@nda_roxybabe I'm with you on Penatonix, although I have not heard their Christmas song. For me if a capella isn't live and with a good dose of humor I am not interested.
@nda_roxybabe , I'm with you. I tried to listen to the Christmas album while on a long train ride last week and could barely get through 2 songs. I find it incredibly irritating and displeasing to the ear.
I have a pregnancy related one--I hate when women get all bent out of shape because someone remarks at how big they are getting towards the end of pregnancy when it is undeniable and true. This is specifically an annoyance with my SIL, but it bothers me always. She's 35 weeks pregnant with twins and her stomach is MASSIVE. She posts pics on Facebook and then has a meltdown when people make comments like "whoa! did you eat the whole turkey?" or "how can you walk??" I agree that those aren't socially graceful comments, but you are living in the dark if you post things like that expecting to hear "Are you sure you are even pregnant?". People commenting about how big you've gotten are 99% of the time talking about the beach ball under your shirt, not accusing you of eating too many cheese fries. (Unless they actually DO call you fat, in which case they deserve to be unfriended on Facebook and in life).
..... I must be really out of the loop because I have no idea what Penatonix is...
UO- I see no problem with bribing kids to behave. (On a small scale- If you're good in church today, you'll get a cookie! Not large scale- Stop that tantrum and we'll buy you all the princess Barbies with a Dream House!)
My aunt was at my house this morning was just gushing about the Penatonix album. I don't know much about them as I don't go out of my way to purchase xmas music and just play Pandora while I'm decorating.
My UO: I love spaghetti-os with meatballs. They must have meatballs and I refuse to look at the ingredients. That's my working-from-home lunch today.
@Kipperoo I bet her belly is awesome! Seeing someone with a massive belly toward the end is like seeing a unicorn! It is freaking magic! Like how is that even working? How are you standing? How do you not fall over? I love it. Own the belly ladies! It is glorious and special. Now I am off to admire hdbd on the other bmb.
I am determined to think of a uo, but I still got nothin. Everything I think of is lame.
@nda_roxybabe I am so with you on Pentatonix. Not a big acapella fan but they just get under my skin. I want to go back to the Siberian Orchestra trend. I do love them.
@Squirtgun I am with you on the small bribes. I think they work well with little ones. I also they think they kind of think they teach real life. I mean, you work hard you get the job done you get the promotion. In high school keep your nose clean, work hard and make the grades, and get involved you get the scholarship. Everything has it's payoff.
My uo is that I am done with judgey people! If you aren't hurting anyone do you!
@Kipperoo - I totally agree about preggo bellies! I think they're awesome, and don't mind when people comment later in the pregnancy. I'm not a fan of my current fat-or-pregnant stage, but I looooooooove having a beach ball belly
I'm not sure if this is a UO around here, but it certainly is around my office (we were discussing it this morning) and my uber liberal friends: I'm rather left leaning, but I think there are many jobs which do not deserve a $15.00/hour minimum wage. That money doesn't come from thin air...it would inevitably be reflected in the price of goods or would result in fewer people having jobs.
Fur daughter: 02/2011 Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017 *formerly kayemjay*
Mine is I don't care about ultrasounds or hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler. I mean it's nice to hear things are going well but I get zero feelings or excitement from it.
Same for nursery planning. It's not my jam. I feel to real push to do it and I don't really obsess over it.
So tldr; I'm not a fuzzy emotional pregnant lady and don't get why people are so jazzed about it.
I have a pregnancy related one--I hate when women get all bent out of shape because someone remarks at how big they are getting towards the end of pregnancy when it is undeniable and true. This is specifically an annoyance with my SIL, but it bothers me always. She's 35 weeks pregnant with twins and her stomach is MASSIVE. She posts pics on Facebook and then has a meltdown when people make comments like "whoa! did you eat the whole turkey?" or "how can you walk??" I agree that those aren't socially graceful comments, but you are living in the dark if you post things like that expecting to hear "Are you sure you are even pregnant?". People commenting about how big you've gotten are 99% of the time talking about the beach ball under your shirt, not accusing you of eating too many cheese fries. (Unless they actually DO call you fat, in which case they deserve to be unfriended on Facebook and in life).
I only made it to 34 weeks, but I remember feeling hurt by those type of comments. I'm sure she also has to deal with strangers that point and stare at her while making comments, I felt like a freak show at the circus when we went out in public . I just wish people had a little more common sense with the comments they make, even though they don't mean any harm.
But seriously why do people make the huge comments.
Mine is I really don't like gender neutral baby stuff... its not that I don't believe that kids will choose their gender later on I just don't think pink or blue, or tutus or trucks will sway kids one way or another if you are open with your kids as they age and start showing interest in things! (and I don't mean that if my daughter wanted a truck toy I wouldn't get it for her, because I would...)
