Sorry, but the darkness of a line means nothing. A line is a line. A faint line is positive a dark line is positive.
I can see testing once or twice to confirm a positive, or once if its negative then again a day or two later if your period doesnt start, but what isthe point of testing multiple times after continual positives? You get a positive, call your doctor they will get you in and confirm.
I see people say this all the time on these boards, but line darkness progression actually does indicate rising HCG if you are comparing tests of the same brand. For some people (like me) who have had losses, taking multiple tests to see if lines are getting darker provides reassurance that levels are rising (and I had betas done that coincided with lines darkening). Yes, a faint line is still a positive, but in my experience, when the line doesn't darken it has always turned out to be a chemical pregnancy.
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
Sorry, but the darkness of a line means nothing. A line is a line. A faint line is positive a dark line is positive.
I can see testing once or twice to confirm a positive, or once if its negative then again a day or two later if your period doesnt start, but what isthe point of testing multiple times after continual positives? You get a positive, call your doctor they will get you in and confirm.
I see people say this all the time on these boards, but line darkness progression actually does indicate rising HCG if you are comparing tests of the same brand. For some people (like me) who have had losses, taking multiple tests to see if lines are getting darker provides reassurance that levels are rising (and I had betas done that coincided with lines darkening). Yes, a faint line is still a positive, but in my experience, when the line doesn't darken it has always turned out to be a chemical pregnancy.
My doctor even told me that a line is the result of the dye in the pregnancy test, not the result of the HGC in urine.
I think I'm finally posting in the right thread. I made the mistake by posting in the wrong one and got chewed out by some members who, from what I've been told, are notoriously rude to newbies. But anyways! Here is my situation:
I've had three miscarriages in the past year and a couple most recent being in September. I'm trying to to even begin to get my hopes up though. I ovulated on Black Friday (the 23rd), and my period was due on December 7th. On December 1st, I started spotting a little...enough to use a panty liner. I told my husband that I was thinking my period was about to start, but it was weird for it to be a week early. This spotting lasted from Dec 1st-4th (first and last day light spotting, day 2 & 3 a little bit more and brown/pink). I started doing some research on implanation bleeding and from what I've read, it can occur anywhere from 6-10 days DPO. December 1st was 8 DPO, so right in the middle. It only makes sense right? I took a dollar store test this past weekend and that is what is in the first picture. Am I crazy? Blind? Both? Hubby swears he can't see anything and that it was an evap line, but he's the type that wants to see two solid lines before he believes anything, especially after 3 losses. To me it looks to be the same thickness as the control line. The last pic was taken yesterday (the 10th). The last three pregnancies I was at least starting the 5th week when I got a positive test, based on calculations right now I would be at 4 weeks 4-6 days pregnant. I feel like I should definitely keep testing as long as I don't have a period!
I think I'm finally posting in the right thread. I made the mistake by posting in the wrong one and got chewed out by some members who, from what I've been told, are notoriously rude to newbies. But anyways!
Eye roll to that statement.
This is your third post and you'll get the same response. Those tests are pretty unclear. Keep testing until you get a clear BFP or your period.
Me: 31 H: 36 L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
I had thrown this away as a negative 3 days ago. I just took out the bathroom trash this morning and this :') we will see. I already have a doctor's appt on friday.
I had thrown this away as a negative 3 days ago. I just took out the bathroom trash this morning and this :') we will see. I already have a doctor's appt on friday.
@mommyofthefence If you only saw the line outside of the reading window it is likely an evap line. Take another test to be sure before you get your hopes too high.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
@meggyme Yeah, I'll just let the doc tell me whats up Friday. The other test from the box I took a few days before this one has nothing on that circle. It's my first experience with this. My last 3 pregnancies I didnt catch until 5/6 weeks.
I think I'm finally posting in the right thread. I made the mistake by posting in the wrong one and got chewed out by some members who, from what I've been told, are notoriously rude to newbies. But anyways! Here is my situation:
Usually when you make a mistake, you apologize instead of calling people assholes. Especially when you flash a positive pregnancy test on a board where so many have struggled in their TTC journey. Those ladies also don’t use their losses to justify distasteful behavior that I see has crept over here.
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30 DD: Aug '16 10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks. 10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery 11/2/17 Twin A & B born 11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU Benched 6 months BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
I think I'm finally posting in the right thread. I made the mistake by posting in the wrong one and got chewed out by some members who, from what I've been told, are notoriously rude to newbies.
