My baby has passed away. We are going back in the morning to be induced. We don't know why this has happened.
I will need to pick up stuff in the morning as we hadn't packed our hospital bag yet. The doctor said I most likely won't get a c-section, as those are usually done for issues relating to baby's health. I guess I will buy maxi pads and witch hazel from the drugstore? Pack slippers and phone charger.
I don't know why this would have happened. I heard a baby crying in the labour ward today and it made me feel like I was losing my mind.
Please tell me this gets better.
Re: Induction at 33 weeks; extreme trigger warning **UPDATE - BIRTH STORY**
I had a nasty cold with a fever this past week. I was taking Tylenol. Maybe I didn't take enough and the fever hurt my son?
This is so sick and unfair and total bullshit.
So grateful for DH who has been so supportive. I feel so sad for him.
I am truly sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to think of what to say in terms of consoling words as nothing seems to be good enough for this tragic situation. All I can say is that we (the TB members) are here for you and as the PP mentioned, there is a board for this type of topic and they may have some advice as well.
I know a friend of mine whom I am close with lost her child as well (before she and I knew each other). She's able to talk about it (I heard her talking about it a while ago) and if you would like, I can try asking her what / if any advice she has? Let me know.
February 2016
They told me that they can aggressively induce and aggressively manage pain when the baby's health is not in issue. And that there is basically zero chance of a c-section which is a relief in terms of recovery time. We leave for the hospital in an hour.
I was working 2 jobs and going nuts with nesting. I guess I just got run down and didn't treat the fever the way I should have. It is so unfair that this past week, right before I got sick, I had just finished my baby list -- crib, clothing, diaper system, and got all the gear except breast pump. The only thing I didn't do was pack a hospital bag. Part of me dreads going to the hospital and the other part dreads coming hone. The nursery is in our master bedroom.
They have all of these crazy questions like do we want to hold him afterwards and autopsy/remains issues and "family" photos. How is a person supposed to make these decisions? I only want for this not to have happened at all. DH can't bear the thought and has asked if I want to try again. I can't even think of how to answer that.
How is it that women get pregnant who don't even want their babies? This just doesn't make sense.
You'll be in my prayers.
To the 1st bolded part - Maybe it's just how I am interpreting it when reading but it seems like you're blaming yourself. I hope I'm interpreting it wrong but if I am not = PLEASE PLEASE do not blame yourself.
To the 2nd bolded part - It may seem overwhelming now and a bit hard to imagine wanting to do it but I have heard that it actually is helpful in the "healing" (lack of a better word comes to mind right now). I have heard that many people look back at those photos now and are glad they did them.
To the 3rd bolded part - Be honest with him. You two are going to be the biggest help to each other in getting through this tragic time. Tell him you need sometime to grieve (he MAY also be asking because it's his own way of trying to figure out how to get through this). Whatever you and you DH decide, make sure you're both on the same page 100%. IF you and your DH do decide to try again, I wish you all the best of luck.
Again, prayers and warm wishes to you and your DH
DS2 due 12/12/18
Wishing you peace,healing, and strength.
You did nothing wrong! Please do not continue to blame yourself.
I hope yesterday went as smooth as possible and that you have a quick recovery. I pray you find peace.
***Lurking from May 2016***
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now. Sending nothing but positive and healing thoughts your way!
I am so so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and praying for healing and peace during this difficult time.
I also second PPs suggestion of using Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, if you want to. I am a postpartum nurse and many of our patients have worked with this organization. They do such a wonderful job of celebrating the baby's life and making memories for you.
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
- BFP: 09/11/2015
- EDD: 05/25/2016
Baby Born04/15/2016
Married Bio * BFP Charts