PSA: there is a birth announcement in July(I think) with a link to a blog with a birth story. I read it and it was about how she had an unmedicated c section, not by choice obviously. But, I wouldn't reccomend anyone read that if you're scared for birth. I read it out of shear morbid curiosity and really wish I wouldn't have.
I am feeling pretty selfish and not ready to have this baby. I know its still 8 weeks away (7 weeks and 5 days-to DD). He is super active to the point of being rough and I am HOT all the time. But I know this is my last baby and I love feeling him inside and I don't want to share him yet--no matter how uncomfortable I am feeling right now.
Unmedicated CSection????? What the what???? Holy balls momma!!!! Pretty sure I would have passed out from the pain!
My morning random- I have my judgy pants on today. A local photographer posts a few pics from different sessions with families. There are some shots that have me concocting weirdly random assumptions about the families. For example, there was one family where the photographer only posted photos of the newborn and a roughly preteen boy. I was questioning where the mom was..... Did the kid have a baby (high teen birth rate in our area).... I needed more information.
@Bookhousegirl I would assume the chances of it happening are pretty slim. It seemed like one bad thing after another and she doesn't seem to blame the doctors/hospital but I would if I were her. It was a lot of poor decision making all around.
@kristynmac I feel the same way! I keep telling everyone, this pregnancy has been really, really hard compared to DD, they'll be lucky if we decide to have another. I have moments at least once a day where I go into total freak out mode and I try to remember what DH and I were thinking. I'm so glad I still have around 7 weeks left because this baby is much easier to take care of and protect on the inside.
@Lynnlove28 I just read the blog and ...Wow! That is crazy and I am guessing she is just about one in a million.
My random: I just found out Friday at my appointment that my doctor is going to be out from August 1st-23rd as she has to have surgery on her arm. My due date is the 24th!!! I am so disappointed!
The other night my MIL kept talking about taking DD to see finding Dori, and I kept reminding her that she hadn't ever been to a movie before... Finally she said something to the effect of "Well she has to see her first movie sometime!", and I responded with "I was hoping I could be there for it..."
Is it totally weird that I am offended that she didn't even think to think that I would want to be there for a milestone of my DD's?? I mean, being a working mom I miss enough...
@texasmama2014... I'm the same way. If you want to be there, tell her so. There's another cute kids movie coming out the end of july, maybe she can take her to that one instead
@Stephanie7693 She got it after I spelled it out for her. I'm always having to be the bad guy and say no to stuff so I was actually hoping DH would say something. I probably need to learn that the woman can't take a hint and I should just be blunt from the beginning which of course makes her think I don't like her. (She actually told DH that she didn't think I liked "them". So that's mature.)
@texasmama2014 that's kinda how my FIL is. He's spent my entire pregnancy making comments about my weight and how I look. The last time I left their house and told my hubby the next comment was going to result in my hormones taking over lol. As much as an ass my FIL can be, he's very sensitive and doesn't realize what he says is incredibly inappropriate. My husband had his mom talk to him about it, and now he either compliments me or keeps his mouth shut. He didn't get that I was offended by my reaction.
After reading the crazy birth story it reminded me that I need to prepare for any type of birth not just the one I want or hope for. I am all for fighting for the birth you want (I did with dd1 and still ended up with an emergency c-section) but at some point it's best to switch to a whatever is best for baby mentality. I've been so set on vbac-ing this baby that I haven't thought to ask about the hospitals c-section protocols.
@lynnlove28 That is why it is so important to pick a practice and hospital where the default meshes with your delivery plan. It sounds like a lot of what she was asking for was not the way either the doctor or the hospital "usually" did things, and neither had much room to allow the mother a voice, whether for liability reasons or the doctor's preference....
We're running into that a bit with new York state law and my husband's medical history. My husband is anaphylactic with mold, and antibiotics. He's been bedridden and taking steroids for three days because of the trace amount of antibiotics in the TDAP vaccine. (We decided it was worth him suffering through, and talked to his doctor about how to make it safe.) So you can see my hesitation with dumping antibiotics on the baby's eyes at birth. I asked for the old school silver nitrate, which we know he is not allergic to, but the hospital does not keep it on hand. And if we refuse, they report us to CPS.
