@carterh33 I've also had a + OPK in the past that did not lead do O. O was actually about 6 days later when I had a second LH surge that I wouldn't have known to look for without temping. If you decide to temp you would want to get a BBT. I bought a Mabis for $7 on Amazon. I use Fertility Friend (it's an app) to track because it is really good at taking your temperature, OPK, and CM information into consideration when pinpointing your ovulation day. As for when you should temp, everyone kind of does that differently. I wake up 1-2 times per night to use the bathroom and am a mouth breather. I still am able to notice a shift. I set a 5:30 alarm and just make that my temping time because I usually wake up around 5-5:30 to use the bathroom anyway. I keep my thermometer under my pillow (you want to temp before you stand up) and if I wake up to use the bathroom and think it's anywhere close to my temp time, I take my temp. Basically you want to try and have as much uninterrupted sleep as possible before you take it. But even in less than optimal conditions most people notice a shift!
@carterh33 I am a terrible sleep as well, some nights I wake up every 30-45 minutes or I don't go to sleep until 1 because of work. I just take it after whatever semi-decent chunk of sleep I get and have always been able to see a clear shift regardless. I do set FF to a default time so avoid empty circles tho as opposed to recording actual time I temp. It helps confirm but can sometimes start a slippery slope of crazy. Temping in the TWW causes me to lose more sleep since I am stressing about will thee be a drop or rise depending on what DPO I am
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married: 11.12.11 TTC: Nov 2015 BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX) D&C: 3.2.16 BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16 BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.2016 RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending 8.15.16 Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
@carterh33 I definitely say make sure you temp along with your OPKs. Here's my chart for this month..on cd20 I had a +OPK and EWCM but over the next 10 days no temp shift. So it doesn't look like I'm ovulating but if I were just doing OPKs I would've thought I had Also my BBT average is REALLY low and it drops significantly on the days I cheat on my diet (eat gluten and sugar) which I did on cd19 and cd28. Does this happen to anyone else??
Ugh CD16 here and still geting negative on my first response opks. Having watery cm and some cramping so I just don't know what is going on. I looked back and before my mc I oed on CD 17/18. Last cycle i oed earlier on CD 16. So I don't know if I am getting ready to o or having an anovulatory cycle. I'm becoming kind of obsessed about it even though we are BDing everyday and there is really nothing else we can say.
Since I'm probably heading back here in the next day or so I thought I'd ask this question here: are the Clear Blue Ovulation monitors worth the money? I feel like something isn't right with what's going on. Either we are missing o all together or there is something else that is wrong. I'm wondering if it's worth it to spend the money on one just to see if I get different results with it than I do with Wondfos. I usually can tell without any OPKs but now I'm second guessing everything.
@TScalei I can't remember if we talked about this but are you temping too? I know it won't tell you before hand if your having an annovulatory cycle but you would know eventually and could use that info in the future.
@MooFish2364 - I don't temp. But i think I might start since it will probably help me see what's going on. I've used the clear blue opks and they are VERY finicky - one little mistake and you get an error message and then can't use the digital reader for the rest of the box. I used the first response opks this wknd they were on a clearance shelf at Target for $10 so I grabbed them. I think they are probably like the wondfos with interpreting the lines so now i can see the benefits in the clear blue lol. When they work they are easy to read and when i think they did help me get pg before. I would say it's worth a try just make sure you are following the directions to a tee to avoid an error message.
@MooFish2364 Sorry you're back here. I know the waiting for af feeling very well.
@Taggarab Argh, so frustrating. Always waiting for something while TTC.
@TScalei We're here to answer any temping questions, of course! It's really helpful, much more so than OPKs, in determining what's what.
CD 11, first blaring positive OPK. Also, second cycle with ewcm!! Should O in the next two days, which is right when I figured. SMEP tells us it's time to have relations the next three days, take a day off and go again. Yahoo, I don't hate baby-making sex or anything like that! Maybe I'll break the budget and go buy some fancy lingerie or something.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married: 11.12.11 TTC: Nov 2015 BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX) D&C: 3.2.16 BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16 BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.2016 RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending 8.15.16 Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
@MooFish2364 Sorry you are here again. I used the clear blue ovulation test with the smilies, and I found them to be really expensive and not that helpful. I seem to have multiple LH surges before I actually O, so I use wondfos now, because I can be peeing on sticks for weeks...
