December 2010 Moms

For those of you who are pregnant again:

If this is too personal, feel free to tell me to jump.:)

Did/do any of you breastfeed?

Did you have a cycle before you got pregnant?

We would like to get pregnant again soon, but I breastfeed and am wondering what other people have experienced. 

Thanks in advance for sharing!

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Re: For those of you who are pregnant again:

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    I'm so glad you asked this!  I'm BF-ing too and we would really like to get KU again soon... But I don't want to stop BF-ing to get pregnant again.

    Me too! I want to start trying for #2 in September but I know I won't have enough BM in the freezer for my little stinker to last until Jan. Thanks for asking!

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    I am not pregnant right now - thank goodness.  However, I got pregnant with my third child when my second was 6 months old.  I was exclusively BFing but had 1 period before getting pregnant.  I kept BFing while I was pregnant for 3 months but then had complications with the pregnancy and the doctor asked me to stop BFing. 

    Good luck to you - I wouldn't quit BFing to get pregnant (but that's just me).  However, you might not have a cycle until you quit - so I guess it's everyone's own personal choice.



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    If your periods have come back, then I recommend charting your cycle to see what's going on. Even if you are ovulating, a lot of women will have a shortened luteal phase due to elevated prolactin levels. Plenty of people do get pregnant while breastfeeding though, but others may have to stop for it to happen.

    I have heard that the first cycle is usually annovulatory, so most of us at least get a little warning. 

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    From what I've heard, it sounds like it's different for everyone.  Many women breastfeed successfully after getting pregnant again.  I've also heard it can change the taste of the milk, so some babies start to wean themselves.

    I wonder though, can you chart if you haven't had a cycle?  DH and I are considering trying for #2 in a couple of months and I'd like to know if it's even possible...

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    From what I've heard, it sounds like it's different for everyone.  Many women breastfeed successfully after getting pregnant again.  I've also heard it can change the taste of the milk, so some babies start to wean themselves.

    I wonder though, can you chart if you haven't had a cycle?  DH and I are considering trying for #2 in a couple of months and I'd like to know if it's even possible...

    I am not trying NOR bfing but I bet you can find the answer to this on Fertility Friend.  Did you use that site for charting before?  It has a lot of Q+A sections.

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    From what I've heard, it sounds like it's different for everyone.  Many women breastfeed successfully after getting pregnant again.  I've also heard it can change the taste of the milk, so some babies start to wean themselves.

    I wonder though, can you chart if you haven't had a cycle?  DH and I are considering trying for #2 in a couple of months and I'd like to know if it's even possible...

    I am not trying NOR bfing but I bet you can find the answer to this on Fertility Friend.  Did you use that site for charting before?  It has a lot of Q+A sections.

    No, I didn't use it. Thanks for the suggestion!
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    I FF so I can't be of too much help. I really only think I had one cycle before our BFP. I hope you find the info you're looking for.  :)
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    Hey I'm not pregnant again, but I do NFP so I thought I might be able to help.

    My NFP teacher said that I will probably ovulate before having my first AF (I'm EBF), but I've been charting since I stopped bleeding (a few weeks after LO was born)- charting to TTA.  

    I do the Billings Method which means I don't check my temp everyday (sympto-thermal method), just make observations about my CM.  It's 99% effective to TTA but it also helps you conceive because you can look for signs of fertility.

    Here's some more info:

    I love using NFP instead of BC which is why I plug it so much.  I think it's really great and so I'm just trying to share the wealth... I hope my NFP plugs aren't annoying.

    Married 7/10/2009 * DD 12/2/2010 * DS 4/24/2014
    2 babies in heaven (mc)


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    Thanks for your input ladies!
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