July 2014 Moms

Unpopular/Unsolicited Opinion Thursday


Re: Unpopular/Unsolicited Opinion Thursday

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    BP607BP607 member
    I don't think it's necessary to drive crazily to get over in the left lane when someone has pulled off on the right shoulder.  Some people don't care who is in the left lane or about any other approaching cars when someone is on the shoulder (most of the time not even out of the car) and just come on over!  I'm all about moving over if someone is on the side of the road..but only if there is adequate space and I'm not going to cause an accident by doing it. 
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    @skeemer omg, THAT... Haha, I hadn't thought about it but so true. The same for "little_____" I had a family member ( who says lots of annoying crap already) call my son little Chris every time she said his name for I don't know how long. My son is not named after anyone and I'm sure it's obvious he was small seeing that he was a baby, but can he just be Chris?

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    BP607BP607 member
    2ag said:
    What is so hard to understand about car seat safety? I was watching Giuliana and Bill and their one year old was front-facing with the chest clip over his stomach and the strap was off one shoulder. Seriously? Also, people who put infant seats in the front of their shopping cart, I'm judging you. I see it multiple times a day and it irritates me every time.
    I see numerous pictures on fb that people take of their kids and post with no straps on or the clip buckled at the bottom with the straps off.  It drives me nuts.  My own SIL sent me a video and posted it on fb of my nephew singing in the car with no straps or anything!
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    BP607 said:
    2ag said:
    What is so hard to understand about car seat safety? I was watching Giuliana and Bill and their one year old was front-facing with the chest clip over his stomach and the strap was off one shoulder. Seriously? Also, people who put infant seats in the front of their shopping cart, I'm judging you. I see it multiple times a day and it irritates me every time.
    I see numerous pictures on fb that people take of their kids and post with no straps on or the clip buckled at the bottom with the straps off.  It drives me nuts.  My own SIL sent me a video and posted it on fb of my nephew singing in the car with no straps or anything!
    There's a picture of a kid in a carseat on TB's homepage that is awful.  It's an ad for volvo and one strap is falling off the kid's shoulder while the middle clip is down over his belly button.  Why in the world would you use a picture like that on TB?
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    mhooks23mhooks23 member
    edited May 2014
    I just don't get the breakfast for dinner! Most breakfast food is not good. I usually rebel and have pizza or last night's left overs for breakfast. The best is left over chicken straight out of the fridge.
    I dislike cereal! I WILL NOT eat it with milk, it just gets soggy. I would rather not eat than have cereal.
    In fact, I dislike all breakfast foods (except bacon and sausage which I don't consider breakfast because I put them on burgers or use to make gravy) I will eat pancakes, french toast, or waffles but I don't really like them.

    Etd: I can't spell
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I think that Mother's/Father's day is for celebrating our parents and grandparents and definitely not our spouses. I don't care if they're the parent to your children, they're not your parent. 

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    @jessa8907‌ - well, something like that - a lot of those companies just have franchisees running the sites...They are basically small business owners. How much will they be able to handle when the parent company isn't raising prices to accommodate the rising labor costs?

    That's why I think it's a bandaid and we are ignoring the real issues that cause it.



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    emy730emy730 member
    mhooks23 said:
    I just don't get the breakfast for dinner! Most breakfast food is not good. I usually rebel and have pizza or last night's left overs for breakfast. The best is left over chicken straight out of the fridge. I dislike cereal! I WILL NOT eat it with milk, it just gets soggy. I would rather not eat than have cereal. In fact, I dislike all breakfast foods (except bacon and sausage which I don't consider breakfast because I put them on burgers or use to make gravy) I will eat pancakes, french toast, or waffles but I don't really like them. Etd: I can't spell
    Blasphemy! Breakfast food is the best!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    SkeemerSkeemer member
    edited May 2014
    I think that Mother's/Father's day is for celebrating our parents and grandparents and definitely not our spouses. I don't care if they're the parent to your children, they're not your parent. 

    DH works harder for our son than my dad ever did for us kids so I make sure DH has gifts from DS until DS is old enough to do it himself.


    ETA: I have a great dad, he just wasn't involved.



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    I love pearls, but hate when people wear the ones that are so large and gaudy that they're obviously fake.

    These are the only pearls I like, haha. I cringed when my friend wanted her bridesmaids to wear pearls.

    BFP #1 11.10.13 EDD 07.22.14 Stick baby cake!
    image https://us.v-cdn.net/5020794/uploads/FileUpload/ee/d355aa73ed49767417acbbe29ed0e6.png  BabyFruit Ticker

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    I'm not saying that I'll ever do it, but I completely understand why a parent would want to leave their kid in a locked car (as long as it's not overwhelmingly hot or cold) with a window cracked for the 2 minutes it takes to run in to the post office.  Maybe it's because I live in a teeny tiny town, but I get it now.

    What do you do at a gas station after you pumped gas and want an iced tea? Do you take baby in the car seat in with you? Serious question.


