December 2015 Moms

Any other 40+ weekers out there?


Re: Any other 40+ weekers out there?

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    40+1 and just got back from my appointment with the midwife. NOTHING. My cervix isn't even dialated enough to do a membrane sweep. She said she could get "one fingertip" in my cervix (and by the way, it was the most painful exam I have ever had). I know this little girl will come when she's ready, but I really want to avoid a medical induction (I'm terrified of the "cascade of interventions" and especially a C-section). I've been crying all morning since I left the office.  :(

    Sigh. Rant over. I know we're all in the same boat. Time for me to put my big girl panties back on and get back to work. Good luck everyone!!
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    @Alyssaerin996 I feel exactly the same :( I won't have a sweep attempt till Friday though, hoping my acupuncture will help soften the cervix more today :( do not want to be induced but will be forced to by next week
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    @Alyssaerin996 I feel exactly the same :( I won't have a sweep attempt till Friday though, hoping my acupuncture will help soften the cervix more today :( do not want to be induced but will be forced to by next week

    Im the same!! 41 weeks today
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    40+3 seeing the doctor today, hopefully we can get this baby home by New Year day.

    I'm making this my Facebook profile picture
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    Haaaa, I love that! I have to say I brought it on myself though (all the questions). I was so sure LO was coming early, it must seem to my friends/coworkers that I've been talking about this baby coming "any day now" for months! :o Woops.
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    40+5...checking into the hospital in about 20 minutes to get cervidil? I had my NST today to see how baby was doing..turns out he is very comfy (blowing me kisses) and has to much fluid. My doctor wasn't sure what this meant so he decided this would be a good choice for now since I'm still only 1 cm dilated. Wish us luck!!
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    Good luck @ACarter0914 !! Let us know how it goes.
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    Any other overdue mamas struggling with when to schedule an induction? I will be 41 on Friday, and I have been given the option to induce at 41 or to have an NST and ultrasound at 41 to see if it's safe to continue the pregnancy. No matter what, I will be induced before 42 (policy of the midwife).

    My midwife explained to me the risks of going past 41, including the increase risks of meconium aspiration and stillbirth, but on the flip side are the risks of inducing and possibly needing medical interventions.

    Am I being selfish for wanting to wait it out for the intervention-free birth I wanted? Anyone else struggling with this?
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    I won't be 41 until Monday- no signs that anything will happen before then- but have an appt tomorrow where we will discuss a possible induction date. I was talking to my husband, saying how I'm excited to meet our baby and want to schedule it as soon as possible. He reminded me of the possible risks with induction and told me he would prefer we schedule closer to 42 to increase chances of going naturally (assuming tests come back and that is safe). I have always wanted to try to go natural so I'm glad he reminded me of this. I don't think that you are being selfish!
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    I don't think you're being selfish AT ALL! Both induction and waiting have risks and rewards and like anything, those need to be weighed. Of course your feelings about how you wanted this all to go are going to sway your thinking- that's only natural. I'm in a similar boat. I'm still a week out from having to make the decision but I'm already stressing because I also want to avoid medical induction. Listen to your gut but also talk it out with your support team. You'll make the right decision for you! You also still have time for baby to start the process for you, before Friday. Wishing you the best!! :)
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    @mltarrio I am really struggling too, I think I will be getting the NST and u/s Friday but maybe I can wait till Monday, I have lots of fetal movement and no issues this pregnancy. Plus my nine week ultrasound put my due date 5 days ahead of my lmp, so I may not be "overdue". I want a non medicated birth badly, I dunno :/ I guess if I have the nst and baby is good and fluid is good, I will wait a few more days hopefully, baby is not big or anything so I can probably wait. Usually if your nst and ultrasound are good then you are at no more risk of a still birth than a non post term baby, a lot of times meconium comes from induction which stresses the baby. Ahhhhhhhh, so many things and I have no idea what to do.
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    40+3 and just had my weekly appointment this afternoon. I am only 2cm and 80% effaced. My doc did a membrane sweep and that was an interesting experience! I have been super crampy since then and am lightly bleeding. My fingers are crossed that I go into labor tonight or tomorrow! Otherwise I will have a NST on the morning of 12/31 to make sure this little guy is still nice and comfy. Good luck to all of the other past due mamas out there. Sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes!
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    @mltarrio I am really struggling too, I think I will be getting the NST and u/s Friday but maybe I can wait till Monday, I have lots of fetal movement and no issues this pregnancy. Plus my nine week ultrasound put my due date 5 days ahead of my lmp, so I may not be "overdue". I want a non medicated birth badly, I dunno :/ I guess if I have the nst and baby is good and fluid is good, I will wait a few more days hopefully, baby is not big or anything so I can probably wait. Usually if your nst and ultrasound are good then you are at no more risk of a still birth than a non post term baby, a lot of times meconium comes from induction which stresses the baby. Ahhhhhhhh, so many things and I have no idea what to do.

    Totally empathize with you,
    This is all very stressful. My induction is set for Friday at 41w and 3d. Induction is last thing I wanted, but I am concerned about waiting longer (and was told by my OB they they won't go longer).
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    Yay @laurabwalker!! Good luck!
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    40+6...started cervidil last night and just took it out this morning, overall feeling super crampy but good because they knocked me out. I only ended up dilated another centimeter or less which was really upsetting. I get to start pitocin in a little bit (exactly what I didn't want) but he is so active there is no way he would have anytime soon. Starting off this whole induction feeling bummed!!
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    Thanks for the feedback ladies. It's nice to know I am not the only one struggling with the induction. Good luck to those mamas who are getting induced, and also to those of you who sound like you got the party started on your own last night! We will all be mamas so soon - it's so exciting!
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    @ACarter0914 Sorry you're feeling bummed but you're well on your way to meeting your son!! Try to focus on that? Good luck with the rest of the process. Can't wait to see you on the birth announcement thread! :)
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    40+3. Doctor called me to come in this morning instead of my appointment tomorrow. Waiting right now and super nervous!
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    Went in for my 40 week appt today and got sent over for an induction due to blood pressure..... Plans just keep getting thrown out the window! NYE baby here we go.....!!
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    Hi there!!! Glad the memes I posted were able to hopefully bring a chuckle to your anxious hearts! So I went to my doctor appointment on Monday and was sent in for induction because my blood pressure was elevated. The process was not too shabby (I too was nervous about the idea of an induction). After going into active labor and a 30 minute push we welcomed our son into the world December 30 at 12:24am! I hope to read about your little ones being born soon!!!
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    7 days overdue and counting. Guess I'm officially a January 16 mom.
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    grkgdss00grkgdss00 member
    edited January 2016
    my induction is set for Monday, given I get over this nasty cold! I'll be 41w
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    7 days overdue and counting. Guess I'm officially a January 16 mom.

    Due date buddies! Now over due date buddies!!
    Hopefully in the next couple days!!!

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