I just spoke with the state department of health, and she said to get the hospital's legal team involved ahead of time - we're going to do so - to see if they are able to find a work around.
@texasmama2014 I feel the same way about wanting to be part of the "firsts", and MIL is the same way as your MIL trying to do things without me. They suck!
@jamiesc58 Aaaaah! I'm sorry to hear about your OB. Would have been nice to know a little earlier, at least then maybe you could have gotten to know the other docs in the practice better or something.
My random today is that as someone who's been a hair-phone my whole life, I recently discovered the joys of not shaving the tops of my legs! I'm super hairy and have to shave everyday if I want to be perfectly smooth. It sucks, but I have dark course hair, and even if I shave in the morning I won't be totally smooth anymore by the time I go to bed. Well, yesterday was DD's bday party/Father's Day at our house. IT was in the 90s here, so I was planning to wear a dress so I could be outside and somewhat comfortable. Well, of course, the pilot light on our water heater decided to corrode yesterday, so I was forced to take a freezing cold shower - so shaving my legs wasn't really an option. I got through the bottom, but not up past my knees. Little did I know that the hair that was there gave me this awesome chaffing barrier!!!!! I usually get bad chaffing between my legs and it hurts by the end of the day - well, not yesterday! I did it again today, on purpose, for work, and it's like a frickin' miracle!
@SkiChic626 I honestly didn't even consider that! Lol, I forgot that's how April had her baby in greys. I would hope it's not MUD because she talks about issues with her baby and him being in the NICU and it would really sicken me to find out that's made up junk for Internet strangers.
My doctor wants me lying down as much as possible. When I lie down the baby uses my bladder as a punching bag, sending me to the bathroom about every 5 minutes. I don't think the baby gets what we're trying to do here lol
@skichic626 So - FFFC - I do that all the time, even when NOT pregnant. My hair is pretty light and fine though, so you can't tell, and I figure the only person who'll know is my husband who is pretty oblivious, and even if he did happen to notice - knows better than to say anything
@skichic626 So - FFFC - I do that all the time, even when NOT pregnant. My hair is pretty light and fine though, so you can't tell, and I figure the only person who'll know is my husband who is pretty oblivious, and even if he did happen to notice - knows better than to say anything
I usually do because I hate the feeling of hair in general, and mine is so course, the next day it actually hurts when my legs rub together because the hair is prickly! I've been wearing crops the past few days, so I didn't shave and go lazy, so it's the to point where the hair got soft. Of course, we're gonna go to the pool at some point this week, so I'm going to have to shave again lol.
His mother mailed us a box, and it was too big to fit in the mail truck, too big to fit in his car, and he is debating balancing it on the trunk and attempting to drive the two blocks home. Whaaaaaat did she send us?
She mentioned she had bought "a couple more things" after the last box with 40 outfits...
@texasmama2014 I can already tell I will be having many conversations like this with my mom. I'm not looking forward to it.
I'm on vacation and today DH received a car seat in the mail. It's not from a person we know and we called both sides of the family and no one knows the person. It's a $350 car seat from Toys r us. I called the company and they couldn't find the person's name in their system. We don't have an order number or anything, just a tracking number. They basically said we can take it to a store and get store credit. I explained we don't have a toys r us in the country so the options are we could ship it back to toys r us (but they don't know who to send it to), keep it, or just ship it back to a family member and they can return it for store credit. I just feel weird returning something and getting store credit for something we didn't purchase. She said the person who ordered it will contact the store eventually and Toys R Us will ship another to them? It's just so strange because it says my name and address.
I don't know why I just feel weird about the whole thing?!
@SkiChic626 I honestly didn't even consider that! Lol, I forgot that's how April had her baby in greys. I would hope it's not MUD because she talks about issues with her baby and him being in the NICU and it would really sicken me to find out that's made up junk for Internet strangers.
