Trying to Get Pregnant

Cramping bad but only 4dpo

Hi all, 

This is my first post though I've stalked the threads for awhile now.

I recently had my IUD removed and trying for baby #2. It's been a wild experience but I've been using FF, BBT, CM and OPK to help me TTC.

AF visited me on 1-9 and lasted 5 days. I didn't O till CD24. I received a POS OPK on CD23 and had a good temp drop on CD24 so I'm pretty sure its accurate even though I went quite a bit between AF and O. FF says our sex timing was HIGH, we HIO on 0-3, 0-2 and 0-1.

So to my point. I am 4dpo and this morning very very early like 4am, i awoke with the worst pains, almost like AF pains. It has been pretty constant all day (almost 10 hours later). From what I've been reading it seems that 4dpo implantation is rare. 

What else could this be?

Any advice would be great. 

Re: Cramping bad but only 4dpo

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  • Uh thanks, I know what poop cramps feels like and its not it. 
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  • wow you guys are so welcoming
  • There are lots of reasons as to why you are experiencing cramping :) I am cramping now too, and on CD 25. Only time will tell :)


    08.2008 | Diagnosed with PCOS
    11.2011 | First appointment with RE
    12.2011 | HSG reveals 100% blockages in both tubes
    02.2012 | Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy to unblock tubes...success!

    { BFP # 1 | April 1, 2012 }
    Jonah Alexander is here! Born 12.07.12 @ 39w3d

    { BFP # 2 | May 22, 2013 }
    Chemical Pregnancy :(

    { BFP # 3 | February 12, 2014 }
    So far, so good! We love you, little peanut!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Wow you guys are all assholes. So much for the community of women to share advice instead of re-creating the wheel. 

  • Flags are reserved for violations of TOS only. Unnecessary flagging can get you banned.
    If it was me who flagged someone than it was accidental. 
  • Wow you guys are all assholes. So much for the community of women to share advice instead of re-creating the wheel. 

    The Wheel of Fortune?

  • I'm a little cramp today...and I haven't even O'ed yet. Welcome to the wonders of the female body.

    Also, I'm not sure what you're so pissed about. The ladies here are honest, but no one was mean to you. It always amuses me when people claim to have lurked, but are surprised by the answers they get. 

  • MauiBliss said:
    Perhaps you have sand in your vagina? Could that be causing this? Or your panties are so wadded that it's causing great butthurt? That could be, too......

    I just about spit out my water when I read that. Seriously fucking hilarious...!!!! LOL! I love you, @MauiBliss


    BabyFruit Ticker


  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited February 2014

    I've had cramps, sharp pains, and VERY sore breasts.  I'm currently 8 DPO.


    Buuuuut I really doubt my symptoms have to do with what DPO I am or where I am in my cycle as much as the fact that I went of hormonal BC right before we started to TTC.  My body is still adjusting.  I also have more pimples on my face suddenly.

    It can be easy to interpret such symptoms as, "OMG, I'm pregnant," but keep in mind that it can all be attributed with a lot of different things.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Well thanks for the advice, perhaps I was a little sensitive to some of the responses. I KNOW its not implantation/pregnancy, and I wasn't expecting to hear that. My fault for not communicating better. I just had been wondering if anyone possibly experienced similar symptoms after coming off the IUD, or having such a long wait between AF and O. I was just searching for anyone else's experiences.

    Thanks again for the advice, lesson learned :)

