Thanks for starting this! I have a question: how soon after delivery did others start any kind of workout? I'm 17 days PP and would like to get started going on walks, but my stitches are still itchy and get uncomfortable if I'm on my feet for too long.
Might get flamed for sharing this but I downloaded Pokemon Go a few days ago and ever since then I've been loading up E into a baby carrier and walking around the neighborhood and our local downtown which has a trail around a lake. I'm down 28 lbs from my PP weight and plan on going back on the GD diet to help with the weight loss. It's a nice way to get some mild excise while being entertained.
@DarkCat Haha no flames here. I am not a Pokemon fan but I do think its really cool that people are discovering their city as a side effect of the game. I am down about 10 lbs from my PP weight (still a long way to go to feel good about my body but its a start!) and I am trying to go for a walk every day with E in the stroller. I am also being brave and going to a mom meet up on Friday to maybe meet some neighborhood friends. It would be nice to walk with others and none of my friends are parents yet so I am feeling a little lonely. I worry that eating will be where I falter. I am a big sugary coffee fan and forget about eating until I am starving and then I overeat (and it's often crap). If anyone has good ideas for quick mostly utensil free snacks I can make ahead and keep in the fridge let me know.
Love this thread! I worked out the day I went into labor and all through my pregnancy, and I can't wait to get the all clear to get back in the gym. I had a c-section so I know it's probably going to be at least 6 weeks But I take Ari and my dogs out for walks in the stroller or in the wrap at least once a day for 20-30 minutes, and that feels good at least. I have no idea where I'm at weight wise PP, but I feel pretty good so I'm not gonna worry about it either way.
Glad to see this post! Having support is so helpful for me and it's where I've gone astray in the past. I started this pregnancy needing to lose weight, I was actually at my heaviest at that point. By delivery day I was two pounds down from my pre pregnancy weight and am now at 20 pounds down. I feel good but I still have a long way to go. I've been trying to get out and walk every day but I am still really sore so some days are harder than others.
@theshannondee I'm worried about food too, my husband has been great about bringing me healthy snacks while I'm nursing and reminding me to eat throughout the day. I am notoriously bad about remembering to eat when I'm home alone and busy so now with the baby I know I'm going to have to be better.
I am excited for this thread! I really want to get to a healthy place. I am feeling like I do not know my body at all right now. Everything is so different! I'm down 23 pounds postpartum but I still have a bit to go. I made the mistake of trying on my jeans but I can't get them over my hips. I've had body image issues in the past so this has been a little difficult. I am hoping that they go back down so I don't need to buy new clothes. I am also playing Pokemon go! It gets my husband and I out of the house together. I have some exposed nerves around my stitches so I am really slow right now though. I plan on doing the whole 30 in a couple weeks to help get my diet back on track. We have been eating a lot of rich food that people have brought us.
Thank you for starting this thread and especially for adding in the no AW or numbers/comparison it is hard enough to adjust to the physical and emotional changes that naturally happen pp without the added social pressures on top of getting used to this baby.
i will eventually be starting a clean eating and no added sugar diet while maintaining appropriate calorie intake but I'll be easing into that. I'm really self conscious about my body now pp especially all my stretch marks and now a large c section incision. I just want to feel attractive in my own skin but don't at this moment.
I'm excited for this thread too! I plan to ask at my 1 week appointment (actually 1w3d) when I am clear to at least walk around. The first week they said rest and no stairs or even walking! I have the myfitnesspal app and was thinking of calorie counting like I used to, but doing nothing and not being pregnant has me peckish anyway. Maybe when I go back to crossfit at 6-8 weeks. Though I'm planning to ease back. I've heard it can be a huge mental hurdle when your body is back at total beginner level PP and takes extra extra long to get back to previous accomplishments.
I started doing some gentle yoga videos on YouTube. It's mostly stretching and breathing but it feels so good! I'm hoping to start walks soon but it's so hot here!
