May 2016 Moms

Late May Due Dates


Re: Late May Due Dates

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    Due May 26. Dilated to 3cm, but that was 2-3 weeks ago and no progress. Mucus plug is gone, 2 weeks ago, but no progress. Baby boy moves very little, but I heard it's because he's too tight in my tummy.
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    38 weeks here too! Last day of work is tomorrow and I cannot WAIT. Nausea is killing me this week...making work very tough to get through. 
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    Also 38 weeks...though creeping up on 39!  Last day of work is Wednesday.  SO ready to be done with that.  Then it's wait for my mom to get here and wait for the baby.  Yay!

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    I'm at 37+4 and keeping super busy! I'm planning something almost every day to keep my mind occupied and it's working! Lunches, days out... Next Friday I'm going to Carlos Bake Shop and I'm so excited! Haha I'm only dilated to 1 but hope I'm making progress this week. 
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    38+4 here with no dilation...basically nothing. Still working (but only from home, no more commuting). Feeling ok and FINALLY to the point where I feel 'ready' should she decide to come. But hoping she still cooks a while longer :smile:
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    I'm 37w6d and been getting increasing BH and this morning felt the first twinges of the cramp-like contractions I hear can be more associated with labor. I still don't really think she's coming soon, but made me realize how absolutely sure I've been that she'll be late, and the idea that she could actually come early is starting to sink in a little and is freaking me out! I would LOVE to not be pregnant anymore, but I had really been looking forward to having all of June/July off, so selfishly hoping that she'll stay put until end of May or beginning of June (and yeah, by this point on the board I think it's a given that we all hope our babies are healthy over anything else like our schedules, but still).

    She will be welcome anytime, but I would just love to get my shit done before she gets here!
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    38 weeks tomorrow. Yesterday was hard! Somewhere in the afternoon I got really badly crampy and uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was lie down. Which I did, after work, after I picked up my 11 year old and went to the grocery store. It subsided, but I'm taking it as a good sign. I came into the pregnancy with controlled high blood pressure that has stayed controlled. So they are doing both BPP's and NST's weekly. My BP is regularly between 120/70-130/80 so all good there. Even with perfect tests, good numbers and no protein, they still want to induce me at 39 weeks, so I feel like I am on a time clock. I can only tell them no for so long. I was hoping tomorrow would be the day, but now am less convinced. 
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    Double posting, but I had first cervical check and sweep today at 38+1. I'm 2cm dilated but can be stretched to 3. She did a small sweep but nothing major as I bled quite a bit. She was surprised but not worried. Just said my body is 'ready'. 

    My last day of week is tomorrow and I was hoping for some down time. Up until now I had convinced myself I was going late, FTM. But now I'm thinking not and it has me a little panicky! Lol

    I know they r ready when they r ready...but I'm not quite ready haha
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    I'm 37+5 today and planning to work until the very end.  Monday I had some legit contractions which made me realize she could come at any time, so I've been really motivated to finish everything up.  My Dr said on Monday that I'm really soft & thin and doubts I'll make it to my due date but I'm hoping to hold out for at least one more week for scheduling reasons.  Lol.  I'm a little nervous about my replacement taking over my case load, but I know once my daughter is here I won't care anymore and all my clients will be fine.  Last night we installed the car seat bases and I think we're working on the last to-do I guess we're ready to go whenever she is. 
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    kami09kami09 member
    37+2...although when it gets to Friday, I'm normally like..."well it's basically the weekend & that flies and then 2 more days til I move to the next week SOOO I'm basically 38 weeks". Yeah, that's my reasoning. haha

    I said I didn't want to get checked, but my doctor convinced me because my sister was a 4 prior to going into labor & labored for a whole 3 hours from start to finish. Barely made it to the hospital-- not that I would go that fast regardless of dilation, but it kinda freaked me out enough to start getting checks. I'm at a 1...which I am actually pumped about! lol-- I was a 0 when I was induced with my son so I was thinking it would be the same this time around.

