Feel free to use this space for pregnancy chatter or randomness that doesn't require it's own post. I think we are far enough into our pregnancies that we can expand the weekly thread to random life stuff with any pregnancy questions that come up. I hope this will liven up the board a bit too.

May17 Siggy Challenge
Re: Weekly Randoms 10/17
May17 Siggy Challenge
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
Side note, everyone should look to see if the Dolly Parton Imagination Library is available where they live! It is awesome! The kids get a free book every month until they turn 5-and they are really nice books too!
In other news, I'm really not looking forward to this week. I'm training someone on my team, which means I actually have to be present at work, which I haven't been for the last 6 weeks or so. And I'm anxiously awaiting my Panorama test results (draw was last Tuesday). I hate the anticipation.
Oh, and this is the definition of pure randomness--my hair looks SO BAD today because I used a different shampoo last night and it's already totally flat and un-curled. I'm so annoyed.
I'm still waiting for the glow!
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
yes, ouch over here too! I'm still nursing my two year old three times a day. It hurts especially when he first latches on, but then it doesn't bother me too much after that. I plan to wean before #2 gets here but I don't have a plan for that yet. I will probably just cut one session at a time and give it a month or two before cutting another one. I don't think he'll wean on his own anytime soon unless pregnancy causes my milk to dry up at some point.
DS born 8.11.14
BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17
DS born 8.11.14
BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17
well, on countdownmypregnancy.com I found a range of 155-195 bpm for 9 weeks. I don't know how far along you are right now, but I don't think you're too far off. I'd be much more concerned about a low heartbeat.
just heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time today! It was is the 170s at close to 9 weeks.
DS born 8.11.14
BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
1. I'm scheduled to see my OBGYN today and I'm just 10 weeks. Will I hear the heartbeat via doppler in her office today? I cannot recall from my first pregnancy when she started looking for it or if it was this early.
2. WTH is up with microblading eyebrows? As someone who has been fighting unruly natural brows since puberty, I don't understand why anyone would want that done unless their natural brows were non-existent. Can anyone explain?
May17 Siggy Challenge
Its ironic that people tell everyone at 12 weeks, which is also when you stop feeling as awful. So now I wallow in my misery alone lol
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
DS born 8.11.14
BFP #2: 9.14.16, EDD: 5.24.17
My default pic is a photo I took myself, that I will possibly use as an announcement
How do you ladies feel about boudoir maternity photos?
I honestly would like to take some, obviously when I'm farther along. I think it is a great way for women to empower themselves and eachother. We are beautiful, pregnant goddesses!
23 y/o;
First time mommy
90% of the way there
As an aside, today is my birthday and my body gave me the best present ever. A giant satisfying poop. Ahhh! I've been uncomfortably plugged up for way too long. Starting 35 off with a bang! It's gonna be a good year.
May17 Siggy Challenge
Lol at your "Porn name" comment
You should change it. I like that name Lol
23 y/o;
First time mommy
90% of the way there
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
EDD: 06/25/2006 M/C: 11/03/2005
EDD: 04/08/2012 M/C: 09/03/2011
EDD: 12/27/2012 Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
EDD: 12/07/2013 M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
EDD: 07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17