Finally have a few minutes to come back and post on this thread - lots of great posts so far. I am one week PP now, and they didn't give me any real discharge instructions other than to not have sex or lift more than 10lb (which is unrealistic when you have a 9.5lb baby). I've probably been doing more than I should but I kind of assumed my body would set it's own limits.
Is anyone doing pelvic floor exercises? I swear sometimes it feels like my vag is going to fall out if I spend too much time standing up. And I hear you on the pants, @shaylalr. I have one pair that were slightly too baggy on me pre-pregnancy that I managed to squeeze on the other day, but I don't dare even pull the rest out of the closet. While I have lost about half of the weight I gained during my pregnancy, things are just not shaped the same and I worry that I may have to buy a whole new wardrobe.
@DarkCat Haha no flames here. I am not a Pokemon fan but I do think its really cool that people are discovering their city as a side effect of the game. I am down about 10 lbs from my PP weight (still a long way to go to feel good about my body but its a start!) and I am trying to go for a walk every day with E in the stroller. I am also being brave and going to a mom meet up on Friday to maybe meet some neighborhood friends. It would be nice to walk with others and none of my friends are parents yet so I am feeling a little lonely. I worry that eating will be where I falter. I am a big sugary coffee fan and forget about eating until I am starving and then I overeat (and it's often crap). If anyone has good ideas for quick mostly utensil free snacks I can make ahead and keep in the fridge let me know.
I'm not PP yet, but I can help you with the snacks! Prep a ton of veggies. Carrots, peppers, cucumber, and radish, and dip them in hummus or guacamole. Celery smothered in a nut butter keeps in the fridge too. Almonds and cashews are loaded with protein. I like to add a small handful of dark chocolate chips and dried cranberries. You can also prep and cook quesadillas with whole wheat tortillas, have them cut up, and ready to snack on. I like to dip mine in Greek yogurt mixed with salsa. Chicken, cheese, bean, and sweet potato black bean are my favorite. Fruit is another option, although it doesn't keep me full, it is a nice healthy option. Hard boiled eggs, a glass of milk (chocolate is my jam). Cheese can be cubed or sliced up and eaten with crackers and turkey. Hope this helps!
@DarkCat Haha no flames here. I am not a Pokemon fan but I do think its really cool that people are discovering their city as a side effect of the game. I am down about 10 lbs from my PP weight (still a long way to go to feel good about my body but its a start!) and I am trying to go for a walk every day with E in the stroller. I am also being brave and going to a mom meet up on Friday to maybe meet some neighborhood friends. It would be nice to walk with others and none of my friends are parents yet so I am feeling a little lonely. I worry that eating will be where I falter. I am a big sugary coffee fan and forget about eating until I am starving and then I overeat (and it's often crap). If anyone has good ideas for quick mostly utensil free snacks I can make ahead and keep in the fridge let me know.
I'm not PP yet, but I can help you with the snacks! Prep a ton of veggies. Carrots, peppers, cucumber, and radish, and dip them in hummus or guacamole. Celery smothered in a nut butter keeps in the fridge too. Almonds and cashews are loaded with protein. I like to add a small handful of dark chocolate chips and dried cranberries. You can also prep and cook quesadillas with whole wheat tortillas, have them cut up, and ready to snack on. I like to dip mine in Greek yogurt mixed with salsa. Chicken, cheese, bean, and sweet potato black bean are my favorite. Fruit is another option, although it doesn't keep me full, it is a nice healthy option. Hard boiled eggs, a glass of milk (chocolate is my jam). Cheese can be cubed or sliced up and eaten with crackers and turkey. Hope this helps!
If you combine the fruit with a protein or fat it may help keep you fuller longer. Things like peanut/nut butter, cottage cheese, regular cheese, etc.
I'd also suggest smoothies, you can prep ahead of time by chopping everything and throwing in a freezer bag and then just add to a blender with a liquid when you want. I sometimes make smoothies in the morning too and don't drink them until later so that could be an option for you to just pull out of the fridge either for a meal or sips here and there. There's tons of great recipes online for homemade oatmeal and granola bars that require a little bit more prep, but make a bigger batch so could be efficient if you can find the initial prep time.
