized testing today so I had a lot of downtime where I had to be silent so I worked more on my maternity plans for the fall. When I had DD, I had been there for a month before maternity leave started. Trying to type my routines, procedures, first week procedures, etc. is really hard. I wish they would just find someone so I can show and explain in person. I might just have my current class make videos to show the new class in the fall so they can see it specifically. I am too much of a control freak for this LOL I am not looking forward to what kind of class I will come back to in October.
We started standardized testing today so I had a lot of downtime where I had to be silent so I worked more on my maternity plans for the fall. When I had DD, I had been there for a month before maternity leave started. Trying to type my routines, procedures, first week procedures, etc. is really hard. I wish they would just find someone so I can show and explain in person. I might just have my current class make videos to show the new class in the fall so they can see it specifically. I am too much of a control freak for this LOL I am not looking forward to what kind of class I will come back to in October.
It's really not that bad. I am a control freak to in my classroom and I was out the beginning of the year with DS. I didn't return until Thanksgiving. I just plannrd for my first week back to be the "first week of school". I taught them the routines MY way and then we rolled. I also didn't stress about what my sub. taught. I just picked up on my pacing guide and rolled earlier skills in just in case they hadn't fully gotten it. I figure I could make the most detailed plans and instruction ever and still it isn't going to be exactly my way, so not stressing.
Me: 34 DH: 35 Married: July 2009 BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013 Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016 3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3 First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
Lol @kfitz1900, when I posted my bump pic to IG on Friday to celebrate third tri it was captioned "Oh third trimester...the season of leggings, maxi skirts and dresses, and basically anything that isn't pants. I'm so happy to see you."
Ugh I'm dying over here. Third cold virus in 1.5 months and the worst nasal congestion. I caved and took some OB approved medication last night which I HATE to do. It helped me get some sleep at least, but this is absurd. F you immune system.
Can anybody give me an idea how much is reasonable to pay a cleaning service for a deep clean? I've never hired one before, but I want to get the house really clean as a baseline before the baby comes, and I really don't want to do it myself. Plus, if i do it myself, I know i will do a terrible job and it will end up just being my normal cleaning routine. So far I have only found one service that will come to my town, and they gave me an estimate of $300-$375, which seems high to me, but I don't really know. Anybody who has experience willing to share what you usually pay?
Eta- My house is about 2200 square feet with four bedrooms and two full baths. I assume that matters.
Can anybody give me an idea how much is reasonable to pay a cleaning service for a deep clean? I've never hired one before, but I want to get the house really clean as a baseline before the baby comes, and I really don't want to do it myself. Plus, if i do it myself, I know i will do a terrible job and it will end up just being my normal cleaning routine. So far I have only found one service that will come to my town, and they gave me an estimate of $300-$375, which seems high to me, but I don't really know. Anybody who has experience willing to share what you usually pay?
Eta- My house is about 2200 square feet with four bedrooms and two full baths. I assume that matters.
Seems about right to me... I was part of a cleaning service for a few years. $30 An hour, per person.
Re: Weekly Randoms 4/3
She tends to get frazzled when my son cries because she can't handle the thought that he's sad in any way. Sigh. She better get ready for two crying at her.
This is a woman that raised 5 children. Not sure when she became so soft.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
I think him having that knowledge was part of the reason we were so successful with nursing.
I still haven't figured out how to get the app to work. I gave up. For a week or 2 I could just go on Chrome on my phone but that stopped working so it's back to laptop only. So I have no suggestions. Sorry!
K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
I have yet to schedule my tour
Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!
You'll probably be ok...I will say that I read 2-3 books about breastfeeding before DD was born and skipped the actual class. There were LCs that came around a few times at the hospital, and I was sure to select a pediatrician's office that had LCs on staff in case I needed them. I was either just lucky that it went relatively easily for me, or really well prepared from all of the reading. Either way, I nursed DD for 18 months (when she fully weaned probably because I was about 17 weeks then and my supply was gone). She was on cow's milk during the day at 12 months, but I still nursed her in the evenings and before bed until she lost interest in those feedings.
Just make sure you ask questions to the LCs/doula when they come up. That's what they're there for! Our pediatrician's office has you do your 4 day check up with the LC (who is also either an RN or a physician's assistant or whatever that thing is called where they can write prescriptions, ect) and she watches you nurse the baby to make sure everything is going well, and does a weighted feed. I brought my pump along and she also showed me how to use it, so that was awesome.
Married May 2013
BFP #1: 10/14/16 - DD born 6/2017
TTC #2 November 2018 (Mirena removed October 2018 after 1 year)
BFP #2 9/11/19 - EDD 5/24/20 - DD born 5/2020
TTC #3 May 2022 (Mirena removed after almost 2 years)
BFP #3 11/24/23 - EDD 7/30/24
I would say I'm scared of that happening but I also think it's pretty awesome. Not sure my DH could handle it though. He'd probably be passed out on the floor next to me!
Me: 34 DH: 35
Married: July 2009
BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013
Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
Eta- My house is about 2200 square feet with four bedrooms and two full baths. I assume that matters.