    Oh and I did take a HUGE poop this morning!
    I mean, for me, I haven't really experienced my body like this in a long time. I'm 30 and I've been on hormonal BC since I was 19, so while coming off the pill hasn't been all that bad, it's certainly different.  It's like I'm getting reacquainted with my body all over again.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Didn't you ask what else it could be? At 4dpo, I got HORRIFIC cramps! I thought I was going to die. Know what? I shat out a small island and my cramps went away! Don't be pissy because your question was answered honestly. Maybe you need to head to WTE. I hear they fart skittle rainbows and are all "soooo super duper nice and supportive"
    I died a little! i pictured an island coming out of a pipe and floating in to the ocean!
    **May 2015 Siggy **imageFav Holiday Movie
    "Meet me in St. Louis"
    photo 8d082fa1-60bf-4c58-9505-dc8820557700.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hey hun, I usually don't post on here..I usually stay on a completely different site with warm and welcoming ladies who don't think a single question is "stupid" which ladies on here are making your question sound like, but I come on here from time to time to read what others are going through, I specifically clicked on your post because earlier today I had 3 quick sharp/shooting pains in my right ovary, and very mild af type cramps in my lower uterus all week which is completely not normal for me..I usually get bad af cramps the day before af shows her face and af isn't due until the I decided to come on here to ask my question..but after reading all these nasty comments I'm glad I didn't.. I'm sorry you're getting all these comments and childish pictures..if you want to know where the more helpful woman are, that don't bully with pictures of cartoons and the word "poop" on them let me know..I'm sure ill get attacked just for standing up for you, as I've seen it happen before, but whatever, I won't lose sleep....rant over...
  • No, I did..the first pg kind of overshadowed the second.. I just felt like I had to type something regarding it.. thanks tho
  • I saw all of it. But the beginning was where the shock factor was, and that's what people end up talking about, right? Anyway, anyone wanna do a sequel to the movie..and go back and re-read what I posted? Lol, there's a kind-of question about my cramps, and I just had 2 quick twinges where the sharp pains were earlier...any thoughts? And trust me..I have no problem with #2. ? Tia
  • That's what The Bump is for right?? Maybe I should go peep the newbie blog to see why they started this site to begin with! Was trying to brush the negativity away and give you guys a shot.. :/
  • Demand it?!?! Re read what I wrote..better yet, ill copy and paste.."Anyway, anyone wanna do a sequel to the movie..and go back and re-read what I posted? Lol". Hardly a demand..
  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited February 2014
    EllyD14 said:
    It really could be anything.  Random cramps happen.  If you're not doubling over in pain, it's probably nothing.

    This. It could be anything. I mean, I assume you're not speaking of really severe pain, but I could be wrong. 

    Tonight I had 3-4 sharp twinge on my right side, low, where I imagine my right ovary to be. I really don't know though. 
    Right now, I assume everything going on is my body adjusting to going off of hormonal BC. 

    I don't think anything is wrong, I just assume my body is doing its thing. If it was really severe pain, my thoughts would probably be a little different. 

    ETA: Early cramping...maybe AF will come a few days earlier than expected?  Maybe the cramps are just a few days early.  If these things happen to me, I usually find it's at no consequence. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Anyway, if I wanted drama via the internet I woulda logged onto facebook..I'm over it.. good luck in dust and all that good stuff.. I-)
  • One more thought before I log off... For all of you who want to tell me to go f**k myself and eat shit, think about karma..this site is supposed to be healpful not hurtful..just knowing that there's people like "you" who act like that to complete strangers scares me that you are TTC..that has to be one of the most disrespectful thing I've ever read on a site like this, and the fact that you want a child of your own when you clearly can't act like an adult yourself when you treat others like that discusts me.. I hope when you receive your bfp you grow up
  • Trust me, I won't lose sleep over it either..but if its so easy for people to say that so quickly to someone they dnt know w a legitimate question, how easy is it for them to say it in "real life" ..thinking of someone bringing a kid into that kind of energy pisses me off to no end!!! Trust me, I have my moments too..I'm no angel myself..but the replies on here were just shocking to me I guess.
  • And not directing that to you either..was more of a general post..
  • One more thought before I log off... For all of you who want to tell me to go f**k myself and eat shit, think about karma..this site is supposed to be healpful not hurtful..just knowing that there's people like "you" who act like that to complete strangers scares me that you are TTC..that has to be one of the most disrespectful thing I've ever read on a site like this, and the fact that you want a child of your own when you clearly can't act like an adult yourself when you treat others like that discusts me.. I hope when you receive your bfp you grow up

