December 2015 Moms

Things I cant wait to do again...

Honestly, all I want to do right now is lie on my tummy.

Anything else you guys miss doing / cannot wait to do again post pregnancy?
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Re: Things I cant wait to do again...

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    Yes to EVERYTHING pp's have said!

    I can't wait to fit into normal clothes. I really need a margarita in my life. I can't wait to sleep on my tummy. I can't wait to cuddle my husband normally!

    Oh, and regular bowel movements. :|
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    Allll of the above!!! And skinny high rise jeans!!! Exercising vigorously!! Drinking wine and eating everything without a care in the world! Doing my shoelaces! Sleeping on my back!! 7 weeks and 4 days left until my sweet baby gets here and mommy gets a non-pregnant body back!!!! You bet I'm counting the days....
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    All of the above and to be able to have my gallbladder removed so I'm not suffering anymore. 

    BFP #1 April 14th, 2014 MMC at 17weeks with a baby boy D&E

    BFP # 2 March 23rd, Rainbow Baby Boy Jayce Michael born 12/9/15

    BFP#3 January 26th EDD October 9th! Hoping for my girl!

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    celainevcelainev member
    edited October 2015
    Run up the stairs!! Wear my favourite pair of jeans again!! Drink lots and lots of wine! (But not too much because, well, I will be a mom.)
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    BEER-RUN (together as well as individually)......BEND OVER....PUT ON SHOES AND SOCKS normally.....wear my normal clothes....and of course I cannot wait to do everything with my little girl tagging along!!

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    Crunches (and intense exercise)
    Deep tissue massage
    Sleep on belly
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    USCnurse42USCnurse42 member
    edited October 2015
    I can't wait to
    Eat sweets when I want
    Roll whatever way I want
    Get up without help
    Not feel like my hips are coming apart if I sit the wrong way.
    And drink the wine we brought back from Italy that is sitting in a closet.
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    Drink wine, Sleep on my stomach, Eat sushi, Sleep wirhout getting up 500 times to go to the bathroom, not having help getting up out of bed, no heartburn, not Check blood sugar 4 times a day, eat what I want to eat, work out, walk without getting winded, I'm sure I can think of other things but those stand out the most
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    Hahaha so starting this thread was NOT the best idea ever cos now I have a whole bunchof EXTRA things I am missing right now.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    SUSHI!!!  And raw oysters, and eating raw cookie dough without feeling guilty (because I have done that a few times, oops).  And I agree with everyone else about the stomach sleeping, being able to get up easily, and not having to pee every 5 minutes.  Fitting into normal clothes, being able to exercise without my legs or feet bothering me... gah I could go on and on.
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    I can't wait to have energy to be able to keep up with everyday life.
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    Basically what everyone else has already said. I've NEVER been a big drinker, but for some reason I've been STRANGELY craving margaritas and mixed drinks during this pregnancy.

    P.S. I've already told SO and family to sneak me one in after delivery lmao!!
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    Be able to lay on my stomach again, and a great, big margarita.


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    MMB721MMB721 member
    edited October 2015
    Loose this huge butt that I got as a result of pregnancy, drink champagne, wear real clothes again, and hold my sweet baby!
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    I can't wait to drink an angry orchard, sleep on my stomach, and have sex that actually feels good and not painful, awkward, and uncomfortable.
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    RSB1982 said:

    eating raw cookie dough without feeling guilty (because I have done that a few times, oops).

    You can!! Just use flax eggs (google it) or omit the egg altogether if you're just wanting dough and don't plan to bake it. :D
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    I just really want to be able to walk more than 15 feet without feeling like I'm going to owe myself. Baby's been beating up my bladder and he moves around when I walk.
    Also, rum would be great.
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