June 2016 Moms

Birth announcement thread

fishwife799fishwife799 member
edited March 2016 in June 2016 Moms


***Please do not comment on this thread unless it is your birth announcement***

I'm hoping this post will stay empty for a while but wanted it here for when our first June baby arrives. 

Please use this thread to share baby's name, birth date, pictures, and any other details you would like to share as well as a link to your individual announcement thread. 

"Love Its" are welcome and appreciated on this thread, but please refrain from commenting with anything other than your baby's details. 
If you'd like to comment, please follow the link to the individual's announcement thread and comment there. 

Wishing everyone short, healthy, and happy births!!
(Credit for text used above goes to A14, N14, D14, J15, F15, M15, S15, O15, N15, J16)

babysizercom pregnancy ticker


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