February 2017 Moms

Weekly Randoms (8/8)


Re: Weekly Randoms (8/8)

  • @lfrank12 - that sucks, I hope everything is ok!

    @homemake - I touched THAT bear at Costco earlier! Possibly not that exact bear but possibly that bear.  Weird Internet high fives. Good for you for pulling the trigger on that. My son's eyes were like saucers when we walked past. 
  • @lfrank12 I hope everything is ok.  I'm sending my thoughts and prayers your way.  Please let us know when you can.  Falling is scary!

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  • lfrank12 said:
    I slipped and fell halfway down my basement stairs tonight while my husband was at work. Spent 45 minutes crying until my midwife could call me back - these hormones are no joke. Fingers crossed this babe was safe enough in there and I don't have any issues  :/
    keep us updated @lfrank12!! I hope you and your babe are okay.
  • @lfrank12 after I fell in asked my PA if I could have an ultrasound just to check.  She was happy to order one.  I'm glad you're okay and I will be praying that you and baby continue to be safe and healthy!

  • lfrank12 said:
    I slipped and fell halfway down my basement stairs tonight while my husband was at work. Spent 45 minutes crying until my midwife could call me back - these hormones are no joke. Fingers crossed this babe was safe enough in there and I don't have any issues  :/
    So sorry this happened to you!! I fell with DD when my shoe (aka flip flop) got caught in the door and I fell down my basement steps onto my garage floor. It was so scary and I ended up being monitored for 4 hours at the ER. All was well but it was a hard fall and it was super unnerving. I hope all is ok with you! 
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