I will say that through the years I've discovered that healthy fats keep me feeling fuller longer. Generally protein is the recommendation, but fat is what does it for me. You have to be more careful with portion size because fats are higher calorie, but ultimately I can eat less because I feel more satisfied. Finding ways to incorporate things like oils, avocado, nut butters into my snacks allows me the most success with feeling satisfied, but not over eating.
@erin7264 I have the exact same fear as you about having to buy a new wardrobe. I don't know what compelled me to try on pre - pregnancy pants but it was a bad idea!
I'm trying to walk at least every other day. I'm still nervous to take DD out by myself so sometimes it's hard. Like everyone has said, it's hard to eat! Sometimes I just put her down and tell her, "If I don't eat, you don't eat." Rationalizing with a baby is fun!
I'm down about halfway to my pre-pregnancy weight, and trying to embrace my new pouch, staying positive and telling myself it will go away eventually. I can't wait to start running again! Even though I go back to work in September, I'm pumping with running in mind. Screw work - I need to run!!!
July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
@LDSJM123 and @megstervt thanks for the great ideas!! I never thought about having some of those things already ready to eat and assembled. I think the meal prep will be the most important piece for me to stay on track so I appreciate the tips!
I love this thread! It has been very difficult for me to be healthy these last 12 weeks. I am so sick of hospital food and eating out! It is hard to make healthy choices when very few healthy options are available! Any ideas on how to eat healthy at resturants? I can't wait to get home and start going for walks with Henry. I also want to start Turbo fire videos again, I used them all last summer and really enjoyed them. The eating is definitely going to be the biggest struggle for me.
I'm having a hard time accepting my momma stripes. Now that my belly isn't huge,it just looks like someone scratched me all over. Sometimes I look down and remember the badass thing my body did, but others I just want my pre-baby body back! It does make me feel a little better that I'm back to my pre-baby weight, but I have a ways to go yet before I feel healthy again.
I love all these snack ideas! I have a bunch of smoothies in the freezer that are a great pick-me-up: strawberries, almond milk, flax seed, oats and peanut butter. We also have carrots, peppers, grapes, and protein bars on hand all the time. It's still so much easier to reach for a pop and some cookies though!
I try to keep string cheese and apples on hand at all times for healthy snacks, although I always eat my apples with PB (not the healthy kind!). Granola bars, baby carrots, and Greek yogurt are also house favorites.
I've been meaning to look up some lactation snack recipes too. Might as well encourage milk production while I'm eating! I've also been meaning to get on the treadmill but finding time and motivation at the same time has proven difficult so far with the amount of sleep I'm getting.
For me I'm going to try to stay in the mind set of it took 9 months to grow my son and I'll keep that as goal to go back to looking like I did or better. I haven't been active a lot because I've been having killer pelvis pain and I guess it's from not stopping since I've been home which I guess you're supposed to do?
I went on a walk around town at a week PP and was super dizzy the whole time. My husband doesn't quite get what my body has been through, and wants to go on more walks. Has anyone else been dizzy? I know I am not eating enough, but i am not really that hungry or have a desire to eat.
Just a reminder, pushing your self physically to fast and too hard can cause issues. It can lead to increased bleeding, slower healing and potentially infections. Most providers are ok with a mild walk prior to 6 weeks. Ask your Dr, be safe and let your uterus heal.
@abpl2014 many restaurants would be happy to make you plainer versions of foods if you request (I think they would be especially accommodating if you told them your situation!). For example, grilled chicken and veges with seasoning, but not tons of sauce. It may not be a specific meal on the menu, but if they have the food in the kitchen it's generally pretty easy for them to prepare just a little different. A couple other tricks I use is to look up the menu ahead of time and decide what I'll order, that way I can check for calories/protein/carbs (whatever you're most concerned about). Sometimes I ask for a box right away too and pack up part of the meal so I'm not as tempted to eat the whole thing during one sitting. Not sure how to go boxes would work for you right now. Lastly, sometimes DH and I will share a main meal and he will just order an extra side if he thinks he wants more food. For example, we often spilt one of the big salads at Texas Roadhouse and he just orders a side of chili so he's full (bonus, its cheaper since we're only ordering 1 meal!).