I can't wait to put baby boy in little bow ties and my DD was totally in tutus all the time. With that being said, my daughters current favorite toys are her sword and shield and her rocket launcher , but she still loves the tutus too. I'm all for just letting kids be kids and not to worry about the labels.
I saw Pentatonix live when they came here with Kelly Clarkson. I haven't really listened to their Christmas stuff, but I was impressed with them then.
My UO- I don't think wearing leggings as pants works for everyone. I know they're super comfortable, but I just can't get behind wearing them as pants out in public. I love them under dresses this winter though!
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10 DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI) BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
Mine is I don't care about ultrasounds or hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler. I mean it's nice to hear things are going well but I get zero feelings or excitement from it.
Same for nursery planning. It's not my jam. I feel to real push to do it and I don't really obsess over it.
So tldr; I'm not a fuzzy emotional pregnant lady and don't get why people are so jazzed about it.
I LOVE nursery planning but mostly because I love home decor. But I'm with you on the lack of warm fuzzies about pregnancy. I am pretty much indifferent about it (bordering on hate at times) and am counting down the days until I'm done. Obviously, it's important to me that the baby is growing well, but I hate all of the fanfare associated with pregnancy.
@KMD1106 I love leggings as pants. I wear them as often as possible! But... they can not be see through, I hate when people wear them... bend over... and then you see all they got going on... there is still some modesty that should still be had with skin tight pants... just saying
Add me to the list of people who have no idea what Penatonix is! (Or who Penatonix is? Are? Don't know enough to form a sentence, apparently.)
My UO is that I hate those little "Are you OCD?" quizzes on Facebook. Yes, we all get annoyed that the red dot is off-centered or the stripes on the shirt don't line up (which apparently means we're 100% OCD!). But until it has interfered with your daily life, or that of someone you love, it's hard to fathom just how difficult OCD can be. And it's not always about order and double checking--there are other scary and sad forms that I didn't even know existed until I saw one of them at work. Definitely not fun!
(I should add that I don't get seriously mad about this, just frustrated because mental health awareness is so important and we have so far to go!)
Love Penatonix, not a fan of the Christmas songs. But then again I'm not a fan of a lot of new Christmas songs. I tend to stick to the classics and the motown versions.
I guess my UO is that I don't understand the fascination with gender and find it annoying. It'll either be one or the other. Why get worked up over it? I've had people ask and, when I tell them it really doesn't matter to me, they say something like "Come on, be honest what do you really want?". Why do you want to know so badly? Is there a betting pool I don't know about?
Mine is I don't care about ultrasounds or hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler. I mean it's nice to hear things are going well but I get zero feelings or excitement from it.
Same for nursery planning. It's not my jam. I feel to real push to do it and I don't really obsess over it.
So tldr; I'm not a fuzzy emotional pregnant lady and don't get why people are so jazzed about it.
I'm right with you. I expected to feel some sort of special excitement at that first ultrasound, but I was just relieved that everything was normal. And I'm just not into the nursery stuff. I've never been a warm fuzzy person, but I thought it might be different when it came to this stuff. Apparently not. I'm still just the same overly-rational me.
LilMissCrafty, people can be annoying about it for sure. People ask all the time if I want a boy because I have a girl. I honestly do not care! It'd be fun for DD to have a sister and a little boy would be a ton of fun too! Maybe family members care more than we do about what sex the little person in there is?
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10 DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI) BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
Mine is I don't care about ultrasounds or hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler. I mean it's nice to hear things are going well but I get zero feelings or excitement from it.
Same for nursery planning. It's not my jam. I feel to real push to do it and I don't really obsess over it.
So tldr; I'm not a fuzzy emotional pregnant lady and don't get why people are so jazzed about it.
Same!! My DS room (I don't like calling it a nursery) is so blah compared to the elaborate things people do. I would like to be more creative, I think. I just don't have the time or money!!
I have appointments every 3 weeks. It is nice to know baby is doing great, but I've never cried at an u/s. I don't get excited about them. I kind of get annoyed that I have to try and fit in all these appointments around my work schedule anyway.
DS born via c-section 8/1/2015 DD due May 2017 (RCS)
@Squirtgun I'm a child & adolescent therapist and we talk all the time about what things might motivate kids/teens to improve their behavior, including rewards... It is part of behavioral approaches... So no shame there!
@KMD1106 I also saw them without Kelly Clarkson and was very impressed. Their vocal range is amazing.
Also, I think some people look great in leggings and pair them with cute outfits. I think you should wear a long shirt or something to cover yourself some people should not go out of the house without looking in a mirror. I bought shirts for the purpose of covering my behind from Pinkblush but haven't gotten to the point of wearing them yet. Still seem too big without much of a bump and then I feel like I am in-between a shirt and a dress awkwardness.
