December 2015 Moms

Any other 40+ weekers out there?


Re: Any other 40+ weekers out there?

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    Any updates?? I'm 39 + 1, and my doc scheduled an induction for Dec 21 at 41 weeks, just in case. I'm terrified of induction because my mom had such a horrible experience with me! But, we are moving on the 26th, so he really should be here by then...
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    At the hospital with the cervadil placed. Let's hope it kick starts something!

    BFP #1 April 14th, 2014 MMC at 17weeks with a baby boy D&E

    BFP # 2 March 23rd, Rainbow Baby Boy Jayce Michael born 12/9/15

    BFP#3 January 26th EDD October 9th! Hoping for my girl!

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    keiragann said:

    At the hospital with the cervadil placed. Let's hope it kick starts something!

    Good luck! Hopefully it goes well 8D
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    Doc stripped membranes so I'm bleeding like no one's business. Got light (but somewhat consistent) contractions/cramping going on so that's exciting.

    If not, I'm being induced on wednesday. Bleigh
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    I'm 40+6, two NSTs and a biophysical to make sure I can hang in a bit longer without being induced. My mom was 17 days late with my older brother, went into labor naturally and four hours later there he was. Three days late with me. I know what day I conceived and I've had 5 growth ultrasounds so unfortunately I know my due date was right on target! Nothing to do but wait.

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    goldochsi said:

    40+2. Next person who tells me to enjoy myself before something happens is gonna die!!!!!!!!
    Painfully :-)

    Yes!!!! Totally my feeling!

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    Just commenting to join the club :) 40+1 today. Of course I'm beyond ready but I've had more anxious days in the past month! Now at least I know it won't be long either way. My first was 4 days late so we will see if I pass that!
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    Just hit 40 today, had to cry at the doctor's office yesterday for them to even schedule an induction date. Last week the one doctor said we would schedule this week if I even made it to that appointment. Not only did I make it, but the the PA said I would have to come back for an appointment at 41 weeks before they would schedule an induction. I lost it. You can't get my hopes up that I'm going to go into labor, or at the very least can have an end date, then change that up on me. At least they scheduled me for an induction, even if it's not until I'll be 40+6.

    And tonight I now have to go to a party with DH's family where I'm sure I'll be asked repeatedly when I'm due and given all the usual platitudes about the baby needing to cook longer. I'm already pissed off and it hasn't even happened yet.
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    I'm 40 + 2 today. I thought I'd go a few days early because of the pressure, cramping, and contractions. Then when my due date hit I stopped feeling anything besides baby movement. I think baby boy is playing tricks on me. I had a membrane sweep done on Tuesday which brought on intense contractions and then completely stopped. I asked for another one yesterday, but the receptionists didn't even know what it was (she thought I wanted a Pap smear). She also told me they won't bring me in before my next appointment unless something is wrong, which is different from what my doctor told me. Oh well, my appointment is Monday so I guess I'll just have to wait until then. Good luck ladies!!
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    Praying41 said:

    Officially 1 day late now and I'm miserable!!! Never thought I'd be here. My mom and both sisters were early with all their kids so I expected the same for myself. No suck luck. I resent the fact that we are given a "due date". Just makes it so tough. I'm working till the end so I really dread going back Monday. Hope she arrives this weekend.

    We are staying away from all people because I'm afraid I might kill someone for their questions. I don't know when I'm going to have her and I'm not sleeping or enjoying sleep right now and I don't care that it will be harder after she's here and I don't need your advice on how to start labor naturally. I've tried it all. It doesn't work. Why can't people just keep their questions and comments to themselves????

    I'm 7 days overdue and was convinced I'd go early for the same reasons as you... Due date came... And went. It was the biggest joy (because we'd been waiting most of the year for such a special day) and let down because NOTHING happened. Everyday this week has been a challenge to get through mentally. None of the online "induce labor naturally" tips work. My cervix is still closed, not dilated, not progressing as of yesterday. I have no advice for you, but do know what you're going through. And all the 'well-meaning' texts from the in laws asking why the baby isn't here does not help things!!! Anyways, good luck on the little one, take comfort baby can't stay in forever! :smile: this will end at some point!
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    I'm 40 weeks today but my midwife scheduled my induction to start on Christmas day so I'll have him for at least Boxing Day when I'll be 14 days overdue.
    Praying he's not too late!
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    My due date is Tuesday. And I am so ready to be done. Everything my husband does is wrong. My son will not stop screaming about everything. I don't know if he's misbehaving more or if I'm just over sensitive about it. I'm probably just being more sensitive. Last night I bawled like a baby because my son wouldn't go to bed without screaming and my husband just snored through it. I ended up sleeping on the couch. Oh and I had to work at 630 this morning.
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    40 weeks today! All my grading is finished, the guest room is set up finally for my mom & I'm almost totally prepared. Now I know baby will be another week! ;) my hospital bag's been packed so long I don't remember what's in it! Off to walk the treadmill in an attempt to walk this baby out. I have noticed I feel worse the more active I am. Not sure if that's progress, but I'll take it!
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    LMJL said:

