April 2014 Moms

UO Thursday


Re: UO Thursday

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    maelic said:

    I find weddings with no kids pretty nuts, but I would never auto-invite my own children obviously. 

    I feel like no kids is pretty common now so I don't understand why people get all personally offended when no children are invited.

    We had no kids at my wedding except my nieces and nephew that were in the wedding. We had around 300 people at our wedding and If we had all our guests bring their kids that number would have ballooned to 500 guests and the venue would not have been big enough. Our wedding was late as well so it was well past most children's bedtimes, our nieces and nephew didn't even make it to the cake cutting. We had some family that had to travel with their infants and we provided nanny arrangements for them at the hotel.

    Some weddings it's appropriate to have kids and some its not. But it annoys me how people who do choose to have kids at their wedding often act as if those who don't are kid hating assholes. Not the case.

    I know in the future I could give a shit if my kids are in invited to a wedding or not. I'll enjoy the night out and alone time with my husband instead of getting all butthurt and resentful.
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    I don't get why every time there is a mass shooting, everything goes on lockdown for days/weeks afterwards. Are they afraid of copycats happening right away? I'm not really aware of any back to back copycat shootings unless I am missing something? Example, if you want to get on a military base right now it's 100% ID check and 20 questions about what it is you're doing there if you don't normally go there.


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    My UO for the day is that I don't like the headbands with giant flowers on them for baby girls. Especially when they're in them every. day. I think they look ridiculous and uncomfortable.
    It's a non-issue for me since I have a boy, but my BFF has a girl with basically no hair still at 9 months. Even though they dress her in girly stuff, she STILL gets mistaken for a boy. I think it gets annoying for my friend, so she does the headbands pretty often. She's done it since her DD was a newborn, so her DD really doesn't even notice.
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    I was expecting some drama with 4 pages before noon!

    If I have a girl she wont wear a bikini but a tankini is fine ImO. Especially for bathroom breaks.

    Love beer. My husband brought home Fat Tires Pumpkin ale and I had a few sips of his. Amazing! Wish I could have one for myself. Can't live without red wine, a good cab franc or Zinfandel. Love dry and bold. Coffee is necessary.

    Depends on the wedding. It is definitely rude to assume your child is invited, especially with plated dinners. If they want your kid there it'll say kids welcome or if its more causal like a backyard bbq I think it implies kid friendly.

    I liked HiMYM seasons 1-5. It sucks now. BBT is horrible, and I agree two broke girls makes me lose faith in humanity.

    April 2014 May Siggy Challenge: Funny Animals- Kangaroo Mating Ritual

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    My UO for the day is that I don't like the headbands with giant flowers on them for baby girls. Especially when they're in them every. day. I think they look ridiculous and uncomfortable.

    It's a non-issue for me since I have a boy, but my BFF has a girl with basically no hair still at 9 months. Even though they dress her in girly stuff, she STILL gets mistaken for a boy. I think it gets annoying for my friend, so she does the headbands pretty often. She's done it since her DD was a newborn, so her DD really doesn't even notice.

    I know this is for sure a "to each their own" sort of thing. I don't know why I dislike them so much, but every time I see a flower the size of the baby's head I roll my eyes a bit.
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    Holljade said:

    I don't let DD wear a bikini. Not sure when she will be allowed.

    I don't either. To me it's just making a pedophiles job easier. To me a bikini meant for a three year old is alittle awkward and too revealing for a young child.

    image  mean_girls_35345

    DD1- 2009, M/C- 2011, M/C- 2012, DD2- 2012, DD3- 2014

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    @spasticfantastic haha true (and monstrosity is right). I think the top is cute for photos and special occasions.
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    thomas930 said:

