July 2014 Moms

Unpopular/Unsolicited Opinion Thursday


Re: Unpopular/Unsolicited Opinion Thursday

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    All I want to drink right now is milk, all I want to eat is breakfast food, and I love my pearls.

    I think cats are the worst.

    Cats are some evil SOBs.
    SOME cats. My cat loves me more than my husband does.
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    SkeemerSkeemer member
    @Huahine‌ is kind of right. If DS would fall asleep as an infant in the car on our way home from a store, it was a beautiful spring day, and that was the only nap he was getting, I would park in my driveway (it wraps around the back of my house so you can't see if a car is there, and i am the last house in my neighborhood where no one goes) open up all the doors to get air, put the grocery bags in the house, go to the bathroom, and grab some water and go back and sit/sleep with him until he woke up. (If the weather wasn't I deal, I would get him in the house first) Now, he is 4.5 and if he or I forget something that's quick to get in the house, I run in and get it and leave him in his seat for the 20 seconds it takes me. God bless him, but he moves slow and is distracted easily, and mommy needs to get to work. I don't consider myself a bad mother. Neither would anyone else.

    Why wouldn't you just take his infant seat into the house first & let him nap in it?

    And no, I'm sure you're not a bad mother. I would never imply that even if we don't agree. :)



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    Skeemer said:

    jessa8907 said:

    @Huahine‌ is kind of right. If DS would fall asleep as an infant in the car on our way home from a store, it was a beautiful spring day, and that was the only nap he was getting, I would park in my driveway (it wraps around the back of my house so you can't see if a car is there, and i am the last house in my neighborhood where no one goes) open up all the doors to get air, put the grocery bags in the house, go to the bathroom, and grab some water and go back and sit/sleep with him until he woke up. (If the weather wasn't I deal, I would get him in the house first)

    Now, he is 4.5 and if he or I forget something that's quick to get in the house, I run in and get it and leave him in his seat for the 20 seconds it takes me. God bless him, but he moves slow and is distracted easily, and mommy needs to get to work.

    I don't consider myself a bad mother. Neither would anyone else.

    Why wouldn't you just take his infant seat into the house first & let him nap in it?

    And no, I'm sure you're not a bad mother. I would never imply that even if we don't agree. :)

    He would wake up most times. Any sort of movement would wake him up. You should have seen me creeping around the car opening up the doors! Like i said, I would only do it if the weather was great, but it was imperative that the child slept...He didn't sleep through the night until he was 9 months old...and even that was sporadic. Naps were my salvation. I would do everything I could to get home BEFORE he fell asleep, but alas, sometimes my timing was a few minutes off...



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    jessa8907 said:
    All I want to drink right now is milk, all I want to eat is breakfast food, and I love my pearls.

    I think cats are the worst.
    Cats are some evil SOBs.
    SOME cats. My cat loves me more than my husband does.
    That's what they all say....and then the owner leaves you and the cat alone for a second and then the act is over. Then they're all like "You came to the wrong home lady. Touch me and see what happens. I dare you. I double dog dare you."
    My cat runs and hides when "strangers" come to the house. If they stay a few hours she will eventually venture out and investigate and sometimes will let a few friends of ours pick her up and pet her.

    But generally she's like "screw this" and disappears.
    We have one of each cat. 
    The old one hates all humans universally and glares contemptuously at us all with the exception of my OH who she will purr at and sleep on.
    The 3-legged one is friendly but skittish, she'll be affectionate but runs away at sudden movements.
    The newest cat is a total attention whore, he loves everyone and will go right up to new people and just mew and rub their legs for attention. He cries if he stops getting cuddles before he's had enough. Even went up to the vet and snuggled her leg right after she gave him a shot.

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    Skeemer said:
    Bpargood said:
    @cakebatter27‌ I'm a teacher and I totally agree. I hate the term "bundle of joy". It sounds dumb and I don't know why, it just does. What's worse is I have a friend who will still refer to her now 3 year old as her bundle of joy. Don't get me wrong, my son brings me soo much joy, it's just that phrase kills me!