Well shoot, I've been up for two hours and it just suddenly hit me that I forgot to take my temperature today.
To save my sanity I stopped temping during the last TWW but it's something I have to be in the habit of because I sleep so poorly. I didn't actually fall asleep at all last night, so I guess it makes sense it'd completely slip my mind today. I may very well O today, so at least I didn't miss it.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
I would just like to take a moment and rant about this damn AF. I'm seriously so fed up with these unpredictable periods. For a very long time my periods were incredibly predictable, I could tell you the minute it would start and I knew exactly what my flow was. Now, not so much! Every cycle is different, sometimes I could probably classify it as heavy spotting with a single day of bleeding, other times I need something with super absorbency pretty much every day. It's really hard to plan for and now my drawer in the bathroom looks like the entire "feminine hygiene" section of the pharmacy. Some cycles I have incredibly painful cramping, others are completely pain free. Urg! When will I get consistency? Never? Blah. End rant.
I think I'm experiencing mittelschmerz?? This has never happened before.
@roper2617 Ugh I'm sorry. Did the obgyn you saw have any wisdom as to why?
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
@roper2617 That sounds awful and frustrating. I'm sorry you are going through that!
@reneeannemm Yay for mittelschmerz! It's my understanding that it's different for everyone. It can vary from a twinge to about 24 hours of gnawing agony (I usually get the latter). Anyhow, I find it's very helpful in cycle tracking and if you have it regularly, it can help pinpoint O without OPK's. Incidentally, I had no discernible pain this cycle and was glad I had the OPK's!
@roper2617 - Ugh Im sorry you are going through this. From everything I have read it seems like your cycle can be messed up for a while after a mc. And your cycle is just regular until its not. Kind of funny I was just thinking how the area under my sink looks like a feminine produce aisle at a store - 2 types of opks, pregnancy test, pads, tampons. Nuts!! lol
@reneeannem - I feel like I experienced a definite mittelschmerz this cycle. It was about 24 hours of concentrated left side pain. But since I have been obsessively paying attention to my body it seems like I got cramps and twinges all throughout my cycle so maybe it doesn't mean anything?
I feel like I am going BSC. I oed early last cycle and we only BD'd the day of O so I was determined to really HIO during my FW this cycle. I started testing with clearblue opk on CD12 got error message tried again the next day and got another error message. Went to Target to just get another pack of the clearblues and found first response opks on sale for 9.99 so decided to use those. I have been using those since cd15 about twice a day got the darkest second line on cd17 along with some cramping and watery cm and since then the second line has gotten lighter. So now I have been googling all the things to see if I ovulated. Its crazy. Just wish I knew whether or not I had a shot this cycle. I think I will start temping next cycle to alleviate some of my anxiety. These opks seems so finicky and drive me crazy. Has anyone ever used first response opks and could shed some light?
@TScalei Some women never get true + with OPKs regardless of the brand and just end up marking the day it was darkest as +. It's also possible because of when you started that you missed your true +. I would recomend temping next cycle if you're up for it because it is REALLY nice to get the confirmation that you did in fact O. Especially because you can get a surge without actually ovulating sometimes. While I'm normally regular I had a cycle where I had a + and no temp shift. We kept HIO only because of my BBT and did in fact get another + later and a temp shift to confirm that it was O. That was my BFP cycle.
It's kind of an extreme pressure-y thing. I've certainly had this before around O, I just honestly didn't connect them and assumed it was like the bizarre and painful gas I had following the miscarriage for weeks.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
@reneeannemm actually, that was the one thing I forgot to get more info about. I mentioned it but he seemed more concerned with my short lived +OPKs and then I was distracted lol
@TScalei This is cycle 8 post loss though I was hoping it would be better by now.