    I think all Apple products are over rated and overpriced  :-O

    I also giggled while looking through facebook last night when everyone was complaining about not being able to download the software because they either, didn't have enough room or that their phones claimed to not have it available. We are strictly Windows and Android in our house and never have issues with limited memory :) Both my tablet and phone have expandable memory.
    iPhone has expandable memory too. I had an android and I hated that piece. It gave me nothing but issues, as well as my windows laptop. Now I have an iPhone and MacBook and neither have given me issues.
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    My UO for the day is that I don't like the headbands with giant flowers on them for baby girls. Especially when they're in them every. day. I think they look ridiculous and uncomfortable.
    It's a non-issue for me since I have a boy, but my BFF has a girl with basically no hair still at 9 months. Even though they dress her in girly stuff, she STILL gets mistaken for a boy. I think it gets annoying for my friend, so she does the headbands pretty often. She's done it since her DD was a newborn, so her DD really doesn't even notice.
    The headbands are still ridiculous. Though I kind of judge the fact that cares so much about people knowing her precious baby is a girl, more. I think that's such a silly thing to care about. 

    ETA: It's not like an infant w/ hair = a girl and and infant w/o hair = a boy. 

    I agree that hair =/= girl, but people assume the stupidest things. I don't really care that you can't tell the difference between infant girls/boys, and I don't get "offended" when people get it wrong, but it does get annoying if that makes sense.
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    Well, this was a boring UO. :) 

    2 piece bathing suits are infinitely better than one pieces for little girls. Easier for diaper changes and pottying. DD1 even had one w/ a triangle-ish top this year, eh, NBD. 

    To the poster @maelic who said they wouldn't have them wear a top until they had something to cover, um, so if your daughter doesn't develop breast buds until 10, 11, 12, they'll still be topless at the beach or pool? Let me know how that turns out. 

    I was growing up. Girl kids in Italy are, usually until around 7 or 8 at least, until they are old enough to deal with a wet one piece themselves. It's normal, their chest is indistinguishable from a boy's chest so there's no need for them to "cover up".

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    My UO for the day is that I don't like the headbands with giant flowers on them for baby girls. Especially when they're in them every. day. I think they look ridiculous and uncomfortable.

    It's a non-issue for me since I have a boy, but my BFF has a girl with basically no hair still at 9 months. Even though they dress her in girly stuff, she STILL gets mistaken for a boy. I think it gets annoying for my friend, so she does the headbands pretty often. She's done it since her DD was a newborn, so her DD really doesn't even notice.

    The headbands are still ridiculous. Though I kind of judge the fact that cares so much about people knowing her precious baby is a girl, more. I think that's such a silly thing to care about. 

    ETA: It's not like an infant w/ hair = a girl and and infant w/o hair = a boy. 

    If I don't know what the sex is, I usually ask what their name is instead of assuming.

    mean_girls_35345Image and video hosting by TinyPic         PAL Sep challenge George Takei image
    Started dating in 5/9/05, Married 6/25/11
    Started TTC Feb 2013, BFP #1 3/4/13 EDD 11/10/13. MMC 4/9/13 D&C 4/22/13.
    BFP #2 7/17/13, EDD 3/29/14 ended in a CP on 7/22/13.
    BFP#3 8/19/13 EDD 5/3/14 Nerdling was born 4/29/14, welcome little one!
     All AL welcome.

    image   Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Serenla said:
    My UO for the day is that I don't like the headbands with giant flowers on them for baby girls. Especially when they're in them every. day. I think they look ridiculous and uncomfortable.
    It's a non-issue for me since I have a boy, but my BFF has a girl with basically no hair still at 9 months. Even though they dress her in girly stuff, she STILL gets mistaken for a boy. I think it gets annoying for my friend, so she does the headbands pretty often. She's done it since her DD was a newborn, so her DD really doesn't even notice.
    The headbands are still ridiculous. Though I kind of judge the fact that cares so much about people knowing her precious baby is a girl, more. I think that's such a silly thing to care about. 

    ETA: It's not like an infant w/ hair = a girl and and infant w/o hair = a boy. 
    If I don't know what the sex is, I usually ask what their name is instead of assuming.