I read it - either she's not telling the whole story or she made up a large chunk of it. It sounds like the hospital would be at risk for carrying those actions without the patient's knowledge. Unmedicated c-sections are so rare and if she indeed had one, it had to be justified medically - an urgent life threatening matter. I don't buy half of her blog post. I kept thinking while reading her post, "this post is trying too damn hard." Meh, moving on!
Yeah I could see that being MUD, I read some of her blog posts and she seemed pretty sanctimommious about things, and maybe her way of coping with a csection and not a home birth was to over dramatize it?
I read her blog also. It sounds like she tried to have it medicated, but it didn't take. Unfortunately, I've heard that happens more often than one thinks. As someone that is most likely going to have a c-section, I'm not sure if I'm glad I read that to prepare myself for the worst or if it will make me even more scared...
And @Hannah0726 I would keep the carseat. Maybe someone will tell you they sent it to you. If not look at it this way, the company will ship another out to someone else if it was meant for them and you still get a free carseat!
I haven't read the blog, but I thought the unmedicated C-section sounded pretty fishy. In a rushed situation it's normal to get general anaesthesia so if she was feeling anything and it was a rush I don't know why they didn't just put her under. Was it a general anaesthesia that failed?
From what the blog says, she was given three choices, spinal, general, and epidural and she choose spinal, but it didn't take completely...
A friend of mine has some weird nerve thing snd with her first C section she felt almost all of it. With her second she felt it on half her stomach (her doctor was aware of what happened the first time and only cut as much as he had to on the side she felt it). So this definitely does happen! The doc even gave her lidocaine to help numb her but it didn't work.
We finally washed and put away Peanut's clothes, swaddle blankets, burp clothes, you name it.
Can I just freaking nice they all smell thanks to this wonderful baby laundry detergent DREFT? Where have you been all my life? I want to sleep on pile of Peanut's things tonight. Omg, and I don't even think it's scented. Just smells like baby galore. Ahh, the little things in life. I want to wash my stuff with Dreft. Wait, what's stopping me? Winning!
It also sounds like she had been pretty vocal about wanting to be "present" for her son's birth, so the doctors and nurses may have been trying to honor that. A friend of mine also said her epidural only worked on one side, even in my child birth education class they warned that that could happen. And I agree - I wouldn't call it med free - more like "medicine worked poorly"
Well we decided it's finally time to take the pacifier away. Mainly because the only one left that we can find is at my parents house. It's past time to take it anyway but man does it work wonders sometimes. Hopefully she will sleep okay tonight.
We finally washed and put away Peanut's clothes, swaddle blankets, burp clothes, you name it.
Can I just freaking nice they all smell thanks to this wonderful baby laundry detergent DREFT? Where have you been all my life? I want to sleep on pile of Peanut's things tonight. Omg, and I don't even think it's scented. Just smells like baby galore. Ahh, the little things in life. I want to wash my stuff with Dreft. Wait, what's stopping me? Winning!
That reminds me! Does everyone use a different laundry detergent to wash baby clothes than regular detergent like Tide? I've been meaning to ask this. I just had my shower so I have little clothes to wash!
We finally washed and put away Peanut's clothes, swaddle blankets, burp clothes, you name it.
Can I just freaking nice they all smell thanks to this wonderful baby laundry detergent DREFT? Where have you been all my life? I want to sleep on pile of Peanut's things tonight. Omg, and I don't even think it's scented. Just smells like baby galore. Ahh, the little things in life. I want to wash my stuff with Dreft. Wait, what's stopping me? Winning!
That reminds me! Does everyone use a different laundry detergent to wash baby clothes than regular detergent like Tide? I've been meaning to ask this. I just had my shower so I have little clothes to wash!
We just use the perfume & dye free stuff (tide or our grocery store brand) for all our stuff.
Well we decided it's finally time to take the pacifier away. Mainly because the only one left that we can find is at my parents house. It's past time to take it anyway but man does it work wonders sometimes. Hopefully she will sleep okay tonight.
Good luck!! That sounds terrifying. We've cut back to just naps and bedtime with the occasional "having a hard day snuggle sesh". Looking forward to hearing your update!