    Also... I realized yesterday that even though I have a list of things that need done...they can still get done when she's here!! Life doesn't end! haha. It'll be harder that's for sure, but all these things we think need done/be prepared for... not gonna happen. & that's okay!! Just take a breath & everything is going to work out!
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    @kami09 it was just occurring to me too that it would probably be smarter for me to do things like clean the fridge when I'm on leave, instead of while I'm still working. I might be tired and recovering, but getting my jobs done is probably higher priority right now! Working from home when nesting has finally kicked into full gear is probably not the smartest idea... I keep thinking I need to get up to wash the Windows or something when really I need to work!
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    38 wks and starting to realize that if its not done yet it's not getting done and I need to let it go and be ok w/ the fact that all the big things are done and ready :) 

    I need to focus on relaxing, resting, and being peaceful these last weeks, I think for me that's most important now... 
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    I am having the worst day. I am just going to admit that I'm annoyed and pissed about being pregnant today!!!!!!! My team has a couple people in from out of town... Last night we went out for Mexican and today went to a baseball game. Maybe it's all the margaritas and draft beers I've seen other people consume in the last two days... Maybe it's the fact that my husband refuses to let me take leave any earlier than the moment the baby arrives... Maybe I'm just tired and huge and in pain and whatever. Maybe it's all of it!! But I am literally pissed !!!!! 38+5 today and getting membranes swept tomorrow and will also make an induction plan tomorrow for if the sweep doesn't work which I'm assuming it won't. (High blood pressure, baby has 8 days to come out on his own). I want to say all the swear words.

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    arj14arj14 member
    37w4d today.  I got checked at my appointment on Tuesday (1cm dialeted, 50% effaced ) but I don't know if I'll decline next time or not.  It depends on if my curiosity outweighs my memory of the pain.

    But since we don't have half the things we need ready STILL, I need baby girl to hold out for a while for those selfish reasons.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    arj14 said:
    37w4d today.  I got checked at my appointment on Tuesday (1cm dialeted, 50% effaced ) but I don't know if I'll decline next time or not.  It depends on if my curiosity outweighs my memory of the pain.

    But since we don't have half the things we need ready STILL, I need baby girl to hold out for a while for those selfish reasons.
    38+3 today. I seriously hope to be induced around 40+4 days. I feel like that is overdue enough for me but at least my mom will be here to help watch my other kids... and then I can still make the last few graduation things for DS1 and DS2. Plus it will be a weekend so I wouldn't need to worry about the kids going to school. Super selfish of me but I also don't want to just wait because I don't want him born on my bday... which would be 41+2 days. I'm still not ready for him.
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
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    arj14arj14 member
    arj14 said:
    37w4d today.  I got checked at my appointment on Tuesday (1cm dialeted, 50% effaced ) but I don't know if I'll decline next time or not.  It depends on if my curiosity outweighs my memory of the pain.

    But since we don't have half the things we need ready STILL, I need baby girl to hold out for a while for those selfish reasons.
    38+3 today. I seriously hope to be induced around 40+4 days. I feel like that is overdue enough for me but at least my mom will be here to help watch my other kids... and then I can still make the last few graduation things for DS1 and DS2. Plus it will be a weekend so I wouldn't need to worry about the kids going to school. Super selfish of me but I also don't want to just wait because I don't want him born on my bday... which would be 41+2 days. I'm still not ready for him.


    The part about not wanting baby born on your birthday made me LOL a bit since today is DH's birthday and I've been teasing him all week that today would be the day, just to make him grumpy. 

    But yeah, not ready!!  We still don't even have our car seats installed and it is freaking me out.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Kit&Cat said:
    I am having the worst day. I am just going to admit that I'm annoyed and pissed about being pregnant today!!!!!!! My team has a couple people in from out of town... Last night we went out for Mexican and today went to a baseball game. Maybe it's all the margaritas and draft beers I've seen other people consume in the last two days... Maybe it's the fact that my husband refuses to let me take leave any earlier than the moment the baby arrives... Maybe I'm just tired and huge and in pain and whatever. Maybe it's all of it!! But I am literally pissed !!!!! 38+5 today and getting membranes swept tomorrow and will also make an induction plan tomorrow for if the sweep doesn't work which I'm assuming it won't. (High blood pressure, baby has 8 days to come out on his own). I want to say all the swear words.