    40 weeks today! All my grading is finished, the guest room is set up finally for my mom & I'm almost totally prepared. Now I know baby will be another week! ;) my hospital bag's been packed so long I don't remember what's in it! Off to walk the treadmill in an attempt to walk this baby out. I have noticed I feel worse the more active I am. Not sure if that's progress, but I'll take it!

    Due date buddies! :smiley:
    The end is near for us!
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    I'm 40+1 today and I feel pretty OK actually. I have waves of being terribly uncomfortable but that is just the norm these days. Being induced at 40+3 if baby doesn't come before then, so I'm glad to know the end is near. :) Hang in there ladies!
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    I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow and I'm so ready to be done I can't imagine what will happen when I go to my appointment Monday and he tries to do the membrane sweep and it may be painful if he can even do it. Couldn't don't last time because I'm hardly dilated. Anyone else experience Braxton hicks for about 3 days then they just went away the last few days !? So frustrating I feel like I'm not progressing toward labor at all. And I want him to schedule the induction for 40+4 or 5 but after reading some of your posts I'm afraid he'll make me wait longer
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    @theawc42 I'd ask, my OB likes to induce as close to 41+0 as possible, which was what I want because I am to scared of meconium aspiration and aging placenta after 41 weeks to be comfortable waiting longer. 
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    40 on the dot. Baby's at position 0 (on Thursday), I'm slightly dilated and effaced, got a sweep, lost plug.... I've had at least two false starts which SUCK and I'm pretty uncomfortable now. Seriously, two nights when I was having contractions going around my back, pretty strong, coming every 6 to 8 minutes then died down about 2am.
    I keep trying to remind myself that all of this it's good because when I do go in to labor, it won't be as intense because some of the work is already done, but I don't know how many more nights I can take! Plus any interaction I have with anyone now it's either 'how do you feel? Anything yet?' or 'she'll come when she's ready.' Jus like to tell them that they should try having random contractions for days on end...
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    40+1 here, I know baby will come when she's ready but it doesn't hurt to help things a long, doing all the fun stuff, currently sitting on my exercise ball bouncing, eating pineapple everyday, even attempting to have sex and lots of walking. Taking good long naps in the afternoon is wonderful, though, so walking is for AM and PM. Have an appointment on Friday, going to ask the midwife to do a sweep then.  
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    @LMJL My EDD is tomorrow, I actually asked my OB about BH because my midwife (at another location) was freaking out that I wasn't complaining about them at my 38 week appointment. My OB said the midwife is just not used to people not whining at 38 weeks and the OB said generally BH shouldn't hurt so it is totally possible I just don't notice them. I feel like "weird feelings" are kind of normal for this late in the game (I've got all sorts of pain level 1-3 "vague twinges" but I don't generally think about any pain I'd consider less than a 4). My OB did follow up with make sure I call when I do feel something because the OB would prefer to have me admitted before the baby is maybe I am making him nervous. I just walked a couple miles and it was somewhat uncomfortable....maybe, that is progress?
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    TomekiaB said:
    @theawc42 I'd ask, my OB likes to induce as close to 41+0 as possible, which was what I want because I am to scared of meconium aspiration and aging placenta after 41 weeks to be comfortable waiting longer. 

    Me, too, since we had issues with meconium with DD. I'm scheduled for induction on my due date with this one, just in case.