Well we decided it's finally time to take the pacifier away. Mainly because the only one left that we can find is at my parents house. It's past time to take it anyway but man does it work wonders sometimes. Hopefully she will sleep okay tonight.
Good luck!! That sounds terrifying. We've cut back to just naps and bedtime with the occasional "having a hard day snuggle sesh". Looking forward to hearing your update!
She did pretty good! Slept most of the night with us but I expected that. She was just a little whinier than normal. When she first woke up she kept saying "binty binty" and she will start to look for one if I accidentally say binky but so far so good.
@Hannah0726 we use an organic brand that is dye/perfume free, but we ended up switching to wash all of our clothes in that. To me, the baby is leaning up on our clothes/breathing in our clothes, so he would be just as sensitive to that as his own clothes. It also would be a total PITA to separate all of the baby's clothes from our clothes for every wash.
Went looking at photos from 5 years ago on fb right after we got married. I looked so young.. and had no idea how pretty I actually was and damn did I have alot of time on my hands to do my hair and make up and coordinate outfits. I seriously have a hard time dressing now because I'm always losing weight... and then keeping clothes that don't fit me... and have no storage space.
I was realizing I miss that time so much... even though we were miserable and missing each other all the time. My DH and I got into a fight this morning about vacation we had planned for a yr... he may not be able to go now because he feels "guilty" about missing work... to which I said ok but you need to make a decision and let me know because I have to cancel the petsitter and coordinate what else I can do with my niece because shes visiting for that week... he took this job which horrible people who make him work horrible hours... so that we could stay in the area... to be near family but to also let me take advantage of my work benefits( getting my MBA for free). Now I'm at work sitting here contemplating quitting my job...and he could apply for this amazing job opportunity 6 hours away... yea it would be sacraficing one persons opportunity for another... but having a marriage survive the military and years of separation... idk I guess you get used to sacrifice and the bittersweet taste of it all. Plus I wish I had more time .... to do my hair... to work out... to play with makeup... to clean my house. Being a working wife is hard... how much harder is going to be a working Mom while getting my MBA. I'm scared.... I wish time could slow down just a tad
@Hannah0726 we use the same detergent (Tide) for baby's things and have never had an issue. Now, if baby comes with sensitive skin you may have to rethink it. Our ds has sensitive skin and eczema and the only thing I can use for him is Tide or the homemade detergent that MIL makes.
Where is this c-section story?? I went on but couldn't find it on their page anywhere. Is it it's own post or is it just hiding in the birth announcements thread?
Re: Randoms 6/20-6/26
My morning random- I have my judgy pants on today. A local photographer posts a few pics from different sessions with families. There are some shots that have me concocting weirdly random assumptions about the families. For example, there was one family where the photographer only posted photos of the newborn and a roughly preteen boy. I was questioning where the mom was..... Did the kid have a baby (high teen birth rate in our area).... I needed more information.
@kristynmac I feel the same way! I keep telling everyone, this pregnancy has been really, really hard compared to DD, they'll be lucky if we decide to have another. I have moments at least once a day where I go into total freak out mode and I try to remember what DH and I were thinking. I'm so glad I still have around 7 weeks left because this baby is much easier to take care of and protect on the inside.
My random: I just found out Friday at my appointment that my doctor is going to be out from August 1st-23rd as she has to have surgery on her arm. My due date is the 24th!!! I am so disappointed!
Is it totally weird that I am offended that she didn't even think to think that I would want to be there for a milestone of my DD's?? I mean, being a working mom I miss enough...
Edited to add- We're using a different hospital.
@lynnlove28 That is why it is so important to pick a practice and hospital where the default meshes with your delivery plan. It sounds like a lot of what she was asking for was not the way either the doctor or the hospital "usually" did things, and neither had much room to allow the mother a voice, whether for liability reasons or the doctor's preference....
