When you are on a drive that takes a little over an hour and you're sitting uncomfortably in the back seat.. You force the driver to pull over so you can stretch out in the front. Still uncomfortable but much better! Haha!
When your 'plate groove' is gone (the place where you used to rest you plate in your lap when sitting). If I try to put my plate there now, the belly is in the way and I can't get to my food. Putting the plate on the stomach isn't stable. Where do I put my plate?????
When you can no longer cross your legs, even if you try lifting Bump out of the way.
When sitting upright in your office chair winds you.
When you have to find a chair in the middle of the grocery store so you can catch your breath before you continue shopping.
When you accidentally knock the pan you were cooking with off the stove with your belly. (On this one, I must have had magical pregnancy ninja reflexes on my side because I caught my cast-iron skillet in mid-air with my non-dominant hand and rescued my pierogies before they hit the floor. Thank goodness I wasn't making soup or sauce!)
When your engagement ring doesn't fit anymore and next, your shoes. bloated.
Yup! My mom teased since week 10 that I was going to have to take off my ring and I didn't believe her until I took it off and I had a huge indent on my finger. I switched to a bigger ring DH got me when we were dating. As for shoes, my boss tried to talk to me about me wearing flip flops and I just said "these are all that fit me comfortably right now..." That shut her up.
In a moment of defiance (note- I am not on strict bed rest) I decided that I was going to fill the water reservoir for our Keurig but instead threw it to the ground (because clumsy). The last drops of water in it splashed up and got DH on the forehead before the whole thing cracked into 3 pieces. He was less than pleased since he was in the middle of telling me to sit down. I have now been banned from the kitchen so in addition to bed rest as I start the 3rd Tri, I am also in time out.
Oh darn. Looks like I have to go home and the day hasn't even started yet. Please tell me all you other ladies are just as clumsy as me!
I dropped the key card I need to get into the building for work in the parking lot this morning. If DH hadn't been there I probably would have given up on the day.
When you feel like a turtle on its back trying to get out of a super soft recliner...
Yes-- my love for the recliner in DS's room is waning the more pregnant I become. It's hard to get myself out of it now, let alone myself while holding him if he has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I've started putting a mountain of pillows behind me so that I can't really sit back in it, just so that I can actually get up again without straining oddly.
Feels like it all hit in today... Clumsy tired sore... Hoping bad day and tomorrow can be bit more normal. 8 weeks to go - hoping just crappy Monday otherwise there may be moping :-)
When your engagement ring doesn't fit anymore and next, your shoes. bloated.
YUP. I managed to squeeze on my ring for my shower, but it was bloody hell getting it off. My hands and feet are like sausages, all shoes but sandals are too tight and uncomfortable. everything is puffy
When you can't sit down, get up, or change positions at all without making vaguely pornographic noises.
Literally. I have tried getting into my car while holding my breath so that baby squashing my lungs doesn't result in a moan and it freaking hurt! Now I just make sure no one's around when I do it...
Cleaning up at the public library tonight (straightening the shelves, wiping down the public computers, etc), a kid had left an AirHeads wrapper underneath the desk of the PC in the kid's area. Maintenance/cleaning comes in the morning, so... yeah. It wasn't worth it to me to try to pick it up. It's bad enough straightening up the books on the low shelves.
When....every time you caugh/sneeze you pee. Your stomach changes shape, you get full to fast during lunch or dinner. When you become brutally honest. Annoyed very easily. When you start gaining2-3 lbs. a week. When you just can't remember anything or the right word. When nothing that you eat is making you happy......
Yeah I know I'm sick and tired of people sneaking or touching my belly. I had a big surprise for those Sunday. Look you can touch my hand but do NOT touch my belly, it is very annoying and uncomfortable okay. I have natural kinky curly hair and someone came up and touched my hair and started pulling on my curls. I said, "thank you, but do not touch my hair and especially don't pull it. I do not mind giving you the information on how I get my curls so lovely". She stepped away immediately. I'm like these people or soooooo RUDE!
I agree @rbrooks6 that people see a pregnant woman and think "Oh, I can touch her"...and I am not talking about just belly. I had a complete stranger come up behind me at the grocery store, put her hands on my hips and say "Wow, from the back you don't even look pregnant! Good for you honey!" Mind you, I live in a very conservative New England area where you don't even make eye contact with strangers. And I had watched this same lady do the shopping cart bumper cars, growling at other patrons, eyes down thing all us Massholes are known for when in public so I know that normally she would never think to strike up a conversation with a stranger, let alone touch them...unless that stranger happens to be pregnant like me!