@LilMissCrafty@KMD1106 - While I will admit I am hoping for another boy this time around (I have JUST, at 31, begun to understand mascara...how could I teach a girl?!) it's not something I advertise.
We are Team Green, so the conversation goes like this... Do you know what you're having? Nope, it will be a surprise this time. Oooooh...well, what are you HOPING for??? I am hoping for a Yorkie, but I'll be happy with a Schnauzer too. (*rimshot*) I haven't gotten any pushback after I deliver that line.
I have a good idea at what we are having and I'm waiting to confirm at the anatomy scan. Until then, I've just been telling nosy strangers that I'm not finding out. It's easier.
@emilyalso We're team green too. Honestly, we're both hoping for a girl. H really wants a little girl and I am so excited about either, but kind of hoping more girl... I haven't had anyone ask us yet, but I love your response!
Spaghetti O's are acceptable adult lunch but I love the one with the cut up hot dogs in it.
Leggings are great but I think your butt and cooch should be covered by a long shirt/ sweater/ tunic. I also don't think they are professional wear and not appropriate for the office setting unless its Friday.
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot - I am interested to hear how you have already predicted. (That sounds snarky and condescending, but I really mean it.) Is it because of differences/similarities to previous pregnancies? Mom's intuition?
I don't like all the pentatonix Christmas songs I like the ones they do traditional but the new Christmas cd has a new song I can listen to on repeat 15 times....
@emilyalso I'm a psychic. JK. At our NT scan the tech was pretty certain it was a boy. He was flashing the goods every time time she tried to measure something else. I'm a little apprehensive that early because both of my nephews were supposed to be nieces until the day they were born.
I typically don't buy into this stuff, but this pregnancy has been much different that DD's and I did feel like it might be a boy.
I saw Penatonix perform at the county fair a few years ago and they were awesome, but I never enjoy them when they come on the radio.
My UO would be that I really don't have any desire to announce my pregnancy on FB. My SO really wants to, so I've compromised by waiting as long as I can. Maybe we will now that I'm almost half way through. I don't bring it up unless he does. I don't even know why I don't want to. It surprises me a little.
I'd rather be told I look huge than I don't look that pregnant at 7 months (yeah, that happened ) I wanted to be like "bitch, I'm not always this fat!"
@KMD1106@emilyalso - My entire family (including in-laws) wants a girl. Most of the grandkids are boys with the exception of my niece. My MIL will actually join us for the scan. Since it's her first grandkid I want her to have that experience. I'm a tad nervous of her reaction if it's a boy.
@PghMom412 - That's an awesome response! I'm going to have to steal that.
(Edited: somehow I forgot I had a neice. Chalk it up to pregnancy brain.)
@LilMissCrafty see, I don't get that. Why do other people care so much? It's not like they're the ones raising them.
I'm secretly hoping the baby has their legs crossed during the a/s so we can't find out. We were Team Green with the first and it was more fun driving people crazy and hearing them complain than it would have been to find out.
B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17
I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.
I think Pentatonix is fine. I'm not overly in love with them or anything. For those who don't know they are an acapella group from Canada. They may have one a singing competition? Not 100% on that part though.
@h&pmomma we are ALL ABOUT the Moana soundtrack over here.
I love snow, coffee, and spaghetti o's.
On my last BMB they called Hot Pockets, Spaghetti O's and the like "hangover food" I've never been hungover, but I'm such a big fan of all the crap. It's terrible haha.
Re: UO Thursday 12.8
I don't have a UO to share off the top of my head, but I'll be back. I have many opinions, I'm sure I'll think of something.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
I have a pregnancy related one--I hate when women get all bent out of shape because someone remarks at how big they are getting towards the end of pregnancy when it is undeniable and true. This is specifically an annoyance with my SIL, but it bothers me always. She's 35 weeks pregnant with twins and her stomach is MASSIVE. She posts pics on Facebook and then has a meltdown when people make comments like "whoa! did you eat the whole turkey?" or "how can you walk??" I agree that those aren't socially graceful comments, but you are living in the dark if you post things like that expecting to hear "Are you sure you are even pregnant?". People commenting about how big you've gotten are 99% of the time talking about the beach ball under your shirt, not accusing you of eating too many cheese fries. (Unless they actually DO call you fat, in which case they deserve to be unfriended on Facebook and in life).
I love Penatonix... They come on my Christmas Pandora station and I love singing to them.
I have no opinions of my own to offer yet...
UO- I see no problem with bribing kids to behave. (On a small scale- If you're good in church today, you'll get a cookie! Not large scale- Stop that tantrum and we'll buy you all the princess Barbies with a Dream House!)