@megstervt those are really good ideas! I'll try them out thanks! I think sharing a meal with DH would be a great idea to help both of us make healthy choices!
When are you ladies starting to exercise again? I have been doing some walks but it's going to be ungodly hot this week and I don't want to take Aubrey out in this heat. But I'm feeling really great body-wise and really missing my crazy gym. I'm only 15 lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy, but I miss being more active (especially since I was put on restrictions at the end of January and haven't worked out since then).
@Schmooie730 I'm wondering the same thing- when can I get back to the gym?! I'm 2 weeks pp and feel great. I walked 5 miles at the gym up until the day I delivered and would love to get back there. I'm 5 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight but have some serious toning to do in my stomach (I'm hoping walking will help?)
@Schmooie730 I've been going on walks and doing stretches but I'm waiting to do anything more intense than that until 6 weeks and approval from my midwife. Even though in some ways I feel pretty good, our bodies are still healing for awhile and I'm trying to respect that and take it easy. We've been through a lot and rushing back into intense activity could end up hurting more in the long run.
My doc told me to go mall walking since it's so hot here. She also told me Nordstrom has the best bathroom for nursing if needed. I may try it this week.
@Schmooie730 I had a c-section and have to wait until at least 6 weeks to do anything even close to what I was doing before - lifting heavy weights and cardio (I taught Zumba until I was 35 weeks). But I've been walking! A lot! It's hot here too but I walk slow and on the shady side of the street. I figure I gotta keep my dogs from getting too jealous and I need the movement too so.. Also, Ari falls asleep so it's perfect!
I am 17 days PP, had a c-section and just trying to listen to my body. I am doing more each day, as long as I'm not feeling sore. Today I did laundry, carried DD2 in the car seat, carried DD who is 29 lbs (but didn't bend over while holding her- she climbed up on a chair for me to carry her), and went on a walk.
After DD's c-section, I was cleared to start running at 4 weeks PP. I think I will wait until 6 weeks this time.
I'm just walking right now too. It's super hot during the day so I am trying to get out of the house while it's still cool in the mornings, but that's doesn't always work out. I'm going to wait until 6 weeks to do anything more. My midwife told me today at my 2 week check up that my body worked hard for 9 months to make this baby and 2 days to labor and birth him so I should be kind to my body and give it the full 6 weeks to recover. That made a lot of sense to me! But man I cannot wait to work out. I never thought I would be anxious to get back into the gym!
I'm 12 days PP and have been walking and tried some yoga this weekend. For the yoga just be careful with inversions still. My organs aren't back where they belong yet (appt today confirmed ute is still well outside pelvis) and inversions led to some very uncomfortable lady parts...
I'm in the same boat as most of you ladies. I'm 3 weeks PP and itching to be active, which is funny because I really wasn't active pre and during pregnancy. We try to walk but it's been so hot that we have to wait until 10pm ish for the temp to drop and by then we're trying to settle down for the night. And sadly if DH joins us it just ends up being a walk to dairy Queen and back... I'm back down to only 5lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight, but my flabby belly is driving me crazy and I just want to feel strong and attractive again but I don't know if it's safe to start any workouts yet as I'm still bleeding and can still feel my stitches. I'm getting really sick of looking at the 4 walls of my living room and I'm pretty sure my couch has begun to accept me as one of their own. I'm going stir crazy.
Im one month pp. My stitches have all fallen out or disintegrated and my bleeding has stopped since this past weekend. I'm just watching what I eat and not eating junk and trying to drink a ton of water. I've been swimming for a couple days which has been nice light exercise. I belong to the ymca and am looking forward to taking some classes soon if I can find someone to watch the baby! Ds I can bring and they will watch him there for me. Mil is usually who I ask but she is away on a European cruise for the next couple weeks so I will probably start up when she gets back which will be right around 6 weeks anyway! I'm 10 lbs above my pre preg weight but since my pregnancies were so close together I was still hanging onto an extra 10lbs from ds1. I'm just ready to start feeling better about myself! I'd pretty much been pregnant for 2 years and had 2 babies in 12.5 months so I'm trying to cut myself a break but I'm ready to get back to my old self. I was very active, did Zumba, barre and spin classes and yoga before ds1. I know I won't be able to get to that many classes a week anymore but would like to take at least 1 or 2!