    It makes me laugh when people call a baby "Baby Daniel" instead of just Daniel or whatever the name is. I can see it's a baby. Does it really have to be prefaced? Would it be okay for me to call someone "Adult Jessica" or "Teenage Aaron"? Lol. Just my crazy sense of humor.

    I agree @Skeemer! My DS is almost 2 and some people still refer to him as Baby Matthew. Drives me crazy! 
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    BP607 said:

    I don't think it's necessary to drive crazily to get over in the left lane when someone has pulled off on the right shoulder.  Some people don't care who is in the left lane or about any other approaching cars when someone is on the shoulder (most of the time not even out of the car) and just come on over!  I'm all about moving over if someone is on the side of the road..but only if there is adequate space and I'm not going to cause an accident by doing it. 

    They need to get over. Period. People in the other lanes need to be paying attention as well to all aspects of the road (not just their fast lane) and allow for the right lane to move over into their lanes if there is a stalled car. And visa versa - sometimes they are stalled on the left hand side. Once you have a sister killed by a car flying by too close to the stalled vehicle, your opinion will absolutely change. Promise.

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    SkeemerSkeemer member
    Huahine said:
    Re: kids in cars - 

    Skeemer - I realize you have a child and the experience to decide whether this is something that you would ever do. I'm just reacting to when this came up on my last BMB board and there was such an uproar of FTMs who claimed they would never, ever leave their kid in a car - including someone who stated that she would even return a cart to the cart return and then carry her kid back to the car, in the rain, rather than strap them in, and then return the cart.  If the board wasn't defunct, I would just love to go back and do a poll to see how many have made the kind of facts and circumstances analysis and decided that yes, on occasion, it makes sense to leave your kid in the car. 

    My kid was a craptastic sleeper for the first 14 months of his life.  DH was so sleep deprived that he could barely speak. We thought he had a brain tumor.  We named it Thomas. But I digress.

    Often the only way I could get DS1 to nap was to take him on a snooze cruise. Once asleep there was nothing I would do to risk waking that child up.  I spent lots of time sitting with him in the parking lots of big box stores waiting for him to finish sleeping.  But I also would leave him to nap in our car in the garage if he fell asleep on the way home or in the shady parking lot of the library of the small town we lived in while I ran in to grab a book off the reserve shelf. I understand that a lot of parents wouldn't be comfortable with even the modicum of risk involved. But I am.  
    I totally understand the FTM claims & I have also done a few "I'll nevers". For my personal life, I cannot forsee any reason that my child would be left in the car unattended. Also, most of the reasons/questions given by others were for things like wanting sweet tea or running into the post office which IMO are trivial things in comparrison to my child.



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    amlonica said:

    All I want to drink right now is milk, all I want to eat is breakfast food, and I love my pearls.

    I think cats are the worst.

    Cats are some evil SOBs.
    SOME cats. My cat loves me more than my husband does.
    That's what they all say....and then the owner leaves you and the cat alone for a second and then the act is over. Then they're all like "You came to the wrong home lady. Touch me and see what happens. I dare you. I double dog dare you."
    I so wish you could meet him for real. He is not normal. Not in the slightest. My dog hates people coming over and cowers in the corner and wont come neat people. I have friends terribly allergic to cats and I WANT Doodle to leave them alone and he rubs up against them and purrs and fights to be in their lap. Hes more dog than she is. Right now shes passed out on the other end of the couch, but hes the one who has to be physically in my lap or hes unhappy.
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    BP607 said:

    I don't think it's necessary to drive crazily to get over in the left lane when someone has pulled off on the right shoulder.  Some people don't care who is in the left lane or about any other approaching cars when someone is on the shoulder (most of the time not even out of the car) and just come on over!  I'm all about moving over if someone is on the side of the road..but only if there is adequate space and I'm not going to cause an accident by doing it. 

    They need to get over. Period. People in the other lanes need to be paying attention as well to all aspects of the road (not just their fast lane) and allow for the right lane to move over into their lanes if there is a stalled car. And visa versa - sometimes they are stalled on the left hand side. Once you have a sister killed by a car flying by too close to the stalled vehicle, your opinion will absolutely change. Promise.

    This is a law here now. A policeman got hit and killed by a car that didnt get over. The law is if its safe to do so, you must switch to the other lane.

