June 2016 Moms

Weekly Randoms go here...


Re: Weekly Randoms go here...

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    PBear93 said:
    NicknShan said:
    My DH came home with two tubs of Edys ice cream and flowers. We have some winners today.
    Mine came home late and without the item I asked him to stop by the store to pick up that I needed to make dinner. 
    He's not gonna get laaaaaiiiiiiiid ;)
    @MamaNicoleof3 DED. I love it.

     @ahernandez16 believe me, your mom is deriving so much joy from being able to provide these things for her grandbaby. It's awesome that she wants to do it, and you're awesome for not feeling entitled. So much awesomeness! :) 

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    sdnybrk said:
    NicknShan said:
    My DH came home with two tubs of Edys ice cream and flowers. We have some winners today.
    He's gonna get laaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiid. 
    Mine brought me lunch the other day because he had a call near put house. This happens maybe once a month...we made it a "fun lunch" ;)

    I'll pay someone to send me a giant kitkat from Canada....I have money...! I also have access to girl scout cookies!
    We have Girl Scout cookies but only thin mints & the plain chocolate & vanilla kind...you guys definitely beat us there. 
    Maybe we should consider a trade...big Kit Kat for cookies, lol. Though you might be able to find the Kit Kat at a corner store. 
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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    DeePaddy24 said 
    We have Girl Scout cookies but only thin mints & the plain chocolate & vanilla kind...you guys definitely beat us there. 
    Maybe we should consider a trade...big Kit Kat for cookies, lol. Though you might be able to find the Kit Kat at a corner store. 
    Or we could, ya know, buy three kit kats. They're sooooo goooooood. 

    Oh! does anyone remember those giant kit kats?! They were gross- not enough wafer and too much chocolate. Nice try, Nestle. 
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    DeePaddy24 said 
    We have Girl Scout cookies but only thin mints & the plain chocolate & vanilla kind...you guys definitely beat us there. 
    Maybe we should consider a trade...big Kit Kat for cookies, lol. Though you might be able to find the Kit Kat at a corner store. 
    Or we could, ya know, buy three kit kats. They're sooooo goooooood. 

    Oh! does anyone remember those giant kit kats?! They were gross- not enough wafer and too much chocolate. Nice try, Nestle. 
    ...this doesn't help me with the Girl Scout cookies, though! :(
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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    DeePaddy24 said 
    We have Girl Scout cookies but only thin mints & the plain chocolate & vanilla kind...you guys definitely beat us there. 
    Maybe we should consider a trade...big Kit Kat for cookies, lol. Though you might be able to find the Kit Kat at a corner store. 
    Or we could, ya know, buy three kit kats. They're sooooo goooooood. 

    Oh! does anyone remember those giant kit kats?! They were gross- not enough wafer and too much chocolate. Nice try, Nestle. 
    Noooo. I love those! 
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    DeePaddy24 said 
    We have Girl Scout cookies but only thin mints & the plain chocolate & vanilla kind...you guys definitely beat us there. 
    Maybe we should consider a trade...big Kit Kat for cookies, lol. Though you might be able to find the Kit Kat at a corner store. 
    Or we could, ya know, buy three kit kats. They're sooooo goooooood. 

    Oh! does anyone remember those giant kit kats?! They were gross- not enough wafer and too much chocolate. Nice try, Nestle. 
    But is it really the same? Really? 
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    You guys should look up the kit Kat flavors they have in Japan.  My friend lived there for a while and brought me some blueberry cheesecake ones.  

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    PBear93 said:
    You guys should look up the kit Kat flavors they have in Japan.  My friend lived there for a while and brought me some blueberry cheesecake ones.  
    I've heard about those! They have green tea flavored ones, if I recall. Although, I was just over on the UO thread complaining that I'm sick of all these crazy-flavored Oreos.  In general, I think food should avoid trying to taste like an entirely different food.  But, that said, it doesn't bother me with candy. People go crazy for those exotic flavored Kit Kats. I'm curious.

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    Canadian girl scout cookies are a joke. I thought they were ok until a friend of mine (an American who has only lived here a few years) asked me to watch her cat for a while and help myself to her huge stash of American girl scout cookies. She probably did not anticipate how much of a dent I would make in that stash :/

    @parsonsperson I'm so with you on crazy Oreo flavours. I LOVE original Oreos, but I hate pretty much everything else they've ever tried to do, including Double Stuf (maybe this should be a UO...but I think the original cookie/cream ratio is perfect). 

