May 2017 Moms

Randoms and Questions 12.5 - 12.11


Re: Randoms and Questions 12.5 - 12.11

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    Last time DH took 2 weeks off, that's was all the vacation he had accrued by that point. Since then Walmart has changed how they do paid time off, so he should be able to take off a month. Knowing it'll be a c section this time and having DD running around I'm glad. 


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    My ob gives out a card with approved medications, and I had a bad cold so I took Claritin because it was listed, but after mentioning it to a friend she showed me her card from the same ob and Claritin is no longer Listed so I must have found my card from my last pregnancy. Was it okay to have taken Claritin?! Have y'all taken it while pregnant?
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    I'm glad i'm not the only one without a sex drive. Sometimes I feel weird, because in general I'm "meh" about sex. Always have been. But now? Forget it. I just realized DF and I haven't had sex since I last back in late Aug! how sad. 

    Our work schedules are so opposite. There isn't 1 day where we are both off the whole day together. He works Wed-Sun from 2-10PM and I work M-F and i'm gone 630am-6pm because of my 2 hour commute. So ya.....on his days off (M/W) he plays basketball on Monday night and by Tuesday we are either arguing because we haven't spoken in like a week and I'm stressed out about bills and laundry and chores and not being able to see my son ever, or we are basically falling asleep on the couch. It's not good. 

    As for car seats. My plan is to put DS RF behind the passenger (he's 16m now) and put the new baby in the middle in the infant seat. I've already tested it out and they fit pretty great. 

    I'm pooped. If anyone has any good suggestions on how to get my DS through a horrible cold/cough I welcome them with open arms!!!!!! We are currently just making sure he has lots of liquids (even in the form of food), resting, Cool mist thing at night, nosefrida when needed, i'll do Vicks tonight as I forget I had some.....what am I missing? He's had a few colds before, but never a's really flemy so I'm not concerned yet.
    DS born via c-section 8/1/2015 
    DD due May 2017 (RCS)

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    Jkp7749 said:
    My ob gives out a card with approved medications, and I had a bad cold so I took Claritin because it was listed, but after mentioning it to a friend she showed me her card from the same ob and Claritin is no longer Listed so I must have found my card from my last pregnancy. Was it okay to have taken Claritin?! Have y'all taken it while pregnant?
    From an app called Epocrates (professional drug information)

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    @LuckyAngie, Johnson and Johnson makes a mentholated bath soap. It's in a green bottle at the store.  You put I think one, maybe two, capfuls of the soap in hot water and let the kid have a bubble bath. (For others reading, with girls make sure they're rinsed really well, UTIs and such). Anyway, it really helps clear out gunk and open up airways. It works really well!! I have had the same bottle for at least 2 years because a little goes a long way.  Hope your little guy is feeling better soon!! 
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    @Jkp7749 My OBGYN says Claritin and Zyrtec are both fine.
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    So I'm super annoyed, and have no where else to share this.  Sorry for the essay.
    So my sister lives in LA (chose to move away from family) and comes home every Christmas and we celebrate either on Christmas or after.  This year, my mom asked me what my plan was, and I said to go to my husband's grandmother's house for brunch (as we always do) then have everyone come over my house open presents, and then go for dinner at my MIL's house where we also exchange.  We do this every year, and my mom comes to all my in laws events as well.  My mother said she wanted to do the same thing.
    So my sister asks me when were opening gifts, I tell her what I had planned and she said she didn't think it would work because she wanted to see my cousin for dinner (idk why we will see them the night before). I tell her to speak with my mother. 
    I text my mother a few minutes ago and say did you talk to her about xmas. She texts me a long message back saying how she wants come over after we go to brunch and then leave so she and my sister and her husband can go to my cousin's house for dinner.
    She lies and says she wants to spend it with my aunt and uncle, which I know is a lie.  She folded to my sister complaining about her wanting to come to my in laws, which basically all treat her like family.

