December 2015 Moms

Things I cant wait to do again...


Re: Things I cant wait to do again...

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    Have sex comfortably! Feel sexy during sex
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    @chewie5990 I can't seem to find it anywhere. I have tried and gave up. The craving isn't nearly as bad now as it was before so I am patiently waiting.
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    Oh I wish! Living on the coast, in a thriving fishing community most of the restaurants here serve only fresh fish... which is really good if your not pregnant and craving yourself some sushi.

    Wow! That's a bummer for the sushi. Though I'm guessing you probably get amazing seafood !

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    Sushi !!!! Feel skinny again! Coffee! Yes put on shoes comfortably! Stop crying so much!
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    Sex!!! Lol. I know not right away...but my hubby is one of those that feels like a complete and utter creeper if he sleeps with me right now. All he can think about is his daughter in between us and it deflates him, poor guy. It'll be nice to get kinky again lol. 
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    Adderall #NoShame
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    I cannot wait to sleep on my back. If I could sleep on my back, sleeping would not be nearly the nightmare it is for me. I miss it so and my hips are hurting from side sleeping!

    I cannot wait to have wild, uninhibited sex and feel sexy again.

    I cannot wait to drink. I miss alcohol so much. SO MUCH. I don't care how that makes me sound. I was not a big drinker prior but once it was taken away, I longggged for it. haha. I crave a really good bloody mary and I can't wait to sit by our fireplace and sip on some scotch. CANNOT. WAIT.
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    Oh, and I also cannot wait until I am no longer bug food. Bugs love to bite preggos and they have been celebrating the crap out of me all summer!

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    One more thing. I cannot wait until I no longer have to endure the sensation of my child trying to claw, literally claw its way out through my uterus. OUCH!!
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    Drink is at the top fer sure. Have my body to myself, no chestburster alien movements (yes they are cute and its precious to know that he is moving around and all but seriously!)  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @momtotheflyinglemur I thought the movement was a lot cuter before LO could reach my ribs!
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    Can't wait to have my immune system back... To not be knocked on my @$$ for 2 weeks everytime I pass within a yard of someone who has a slight sniffle.

    There's only a small window before this kid starts bringing home bugs from his nursery friends, but first I'm going to love every minute back with my trusty old immunities.
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    Adderall #NoShame

    Ahahaha! I miss my concerta too! Makes pregnancy brain doubly bad to be off it!

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    I can't wait to:

    Be sexy again
    Drink alcohol
    Smoke my cigar
    Eat sushi
    Work out, intensely
    Have amazing sex with my wife
    Not have to pee 127853390 times before bed
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    To be rid of this heartburn. To be able to sleep on my stomach and eat cold lunch meat. To feel more normal and not hate looking in the mirror. To be able to drink wine and wear jeans again. For my boobs to shrink some (I've always been big boobed and now they're just scary). To not waddle.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Allegra d (I have year round allergies, and meds without a decongestant just don't work well for me), naproxen. Wine. Hiking!! Not having swamp crotch all day every day. And losing the approx 8lb of water weight I gained in the past month.
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    I used to go to this crazy gym. I miss it there and the staff...
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    Eat a ham and havarti sandwich, and also runny eggs, lie on my back and tummy, walk or run fast w/o BH contractions, take Advil when something hurts, drink more than one cup of coffee. :)
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    Play soccer, eat sushi and drink wine. Not necessarily in that order.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Oh yeah! Take Robax Platinum. I miss that.
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    Martini, sushi, medium rare steak, glass of wine with girlfriends, lie on my stomach, go jogging... Not in that order.
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    Also shop for cute clothes!!!!
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    mrs14678mrs14678 member
    edited October 2015
    Sew without discomfort!! Ugh. This summer, while I could still get up and down off the floor, I made 4 completely custom Jedi costumes for my hubby and his friends to wear to the premier of Star Wars, but hubby didn't want a robe. Now he does, so because I love him I'm doing it.... But it's hard to bend over to pin and bend over the machine! At least I was able to cut the fabric at the university costume shop my mom works at instead of the floor as usual - they have a cutting table! We're doing their photo shoot next weekend, so I gotta get it done!!!
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    Brush my teeth without gagging!!
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    Walk normally! This waddle has now extended past the "cute" phase to the "why can't I just feel normal" phase
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I hate to be a buzzkill, but breastfeeding will...
    A. Make sleeping on your tummy uncomfortable.
    B. Might make sex a little weird at first, as you may want your boobs to be off limits.
    C. May take awhile to get your figure back (although some lose weight BFing, I did not).