Oh really? Who told you that they are "notoriously rude"?
Me: 34 DH: 38 Married: June 2011 TTC since Feb 2016 BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
Healthy pregnancy, even with super faint BFP at 17 dpo midday urine. (I am now 36 weeks pregnant.)One with a Dollar Store cheapy, and then with FRER because I couldn’t tell if the Dollar Store one was positive or negative.
I used first response this time around for my boy I used clear blue, both similar, started out looking like an evap line, then slowly got darker over about a minute
I'm about 4 days before missed period. This is a dollar store test and this line appeared at about 4-5 min. I first thought positive but showed to my sister who thought it could just be evaporation line. Curious what you all think?
@EmmaLeah05 evap lines only show up after a test has dried (so 4-5 minutes is too soon for an evap) and typically don't really have color to them. Yours looks positive to me. Take another test the day of your expected period, it should be a darker line by then.
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
I've had three faint positives - 2 on frer, and 1 on pregmate cheapie. Also had three negatives on less sensitive tests.
First positive was on Thursday evening. Got another Sat (Pic attached) with fmu. Then a more faint one this morning but not with first morning pee.
I don't know how many dpo I am because I had stopped tracking for a few months as I was getting stressed by it (LOL). We only dtd on 12 CD, and I thought for sure there was no chance because I usually ovulate between 17 and 19 CD.
But AF was due yesterday.
I'm so thrown by the fact that I got a faint positive three days ago and am still not getting a positive on the 25ml tests. Just worried this isn't going anywhere...
@Madamemerle a line is a line, so I'd say you're pregnant! Keep testing if you want more reassurance, or get one done at your doctor's. If you weren't tracking then you can't be sure when you ovulated. Congrats.
Me: 31 H: 36 L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
not sure how many dpo as I have very irregular cycles. Still waiting on beta!
TTC# 1 Since 10/2005----Diagnosed with PCOS March of 2006 multiple failed cycles, multiple IUIs, lap with ovarian drilling 4/2008 Finally BFP on 11/23/09 beta#1=36 beta#2 =62 beta#3=139 Liliana was born on March 27,2010 at 21w5d due to infection and pre-term labor BFP #2 on 6/20/10 after Gonal-F and TI First u/s showed Twins! TTC#2 since 02/2012 with out RE... Back to RE 08/2016----- Cycle #1 10/2016 Femara 7.5mg=???
Sharing this progression from 11dpo to 19dpo on dollar store cheapies. Have had chemicals so got betas done at 12 and 15dpo which are on the right. Hopefully helpful for someone.
TW - I found out I was pregnant back in October. Because of autoimmune issues we closely monitored pregnancy. Week 7 the baby’s heartbeat was slow and by week 9 it had stopped. I had a D&C on November 29th. I never got my period after the D&C so I took a pregnancy test Saturday, another Sunday and a third yesterday. They were all positive (2 dye and 1 digital). If my ovulation cycle stayed the same I probably ovulated sometime around January 1st. Could the HCG be leftover from the miscarriage 8 weeks later? I had a blood draw today (Wednesday) and am waiting to hear back.
@jillybeanasb *TW* I'm sorry for your loss. Did they track your HCG down after your D&C? It is possible to have some remaining tissue. But, I would be cautiously optimistic. With a D&C, the chances of retained tissue are slim and it would be a long time to have retained tissue without any complications. I hope you hear back soon and get good, unambiguous news.
Me: 34 DH: 38 Married: June 2011 TTC since Feb 2016 BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
@kiki75 they didn’t track the HCG levels after. I had an appointment 3 weeks after and wasn’t having any complications so they didn’t do any testing. Of course now I wish they had. Should have results back tomorrow so I’ll keep everyone posted 😊
Have had light spotting since 14 dpo... Lost my left tube to an ectopic December 7th, 2018. These are 13, 17, 18 (this morning) dpo. Anyone have spotting after bfp and have healthy pregnancy?
I am going to the doctor tomorrow to get BETA testing but in the meanwhile do these look positive? I’m still guarded on allowing myself to feel the emotions of being pregnant, at least until confirmed from the doctor.
anyone ever get a bfp as early as 5dpo? I'm pretty sure i'm 5dpo its been 5 days since we dtd and I got a super faint bfp today. Testing again in the morning but FRERs are usually reliable right?
