One of my coworkers just gave me the cutest shirt and hat for the baby ( I work at a university and its from the gift shop) . Its the first gift Ive received this it made me all teary eyed.
I am SO SO happy. Last week I got an amazing raise and I just found out today that I got a promotion! (Which will result in yet another raise that will go into effect next week!)
DH comes home from his week long work trip today. Both DS and our dog apparently were too wound up to sleep well. Which means I didn't sleep well and my mom didn't sleep well. It's going to be a long day.
I stayed up until midnight reading. Pre-pregnancy this would have been no big deal, but pregnant me is exhausted today. I just realized that I'd been standing at the sink, washing the same dish and zoning out for at least five minutes. I hope I have time for a nap later!
Guys, I bought more dishes so I wouldn't have to clean DS's dishes every day. Can't tell if that makes me smart or incredibly lazy...I'm going with smart.
Just got a voicemail from an attorney's office.... They wanted me to pass along a message to my ex husband... I was like, we've been divorced for a decade, we do not speak. The guy was like, "oh, that must be why he used your contact information." WTAF?
Just got a voicemail from an attorney's office.... They wanted me to pass along a message to my ex husband... I was like, we've been divorced for a decade, we do not speak. The guy was like, "oh, that must be why he used your contact information." WTAF?
Just got a voicemail from an attorney's office.... They wanted me to pass along a message to my ex husband... I was like, we've been divorced for a decade, we do not speak. The guy was like, "oh, that must be why he used your contact information." WTAF?
That is so bizarre! And even weirder that he didn't believe you. I have friends who probably wouldn't even know how to get intouch with their ex-husbands now.
Just got a voicemail from an attorney's office.... They wanted me to pass along a message to my ex husband... I was like, we've been divorced for a decade, we do not speak. The guy was like, "oh, that must be why he used your contact information." WTAF?
That's bizarre... and annoying. Why does he even have your contact info?
Just got a voicemail from an attorney's office.... They wanted me to pass along a message to my ex husband... I was like, we've been divorced for a decade, we do not speak. The guy was like, "oh, that must be why he used your contact information." WTAF?
My ex would totally do that.
ETA: I haven't changed my cell phone number since high school. Maybe I should.
Guys. DD just voluntarily took a nap. Who is this kid? In her 3.5 years she has never once been one to fall asleep without being told to. Seriously, this is weird.
Guys. DD just voluntarily took a nap. Who is this kid? In her 3.5 years she has never once been one to fall asleep without being told to. Seriously, this is weird.
You may need to add running back and forth to the daily routine.
I've been random today, but that's just kind of my mood. But I went to online shop/browse on Motherhood Maternity and they are doing a Diapers for 1 year giveaway raffle thing. I just want to pass it along:
this is a wtf wednesday but I'm afraid I will forget to bring it up by then. My grandma just called me. She asked what I want her to get for baby. I told her idk yet, we haven't created a registry nor do we know the gender yet. She asked when we would know, I told her the end of April, and she asked me to tell her then, I said ok, but followed up with there's no rush, we have 5 months til baby will be here. HER RESPONSE WAS "Well you know your Abuela is vieja and might not be around in 5 months." WTAF!?!? She's my last grandparent, you don't say things like that, ESPECIALLY to a pregnant lady! She then abruptly ended the phone call because my mom was coming outside (she's been visiting in VA because my brother's wife just had my niece last month). So yeah my grandma wants to know what to buy my baby and it's time sensitive...SHE'S NOT EVEN SICK.
Re: Weekly Randoms 3/27
June Siggy Challenge: Workout
I am extremely stoked.
@Msashley2010 that's amazing news! How exciting for you and your family. Coming at a perfect time, huh!?
He's snoring and twitching
ETA: I haven't changed my cell phone number since high school. Maybe I should.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
eta: Abuela = grandma, vieja = old.
eta 2: words...holy crap words...