@roper2617 It's so hard to remember! I get to the doctor's office and she's like "anything else you want to talk about?" and I'm like "nope my life and body are perfect".
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
Still no sign of O, but DH and I are HIO anyway. I just feel like there is no way it will happen this month because of my stressing out. My poor 2 year old son broke both bones in his right arm last night DH is stressing, I'm stressing, and Charlie is trying to tear the splint off his arm. Anyone else just want a vacation from life?
Me: 32 DH: 36 Married 5/08 BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13 BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16 Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube TTCAL 3/16 BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17 DS #2 born 12/11/17
@Taggarab I'm so sorry about your son, that's awful sounding. As a fellow 2 year old son mom, I can only imagine keeping any sort of medical device on him. I think of that constantly when dealing with him jumping off things, etc.
@taggarab - Im sorry about your little guy - I hope he has a quick recovery. I hear about the stress. I always feel like I am not going to o/get pg bec I am so stressed. Then I start stressing about stress....aaah. Im on CD17 and not sure if I oed either.
@Taggarab Gosh, I'm sorry. How stressful. Poor little guy.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
@TScalei I know exactly how you feel. I'm still CD 14 so not too late yet, but I have had zero CM this cycle and cramping on and off since AF ended. It's very weird
Me: 32 DH: 36 Married 5/08 BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13 BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16 Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube TTCAL 3/16 BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17 DS #2 born 12/11/17
I am officially one of you now! Meaning no longer a lurker to WTO. It's CD1!
I am SO excited to have this first cycle post loss out of the way. I'm a little nervous because my LP was only 9 days when it's usually 12. My chart did originally show O 3 days earlier (CD 27) based on a temp shift but that earlier one doesn't line up with my OPK and FF ultimately moved it. Did anyone else experience a weird LP length post loss?
Here's my chart just for fun.
Thank you all so much for being an amazing support system while I was benched. I'm looking forward to TTC again. Although the nerves are starting to make an appearance.
I don't want to leave this stage; I'm so calm and happy while waiting. I feel like I can do anything and I know all too well that that just melts away by 6-7DPO.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
I'm still in the game, too, as long as I O soon (thanks to an early morning BD sesh )
@Taggarb I'm CD14, also, and had EWCM on CD11 but not much since and no temp shift. Hoping it's not anovulatory but I did have a previous cycle with EWCM CD11 and no temp shift until CD16 so we'll see!
@Taggarab my last three cycles my boobs have basically started hurting at O and continued to hurt the entire TWW. It doesn't always happen and I don't like it but it doesn't seem uncommon for me. And yes, I crazy googled to see if people still get BFPs if their boobs hurt the whole TWW and found some positive stories lol I think it's just being sensitive to progesterone?
@rainbowturtles I had the same thing last cycle, though the pain post O is different. Sore boobs this follicular phase, which I can't imagine not turning into sore boobs after. It's so weird! My boobs never ever hurt before loss.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
It's definitely a different pain, I was just worried that having breast tenderness after O/throughout TWW could somehow be a bad thing and somehow inhibit chance of BFP because my brain likes to worry Speaking of stress and worry, thinking I'll do a fertility meditation today!
@rainbowturtles Boobs hurting in the LP is definitely a good thing! It usually means progesterone is ramped up. I typically get it every month around 6-7 DPO and it goes away when my progesterone drops right before AF. Weirdly in my BFP cycle they didn't hurt at their normal time. They only started hurting after I got my BFP.
@AliciaGoose I'm pretty sure that the same thing happened to me my bfp cycle. I always have extremely sore and swollen boobs for my entire TWW but I don't think they got sore until after my bfp and they were sore in a different place than usual. They are usually sore on the outside along my ribs but when I was KU my nipples were sore and so was the area right below my nipples. This is the first cycle that they have hurt since my loss and I'm hoping that my body is finally moving on.
I missed a crucial temp yesterday. I have had two days of unmistakably positive OPKs. I'm not sleeping well; I'm restless, hot/cold, kicking the blanket off in the very air conditioned room, getting up four or five times to pee, so I'm not sure how consistent my temps are atm. Is there any information to be gleaned from continuing to take OPKs? I'd rather not, if it's all the same.