    These are just my experiences! I hope it's different this time. :) and I will be BFing again regardless.
    At least most things will improve after baby arrives!
    Can't wait for an ice cold pale ale....
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    I'm ready to be done with GD. I want bread, Pasta, rice, chocolate, etc. I do not want to check my sugar four times a day and watch everything little thing that goes in my mouth. I just want to eat!!!!!!!
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    Another one: do construction/renovation work again without worrying about lifting very heavy things, inhaling minor paint fumes/dust, pressing on my belly to reach tight spots etc.
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    I can't wait for cold deli meat.
    All I want is subway.
    I want a beer.
    I want to get in a bath without needing help to get out.
    I want to sleep however I like.
    I want to wear cute outfits again.
    I want to sleep without waking up routinely to pee.
    I want to stop worrying everytime lil one sleeps and I don't feel a kick.
    I want to want to have sex.
    I want sex not to be painful.
    I want to be able to eat junk or skip lunch without feeling like I'm starving my child of nutrients.
    I want to not have to carry a giant ass water bottle with me everywhere.
    I want to never experience lightening crotch again
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    I can't wait to be able to trim my own toe nails without having to rely on DH or a pedicure.
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    I can't wait to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee!!!!!

    And sleep on my belly again....

    I gotta say I love maternity clothes though haha so comfy
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    Oh and I won't miss the muscle spasms
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    this thread is amazing!

    sleep on my tummy
    sleep in general
    get comfortable
    fit in my skinny jeans
    pre baby bod
    exercise like normal
    wine wine wine
    sushi (I still eat California rolls am I terrible?)
    not pee myself/5 times an hour
    enjoyable sex

    I know I'm missing more!
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    Eat without vomiting or being miserable for 3 hours post any food just willing it to stay in.
    Getting back on my Effexor.
    Going to the gym and lifting weights.
    Training for another marathon.
    Just having the option to sleep on my stomach.
    Have more choices in sex positions and actually regaining my sex drive.
    Not be at the hospital 2-3 times per week for monitoring.
    Being able to reach into the bottom of my new washer without standing on the tips of my toes (I'm 5'8" but my little bump gets in the way).
    Wearing heels and short dresses.
    Fitting into all my Hudsons, Citizens, and Seven's again.
    Walking up our stairs without feeling like I'm going to have an asthma attack.
    Being able to deep clean with my normal powerful cleaning products.
    Being able to vacuum every 1-2 days.
    Popping my back by twisting in a chair or leaning backwards.
    Being able to take Ibuprofen instead of Tylenol.
    Standing while doing my make-up instead of having to sit down.
    Not be on modified bed rest.
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    I can't wait to stop wearing tons of foundation because my super light sun spots make me look like a cheetah because of the increased pregnancy melanin!
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    Loose the extra pounds taken
    Shave without trouble
    Move without loosing your breath
    Having a normal night sleep without peeing 5 times a night
    Sleep on my stomach
    Soo many things but we gotta admit we love that belly though! :)
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    Drink a scotch.

    Also I really can't wait to drink coffee again on my morning commute (currently I fear that I'm going to pee myself on the subway). 
    Oh, and heeled boots and sleeping on my stomach blah blah blah. Same as everyone else ;)
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    Eat cookies (no more GD!)
    Wear my jeans again
    Go for a walk without holding up my belly
    Be able to go more than 30 min without a potty break
    Lift a bag of dog food
    Sleep - in spurts but better than now
    Go horseback riding
    Paint with my regular supplies

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    Lately, go more than 2 hrs without eating!! I feel like a fat cow, cos I have to eat so often!
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    Bending over and tying my own shoes.

    Being able to breathe at night.

    Not being ten feet away from my husband at night.

    Eat what I want and not get glares and "talks" about what I should be eating.

    No more acne on my chin!!!

    Extreme itching.

    Not feeling like my pelvis is going to pulled into two pieces when I get out of bed or off the couch.

    Sleeping on my stomach.

    Having my only comfortable position be lying down on my left side.

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