    I'm upset for a few reasons. 1) my sister is a bully and always gets her way. 2)my mother lied to me and said she changed her mind, I'd be less pissed if she said Katy wanted to go to see the cousins 3) I had talked for a while now about trying to get in for my anatomy scan at 18 weeks so I could have my mom and his mom open up a gift together to announce the sex since everyone in my immediate family/his immediate family would be together... now we're not going to be.  So what is the point of going in early.
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    @LuckyAngie I'm not sure how old your DS is,  but as long as he's over a year, honey is really helpful in soothing coughing fits. Either in a tea or just a straight spoonful, it coats the throat for a little while. I also second the Johnson and Johnson menthol bath. I usually run the shower for a few minutes to make the bathroom steamy and it opens up his airways.
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    @Jkp7749 just to reinforce, both my OBGYN sand the one I work with as an NP a student allow Claritin (and Zyrtec and Benadryl... just no Allegra). 

    Sorry it's been a crazy week - I'm trying to catch up. I'll respond better tomorrow!
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    achays11achays11 member
    edited December 2016
    @Jen_Shoes I'm so sorry that your sister bullied your mom into that. I hope you can retalk her into going to your in-laws for the reveal. 

    ETA: auto-correct fail. 
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    Jkp7749 said:
    My ob gives out a card with approved medications, and I had a bad cold so I took Claritin because it was listed, but after mentioning it to a friend she showed me her card from the same ob and Claritin is no longer Listed so I must have found my card from my last pregnancy. Was it okay to have taken Claritin?! Have y'all taken it while pregnant?
    I've been told by 3 doctors it's acceptable to take most anti-histamines including Claritin. 
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
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    Thanks so much for the reassurance y'all! I literally never take medicine and decided it wouldn't hurt this once. I got so freaked out when I realized I took something no longer approved by my ob! I know I could google but I'd rather hear from people I "know." 
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    @Jen_Shoes - that completely sucks! I am so sorry. I wonder if it has something to do with sisters who live in LA. My little sister moved there years ago, and I swear somehow she thinks that when she is here the world revolves around her! She even tried to get me to change my wedding colors because she didn't like them.  I hope your sister comes around and doesn't mess up your Christmas plans too much!

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
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    LuckyAngieLuckyAngie member
    edited December 2016

    Thank you so much!!!
    DS born via c-section 8/1/2015 
    DD due May 2017 (RCS)

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    Ugh, @Jen_Shoes that's so aggravating! We sometimes have similar bullying in regards to plans and it's frustrating. I'm very stringent, organized, and like to stick to traditions so Holidays should go a certain when as far as I'm concerned and I get frustrated when they don't. Now, don't anyone dare say wait till I have kids, haha!
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    @ChristinaWild @nda_roxybabe I just saw my mom and spoke with her and she admitted to lying to me about it, and just doing what my sister wants because "you get me all day everyday". 
    So since she decided to move away, when she comes home we have to cater to her? 
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    @Jen_Shoes Yea, that's not fair. I get that your Mom probably feels torn though. 
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    I think for me the most upsetting part was that a few weeks ago she told me she wanted to come to my in laws for dinner. And they're not just in laws, they treat my mother like family. She comes to everything that they do (she came to brunch and dinner last year, does the breast cancer walk with their side, often comes to Sunday night dinners, and their children (my nieces) know her well). Had she said from the beginning that she wants to do what Katy wants- Id be fine! But she's changing her story and appeasing her bc she's a bully and my mom avoids confrontation like the plague. 
    And this is the story of my life- she always gets what she wants. Too bad I can't drink away my sorrows lol 
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    @Jen_Shoes that is how things were with my SIL. It was so frustrating. She moved, which is perfectly fine, but she constantly expected everyone to drop EVERYTHING when she was in town which was highly unfair because we still had lives and family outside of her. After a recent fight we finally told her how it is and things seem to be going better but we are done appeasing her. It feels good to be over it finally.
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    That blows, @jenshoes. I try to be mindful of those things when I go home. And its not fair for her to do that to you.  I'm also jelly of your in-laws' relationship with your mom. My in-laws and family are cordial but total opposites who just seem to tolerate each other on the rare occasion they get together. 

    May17 Siggy Challenge
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    @Jen_Shoes So sorry that your sister makes you feel bullied and last on the list. 
    Like @NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot and @Kipperoo I can see the prospective from your sisters side as we also moved across the country from our families. It's very expensive to fly 4 of us home for the holidays so when we are in town we try to see everyone and hope that people change their schedules if need be to see us. My in-laws don't put in much effort to see us so it does hurt when we fly/drive 2000 miles and we seem like last on their list. 
    I'm also jealous of the relationship your mom has with your in laws! I'm not sure my parents or in laws barely even tolerate eachother! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
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    My in laws are the best. 
    My family of origin isn't the greatest (obviously). My mother is wonderful but father and sister suck. They have welcomed me with open arms. My FIL is like a father to me and my two SIL have always treated me like a sister. I am so aware of how lucky I am. 
    I think I get MORE frustrated sometimes that I can't expect my blood family to be so wonderful because I see it IS possible with their family. 