I am ok with people at church touching my shoulder or arm, even stroking my hair (they are basically family anyways!) but everyone has been so considerate about asking if they can touch my belly. The stuff I can't stand is when I am talking to someone at work and their eyes are just glued on my bump. Do I say "Yup, I'm pregnant. Now moving on..." or just ignore it?
I agree @rbrooks6 that people see a pregnant woman and think "Oh, I can touch her"...and I am not talking about just belly. I had a complete stranger come up behind me at the grocery store, put her hands on my hips and say "Wow, from the back you don't even look pregnant! Good for you honey!" Mind you, I live in a very conservative New England area where you don't even make eye contact with strangers. And I had watched this same lady do the shopping cart bumper cars, growling at other patrons, eyes down thing all us Massholes are known for when in public so I know that normally she would never think to strike up a conversation with a stranger, let alone touch them...unless that stranger happens to be pregnant like me!
I am ok with people at church touching my shoulder or arm, even stroking my hair (they are basically family anyways!) but everyone has been so considerate about asking if they can touch my belly. The stuff I can't stand is when I am talking to someone at work and their eyes are just glued on my bump. Do I say "Yup, I'm pregnant. Now moving on..." or just ignore it?
New to law a few years ago, PA now files unwanted touching of pregnant bellies under harassment. I'm so glad for it, because even though I get allllll sorts of random comments, I don't get complete strangers just touching my stomach-- though I've had people ask.
When you feel like a turtle on its back trying to get out of a super soft recliner...
Yes-- my love for the recliner in DS's room is waning the more pregnant I become. It's hard to get myself out of it now, let alone myself while holding him if he has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I've started putting a mountain of pillows behind me so that I can't really sit back in it, just so that I can actually get up again without straining oddly.
@kbrands7 The recliner/glider in LO's nursery is getting a little too soft for me and now I'm concerned because the whole holding her/trying to get up with her in my arms may prove to be impossible. I firmly believe they should invent booster seats for pregnant women!
When you feel like a turtle on its back trying to get out of a super soft recliner...
Yes-- my love for the recliner in DS's room is waning the more pregnant I become. It's hard to get myself out of it now, let alone myself while holding him if he has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I've started putting a mountain of pillows behind me so that I can't really sit back in it, just so that I can actually get up again without straining oddly.
@kbrands7 The recliner/glider in LO's nursery is getting a little too soft for me and now I'm concerned because the whole holding her/trying to get up with her in my arms may prove to be impossible. I firmly believe they should invent booster seats for pregnant women!
You know what they do have..."ejector chairs" like my Grandma had near the end of her life. She didn't have the best hips and knees. It's like a recliner, but pushes you forward when you want to get out of the chair. Sounds pretty good now! My favorite part of the story is that my Grandma called it her "electric chair".
Mama to Three Girls: Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
People keep interrupting your lunch break for really stupid things and you actually consider punching someone and/or eating their face. Do NOT stand between a pregnant lady and her lunch! How dumb can these people be?!
You can no longer paint your toe nails yourself...I about killed myself last night trying to take off polish, trim my nails, and repaint them. There was profanity, moaning, and grunting flying all over the house as my husband sat downstairs laughing. I'm thankful the episode wasn't recorded! I guess I'll be splurging on pedicures from here on out!
When coming back to the office with your lunch, you have to debate which is more critcal- eating or peeing. Because if I stop to pee 1st, that is 2 minutes later until I can eat. But if I eat first, I might pee my pants. Oh the dramazzzzz
When coming back to the office with your lunch, you have to debate which is more critcal- eating or peeing. Because if I stop to pee 1st, that is 2 minutes later until I can eat. But if I eat first, I might pee my pants. Oh the dramazzzzz
I literally just went through this dilemma. I chose to eat first... and about to go pee right now! worth it. I was starving.
People keep interrupting your lunch break for really stupid things and you actually consider punching someone and/or eating their face. Do NOT stand between a pregnant lady and her lunch! How dumb can these people be?!
Lol. This reminds me of over the weekend when I got hangry because DS and I had been up for a few hours before DH would roll out of bed-- we had planned to go out for breakfast together so I was trying to just give DS healthy snacks to hold him over and hadn't eaten much of anything myself. After being nice initially, I finally went into our room and told DH that if he didn't get up to get ready, I was going to eat him. That got him moving.
What is your best responses if people ask if they can touch the belly? I feel rude for saying no, so always end up saying (very awkwardly) it's fine... But I would really rather prefer nobody touches me.