My UO: I love spaghetti-os with meatballs. They must have meatballs and I refuse to look at the ingredients. That's my working-from-home lunch today.
May17 Siggy Challenge
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
I am really bad with music....like....really bad.
DD due May 2017 (RCS)
I am determined to think of a uo, but I still got nothin. Everything I think of is lame.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
@Squirtgun I am with you on the small bribes. I think they work well with little ones. I also they think they kind of think they teach real life. I mean, you work hard you get the job done you get the promotion. In high school keep your nose clean, work hard and make the grades, and get involved you get the scholarship. Everything has it's payoff.
My uo is that I am done with judgey people! If you aren't hurting anyone do you!
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
I'm not sure if this is a UO around here, but it certainly is around my office (we were discussing it this morning) and my uber liberal friends: I'm rather left leaning, but I think there are many jobs which do not deserve a $15.00/hour minimum wage. That money doesn't come from thin air...it would inevitably be reflected in the price of goods or would result in fewer people having jobs.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
Same for nursery planning. It's not my jam. I feel to real push to do it and I don't really obsess over it.
So tldr; I'm not a fuzzy emotional pregnant lady and don't get why people are so jazzed about it.
May '17 labor memes
But seriously why do people make the huge comments.
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
I can't wait to put baby boy in little bow ties and my DD was totally in tutus all the time. With that being said, my daughters current favorite toys are her sword and shield and her rocket launcher
My UO- I don't think wearing leggings as pants works for everyone. I know they're super comfortable, but I just can't get behind wearing them as pants out in public. I love them under dresses this winter though!
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
My UO is that I hate those little "Are you OCD?" quizzes on Facebook. Yes, we all get annoyed that the red dot is off-centered or the stripes on the shirt don't line up (which apparently means we're 100% OCD!). But until it has interfered with your daily life, or that of someone you love, it's hard to fathom just how difficult OCD can be. And it's not always about order and double checking--there are other scary and sad forms that I didn't even know existed until I saw one of them at work. Definitely not fun!
(I should add that I don't get seriously mad about this, just frustrated because mental health awareness is so important and we have so far to go!)
I guess my UO is that I don't understand the fascination with gender and find it annoying. It'll either be one or the other. Why get worked up over it? I've had people ask and, when I tell them it really doesn't matter to me, they say something like "Come on, be honest what do you really want?". Why do you want to know so badly? Is there a betting pool I don't know about?
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
I have appointments every 3 weeks. It is nice to know baby is doing great, but I've never cried at an u/s. I don't get excited about them. I kind of get annoyed that I have to try and fit in all these appointments around my work schedule anyway.
DD due May 2017 (RCS)
Also, I think some people look great in leggings and pair them with cute outfits. I think you should wear a long shirt or something to cover yourself some people should not go out of the house without looking in a mirror. I bought shirts for the purpose of covering my behind from Pinkblush but haven't gotten to the point of wearing them yet. Still seem too big without much of a bump and then I feel like I am in-between a shirt and a dress awkwardness.
We are Team Green, so the conversation goes like this... Do you know what you're having? Nope, it will be a surprise this time. Oooooh...well, what are you HOPING for??? I am hoping for a Yorkie, but I'll be happy with a Schnauzer too. (*rimshot*) I haven't gotten any pushback after I deliver that line.
May17 Siggy Challenge
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
Spaghetti O's are acceptable adult lunch but I love the one with the cut up hot dogs in it.
Leggings are great but I think your butt and cooch should be covered by a long shirt/ sweater/ tunic. I also don't think they are professional wear and not appropriate for the office setting unless its Friday.
I hate snow
I typically don't buy into this stuff, but this pregnancy has been much different that DD's and I did feel like it might be a boy.
May17 Siggy Challenge
My UO would be that I really don't have any desire to announce my pregnancy on FB. My SO really wants to, so I've compromised by waiting as long as I can. Maybe we will now that I'm almost half way through. I don't bring it up unless he does. I don't even know why I don't want to. It surprises me a little.
I don't drink coffee every morning, or feel the need to. My husband is a 2+ cup every day but I could care less.
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
@PghMom412 - That's an awesome response! I'm going to have to steal that.
(Edited: somehow I forgot I had a neice. Chalk it up to pregnancy brain.)
I'm secretly hoping the baby has their legs crossed during the a/s so we can't find out. We were Team Green with the first and it was more fun driving people crazy and hearing them complain than it would have been to find out.
B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17
I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.
@h&pmomma we are ALL ABOUT the Moana soundtrack over here.
I love snow, coffee, and spaghetti o's.
On my last BMB they called Hot Pockets, Spaghetti O's and the like "hangover food" I've never been hungover, but I'm such a big fan of all the crap. It's terrible haha.