Trying to Get Pregnant

1 dpo with cramps

Hey all so I know it's impossible to have any symptoms at 1 dpo but I'm still experiencing cramps as well as bad stomach pains. Has anyone experienced this due to ovulation? I also don't typically get O cramps so that's why I'm unsure about the feeling. Any thoughts?

Re: 1 dpo with cramps

  • I always cramp after I ovulate.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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  • Ha ha ha yeah I would generally agree with you but i already did so I know that's not it. Also I a, very irregular pooping so I know the I have to poop cramps and these seem to be a bit diff.
  • Cramps around O time is quite normal, I'm currently experiencing them myself.  And it's not always the same from cycle to cycle.  How are you confirming O?
                                                  *********************SIGGY WARNING*************************
                                        May 14 Siggy                                             
    TTC #1 since June 2012.  DX: Unexplained Infertility.  Me: Hypothyroid
    3 Failed Femara + TI cycles and 4 Failed Injects + B2B IUI cycles
    Cycle 23: IVF#1 CoQ10 + Lupron + Puregon = BFP!!
    Beta #1: 199   Beta #2: 800+   It's TWINS!  EDD: Feb 19, 2015
    Team Purple!!!!
    L & E arrived early on January 5, 2015!!
    ~~~All are welcome!~~~

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Anything from O cramps, constipation to gastritis.  I get pretty decent O pains.  However, I also get constipated during the 2WW because my body hates me and that causes some decent poo cramps.  Could be anything.  Eat some fiber, drink some water and if you are still cramping, take a HPT at the appropriate time.  
    BFP#1 6/2013: MMC 8/2013 @ 6 wks, 3 d
    BFP#2 1/2014: CP 1/2014 @ 3 wks, 4 d
    BFP#3 4/2014: MC 4/2014 @ 4 wks, 1 d
    Break until Dec 2014
    Femara, aspirin and progesterone started 12/2015
    Still working on #2!

  • alison727 said:
    Hey all so I know it's impossible to have any symptoms at 1 dpo but I'm still experiencing cramps as well as bad stomach pains. Has anyone experienced this due to ovulation? I also don't typically get O cramps so that's why I'm unsure about the feeling. Any thoughts?
    Link to your chart?   I would venture to say that yes, someone has had cramps and stomach pains at 1DPO. And 2DPO, and 3DPO... well, you get the picture. 


    TTC#1 since May 2012. Low AMH, High FSH.
    Factor II (Prothrombin) Mutation
    TTGP Award Best PIP 2013 & 2014

    My Chart

  • Thanks guys. I'm charting and opk
  • alison727 said:
    Thanks guys. I'm charting and opk
    So technically you're still waiting for your CH, if you're only 1dpo?  Do you have a link to your chart?  It's completely possible you're Oing today, or you can have O cramps the day after O too.  In any case, I wouldn't be too concerned about it.
                                                  *********************SIGGY WARNING*************************
                                        May 14 Siggy                                             
    TTC #1 since June 2012.  DX: Unexplained Infertility.  Me: Hypothyroid
    3 Failed Femara + TI cycles and 4 Failed Injects + B2B IUI cycles
    Cycle 23: IVF#1 CoQ10 + Lupron + Puregon = BFP!!
    Beta #1: 199   Beta #2: 800+   It's TWINS!  EDD: Feb 19, 2015
    Team Purple!!!!
    L & E arrived early on January 5, 2015!!
    ~~~All are welcome!~~~

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Sorry yes temping also. What is ch? I had cramps yesterday Much worse and lift headed. So they could just be left over O cramps in just didn't know they hung around ha ha ha
  • This cycles chart
  • Those are a lot of flat temps...are you sure your thermometer is working correctly?
    My money is on a therm that only goes to the 10th, but they're still pretty flat.
    Me: 33     DH: 38
    TTC since August 2011
    DX:  PCOS and subseptate uterus
    August 2013:  Clomid + Trigger + IUI TI = BFN
    September 2013:  Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
    October 2013:  Clomid + Trigger + IUI canceled
    November 2013:  NTNP
    April 2013:  Femara + Trigger + IUI = ???
  • Those are a lot of flat temps...are you sure your thermometer is working correctly?

    I have been using it for the past three months this is the first time that happened I was thinking the same thing though.
  • You have a uterus, therefore cramps will happen, sometimes without reason. Also, 1dpo isn't too late for O cramps.

  • alison727 said:
    Hey all so I know it's impossible to have any symptoms at 1 dpo but I'm still experiencing cramps as well as bad stomach pains. Has anyone experienced this due to ovulation? I also don't typically get O cramps so that's why I'm unsure about the feeling. Any thoughts?
    Yes, every cycle really.  I always cramp around ovulation, sometimes before, usually during, and almost always in the days afterward.  Hell, I have weird cramps throughout my cycles, it happens. 



    Married August 2012. Me: 41  DH: 42 
    Daughter from previous marriage: 20

    BFP 12/19/12: Ectopic discovered at 8 weeks, right tube removed 01/18/13
    June 2013 Testing Results: Progesterone: 31.7, LH: 5, FSH: 5, Estradiol: 161
    Clomid cycles Nov. 2013 and Jan, Feb, and March 2014

    TTC journey over as of the end of October 2014


    All ALers welcome!

  • I cramp from O to O+4 usually.
    Due with #5 April 22, 2015. It's a girl!!!!! 

     Yes it was planned, yes we know what causes that, no we are not on public assistance, and yes we will be getting cable after this. ;)



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