    @h&pmomma @NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot @Jkp7749 @Kipperoo

    I am just gonna try to brush it off. Once this baby comes Christmas is going to be about it ( ugh I hate not having a pronoun to use lol ) and whomever wants to be around can be. Gotta put on my big girl pants today. 
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    Does anyone have advice or suggestions for taking a newborn to the beach? Both my parents and our in laws are planning the family beach trips while I am on maternity leave. We love these trips and DD absolutely loves the ocean so I don't want to flat out say no, but there is a part of me terrified to take a barely 1mo old to the ocean for 2 weeks. 
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    @pghmom412 no experience because that idea terrifies me too, but I would say a lottttt of shades! If you don't have a tent or a couple large umbrellas you could get those?

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    @PghMom412 that totally freaks me out too! DD was born in July and her grandparents live at the beach but we still avoided it. She is a year and half and has only been to walk and put toes in the sand, but never for any extended time. She is SO fair skinned, no one really blames us lol. Will there be a pool nearby?  DH and I have hung around the pool (our pool tends to be shaded and there are umbrellas, plus it's way easier to go back in vs lugging everything off the beach) while others went to the beach so we could still go and be a part of the family time, just not necessarily on the beach.  Otherwise, they make bodysuits that are supposed to help with UV rays. Sunscreens usually are for 6 mo and up but maybe you can talk to a pharmacist. We used the bucket hats. I'd also definitely recommend a tent or umbrella, and I've seen where some people take a simple baby bath tub so they can put some water and keep baby somewhat cool by getting a little wet periodically. 
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    @pshaortao we have a sport-brella which comes in handy with the side flaps. I'm thinking baby will just chill by the pool a lot. I'm honestly more concerned with the sand than the sun. it's so messy and gets everywhere!

    @Jkp7749 we took our daughter when she was 7 months old and again at 1 1/2. She is a waterbaby. We are also super pale (I'm honestly not even sure I can get "tan"...I fluctuate between ghostly white and lobster red). 
    My thought is if I'm sitting somewhere with the baby why not at the beach, but I'm thinking I will stick to the covered balcony and pool side. I completely forgot about no sunscreen until 6 months! good call!
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    @PghMom412 - check online for baby rental companies near you. When we took our little guy, I was able to find a place to rent a high chair, beach cart, a tent for the beach and a bunch of other stuff....even a crib. The company delivered everything before we showed up and picked it up after we left. It made life so much easier than buying new stuff or lugging it all with us!

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
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    Last summer, I took my son to the pool as many nights/week as I could. (He was 7-9 months old.) I always went LATE in the afternoon/evening because 1) it's 1000 degrees during the day and 2) sunscreen is a HASSLE! I am bummed about this coming summer, because I won't be able to get in the pool until my incision has healed. That's like half of the open season! : (
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    Today, I started to ask a few close fam/friends for any baby clothes they could spare. In my opinion babies grow so fast, whatever they can spare will surely be put to good use and deff save us a lot of money.

    My random question: Do you think I should pay them? Like depending how much it is, I give them something for their help.

     23 y/o;
    First time mommy <3 [05/06/17]

    90% of the way there :D

    Pregnancy Ticker

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    @ShadeofGreen816 I'm a guilty lurker... off to go see! 

    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
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    @ShadeofGreen816 thanks for the tip! Lol
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    @ShadeofGreen816 I haven't lurked since we left, but now I think I will. 

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    Where is this drama?

    May17 Siggy Challenge
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    I havent lurked in so long! I posted on there more at the beginning of the year but pretty much bowed out after my loss in May. 

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    @NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot go to the grad check in #1 I think there are 150 posts. 
    Drama starts a little ways in. 

    Can someone clue me into what LFAF and TTGPU is? Im a confused puppy. 
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    I was just starting to read the drama when I got an error and now it looks like the thread was deleted and a new one started. Would an admin do that or was it the OP? 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
    BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

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