Hi all,
This is my first post though I've stalked the threads for awhile now.
I recently had my IUD removed and trying for baby #2. It's been a wild experience but I've been using FF, BBT, CM and OPK to help me TTC.
AF visited me on 1-9 and lasted 5 days. I didn't O till CD24. I received a POS OPK on CD23 and had a good temp drop on CD24 so I'm pretty sure its accurate even though I went quite a bit between AF and O. FF says our sex timing was HIGH, we HIO on 0-3, 0-2 and 0-1.
So to my point. I am 4dpo and this morning very very early like 4am, i awoke with the worst pains, almost like AF pains. It has been pretty constant all day (almost 10 hours later). From what I've been reading it seems that 4dpo implantation is rare.
What else could this be?
Any advice would be great.
Re: Cramping bad but only 4dpo
My Ovulation Chart
My Ovulation Chart
Chemical Pregnancy
My Ovulation Chart
My Ovulation Chart
I've had cramps, sharp pains, and VERY sore breasts. I'm currently 8 DPO.
Buuuuut I really doubt my symptoms have to do with what DPO I am or where I am in my cycle as much as the fact that I went of hormonal BC right before we started to TTC. My body is still adjusting. I also have more pimples on my face suddenly.
It can be easy to interpret such symptoms as, "OMG, I'm pregnant," but keep in mind that it can all be attributed with a lot of different things.
My Ovulation Chart
"Meet me in St. Louis"
ETA: My mistake, you're not OP. All the replies OP got, pretend those were meant for you.
TTC #1 since 08/2013
BFP#1: 1/6/2014 EDD: 9/17/2014 Natural MC: 1/17/2014 (5w3d)
BFP #2: 6/7/2014 EDD: 2/18/2015 Natural MC 6/19/2014 (5w)
BFP #3: 10/22/14 EDD: 7/1/2015
*Taking Progesterone supplements* Beta 1: 777, Beta 2: 2589 *GROW BABY!*
We're all WOMEN in this community. This site was not made to break each other down in the funniest or most hurtful way possible. It was made for us to come together and give each other our personal experiences to help one another out. Come on ladies. We're all better than this! It's really not necessary!
I agree.. Some questions are flat out dumb! But, this was an honest question that any one of us could have asked ourselves when we're in that TWW. If you are knowlegable enough to know better. That's great for you! But, most of the women on here aren't.
And yes I've been on the bump for quite a while. Just so many times I read peoples threads and we're lashing at the OP like they are ALL complete idiots. lol It bothers me!
And @Englandxo I definitely read that like you were stomping off like you were having a tantrum! Thanks for the laugh.
And yeah, its annoying to be asked such a dumb question because it takes time and space away from actual questions. Also, it makes you like like a teen girl with a fake account who is fantasizing about having a baby.
If you wanna ask if you are preggo with a babby 2 days after ovulating go ask yahoo answers. They love that shit.