December 2015 Moms

Any other 40+ weekers out there?


Re: Any other 40+ weekers out there?

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    I have an appointment this morning and i think doc will talk induction, but I was woken up around 4 with some painful cramping and a gush of what I think is mucus plug. It doesn't look like anything from Google, but I've been having some irregular contractions and lots and lots of cramping. Fingers crossed.
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    It's happening eeeeee! Congrats :)@Court11152325
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    Guess I can officially join this thread now since I'm 40w today. Wa! This is where I stand: I was 1cm dilated at 37w, cervix started to soften and thin at 38w. Last week at 39w, I was at 1.5cm and started losing mucus plug so OB tried to "loosen things up." Not sure if she did a membrane sweep but it was painful.

    Been losing mucus plug steadily for 5 days now and have had some bloody show with mucus plug. And finally some irregular contractions Sat and this morning but really, after reading all the birth stories I don't think this means anything. I just really want to avoid induction so hoping she comes soon!
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    So I'm 40+1 today and I think I'd be mostly ok if I wasn't getting pressured from everyone I know about why the baby hasn't arrived yet. I also never anticipated fielding so many weird ass texts about my cervix.

    Also, my mom just randomly decided to start driving out today from where she lives like 12 hours away (I thought she'd start driving when I was going into the hospital) and I find out that she took this entire week off without telling me. But, if I go past Saturday, she won't get to see the baby because she'll have to be back at work on Monday. I'm so nervous that it's just going to be us sitting around for the week with me getting stressed out about entertaining her, when I really need her after the baby comes. I need a cocktail damnit.
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    Had my sweep done yesterday, had some bloody show and mucus throughout the day, no contractions, tiny bit of cramping. No blood today. Looks like it'll be an induction tomorrow. :(
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    Guess I can officially join this thread now since I'm 40w today. Wa! This is where I stand: I was 1cm dilated at 37w, cervix started to soften and thin at 38w. Last week at 39w, I was at 1.5cm and started losing mucus plug so OB tried to "loosen things up." Not sure if she did a membrane sweep but it was painful.

    Been losing mucus plug steadily for 5 days now and have had some bloody show with mucus plug. And finally some irregular contractions Sat and this morning but really, after reading all the birth stories I don't think this means anything. I just really want to avoid induction so hoping she comes soon!

    Ladies, there is hope.. about 30 minutes after I posted this I started having contractions 10 mins apart and after an hour of that, my water broke! Big gush just like the movies. Called DH to come home, jumped in the shower and now at hospital. They just confirmed I'm still 1.5 cm but at least I know baby will be here in less than 24 hours. Things can change in an instant so hang in there!
    Good luck to you!!!!!!
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    Same amount of days past due. I'm with you on this one!
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    Now that it's after midnight I'm 40+2. tired of being prego. Been 1 cm since 37 and was still 1cm at 39+4. Lost my plug at 39 and been trying to induce with sex, exercise and sitting on the ball. Also, did a membrane sweep on Thursday with no luck. I'm hoping to do a v bac this time so induction is out of the question, really don't want a repeat csect with a two year old at home waiting when we get home. Really hoping he comes before Christmas. Appointment tomorrow, Dr will probably discuss c-section.
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    ACarter0914ACarter0914 member
    edited December 2015
    40+1.....waiting, waiting, waiting and NO signs of baby
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    Me too!! Due 12/22. Nothing happening :-/
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    Officially joining the 40+ club today at 40+1. Baby girl can come any time now...
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    Can finally join the 40 week thread. I love reading the birth announcements but I'm also so jealous of them! My body is showing 0 signs of snything happening :( will get sweep done Tuesday
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    I'm not quite 40 weeks yet (tomorrow I will be) so I can't complain as much as most of you ladies, but I'm so over this. I could actually handle the uncomfortableness of being this pregnant (and we are pretty sure the baby is going to be huge). But what I can't handle is the pressure of people asking not just if I'm in labour yet, but asking him to come, or saying he better come soon. My sister just sent me a picture of my dad holding my cousins new baby, saying that our LO better come soon, because he's ready to be a G-pa. OK, I get you are excited. You know, I can relate this is my first child im excited too, but how is that at all helpful. It's not going to make the baby comes faster. I literally cannot do anything about it. Just let him finish cooking. I will let you know when I'm in labour. I haven't had a single real contraction. He's not ready yet.

    Because of his size, my doctor is taking about a c-section next week (after doing an US first). I have only told my mom and one sister this because it might not happen and I don't want the pressure. If it does then I will tell them just before. Gah
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    I'm 40+2 which doesn't seem like much but my daughter was on time. I went into labor on the 13th and had her on the 14th (her due date) so I'm sitting her asking myself why my son isn't ready to come out yet? I've anticipated him since 38 weeks because his dad was early but it seems like he has his own plans...