I'm 8 days PP, down 18 pounds, but another 20 to go to get back to my pre-preg weight. Before DS was born, my oldest and I would go on nature walks every day so she could look for bugs. It has been so hot and humid here I can't take DS out, and I feel bad for DD. Really hoping for some relief from the humidity. We tried a walk this morning but even at 8:30am we were only out for about 10 minutes.
One of the things on my wish list for my birthday was Maria Kang's Belly Ball, which supposedly helps PP. I'm looking forward to trying that, as well as using my elliptical in our basement to help get back in shape. My chiro told me I had SPD prior to delivery, and even PP I am struggling with more pelvic pain than from before, which is holding me back right now from even thinking about doing anything semi-active.
Well, I took the stroller out for a test drive today and definitely overdid it! We live in the country, so it's not like I can walk around the block and I wasn't in the mood to load everything up in the car to go to a park, so we went down the road. Probably walked 2 miles total and OH the pelvic pain!
I am happy with how my baby weight loss is progressing - hopefully another week or two and I'll be back to pre-baby weight, which I was worried about since I gained a solid 50lb. The incision from my tubal is healing well and my belly button is receding, but I know it will take a while for my belly skin to lose the flabby pooch. My biggest struggle is the muffin top look that it gets when I wear real pants, it makes me very self conscious.
Mentally, I want to do so much more than I am capable of physically right now!
Re: Postpartum Health & Fitness
I am down about 10 lbs from my PP weight (still a long way to go to feel good about my body but its a start!) and I am trying to go for a walk every day with E in the stroller. I am also being brave and going to a mom meet up on Friday to maybe meet some neighborhood friends. It would be nice to walk with others and none of my friends are parents yet so I am feeling a little lonely.
I worry that eating will be where I falter. I am a big sugary coffee fan and forget about eating until I am starving and then I overeat (and it's often crap). If anyone has good ideas for quick mostly utensil free snacks I can make ahead and keep in the fridge let me know.
But I take Ari and my dogs out for walks in the stroller or in the wrap at least once a day for 20-30 minutes, and that feels good at least.
I have no idea where I'm at weight wise PP, but I feel pretty good so I'm not gonna worry about it either way.
@theshannondee I'm worried about food too, my husband has been great about bringing me healthy snacks while I'm nursing and reminding me to eat throughout the day. I am notoriously bad about remembering to eat when I'm home alone and busy so now with the baby I know I'm going to have to be better.
i will eventually be starting a clean eating and no added sugar diet while maintaining appropriate calorie intake but I'll be easing into that. I'm really self conscious about my body now pp especially all my stretch marks and now a large c section incision. I just want to feel attractive in my own skin but don't at this moment.
Is anyone doing pelvic floor exercises? I swear sometimes it feels like my vag is going to fall out if I spend too much time standing up. And I hear you on the pants, @shaylalr. I have one pair that were slightly too baggy on me pre-pregnancy that I managed to squeeze on the other day, but I don't dare even pull the rest out of the closet. While I have lost about half of the weight I gained during my pregnancy, things are just not shaped the same and I worry that I may have to buy a whole new wardrobe.
I'm not PP yet, but I can help you with the snacks! Prep a ton of veggies. Carrots, peppers, cucumber, and radish, and dip them in hummus or guacamole. Celery smothered in a nut butter keeps in the fridge too. Almonds and cashews are loaded with protein. I like to add a small handful of dark chocolate chips and dried cranberries. You can also prep and cook quesadillas with whole wheat tortillas, have them cut up, and ready to snack on. I like to dip mine in Greek yogurt mixed with salsa. Chicken, cheese, bean, and sweet potato black bean are my favorite. Fruit is another option, although it doesn't keep me full, it is a nice healthy option. Hard boiled eggs, a glass of milk (chocolate is my jam). Cheese can be cubed or sliced up and eaten with crackers and turkey. Hope this helps!