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    @jojobean86 your sister? :-(
    Yes @LiteraChick. Sorry, that whole topic just strikes a nerve. 
    BabyFetus Ticker

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    Agreed! Want better wages get a better job..
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    @helloblueeyes - I agree with you. It makes no sense to me to get someone a gift that they won't get any enjoyment from. 
    People say it's the thought that counts but getting a teetotal-er wine kinda shows lack of thought to me.

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    ichabody said:
    Agreed! Want better wages get a better job..
    To say something like this, in this economy, is incredibly ignorant. I'm not saying minimum wage needs to raised to $15, but it definitely does need to be raised.
    Because a 14 year old kid working their first job at McDonalds needs to be paid enough to raise a family? No. Minimum wage pay is for minimum effort and skill level jobs. If you want a better paying job, educate and develop yourself to deserve it. Then quit your fast food job and go find it.
    It's not that easy.
    I was making coffee for minimum wage in the UK even though I've got various qualifications and can speak 4 languages. Being able to do the job doesn't mean the job is available - making coffee or stacking shelves was all I could get. 
    Believe me, if there was an interpreter job going then it would have been mine.

    Are there different minimum wages for different age groups here?
    In the UK, minimum wage at 16 is lower than at 22 because a 16 year old isn't likely to be running a home but a 22 year old is.
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    BP607BP607 member
    amlonica said:

    BP607 said:

    I don't think it's necessary to drive crazily to get over in the left lane when someone has pulled off on the right shoulder.  Some people don't care who is in the left lane or about any other approaching cars when someone is on the shoulder (most of the time not even out of the car) and just come on over!  I'm all about moving over if someone is on the side of the road..but only if there is adequate space and I'm not going to cause an accident by doing it. 

    They need to get over. Period. People in the other lanes need to be paying attention as well to all aspects of the road (not just their fast lane) and allow for the right lane to move over into their lanes if there is a stalled car. And visa versa - sometimes they are stalled on the left hand side. Once you have a sister killed by a car flying by too close to the stalled vehicle, your opinion will absolutely change. Promise.

    This is a law here now. A policeman got hit and killed by a car that didnt get over. The law is if its safe to do so, you must switch to the other lane.

    I totally agree that you should get over when it's safe and I always get over when I'm able to... I'm referring to people who just fly over into the left lane when there are other cars there and risk causing an accident.

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    jessa8907 said:
    JP27 said:
    ichabody said:
    Agreed! Want better wages get a better job..
    To say something like this, in this economy, is incredibly ignorant. I'm not saying minimum wage needs to raised to $15, but it definitely does need to be raised.
    Because a 14 year old kid working their first job at McDonalds needs to be paid enough to raise a family? No. Minimum wage pay is for minimum effort and skill level jobs. If you want a better paying job, educate and develop yourself to deserve it. Then quit your fast food job and go find it.
    I see your point here and I'm sure you aren't trying to make blanket statements but as per what I just previously posted that's not always what's going on. My dad is the sole breadwinner as my mom is not medically able to work. He IS educated. He DID try and find better jobs. He DID develop himself to deserve more. The only place that would even touch him was a minimum wage place. 

    A job is a job. Work is work. I think there is something noble in taking a potentially shitty job so that you can try and make ends meet instead of just collecting unemployment. 
    I agree with the bolded. But just because some adults need to take a minimum wage job to make ends meet doesn't mean those jobs have to pay what they were making/could make in another field they are qualified for.
    No I get that. But the point was "want a better paying job? go get one"  I don't care about the minimum wage position but was responding to bolded and italicized portion.



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    This brought to you by the fact that my mom tried to talk my aunt out of some kitschy origami owl necklace as a present for me for my shower. I am not a cutesy type shit person, or even a girly person, i don't even wear necklaces. I hardly change my earrings because i purposely put in ones that go with everything except rare special occasions. I do not even have an engagement ring because they are too fragile. I am really tough on my things and i tend to break or wear stuff out a lot. My aunt knows all of this. 

    I'm going to snip this because I agree with the overall UO, but I keep going back to the bolded.  How exactly are engagement rings "fragile," or any more "fragile" than any other ring you might wear on your hands?  
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