We're due for BD tonight and then taking a day off and back on again, so if the temps don't reflect it by then maybe I'll take another OPK? I am also tracking my CM, but that is occasionally watery until a couple days after O.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
@reneeannemm I guess the only reason why you might want to keep taking OPKs if your temps aren't reliable is to confirm that you actually did O and that you didn't just get an LH surge but didn't actually O yet. I thought that I O'd this cycle due to cm and OPKs but now af is late and I'm starting to think that I geared up to O but didn't...at least not when I thought.
@MooFish2364 So the OPK should go back to negative after O? I guess that's the heart of my question. I feel like I've had + results immediately after O before which confused the heck out of me.
Renee, 34 + Devon, 29 married 08/13 TTC 09/15 *TW Loss mentioned* BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16 MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3 TTCAL 3/2016 Acupuncture 11/16 Dx December 2016: unexplained January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI = BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby! EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17 Ambrose born on his due date!
Re: **July Waiting to O**
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
Married: 11.12.11
TTC: Nov 2015
BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX)
D&C: 3.2.16
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.2016
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending 8.15.16
Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid
half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
Also my BBT average is REALLY low and it drops significantly on the days I cheat on my diet (eat gluten and sugar) which I did on cd19 and cd28. Does this happen to anyone else??
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
@TScalei I can't remember if we talked about this but are you temping too? I know it won't tell you before hand if your having an annovulatory cycle but you would know eventually and could use that info in the future.
Married 5/08
BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13
BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16
Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube
TTCAL 3/16
BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17
DS #2 born 12/11/17
@Taggarab Argh, so frustrating. Always waiting for something while TTC.
@TScalei We're here to answer any temping questions, of course! It's really helpful, much more so than OPKs, in determining what's what.
CD 11, first blaring positive OPK. Also, second cycle with ewcm!! Should O in the next two days, which is right when I figured. SMEP tells us it's time to have relations the next three days, take a day off and go again. Yahoo, I don't hate baby-making sex or anything like that! Maybe I'll break the budget and go buy some fancy lingerie or something.
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
Married: 11.12.11
TTC: Nov 2015
BFP #1: 1.22.16 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX)
D&C: 3.2.16
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.2016
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending 8.15.16
Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid
half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
Married 5/08
BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13
BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16
Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube
TTCAL 3/16
BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17
DS #2 born 12/11/17
@reneeannemm Woohoo!
I'm on CD 3. I don't usually O until CD25ish, so I'm looking forward to spending most of July in here!
To save my sanity I stopped temping during the last TWW but it's something I have to be in the habit of because I sleep so poorly. I didn't actually fall asleep at all last night, so I guess it makes sense it'd completely slip my mind today. I may very well O today, so at least I didn't miss it.
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
I'm seriously so fed up with these unpredictable periods. For a very long time my periods were incredibly predictable, I could tell you the minute it would start and I knew exactly what my flow was. Now, not so much! Every cycle is different, sometimes I could probably classify it as heavy spotting with a single day of bleeding, other times I need something with super absorbency pretty much every day. It's really hard to plan for and now my drawer in the bathroom looks like the entire "feminine hygiene" section of the pharmacy. Some cycles I have incredibly painful cramping, others are completely pain free. Urg! When will I get consistency? Never? Blah. End rant.
Me: 26 DH: 28
TTC #1 since 06/2014
BFP #1 09/23/15. MMC discovered 11/24/2015
BFP #2 08/24/16 EDD 05/08/17
@roper2617 Ugh I'm sorry. Did the obgyn you saw have any wisdom as to why?
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
@reneeannemm Yay for mittelschmerz! It's my understanding that it's different for everyone. It can vary from a twinge to about 24 hours of gnawing agony (I usually get the latter). Anyhow, I find it's very helpful in cycle tracking and if you have it regularly, it can help pinpoint O without OPK's. Incidentally, I had no discernible pain this cycle and was glad I had the OPK's!
