Our baby boy was born today at 3:30 my water broke 3 days before my scheduled c-section. He is a big boy 7lbs 12oz and 21.5 inches long. He's only cried twice, once when he first came out and second for a needle. We still don't have a name
Logan Boyd born 12:34 am on 6/27/2015. He was 6 lbs 15 oz and 18 inches. His due date was July 6. My water broke around 9:30 pm on 6/26, I called the hospital and they told us to come in. When I got here around 10:30 pm, they checked my cervix and weren't sure if his head was down. Had an ultrasound and they found he was breech. They had me in the OR less than an hour after that. So I can honestly say I never experienced one contraction. It took our doctor 18 minutes from first cut to last staple to get him out! Such a whirlwind and totally unexpected to have c section! We are so in love with our beautiful son!
Hanorah Ann (Nora) 8lbs 4oz 19" on June 27th at 10:31pm
unfortunately she has an extremely rare condition called Linear Nevus sebaceous syndrome. doctors never even seen it before. only 200,000 in the U.S. so she needs to be tested for brain delays, heart problems, and a possible seizure disorder amongst a list of other things. she passed her eye test & we're trying to be positive & hope the rest of her tests are the same!
other than that she seems to be alert and bright and beautiful!! we're so in love!
Lennox Isabella was born friday June 26th at 1245pm! I was induced 3 weeks early due to iugr and her fluid was at 4cm. She was perfectly healthy and we came home today! She weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces and 18 inches long. It won't let me add a photo from my phone though.
Ruby Grace - Due July 3rd 7:33am, 7 pounds 1 ounce, 19.6 inches long We checked in at the hospital to induce at 6 by 3am my water broke but they still expected it to take at least until Monday afternoon. Started shaking and having bad pressure around 6:45 and was able to push about 7 or a little after and she was out by 7:33 with only pushing through about 4 contractions. Unfortunately she ripped the front and back. The pain sucks but it was totally worth it all. Congrats to all the other ladies!
Gabriella Danielle was born almost two weeks early on, June 29th at 12:01 pm weighing 8.8 lbs. I labored for 4 hours at the hospital, Drug-free!, and delivered her naturally with three pushes. To any mommas planning a med-free delivery, you can totally do it and the pain is worth it in the end. The recovery is NOTHING! Good luck ladies. It's been a pleasure being on this journey with all of you!
Aravae Lelianna was born this morning (June 30th) at 8:37 am. She weighs 6 pounds 4 ounces and is around 18 inches long. My water broke at 5:30 on the 29th (My birthday) and I delivered her this morning in 11 minutes with only 5 contractions! We are so blessed with our beautiful baby girl!
Aliya J Tatum Due July 8th Born June 28th 2015 7lbs 20.5 inches ... 7 hr labor ... natural birth did ask for epidural but dilated 4cm to 9cm in 30 minutes had no time or chance to get it !! We are doing great back home adjusting and resting !! She's such a perfect little blessing !!
My sweet baby boy Elijah Joseph was on 6/29 at 39 weeks exactly. I went to the hospital to get checked out for some bleeding and fluid leaking which was normal they said but ended up admitting me and inducing me due to high blood pressure and protein in my urine
I just wanna say how much I love my July Mommies!! Well, the news you've been waiting for! Ms. Alaila Camille made her grand entrance into the world this morning at 9:55am! She's 7lbs 10oz and 19.25 in of love! I can't stop looking at her!
I just wanna say how much I love my July Mommies!! Well, the news you've been waiting for! Ms. Alaila Camille made her grand entrance into the world this morning at 9:55am! She's 7lbs 10oz and 19.25 in of love! I can't stop looking at her!
OMG I want to die of the cuteness of your beautiful baby girl sucking her thumb. Reminds me of my first child when she was a baby! Congratulations, she's beautiful!
Emmaline Elizabeth was born last night at 9:22pm; 5lbs, 10oz, 19" long. She's a whole month (to the day!) early, and is in the NICU for a bit of oxygen, and supervision but otherwise is doing great!
I've lurked all pregnancy, but wanted to share how grateful I am to this board for giving me laughs and info along the way. Elliot James was born on 6.30.15, 39+3 weighing 8.5lbs. I would call my labor a little taste of everything. My water broke on Monday at 5:30pm, I am on Heprin for a blood clot I developed during the 2nd trimester, and per my dr's plan, headed to the hospital around 9 and was 1cm. I labored naturally until 7am and had to get miso placed on my cervix to dilate it, at the point I got an epidural so DH and I could get some sleep. I progressed very quickly and started pushing at 5pm. LO's head couldn't get passed my pelvis and at the 3 hour pushing mark I went in for a c-section. I couldn't have predicted this if you asked me, I had some tears, but a healthy baby was always my end goal! We are all healthy and in love with Elliot.