    :-q take your baby dust and blow it out your ass
  • One more thought before I log off... For all of you who want to tell me to go f**k myself and eat shit, think about karma..this site is supposed to be healpful not hurtful..just knowing that there's people like "you" who act like that to complete strangers scares me that you are TTC..that has to be one of the most disrespectful thing I've ever read on a site like this, and the fact that you want a child of your own when you clearly can't act like an adult yourself when you treat others like that discusts me.. I hope when you receive your bfp you grow up
    I'm being HEALPFUL-use correct spelling and punctuation when in the middle of a tirade.  It just makes the whole thing so much more effective.  Also, why on earth would you ask a bunch of strangers that you just insulted over the internet for advice?  You can't have been honestly expecting a warm welcome.  Calm down, lurk a bit, and then maybe you'll see that this really is a supportive community-if you're willing to give support in return.


  • augusta17augusta17 member
    edited February 2014
    @ctmommy333 grow up? HELL no...why would I want to do that? I sure hope you lighten the hell up before you have kids because it sure as shit isn't going to be all straight faces and dandelions blowing in your hair when they arrive!  GL with that!  Edit: words

    TTC #1 since 08/2013

    BFP#1: 1/6/2014 EDD: 9/17/2014 Natural MC: 1/17/2014 (5w3d)

    BFP #2: 6/7/2014 EDD: 2/18/2015 Natural MC 6/19/2014 (5w)

    BFP #3: 10/22/14 EDD: 7/1/2015  

    *Taking Progesterone supplements* Beta 1: 777, Beta 2: 2589 *GROW BABY!*

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    BabyFetus Ticker

  • I think we all know that there was a nicer way for some of you to go about posting on this thread. If you honestly don't then maybe you should mature a little before logging onto the bump and purposefully hurting someones feelings. We all come here for help. We all have questions that we might think are silly every once in a while because we're desperate for that BFP and we are hoping someone has an answer to strange things that go on with our bodies. There is no need to make fun of some one because you can get a good laugh out of posting something and /or RE-posting something like 'You need to Poop' over and over.

    We're all WOMEN in this community. This site was not made to break each other down in the funniest or most hurtful way possible. It was made for us to come together and give each other our personal experiences to help one another out. Come on ladies. We're all better than this! It's really not necessary!

    I agree.. Some questions are flat out dumb! But, this was an honest question that any one of us could have asked ourselves when we're in that TWW. If you are knowlegable enough to know better. That's great for you! But, most of the women on here aren't.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker    
  • Touche'! I didn't read that far down! Bad on me :-X

    And yes I've been on the bump for quite a while. Just so many times I read peoples threads and we're lashing at the OP like they are ALL complete idiots. lol It bothers me!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker    
  • Hahahaha!

    And @Englandxo I definitely read that like you were stomping off like you were having a tantrum! Thanks for the laugh.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker    
  • I am new here too, but what I don't understand is how people can not know this will go over badly!  You have to join the forums and then wait a few days to post so you should have time to see the tone of this forum and the newbie post is right there!!  Read it!.  I guess people could have joined when they were already pregnant previously, but I find it hard to believe this is the only board on the site where you are expected to be decently intelligent.

    And yeah, its annoying to be asked such a dumb question because it takes time and space away from actual questions.  Also, it makes you like like a teen girl with a fake account who is fantasizing about having a baby.

    If you wanna ask if you are preggo with a babby 2 days after ovulating go ask yahoo answers. They love that shit.

    Just Me (26), DF (32) and two little fur babies!
    TTC Furless baby since 01/14

  • LOL, this entertained me for a bit.  So, if it isn't poop it's probably just cramps.  I cramp before, during and after O sometimes.  I cramp when I'm pregnant and when I'm not.  It sucks, I wish it meant more because its pretty annoying, but it doesn't.  GL!
    BFP#1 6/2013: MMC 8/2013 @ 6 wks, 3 d
    BFP#2 1/2014: CP 1/2014 @ 3 wks, 4 d
    BFP#3 4/2014: MC 4/2014 @ 4 wks, 1 d
    Break until Dec 2014
    Femara, aspirin and progesterone started 12/2015
    Still working on #2!

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