Here is my current line progression on some cheapies. My Dr is not doing betas (only one to confirm) and it's been nerve wracking waiting for my first appointment, so I continue to test for my peace of mind. I have heard people say all sorts of things about the lines getting darker or not, but honestly if it gets me through this week... it's a good sign by me! They keep getting darker, but I'm noticing my PM tests are darker than AM. Don't mind my horrendous handwriting!
I took my pregnancy test on 13dpo and 14dpo. I had a light second line on 13, but it did get a little darker on 14dpo. I am going in for the blood work tomorrow. Congrats to all the BFP. I am excited for this journey as this will be my first.
Re: What does a positive pregnancy test really look like??
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
I've had three miscarriages in the past year and a couple most recent being in September. I'm trying to to even begin to get my hopes up though. I ovulated on Black Friday (the 23rd), and my period was due on December 7th. On December 1st, I started spotting a little...enough to use a panty liner. I told my husband that I was thinking my period was about to start, but it was weird for it to be a week early. This spotting lasted from Dec 1st-4th (first and last day light spotting, day 2 & 3 a little bit more and brown/pink). I started doing some research on implanation bleeding and from what I've read, it can occur anywhere from 6-10 days DPO. December 1st was 8 DPO, so right in the middle. It only makes sense right? I took a dollar store test this past weekend and that is what is in the first picture. Am I crazy? Blind? Both? Hubby swears he can't see anything and that it was an evap line, but he's the type that wants to see two solid lines before he believes anything, especially after 3 losses. To me it looks to be the same thickness as the control line. The last pic was taken yesterday (the 10th). The last three pregnancies I was at least starting the 5th week when I got a positive test, based on calculations right now I would be at 4 weeks 4-6 days pregnant. I feel like I should definitely keep testing as long as I don't have a period!
This is your third post and you'll get the same response. Those tests are pretty unclear. Keep testing until you get a clear BFP or your period.
H: 36
L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
@mommyofthefence If you only saw the line outside of the reading window it is likely an evap line. Take another test to be sure before you get your hopes too high.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
Oh really? Who told you that they are "notoriously rude"?
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
I'm about 4 days before missed period. This is a dollar store test and this line appeared at about 4-5 min. I first thought positive but showed to my sister who thought it could just be evaporation line. Curious what you all think?
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
Check the background of your picture. Is your counter gross? Any information you wouldn’t want to share?
A coin or other object works as well as a wedding ring.
Blot the excess pee off of your test/crop out the steamy cap. It’ll help people focus on line/no line.
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
I've had three faint positives - 2 on frer, and 1 on pregmate cheapie. Also had three negatives on less sensitive tests.
First positive was on Thursday evening. Got another Sat (Pic attached) with fmu. Then a more faint one this morning but not with first morning pee.
I don't know how many dpo I am because I had stopped tracking for a few months as I was getting stressed by it (LOL). We only dtd on 12 CD, and I thought for sure there was no chance because I usually ovulate between 17 and 19 CD.
But AF was due yesterday.
I'm so thrown by the fact that I got a faint positive three days ago and am still not getting a positive on the 25ml tests. Just worried this isn't going anywhere...
H: 36
L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
multiple failed cycles, multiple IUIs, lap with ovarian drilling 4/2008
Finally BFP on 11/23/09 beta#1=36 beta#2 =62 beta#3=139
Liliana was born on March 27,2010 at 21w5d due to infection and pre-term labor
BFP #2 on 6/20/10 after Gonal-F and TI First u/s showed Twins!
TTC#2 since 02/2012 with out RE...
Back to RE 08/2016----- Cycle #1 10/2016 Femara 7.5mg=???
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
I am going to the doctor tomorrow to get BETA testing but in the meanwhile do these look positive? I’m still guarded on allowing myself to feel the emotions of being pregnant, at least until confirmed from the doctor.
They keep getting darker, but I'm noticing my PM tests are darker than AM.
Don't mind my horrendous handwriting!
Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
I took my pregnancy test on 13dpo and 14dpo. I had a light second line on 13, but it did get a little darker on 14dpo. I am going in for the blood work tomorrow. Congrats to all the BFP. I am excited for this journey as this will be my first.