    BFP #1 11.10.13 EDD 07.22.14 Stick baby cake!
    image https://us.v-cdn.net/5020794/uploads/FileUpload/ee/d355aa73ed49767417acbbe29ed0e6.png  BabyFruit Ticker

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    I'm not saying that I'll ever do it, but I completely understand why a parent would want to leave their kid in a locked car (as long as it's not overwhelmingly hot or cold) with a window cracked for the 2 minutes it takes to run in to the post office.  Maybe it's because I live in a teeny tiny town, but I get it now.
    What do you do at a gas station after you pumped gas and want an iced tea? Do you take baby in the car seat in with you? Serious question.

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    SkeemerSkeemer member
    I'm not saying that I'll ever do it, but I completely understand why a parent would want to leave their kid in a locked car (as long as it's not overwhelmingly hot or cold) with a window cracked for the 2 minutes it takes to run in to the post office.  Maybe it's because I live in a teeny tiny town, but I get it now.
    What do you do at a gas station after you pumped gas and want an iced tea? Do you take baby in the car seat in with you? Serious question.




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    I think that Mother's/Father's day is for celebrating our parents and grandparents and definitely not our spouses. I don't care if they're the parent to your children, they're not your parent. 

    My FIL feels this way and it honestly ends up making me sad for MIL every year. He does what we wants on that day as he would any normal day, and doesn't care about anyone else's schedule. Half the time my MIL won't even see him on that day at all because he has made plans for his day. DH and his siblings try to get the fam together to take MIL out to eat every year and FIL has yet to come out to eat with us because "It's not his mom so he can do what he wants and doesn't have to celebrate anything." I get that people don't have to go all out for their spouses, but I think participation and just being around for the day would be nice.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This might get some debate going.

    I think raising the minimum wage as much as they are talking about is stupid and irresponsible in an economy that is still recovering from one of the worst recessions in decades.
    I know the cost of living has gone up, but my brain can't comprehend a McDonald's front line employee making $15 an hour. I feel like it is a bandaid instead of addressing exactly why a McDonald's job is having to be worked by someone who is "head of household" and trying to raise a family. When back in the day it was a "kid's job". I would much rather address why people can't afford college anymore, or why a college degree that you pay a million dollars for is so worthless that you still can't get a job outside of retail food service, or why people don't see the value of going to trade school, or why someone that is older and laid off hasn't had continuing education throughout their careers and are not valued and considered obsolete and can't get another job for years on end, or why the cost of living has gone up so far... The list can go on. A lot of these things contribute to having to raise the minimum wage, but we are ignoring them.
    Whether it's just the way things are for now, or a permanent shift, I've noticed more and more that what used to be "kids jobs" are now predominantly being done by grown adults. I see fewer teenagers at the cash registers and more 30+-year-olds. 

    I live in an area where studies show a person has to make over $20/hr to afford basic housing comfortably here so $15 isn't a shocking number to me but I do think the increases should be made in smaller increments over time. 
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    HuahineHuahine member
    Skeemer said:
    I'm not saying that I'll ever do it, but I completely understand why a parent would want to leave their kid in a locked car (as long as it's not overwhelmingly hot or cold) with a window cracked for the 2 minutes it takes to run in to the post office.  Maybe it's because I live in a teeny tiny town, but I get it now.

    Yes I get why it's tempting but I absolutely don't care how much time it saves me to not unbuckle my son & go in a building. DH & I chose to have children & inconveniences come with that. If I'm not willing to unbuckle my child & take him in then I don't need stamps that badly.

    This woman left her car running in her own driveway -


    This is one of those things that is only worth discussing with people who actually have kids.  It falls into the "I would never . . . " litany of behaviors that most parents find themselves doing in real life at one point or another.  
    image"">image"">imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    This is more of an FFFC, but I am terrible about keeping up with the "news" and had no idea min wage was being discussed to go up to $15/hr. That seems ludicrous. I get HCOL areas, but still. And yeah, you can't start basing min wage on things like age...lawsuit city.

    image image
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    @jnnfrrose6‌, I so cannot picture you as someone who works out in pearls. Love it!

    I agree with you though about Milk. Cannot stand it. Not even chocolate anymore. The only way I can drink milk is frothed up in my latte.

    image image
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    SkeemerSkeemer member
    Skeemer said:
    I'm not saying that I'll ever do it, but I completely understand why a parent would want to leave their kid in a locked car (as long as it's not overwhelmingly hot or cold) with a window cracked for the 2 minutes it takes to run in to the post office.  Maybe it's because I live in a teeny tiny town, but I get it now.

    Yes I get why it's tempting but I absolutely don't care how much time it saves me to not unbuckle my son & go in a building. DH & I chose to have children & inconveniences come with that. If I'm not willing to unbuckle my child & take him in then I don't need stamps that badly.

    This woman left her car running in her own driveway -


    I have zero interest in clicking that link.  

    Thanks for letting me know 'cause I was on edge wondering... :P

    I loved it. Imagine how much street cred the kidnapper has now. LOL




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