Joseph Andrew arrived 7/1 via c section at 11:02 am. He weighed 5#15/ and was 19 1/4". A little peanut compared to my first! Mom and baby are healthy and doing very well. I just need to fall asleep! My second c section and went absolutely great. Congrats to all the other happy mamas
Grant Mason was born on 6/30 at 3:56am after 21 hours of labor and with just one push!!!! We were 38+4 due July 10th. My perfect little man weighed 7 lb 10 oz and is 20" long. Daddy and I couldn't be happier and more in love! Xoxo Good Luck Mama's
Hi Everyone! Meet Olivia Anaya Foots born 3 weeks early on 6/25/15 at 4:30 am 6 Ibs 14 oz and 19 inches.This is my first child!I had her vaginal delivery/epidural/petossin It's been 8 days and I've been adjusting I am so blessed but also extremely exhausted trying to breastfeed on a 2hr schedule is no joke I wish men had breasts too! I've been having my ups and downs been a lil distant with daddy and I know he tries to help then I'm just tired and feel like I need a break but then I feel selfish for wanting a break ....anywhoo just keep me in prayer I know it gets better just trying to cope as best as I can
Lauren Marie was born 6/30/15 at 7:48pm 39 weeks 4 days via c section. I lost fluid and was only 1 cm dialated and had a prior c section so they couldn't induce. While I wanted a vbac this recovery has been much better than the last and was best for baby. She is 7lbs 1 oz 20 inches long and we adore her! Perfect addition to our family!!
Mason Joshua was born on July 2nd at 2:36am weighing 6lb7oz and 20 inches long. He was 3 weeks early but all is good with both him and I! Just monitoring his blood sugar and hooper fully get to go home tomorrow! I am so in love with him he is perfect
Abigail Grace was born on 6/30/15 at 8:26 pm at 37 weeks, 2 days. A healthy 7 lbs 4 oz. I was scheduled for an induction at 39 weeks (insulin dependant diabetic, GBS positive), but at my appointment my OB was uncomfortable with the level of amniotic fluid and the potential for spontaneous labor, so I was sent to L&D to induce. Abby is still in the NICU, she is dealing with a little jaundice and still not taking oral feedings (she is being fed through an ng tube). Hoping we make some headway soon!
Parker Anthony was born yesterday, July 3, at 5:47 pm. He weighed in at 5 lb 12 oz. Dad and I are overjoyed and smitten.
Technically, my due date was July 16, and was set to be induced in week 39, but contractions started at 130 am July 3rd. Went to L&D at 630 am, and was 3 cm. Pitocin and an Epi, and I was fully ready to push at 430. Everything worked out perfectly!! So in love.
Reed Robert was born 7/1 at 7:59am 8lbs. 12 oz 21 inches long. Via scheduled c-section at 39weeks 4 days. We are the happiest we could ever be. Big brother Bowdi, daddy and mommy are now complete. We are just so in love :x
Re: *July 2015 Birth Announcements*
His due date was July 6.
My water broke around 9:30 pm on 6/26, I called the hospital and they told us to come in.
When I got here around 10:30 pm, they checked my cervix and weren't sure if his head was down.
Had an ultrasound and they found he was breech.
They had me in the OR less than an hour after that. So I can honestly say I never experienced one contraction.
It took our doctor 18 minutes from first cut to last staple to get him out! Such a whirlwind and totally unexpected to have c section!
We are so in love with our beautiful son!
8lbs 4oz 19"
on June 27th at 10:31pm
unfortunately she has an extremely rare condition called Linear Nevus sebaceous syndrome. doctors never even seen it before. only 200,000 in the U.S. so she needs to be tested for brain delays, heart problems, and a possible seizure disorder amongst a list of other things. she passed her eye test & we're trying to be positive & hope the rest of her tests are the same!
other than that she seems to be alert and bright and beautiful!! we're so in love!
7:33am, 7 pounds 1 ounce, 19.6 inches long
We checked in at the hospital to induce at 6 by 3am my water broke but they still expected it to take at least until Monday afternoon. Started shaking and having bad pressure around 6:45 and was able to push about 7 or a little after and she was out by 7:33 with only pushing through about 4 contractions. Unfortunately she ripped the front and back. The pain sucks but it was totally worth it all. Congrats to all the other ladies!
Our first blessing!
He is HUGE and just the cutest.
8 pushes over 3 contractions. She's so calm and snugly.
I don't know how we lived without her for so long!
Abby is still in the NICU, she is dealing with a little jaundice and still not taking oral feedings (she is being fed through an ng tube). Hoping we make some headway soon!
Technically, my due date was July 16, and was set to be induced in week 39, but contractions started at 130 am July 3rd. Went to L&D at 630 am, and was 3 cm. Pitocin and an Epi, and I was fully ready to push at 430. Everything worked out perfectly!! So in love.
8lbs. 12 oz 21 inches long. Via scheduled c-section at 39weeks 4 days. We are the happiest we could ever be. Big brother Bowdi, daddy and mommy are now complete. We are just so in love :x