We're running into that a bit with new York state law and my husband's medical history. My husband is anaphylactic with mold, and antibiotics. He's been bedridden and taking steroids for three days because of the trace amount of antibiotics in the TDAP vaccine. (We decided it was worth him suffering through, and talked to his doctor about how to make it safe.) So you can see my hesitation with dumping antibiotics on the baby's eyes at birth. I asked for the old school silver nitrate, which we know he is not allergic to, but the hospital does not keep it on hand. And if we refuse, they report us to CPS.
I just spoke with the state department of health, and she said to get the hospital's legal team involved ahead of time - we're going to do so - to see if they are able to find a work around.
Baby #2 due 8/11/2016
My random today is that as someone who's been a hair-phone my whole life, I recently discovered the joys of not shaving the tops of my legs! I'm super hairy and have to shave everyday if I want to be perfectly smooth. It sucks, but I have dark course hair, and even if I shave in the morning I won't be totally smooth anymore by the time I go to bed. Well, yesterday was DD's bday party/Father's Day at our house. IT was in the 90s here, so I was planning to wear a dress so I could be outside and somewhat comfortable. Well, of course, the pilot light on our water heater decided to corrode yesterday, so I was forced to take a freezing cold shower - so shaving my legs wasn't really an option. I got through the bottom, but not up past my knees. Little did I know that the hair that was there gave me this awesome chaffing barrier!!!!! I usually get bad chaffing between my legs and it hurts by the end of the day - well, not yesterday! I did it again today, on purpose, for work, and it's like a frickin' miracle!
Baby #2 due 8/11/2016
Baby #2 due 8/11/2016
So my husband just called me at work...
His mother mailed us a box, and it was too big to fit in the mail truck, too big to fit in his car, and he is debating balancing it on the trunk and attempting to drive the two blocks home. Whaaaaaat did she send us?
She mentioned she had bought "a couple more things" after the last box with 40 outfits...
I'm on vacation and today DH received a car seat in the mail. It's not from a person we know and we called both sides of the family and no one knows the person. It's a $350 car seat from Toys r us. I called the company and they couldn't find the person's name in their system. We don't have an order number or anything, just a tracking number.
They basically said we can take it to a store and get store credit. I explained we don't have a toys r us in the country so the options are we could ship it back to toys r us (but they don't know who to send it to), keep it, or just ship it back to a family member and they can return it for store credit. I just feel weird returning something and getting store credit for something we didn't purchase. She said the person who ordered it will contact the store eventually and Toys R Us will ship another to them? It's just so strange because it says my name and address.
I don't know why I just feel weird about the whole thing?!
And @Hannah0726 I would keep the carseat. Maybe someone will tell you they sent it to you. If not look at it this way, the company will ship another out to someone else if it was meant for them and you still get a free carseat!
Can I just freaking nice they all smell thanks to this wonderful baby laundry detergent DREFT? Where have you been all my life? I want to sleep on pile of Peanut's things tonight. Omg, and I don't even think it's scented. Just smells like baby galore. Ahh, the little things in life. I want to wash my stuff with Dreft. Wait, what's stopping me? Winning!
And I agree - I wouldn't call it med free - more like "medicine worked poorly"
Baby #2: Emmeline Grey - August 2016
Baby #3: BFP 9/7/18 | EDD 05/24/19
I was realizing I miss that time so much... even though we were miserable and missing each other all the time. My DH and I got into a fight this morning about vacation we had planned for a yr... he may not be able to go now because he feels "guilty" about missing work... to which I said ok but you need to make a decision and let me know because I have to cancel the petsitter and coordinate what else I can do with my niece because shes visiting for that week... he took this job which horrible people who make him work horrible hours... so that we could stay in the area... to be near family but to also let me take advantage of my work benefits( getting my MBA for free). Now I'm at work sitting here contemplating quitting my job...and he could apply for this amazing job opportunity 6 hours away... yea it would be sacraficing one persons opportunity for another... but having a marriage survive the military and years of separation... idk I guess you get used to sacrifice and the bittersweet taste of it all. Plus I wish I had more time .... to do my hair... to work out... to play with makeup... to clean my house. Being a working wife is hard... how much harder is going to be a working Mom while getting my MBA. I'm scared.... I wish time could slow down just a tad
Baby #2 due 8/11/2016