
Saturday spam


Re: Saturday spam

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    DD is napping and I'm cleaning the bathrooms with a buzz from fumes and Smirnoff. We will have family over tomorrow after Easter brunch. It's at SIL's hotel which half sucks because people and half wins because no post feast kitchen cleanup!
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    just finished getting tailgating and baseball snacks at the dollar store before heading to see the A's play.  Hoping LO naps during the tailgate so I can actually finish a cold drink.  scored some cute easter basket gear too.... mustache mugs for the boys, easter mason jars for the ladies....throw in some airplane bottle of booze and BAM baskets done (maybe chocolate too)
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    I'm avoiding calling H's gma back. The woman keeps calling whining about how she doesn't have any pictures of E yet even though I emailed her daughter the Walgreen's link AND the Iink for his professional pics (she doesn't have her own email). I keep explaining that the closest Walgreen for us is an hour and a half away and I don't have money to be buying everyone pictures. Sick of being the bad guy. As soon as E finishes eating we are going on a walk. Too nice to stay inside.

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    I was hoping to get yard work done today, but Portland's being Portland, so I'm inside. We're going to a toddler birthday party later.
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    I saw a really beautiful, and impractical, necklace at the mall yesterday and I want it so bad, but it's impractical, and omg I want it. I'm trying to figure out if I want to show it to my H and remind him that my birthday is next month or not.
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    I saw a really beautiful, and impractical, necklace at the mall yesterday and I want it so bad, but it's impractical, and omg I want it. I'm trying to figure out if I want to show it to my H and remind him that my birthday is next month or not.

    I see no downside to the birthday reminder.

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    @Starearedkid‌, so glad that you got to avoid the emergency dentist visit, and that Reese will get to dye eggs. I've never heard of egg-nots; very cool idea!

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    @casholmes‌, what a couple of bitches! I hope your yard sale experience gets better today.

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    vandelay said:
    I saw a really beautiful, and impractical, necklace at the mall yesterday and I want it so bad, but it's impractical, and omg I want it. I'm trying to figure out if I want to show it to my H and remind him that my birthday is next month or not.
    I see no downside to the birthday reminder.
    My only hesitation is that I'm pretty sure he's planning to get me a tablet, and a tablet is so much more practical than a pretty necklace, lol. I'd probably wear it to his brother's wedding and then it would hang out on my jewelry tree. It does fit my style to a T, though.
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    Oh that's gorgeous! Birthday treat to yourself?

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    Someone painted blue hearts on a ton of cars in my neighborhood. Mostly on windows, but on the actual body of cars that were pulled into driveways. It was water soluble paint, but still like, "Wtf?" I'm sure they thought it would bring smiles, but I was like, "Wtf?" and returned inside to get a sponge. There's a weird blue film on my window now. 
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    Headache, fever, cold, and Aunt Flo just started. Awesome. No sex for me.
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    MaebbMaebb member
    DS and I were going to go to an egg hunt this morning, but it got cancelled due to weather. Then we went to another one, but it was mostly advertisers and pay things like bouncy houses. Suck.

    So now I'm at home about to make cut-out sugar cookies, and DS is napping. I see there's a drinking thread, so it's ok to start drinking, yes? Sangria and cookie time!
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    Hey y'all! I just got in from playing outside with DS. My mom had bought him a water/sand table that hr absolutely loves, so that kept him occupied for a while. Once he was good and muddy wet, and rubbing his tired eyes, we came I'm attempting to put him down for a second nap, since the first one was short.

    This morning we went to an Easter egg hunt at the daycare was cute, and they had the creepy Easter bunny there for pics. The kids were all scared of the bunny. I dont blame them!
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    I saw fancy chickens at the zoo (aka the "fluffy butt birds" according to DS) and thought of you.

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    So DS was crawling around in the grass before and somehow stumbled upon a stray cigarette butt (probably blew across the yard from the area DH smokes, since he doesn't smoke in the house) and DS picked it up and had it almost in his mouth in literally a split second. I got to him and ripped it out of his hand before it happened, but I'm semi freaking about it now. Fucking yuck. God damn smoking husband. I hate that nasty ass habit.

    Looks like we definitely need to keep better track of the yard cleanliness now that we're spending more time outside.
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    mbenit4 said:
    True story - I have never had a diaper leak. Ever.
    Teach me your ways.
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    @PrivacyWanted‌ WTAF? That's kind of crazy. Lol.
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    I'm sad that I can't eat what I want to. Apparently a couple of my nerves in my mouth are dying. I was prescribed Tramadol and that sort of helps, but chewing anything hard is a no go.
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    Dieting sucks. I want all the yummy food.
    My daughter is my hero.
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    AF is in town and I've been snacking on everything in sight. Fuck.
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    I just burned the shit out of my hand.

    I was draining tortellini and dh left the damn plug in the sink again and I didn't notice.

    I poured the water in and the like and idiot stuck my hand in there to pull the plug.

    Mother fuck it hurts.

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    I really need to run to the store and grab wine for tomorrow but MH is still outside putzing around on the backhoe he borrowed from a friend. Wtf, DH. I told you I needed to run out like an hour ago.
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    My 4 year old insists on telling me everything that is happening on Spongebob every 5 seconds.
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    DD discovered the old Care Bear movies. She LOVES them. So naturally, I had to go onto ebay to find all the vintage plastic figures for her. 
    Your DD has great taste :)
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    I believe it is Monday night here, or at least it is for me. That is when I am breaking it :) 

    DD is too young to follow it--plus the last thing I want to put her on is a super restrictive diet. So she and DH are taunting me with their delicious food.

    Although, I won't eat bread or cakes or anything like that---but I fully plan on eating ham tomorrow on Easter.

    <----Jewish hypocrite. 
    My daughter is my hero.
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