    @MamaNicoleof3 I loved those big weird Kit Kats (can't remember what they were called!) and I had a system for eating them where I would systematically eat off the entire outer chocolate layer first and then eat the wafer layers separately.
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    MamaNicoleof3MamaNicoleof3 member
    edited March 2016
    @MamaNicoleof3 I loved those big weird Kit Kats (can't remember what they were called!) and I had a system for eating them where I would systematically eat off the entire outer chocolate layer first and then eat the wafer layers separately.
    That's the only way I can eat Kit Kats. Even normal-sized ones. Yummmmm. 
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    @Emztron500 Oh. my. gawd. That's how I ate those kit kats too. 
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    Dude. It's the only way to eat ANY kit kat!!
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    NicknShan said:
    My DH came home with two tubs of Edys ice cream and flowers. We have some winners today.
    Everyone's except mine. He's on a boys weekend to play golf and left me home with our boys! My dads coming on Sunday, the house is a wreck, my guest room is storage for all the baby girl stuff I've been buying, and I decided to paint the kids new (second hand) bunk beds to freshen them up. I need candy and 24 hours to seep. 

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    DeePaddy24 said 
    We have Girl Scout cookies but only thin mints & the plain chocolate & vanilla kind...you guys definitely beat us there. 
    Maybe we should consider a trade...big Kit Kat for cookies, lol. Though you might be able to find the Kit Kat at a corner store. 
    Or we could, ya know, buy three kit kats. They're sooooo goooooood. 

    Oh! does anyone remember those giant kit kats?! They were gross- not enough wafer and too much chocolate. Nice try, Nestle. 
    Chunky KitKat??? That's what they were called in England anyway. They were amaaazing.
    April Sig Challenge: Why my kid is crying

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    I had to google the Japanese kitkat bars and I can't tell if they look amazing or horrible.

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    NicknShan said:
    My DH came home with two tubs of Edys ice cream and flowers. We have some winners today.
    Everyone's except mine. He's on a boys weekend to play golf and left me home with our boys! My dads coming on Sunday, the house is a wreck, my guest room is storage for all the baby girl stuff I've been buying, and I decided to paint the kids new (second hand) bunk beds to freshen them up. I need candy and 24 hours to seep. 
    My husbands annual boys golf trip falls when I'm 34 weeks & I went into labor at 36 weeks with DS. I'm like...ummmm, are you sure?! He's insistent it will be okay. He goes to the mountains with no cell service & it's basically a drunk fest for like 8 guys. I'm thinking its not going to happen this year. Haha 

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    You can get some of the weird Kit Kat flavors at the World Market! The green tea ones are pretty good but that's about as wild as I'll go
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    Ha!  @courtjack - Its an astrological thing for H when he talked to some astrological dude in India growing up.  H is basically superstitious of Tuesday actually so he just is so happy when Tuesday is over and Wednesday comes around.  He does wake up in a better mode as a result.

    @Tawny87 - Didn't even think of that.  ;)
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    We will be having an RCS on a Wednesday. My DH has every intention to head up north to the cabin that weekend for his soon to be BILs bachelor party (Friday-Sunday). I just let him think that and I am not correcting him. Evil laugh. A CS usually requires a couple nights in the hospital. Best case - we go home Friday afternoon. But my guess is that we wouldn't even go home until Saturday. 
    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

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    amangels2amangels2 member
    edited March 2016
    I am SO sleepy this morning.  I keep reminding myself it's Friday.  But then I remember I have the dreaded GD test tomorrow and have to be at the doctor's early and that keeps bumming me out.  But it is Friday....that is my mantra for right now.
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    gray51015 said:

    This should probably be a FFFC, but I secretly have my fingers crossed that LO comes just a small handful of days early. We have so many family members who live really far away and are adamant about being there for her birth and "helping us out at home" after- if she was just a few days early no one would be in town yet and we could just slip off to the hospital unnoticed, no one the wiser.

    What is their game plan for if she comes late??? 

    We had to talk my in-laws out of cancelling their trip to alaska (June 19-26, my EDD is the 24th) and coming down to see us instead because due dates just aren't set in stone and the baby will do whatever they want to do.  I can't imagine having people come in because they want to help, I would be stressing about the baby deciding to take its time and come a week or so late.  
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    gray51015 said:

    This should probably be a FFFC, but I secretly have my fingers crossed that LO comes just a small handful of days early. We have so many family members who live really far away and are adamant about being there for her birth and "helping us out at home" after- if she was just a few days early no one would be in town yet and we could just slip off to the hospital unnoticed, no one the wiser.

    What is their game plan for if she comes late??? 

    We had to talk my in-laws out of cancelling their trip to alaska (June 19-26, my EDD is the 24th) and coming down to see us instead because due dates just aren't set in stone and the baby will do whatever they want to do.  I can't imagine having people come in because they want to help, I would be stressing about the baby deciding to take its time and come a week or so late.  
    ^This for sure.  FIL told H that he is planning to come to town a week before my due date and just hang out until baby gets here.  Um, no. I can't imagine him just hanging out for weeks if baby decides to come late.  I want my last few days of being a family of 2, whenever those may be, to be just H and I.  H is supposed to tell him that we don't even want anyone in the waiting room when I'm delivering, but I don't believe that conversation has happened yet - totally a rant of mine with H right now.
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