    Also my doctor informing me that it's actually a due date "month" more then a due date really killed me at my last appointment...I know they could be off but I was surprised it could be that much. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard to believe I might end up with a January baby!
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    40 w 2 d and I am so frustrated! No signs of labor ( no loss of plug or any of that beautiful stuff). Beyond tired of the "no baby yet?" text. This meme has become my auto response to those texts
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    scottastic219scottastic219 member
    edited December 2015
    I can finally join this thread! DD was 12/26. Pretty sure I lost my mucous plug overnight and had a small bloody show, but no other signs of labor yet. I know things can change in an instant but I am very concerned to go past Jan 1 with this baby due to increased insurance costs (husband is joining my plan and our deductible will double as will our max out of pocket). Thinking of asking for an induction for 12/30 if this little guy doesn't arrive before then, but I know that all good things take time. Getting very tired of all of the text messages asking if I've had the baby yet!!
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    I feel like I will end up with a Jan baby too. I'm over people texting me and asking me what's up. It's not like I won't tell them :s

    A lot of my family ask over Facebook posts or pictures (which have nothing to do with being pregnant) I've taken to ignoring these. If they ask me privately then I just say nope, he's not done cooking yet and leave it at that. I HATE when people ask if I'm having contractions or if I'm dilated. I will tell you when I'm in labour. Trying to tell me about pregnancy when you have never been pregnant does not help me. I don't need you to remind me every day, as if I didn't know. Also, please don't tell me that the baby will be here soon. I know that he will. It's not like I'm going to be pregnant for another month.

    My husband thinks I'm keeping him in (subconsciously) because I'm scared of labour.
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    Unless by some miracle baby decides to come today, I will be joining you all tomorrow.  I feel like I'm making some progress but no rhythmic contractions yet. Getting more uncomfortable by the day, blah.  I think my doctor is going to do a membrane sweep tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.
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    I really know what you are all going through! Can I just be totally cliche and tell you to get some sleep and rest now?? I know some of you are STM+, but i had NO idea how hard this was going to be. I thought I did. I was wrong! So just enjoy these nights and days while you can. :)
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    laurabwalkerlaurabwalker member
    edited December 2015
    I went for a 40 min walk, bounced on my exercise ball, ate hot wings, drank my raspberry leaf tea, up to 4 cups a day now, and had a nap. I had done so well with my weight gain and I feel like going post term will not be good for this lol.
    Edit: anyone else with lots of Braxton hicks and some cramping?
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    Yes! I am like one constant BH contraction and have been for about a week. Not painful at all, just super tight, like I am being squeezed around the middle, and my belly gets so hard!
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    TONS of BH, some cramps, nothing really noticeable besides that though
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    I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'll be 41+6, I'm going to have him break my water. (Which he offered to do last week.) I am still in disbelief that he wasn't here before Christmas. Ready to meet our little guy!
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    40 + 5 today :s no bloody show or contractions -is it ever going to happen?????
    I really wanted something to happen today as its DHs birthday! Go baby goooo!!
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    40+4...woke up this morning feeling crampy, diarrhea (tmi), very rare BH contractions but SUPER tired. I've been up since 3:30 for no reason and I'm not impressed at all. I can't tell if I'm getting sick or if this is building up to be the real thing.
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    nearlymum said:

    40 + 5 today :s no bloody show or contractions -is it ever going to happen?????
    I really wanted something to happen today as its DHs birthday! Go baby goooo!!

    Same here. I've had just as many BH as I had at 20 weeks. And I'm only mildly crampy occasionally. I'm going to walk the mall today, but seriously. I'm only 40+1 so I can't complain as much. But my mom leaves on Thursday and I don't think he's going to be here by then.

    Someone asked, in my Facebook wall, if I was even having contractions. I'm sorry but that is a) none of your business and b) not something I want to discuss publicly. Also my hubby asked if the baby was going to come today and I pretty much lost it on him.
    My mum's here too!! Shes been a week and going to be going back soon :| feeling so pressured to have baby while she's here as I'd love her help but ye.....
    And ye the daily and sometimes twice daily check ins from family and friends are just not helping things - I'm beginning to think they're doing it so they'll notice as soon as I've gone into labour so from today I'm ignoring them anyway!
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    40+2 I think all would be doable if not for the millions of "baby update??" texts. I know everyone is just so excited to meet her but I am getting rather aggravated with all of these. I haven't even been responding  :* . Have an appointment tomorrow and will be scheduling an induction for late this week. Hoping LO wants to come on her own though. I have had cramps on and off for days now and my exhaustion level is like never before. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @jillianmangrau that is perfect!!! I am going to start replying with that every time someone asks. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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