If you combine the fruit with a protein or fat it may help keep you fuller longer. Things like peanut/nut butter, cottage cheese, regular cheese, etc.
I'd also suggest smoothies, you can prep ahead of time by chopping everything and throwing in a freezer bag and then just add to a blender with a liquid when you want. I sometimes make smoothies in the morning too and don't drink them until later so that could be an option for you to just pull out of the fridge either for a meal or sips here and there. There's tons of great recipes online for homemade oatmeal and granola bars that require a little bit more prep, but make a bigger batch so could be efficient if you can find the initial prep time.
I will say that through the years I've discovered that healthy fats keep me feeling fuller longer. Generally protein is the recommendation, but fat is what does it for me. You have to be more careful with portion size because fats are higher calorie, but ultimately I can eat less because I feel more satisfied. Finding ways to incorporate things like oils, avocado, nut butters into my snacks allows me the most success with feeling satisfied, but not over eating.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
I'm trying to walk at least every other day. I'm still nervous to take DD out by myself so sometimes it's hard. Like everyone has said, it's hard to eat! Sometimes I just put her down and tell her, "If I don't eat, you don't eat." Rationalizing with a baby is fun!
I'm down about halfway to my pre-pregnancy weight, and trying to embrace my new pouch, staying positive and telling myself it will go away eventually. I can't wait to start running again! Even though I go back to work in September, I'm pumping with running in mind. Screw work - I need to run!!!
I love all these snack ideas! I have a bunch of smoothies in the freezer that are a great pick-me-up: strawberries, almond milk, flax seed, oats and peanut butter. We also have carrots, peppers, grapes, and protein bars on hand all the time. It's still so much easier to reach for a pop and some cookies though!
pp can be a really tough time. Please know, you are not alone mommas!
I've been meaning to look up some lactation snack recipes too. Might as well encourage milk production while I'm eating! I've also been meaning to get on the treadmill but finding time and motivation at the same time has proven difficult so far with the amount of sleep I'm getting.
Edit: bump app ate half my reply. Twice.
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
Most providers are ok with a mild walk prior to 6 weeks.
Ask your Dr, be safe and let your uterus heal.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
After DD's c-section, I was cleared to start running at 4 weeks PP. I think I will wait until 6 weeks this time.
I'm back down to only 5lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight, but my flabby belly is driving me crazy and I just want to feel strong and attractive again but I don't know if it's safe to start any workouts yet as I'm still bleeding and can still feel my stitches. I'm getting really sick of looking at the 4 walls of my living room and I'm pretty sure my couch has begun to accept me as one of their own. I'm going stir crazy.
I'm 10 lbs above my pre preg weight but since my pregnancies were so close together I was still hanging onto an extra 10lbs from ds1. I'm just ready to start feeling better about myself! I'd pretty much been pregnant for 2 years and had 2 babies in 12.5 months so I'm trying to cut myself a break but I'm ready to get back to my old self. I was very active, did Zumba, barre and spin classes and yoga before ds1. I know I won't be able to get to that many classes a week anymore but would like to take at least 1 or 2!
One of the things on my wish list for my birthday was Maria Kang's Belly Ball, which supposedly helps PP. I'm looking forward to trying that, as well as using my elliptical in our basement to help get back in shape. My chiro told me I had SPD prior to delivery, and even PP I am struggling with more pelvic pain than from before, which is holding me back right now from even thinking about doing anything semi-active.
I am happy with how my baby weight loss is progressing - hopefully another week or two and I'll be back to pre-baby weight, which I was worried about since I gained a solid 50lb. The incision from my tubal is healing well and my belly button is receding, but I know it will take a while for my belly skin to lose the flabby pooch. My biggest struggle is the muffin top look that it gets when I wear real pants, it makes me very self conscious.
Mentally, I want to do so much more than I am capable of physically right now!