
Saturday spam

What's everyone up to?

Dh is working another 14+ hour shift (probably well over that, he's got 24 freaking patients today).

We're up and had pancakes and will head to the zoo at 11 for an egg hunt and to see the animals of course.

I'm trying to see if someone will meet me there.

And we're out of coffee!!! :-(

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Re: Saturday spam

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    Hawkward said:

    24 patients? Yikes.

    And he's in the ICU this month too, so they're needy.

    I think it's complete bullshit that he and an attending (who oversees more than just the ICU) have that big of a load and wish they'd bring someone in, but they're not.

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    I got up with DD this morning at 5:45 (largely so I have an excuse to go take a long nap later...I love my weekend naps.)  I have got laundry going, sent some emails for work, and started working on my meal plan/grocery list.  

    Also, DH asked what I wanted to do this weekend, and I said bang.  Let's see if putting it on our to-do list makes it happen.  I was sort of kidding, but not really.  He reacted well.
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    We may be making an emergency trip to the dentist. Not the way I want to spend a Saturday.
    My daughter is my hero.
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    My parents were supposed to join us for our Easter celebration today. Now only MIL can make it as my mom has a stomach bug and FIL is working all weekend.

    I have a 9 pound ham that I will shortly be cooking for three people. Hope FIL like leftovers, because he's getting a bunch :)
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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    We may be making an emergency trip to the dentist. Not the way I want to spend a Saturday.
    Sorry!  I hope everything is okay with her tooth!
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    I'm debating if I should go to the gym, go get pics with the Creeper Bunny, or clean my house.
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
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    Rounding out the first week of husbands deployment and thanking God I arranged for a sitter at least twice a month while he's gone (today being the first day)  I can't decide what to do with my freedom.  I should go to FedEx Kinkos by myself and get some paperwork done for the move, but I WANT to go get a haircut...

    Either one is silent, so I guess beggars can't be choosers.

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    Heyoo! I'm going to clean today. Later we will do eggs.

    I took DD to ON yesterday and told her she could help me pick out her Easter dress. Well she took that serious and picked out the pinkest, fluffiest dress. I tried to sway her but no dice.
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    @aforst, what time did they start? My FIL is a roofer and they start early because it takes a long ass time and they try to do as much of the work as possible when it's not hot as balls out. Your neighbor sounds like a brat. 

    You should write "sorry these low-wage employees doing a back-breaking job annoyed you with their hard work." 

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
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    Rounding out the first week of husbands deployment and thanking God I arranged for a sitter at least twice a month while he's gone (today being the first day)  I can't decide what to do with my freedom.  I should go to FedEx Kinkos by myself and get some paperwork done for the move, but I WANT to go get a haircut...

    Either one is silent, so I guess beggars can't be choosers.
    Can you do both??  If you can't, I'd pick haircut!  A haircut alone is the best thing ever.  A fresh (good) haircut always does wonders for my self esteem. 
    I MIGHT be able to do both, being a Sat. morning and not having an appointment I'm figuring on a wait time, and I only have the sitter for 3 hours.  So it may cut it a little close.  Doing both would be ideal though!!

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    My husband is taking the dog to the vet for his check up. Pretty sure it's gonna cost about 300. I'm heading over to the in laws in a bit so we can color easter eggs with L's cousin.

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    We just started our yard sale. So far we've made a whopping 50 cents. 
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    Woke up with a raging headache that I have no time for today, so nursing it with some coffee & Tylenol & trying my best to ignore it.

    Easter egg hunt at my sisters later, got some chicken going that's going to be pulled BBQ chicken in a few hours, & gotta make some brownies & stuff some eggs for the hunt. When we get home this evening we'll be dying some eggs for the Easter bunny to hide tonight. Got all my bunny shopping done last night so I am ready to roll.

    Side note: DD1 hurt her ankle on the trampoline yesterday. We iced it & gave her ibprophen but late last night it was still sorta swollen & bothering her. Praying there is no trip to the bone & joint clinic worked into my day! Still waiting for her to get up.
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    @aforst, what time did they start? My FIL is a roofer and they start early because it takes a long ass time and they try to do as much of the work as possible when it's not hot as balls out. Your neighbor sounds like a brat. 

    You should write "sorry these low-wage employees doing a back-breaking job annoyed you with their hard work." 

    @Little Jerry  They had just shown up when we were leaving the house around 7:30.  They started early on purpose to get the job done in one day and be as little of a burden on us (and our neighbors!) as possible.  She is a brat.  I'm mostly irritated b/c she fucking knew about it and she's still being cunty.
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    Watching Toy Story 3 right now. Headed to an egg hunt soon and then my moms and Kohl's. Not sure about tonight yet


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    I've got some school work to do today, but of course I'll put it off until the last minute. DS1 was up by 6am and I haven't been to bed yet. (stuck in night shift mode). Also psyched that I'll be going back to work in about a month or two. I'll be working where DH works, but just on different days so we don't have to put the boys in daycare. 
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    How'd your dog do with the dentist?

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    Good morning! I'm about to boil our eggs so that we can dye them later today. I'm very embarrassed that this will take place after I google how to boil an egg because I haven't done it since last year. Also, I asked DH to buy Easter egg dye yesterday and he came home with 5 boxes of it, for reasons that are still very fuzzy to me. Later this afternoon I'm going to get my hair cut and re-redded.

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    Avswolf said:
    Woohoo, we've now made $8. 

    The two yardsales down the road are taking all the busniess.
    We have two up the street who do theirs every weekend. If anyone else has one, they take down the signs so no one knows.

    Wait, they take down their own signs, or the signs for the other people? That's messed up, if it's the second thing.

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    Thanks for the link, @ChickenOnSunday‌! It helps to have Bump friends when you're domestically pathetic.

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    Avswolf said:
    Avswolf said:
    Woohoo, we've now made $8. 

    The two yardsales down the road are taking all the busniess.
    We have two up the street who do theirs every weekend. If anyone else has one, they take down the signs so no one knows.

    Wait, they take down their own signs, or the signs for the other people? That's messed up, if it's the second thing.
    Other people's signs. They both live on the same street so it's rare that anyone ventures further into the neighborhood. It sucks because we have complained to our HOA and theirs. They just claim the wind blew the signs off or something.

    That's horrible. What assholes.

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    I'm molting after my epic Florida sunburn. Fucking skin everywhere. Sorry @whyyeathisisanAE‌ it's too crumbly for a proper suit.

    Hahahaha! I want to go create an AE just so I can love tit this more than once.

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    Cleaning the house, crocheting, dropping DS off at MILs to sleepover for Easter, fishing then getting shwasty faced at a friends Bday party tonight.
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    Park a car near their garage sale with signs directing people to your sale taped to the insides of the windows. Or run the sale and have your h go up and tell the shoppers there about your sale.

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    Blow drying my hair, ham is in the oven. I can't remember if I used shampoo in the shower... But my hair seems weird. Will dry shampoo fix this?
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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    My kid pays too much attention to the cats. He's trying to fit his entire body in a shoe box.
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    These skinny women came over and were looking through my clothes. They kept holding them up to themselves to see how big it was and giggling. I know enough spanish to understand the word 'fat' when I hear it. Bitches. 
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