    I agree with @mrstmoose Why does your husband have a say in when you start your leave? As long as you take the allowed time for maternity leave, why does it matter to him if you start before baby is here? Is it a money issue? I guess that I could understand. Either way though, wouldn't you be taking the same amount of time off, so what's the difference?

    My DH and I decided that I will end up working until May 27, which is a weekish past my due date (May 31 is actually a week past, but it's a holiday). If I worked closer to home I'd work right up to two weeks over, but I don't. I work an hour away and I don't want to go into labor at work.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
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    Im 38+5 and the anticipation of my little lady coming is just too much. its all i think about. ALL THE TIME. i keep reading PP and everyone seems to be keeping busy - but i just cant. plus work is slow, leaving me even more time to just sit, stare out my window and dream about my baby girl. i'm going crazy you guys! i'm trying to be patient and enjoy this last week or so with my husband - but ahhhhh! 
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    kami09kami09 member
    ^ lol I look around and just think that I have nothing to say!! I do have one already so I could think back to 1.5 years ago but I just scroll, read and log off
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    Haha yep I feel like I'm the only one still pregnant around here :tongue:. I'm enjoying these last days of being a family of two, but at the same time, I'm feeling more ready every day. And work is SO boring. At least I'm working remotely... I'm honestly not doing much work these days!
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    Anyone else stressing about your home not being ready?  I live in Brooklyn, our second bedroom, now the baby's room, was my husband's office, and now we've moved his office into a nook in the living room.  We are STILL waiting on a desk that's being custom built to fit the space.  So his current office is a mess and it's stressing me out!!  The desk was supposed to be delivered last week, now this week, and now the guy is trying to push it to next week.  I'm less that 2 weeks from due date (May 29th) and just want the place to be ready. This is New York - apartments are small!  We also have all of our books stacked in a corner until the desk guy also brings the shelves we need to mount on the wall.   And to top it off, after a VERY smooth pregnancy, I've developed a constant pain in my lower right back that is awful.  Hurts literally every step I take.  Can't wait to have the baby, but I am so not ready for the baby to come until after the apartment is ready.  I never intended to be this close to the due date and not have the place ready.  Sigh.
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    NB817NB817 member
    Still here abd pregnant but happy to be! Need this little guy to stay in until Monday's RCS! I'm probably the only one who feels like phew I'm still pregnant.

    ME: 35 DH: 39

    Married July 2011

    DD Born 8/12

    TTC #2 since 11/13

    ME: Submucosal Fibroid Surgery Date APRIL 14th 2015 -Left Tube is blocked by Fibroid~Surgeon removed 26 Fibroids from my Ute and Unblocked my Tube

    DH:Azoospermia...Thank God we have 12 vials of frozen swimmers

    July 15-Check to see if Ute is all healed

    IUI #1 8/3/15...BFN

    IUI #2 9/5/15...BFP on 9/17/15

    Beta #1-344

    Beta #2-809

    Beta #3 8,390

    1st u/s 8/8/15 1 bean HB 135 @ 6w5d

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    @NB817 I'm in no rush for little guy to show up. Honestly I feel like some friends and family of mine are more anxious for him to get here than I am.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
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    @NB817 I'm in no rush for little guy to show up. Honestly I feel like some friends and family of mine are more anxious for him to get here than I am.
    This is my family too. They all think I'm delusional that I'm not freaking out that she's not here yet. I'm only a few days over my EDD, calm down people. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @sillyfox I get that question every time I come into the office. Still here? Still working? Yes, yes I am. I want as much time actually WITH my baby as I can have, I don't want to take a bunch of time off before he is even here.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
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    @Norway23 glad everything looks okay!
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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    I'm about to lose it. I've been sick SO many times this pregnancy. Before now it was legitimately 8 times being sick enough to miss work. I'm now coughing, congested and have throbbing ear pain so off to the clinic I go today. Just shoot me. 
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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    @lionstigersbears that sounds terrible! Last week I tripped and hurt my foot and knee, and everything is so much harder when you're pregnant AND hurt/sick. Hope you can get things cleared up before you go into labor so you're not dealing with all of that at once!
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    @Pascal86 thank you! I can't imagine being injured, I hope you're feeling better soon!
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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