When coming back to the office with your lunch, you have to debate which is more critcal- eating or peeing. Because if I stop to pee 1st, that is 2 minutes later until I can eat. But if I eat first, I might pee my pants. Oh the dramazzzzz
What is your best responses if people ask if they can touch the belly? I feel rude for saying no, so always end up saying (very awkwardly) it's fine... But I would really rather prefer nobody touches me.
If it's someone I know well, I honestly don't mind so much and I'll let them know where he is (basically, direct them to feel higher on the belly). Strangers, students, people who I'm not comfortable with I just explain quickly that pregnancy makes the bump very sensitive, especially the further along I am, so I prefer to not be touched.
When coming back to the office with your lunch, you have to debate which is more critcal- eating or peeing. Because if I stop to pee 1st, that is 2 minutes later until I can eat. But if I eat first, I might pee my pants. Oh the dramazzzzz
What is your best responses if people ask if they can touch the belly? I feel rude for saying no, so always end up saying (very awkwardly) it's fine... But I would really rather prefer nobody touches me.
At least people are asking you before they touch you! At my shower a few weeks ago, most people were respectful and didn't touch me, but MIL's cousin (who I barely know but is notorious for having terrible social skills) walked right up and tried to grab my bump with both hands. I smiled as I immediately took a big step back. So, she tried again. We repeated this a couple of times before I think she finally got the hint. It was really awkward. I agree with @kbrands7 - if someone close asks, I'll take their hand and put it where I'm comfortable. If it's anyone else, I just say no. I would rather hurt someone's feelings than feel uncomfortable.
When you're accidentally stuck in the quote box and you can't fix it and it's unreasonably upsetting. Then you forget what you originally wanted to say.
What is your best responses if people ask if they can touch the belly? I feel rude for saying no, so always end up saying (very awkwardly) it's fine... But I would really rather prefer nobody touches me.
I hate it--no one is allowed to touch my bump except for DH.
My response (maybe a little harsh? But totally effective): "Please don't. It makes me feel like an incubator."
I'm never quick enough to say it before they touch me, but once they touch me and I say that and they remove their hands, they do not try again. And I hope they'll think twice before they do it to someone else!
Re: You know you're hitting the 3rd tri when....
As for shoes, my boss tried to talk to me about me wearing flip flops and I just said "these are all that fit me comfortably right now..." That shut her up.
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
Literally. I have tried getting into my car while holding my breath so that baby squashing my lungs doesn't result in a moan and it freaking hurt! Now I just make sure no one's around when I do it...
I agree @rbrooks6 that people see a pregnant woman and think "Oh, I can touch her"...and I am not talking about just belly. I had a complete stranger come up behind me at the grocery store, put her hands on my hips and say "Wow, from the back you don't even look pregnant! Good for you honey!" Mind you, I live in a very conservative New England area where you don't even make eye contact with strangers. And I had watched this same lady do the shopping cart bumper cars, growling at other patrons, eyes down thing all us Massholes are known for when in public so I know that normally she would never think to strike up a conversation with a stranger, let alone touch them...unless that stranger happens to be pregnant like me!
I am ok with people at church touching my shoulder or arm, even stroking my hair (they are basically family anyways!) but everyone has been so considerate about asking if they can touch my belly. The stuff I can't stand is when I am talking to someone at work and their eyes are just glued on my bump. Do I say "Yup, I'm pregnant. Now moving on..." or just ignore it?
@kbrands7 The recliner/glider in LO's nursery is getting a little too soft for me and now I'm concerned because the whole holding her/trying to get up with her in my arms may prove to be impossible. I firmly believe they should invent booster seats for pregnant women!
You know what they do have..."ejector chairs" like my Grandma had near the end of her life. She didn't have the best hips and knees. It's like a recliner, but pushes you forward when you want to get out of the chair.
Sounds pretty good now!
My favorite part of the story is that my Grandma called it her "electric chair".
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
I literally just went through this dilemma. I chose to eat first... and about to go pee right now! worth it. I was starving.
I feel rude for saying no, so always end up saying (very awkwardly) it's fine...
But I would really rather prefer nobody touches me.
BFP #1: 9/12/2015
DD: 6/1/2016
BFP #2: 1/16/2018 MC 2/2/2018
My response (maybe a little harsh? But totally effective): "Please don't. It makes me feel like an incubator."
I'm never quick enough to say it before they touch me, but once they touch me and I say that and they remove their hands, they do not try again. And I hope they'll think twice before they do it to someone else!