@reneeannem - I feel like I experienced a definite mittelschmerz this cycle. It was about 24 hours of concentrated left side pain. But since I have been obsessively paying attention to my body it seems like I got cramps and twinges all throughout my cycle so maybe it doesn't mean anything?
I feel like I am going BSC. I oed early last cycle and we only BD'd the day of O so I was determined to really HIO during my FW this cycle. I started testing with clearblue opk on CD12 got error message tried again the next day and got another error message. Went to Target to just get another pack of the clearblues and found first response opks on sale for 9.99 so decided to use those. I have been using those since cd15 about twice a day got the darkest second line on cd17 along with some cramping and watery cm and since then the second line has gotten lighter. So now I have been googling all the things to see if I ovulated. Its crazy. Just wish I knew whether or not I had a shot this cycle. I think I will start temping next cycle to alleviate some of my anxiety. These opks seems so finicky and drive me crazy. Has anyone ever used first response opks and could shed some light?
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
@TScalei This is cycle 8 post loss though I was hoping it would be better by now.
Me: 26 DH: 28
TTC #1 since 06/2014
BFP #1 09/23/15. MMC discovered 11/24/2015
BFP #2 08/24/16 EDD 05/08/17
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
Still no sign of O, but DH and I are HIO anyway. I just feel like there is no way it will happen this month because of my stressing out. My poor 2 year old son broke both bones in his right arm last night DH is stressing, I'm stressing, and Charlie is trying to tear the splint off his arm. Anyone else just want a vacation from life?
Married 5/08
BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13
BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16
Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube
TTCAL 3/16
BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17
DS #2 born 12/11/17
Married 10/12
DS 11/14
Ectopic 2/16
PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
IUI x 3- BFN
Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
FET- 6/17- BFP!
Due Feb 15, 2017
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
Married 5/08
BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13
BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16
Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube
TTCAL 3/16
BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17
DS #2 born 12/11/17
I am SO excited to have this first cycle post loss out of the way. I'm a little nervous because my LP was only 9 days when it's usually 12. My chart did originally show O 3 days earlier (CD 27) based on a temp shift but that earlier one doesn't line up with my OPK and FF ultimately moved it. Did anyone else experience a weird LP length post loss?
Here's my chart just for fun.
Thank you all so much for being an amazing support system while I was benched. I'm looking forward to TTC again. Although the nerves are starting to make an appearance.
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
I don't want to leave this stage; I'm so calm and happy while waiting. I feel like I can do anything and I know all too well that that just melts away by 6-7DPO.
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
I'm still in the game, too, as long as I O soon (thanks to an early morning BD sesh )
@Taggarb I'm CD14, also, and had EWCM on CD11 but not much since and no temp shift. Hoping it's not anovulatory but I did have a previous cycle with EWCM CD11 and no temp shift until CD16 so we'll see!
edited upon verification
Married 5/08
BFP #1: 1/27/13 DS #1 born 10/16/13
BFP #2: 1/20/16, ectopic discovered 1/23/16
Surgery 1/23/16 to remove ruptured tube
TTCAL 3/16
BFP #3: 3/24/17 EDD 12/5/17
DS #2 born 12/11/17
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
I missed a crucial temp yesterday. I have had two days of unmistakably positive OPKs. I'm not sleeping well; I'm restless, hot/cold, kicking the blanket off in the very air conditioned room, getting up four or five times to pee, so I'm not sure how consistent my temps are atm. Is there any information to be gleaned from continuing to take OPKs? I'd rather not, if it's all the same.
We're due for BD tonight and then taking a day off and back on again, so if the temps don't reflect it by then maybe I'll take another OPK? I am also tracking my CM, but that is occasionally watery until a couple days after O.
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!
TTC 09/15
*TW Loss mentioned*
BFP 12/15/15 EDD: 08/26/16
MMC discovered 1/25/16 at 9 +3
TTCAL 3/2016
Acupuncture 11/16
Dx December 2016: unexplained
January 2017: 50 mg Clomid + TI =
BFP #2 01/30/17 Please be a sticky baby!
EDD: 10/15/17 Measuring ahead! 10/12/17
Ambrose born on his due date!