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    TomekiaB said:
    @LMJL My EDD is tomorrow, I actually asked my OB about BH because my midwife (at another location) was freaking out that I wasn't complaining about them at my 38 week appointment. My OB said the midwife is just not used to people not whining at 38 weeks and the OB said generally BH shouldn't hurt so it is totally possible I just don't notice them. I feel like "weird feelings" are kind of normal for this late in the game (I've got all sorts of pain level 1-3 "vague twinges" but I don't generally think about any pain I'd consider less than a 4). My OB did follow up with make sure I call when I do feel something because the OB would prefer to have me admitted before the baby is maybe I am making him nervous. I just walked a couple miles and it was somewhat uncomfortable....maybe, that is progress?

    I agree with the "weird feelings" and the low pain scale level! But I just walked 4+ miles & felt great! Think this baby likes it! Not even any cramps. I actually just sat down & looked at my calendar & tried to figure out baby's actual conception date for the first time! ;) If I'm right it's 38 weeks from Monday. Now excuse me while I go eat some pineapple, maybe do some vacuuming!

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    I feel for all you ladies overdue...I'm 40 weeks 3 days today FTM .. and getting impatient. I know the baby will come when he's ready but everyone's so excited, days seem like forever! 3cm dialated and 90% effaced last Wednesday, 2 membrane sweeps and lots of Braxton hicks but no contractions:( tried every natural way to induce. he's obviously super comfy lol.. good luck to all you Mommas, our little ones will be here soon:)
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    At midnight I join the 40 week club. No signs of labor so I guess I'm in and working tomorrow :neutral:
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    So. Impatient. Come on baby!!!
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    TomekiaB said:

    @LMJL My EDD is tomorrow, I actually asked my OB about BH because my midwife (at another location) was freaking out that I wasn't complaining about them at my 38 week appointment. My OB said the midwife is just not used to people not whining at 38 weeks and the OB said generally BH shouldn't hurt so it is totally possible I just don't notice them. I feel like "weird feelings" are kind of normal for this late in the game (I've got all sorts of pain level 1-3 "vague twinges" but I don't generally think about any pain I'd consider less than a 4). My OB did follow up with make sure I call when I do feel something because the OB would prefer to have me admitted before the baby is maybe I am making him nervous. I just walked a couple miles and it was somewhat uncomfortable....maybe, that is progress?

    I've been walking a ton everyday and during it I get a lot of Braxton hicks and cramping and back pain but as soon as I get home and shower it all stops. Been happening for over a week now. I keep hoping it'll continue but it doesn't.
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    @praying41 I walked 2 miles in the morning and felt fine. I walked another 2-3 in the evening and was uncomfortable not even sure I'd guess it was BH, I think baby is just low and it might just be tired muscles from that. Anyway, I felt great as soon as I got home and sat on my exercise ball, the waiting continues.
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    HFjeld said:

    I was just four days late with my baby. I planned with my husband to do something fun for a treat every night past my due date. That way if/when I was disappointed that I hadn't had a baby that day, I would at least have a distraction (so that I wouldn't be nearly crying on the couch all night). We went out to dinner Friday night and I began having contractions right in the restaurant, and we wound up going from the restaurant to the hospital to have a baby!

    That's a good idea. We made sure to plan a bunch of fun stuff for this weekend which helped me get through the weekend. I'll have to text hubby and make some plans for tonight. 3rd day past due date today. Not fun!
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    Two days late today and I feel fine and dandy but I'm just impatient waiting for him to arrive.
    Then I remember everything that needs done preferably before he arrives
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    dec15mum said:

    Two days late today and I feel fine and dandy but I'm just impatient waiting for him to arrive.
    Then I remember everything that needs done preferably before he arrives

    My sisters and mom were all early with all kids so I figured I would be too and got everything done way in advance. Now I'm bored out of my mind, twiddling my thumbs wishing the time away.
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    40 weeks today! And crampy and sore!! I've got a doc appt at 2, so hoping to be in labor before then... If not, I may ask for a membrane sweep.
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    40 weeks today! I've had zero labor signs and at my appointment last week I was still closed up tight. Doing everything I can to get this baby to come on his own before Thursday when my Dr wants to induce.
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    40 weeks today also! I'm yelping acupuncture and accupressure massage. I thought For Sure this one would be a little before the EDD because it's my second and I think the EDD I'd a bit off. I thought wrong! Like many of you ladies, it's been false alarm city over here. Frustrating, especially since I took off work.
    I got checked at my last appointment and I was 3cm dilated. So, at least these fake outs seems to be doing something productive. With my first I came in at 2cm after about 6 hours of active labor. Fingers crossed that I'll come in at 7 cm with this one, ready to go!
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