May 2016 Moms

You know you're hitting the 3rd tri when....

You get out of breath just sitting and talking.

Sneezes are accompanied by peeing in your pants or a fart. Every. Single. Time.


Re: You know you're hitting the 3rd tri when....

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  • You find yourself napping for the second time that day but when you do wake up you have to assemble your new stroller, car seat, crib, nursery, and even decide to repaint the coffee tables just because you think you need to
  • You have a full blown mental break down and can't wait to push the karate kid in your belly out
  • You have a full blown mental break down and can't wait to push the karate kid in your belly out
  • (tmi) Are we having an increase in vag discharge these days?  I know to call my OB if I at all thought this I was leaking fluid - I really don't think it is amniotic - just a little more than before. Am I alone on this one?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • JennyS86 said:
    (tmi) Are we having an increase in vag discharge these days?  I know to call my OB if I at all thought this I was leaking fluid - I really don't think it is amniotic - just a little more than before. Am I alone on this one?
    I've noticed a little bit of an increase in the past few days. I asked my midwife today and she didnt seem concerned. She just said to let them know if you think it's amniotic fluid leaking.
  • I'm actually having less discharge in third trimester (so far) than second.
  • JennyS86 said:
    (tmi) Are we having an increase in vag discharge these days?  I know to call my OB if I at all thought this I was leaking fluid - I really don't think it is amniotic - just a little more than before. Am I alone on this one?
    You're not alone! I have this and it happened to me last time too.
  • JennyS86 said:
    (tmi) Are we having an increase in vag discharge these days?  I know to call my OB if I at all thought this I was leaking fluid - I really don't think it is amniotic - just a little more than before. Am I alone on this one?
    Not alone ! Lots of VD these days ... It shocks me too 
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