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    My UO is my undying love for the McRib. I love those sandwiches and I cannot wait until they come back!
    I also happen to love HIMYM and BBT but I agree that Two Broke Girls needs to die!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    eme520 said:

    1) I think some people are ridiculous in how they completely change their life when they get pregnant. I use the same hygiene products, face wash with salicylic acid, eat processed food, eat sandwich meat, eat sushi, and drink coffee. Most things in life will not harm you or your pregnancy.
    I'm sorry, but I've seen a lot of posts like this and they really irritate me. That is all fine and good if you decide to make these choices, I still drink 1 cup of coffee, but please don't criticize other women who make these choices.

    The risk can be very small, but I personally would be devastated if I did something that could potentially harm my baby and it ended in another loss.

    I'm not sure why so many people feel like they need to call out women who are being careful.

    To me it always sounds like, "you guys are just being little bitches. I'm doing what I want and judging you for being cautious."

    mean_girls_35345Image and video hosting by TinyPic         PAL Sep challenge George Takei image
    Started dating in 5/9/05, Married 6/25/11
    Started TTC Feb 2013, BFP #1 3/4/13 EDD 11/10/13. MMC 4/9/13 D&C 4/22/13.
    BFP #2 7/17/13, EDD 3/29/14 ended in a CP on 7/22/13.
    BFP#3 8/19/13 EDD 5/3/14 Nerdling was born 4/29/14, welcome little one!
     All AL welcome.

    image   Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Also, one that has been getting at me more than usual lately is how toys are marketed so gender stereotypically. I want to get DS a toy vacuum and/or a dust pan and broom set, but the only ones I can find are hot pink. Because, you know, only girls can clean. I think it's detrimental to be reinforcing these stupid gender stereotypes at such a young age.
    I was at a walmart a year or so ago and I realized that they actually had a toy section labeled "Boys" and another section labeled "Girls."  I freaked out!  Seriously, I can't believe a place would do that these days!  I thought we were past that.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I feel annoyed at everything today.

    1) I think some people are ridiculous in how they completely change their life when they get pregnant. I use the same hygiene products, face wash with salicylic acid, eat processed food, eat sandwich meat, eat sushi, and drink coffee. Most things in life will not harm you or your pregnancy.

    And drink excessively and snort coke too? Everybody has to draw their own lines somewhere. Some people have been down long, hard roads to pregnancy and everything that has even a .0001% risk is risky enough to give up. I actually think it's kind of sad if someone can't give anything up for 9 months.  
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    hlm184 said:
    Also, one that has been getting at me more than usual lately is how toys are marketed so gender stereotypically. I want to get DS a toy vacuum and/or a dust pan and broom set, but the only ones I can find are hot pink. Because, you know, only girls can clean. I think it's detrimental to be reinforcing these stupid gender stereotypes at such a young age.
    I was at a walmart a year or so ago and I realized that they actually had a toy section labeled "Boys" and another section labeled "Girls."  I freaked out!  Seriously, I can't believe a place would do that these days!  I thought we were past that.
    Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people out there who would faint at the sight of my son playing with a doll or play kitchen.
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    eme520 said:

    1) I think some people are ridiculous in how they completely change their life when they get pregnant. I use the same hygiene products, face wash with salicylic acid, eat processed food, eat sandwich meat, eat sushi, and drink coffee. Most things in life will not harm you or your pregnancy.
    I'm sorry, but I've seen a lot of posts like this and they really irritate me. That is all fine and good if you decide to make these choices, I still drink 1 cup of coffee, but please don't criticize other women who make these choices.

    The risk can be very small, but I personally would be devastated if I did something that could potentially harm my baby and it ended in another loss.

    I'm not sure why so many people feel like they need to call out women who are being careful.
    I agree to each her own. My pregnancy is going to be different from everyone else's pregnancy.

    This is just my opinion. I have not called out other women in the past for this. I just let it go.
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    Also, one that has been getting at me more than usual lately is how toys are marketed so gender stereotypically. I want to get DS a toy vacuum and/or a dust pan and broom set, but the only ones I can find are hot pink. Because, you know, only girls can clean. I think it's detrimental to be reinforcing these stupid gender stereotypes at such a young age.
    Ugh same here. I had such a hard time finding a tea set for DS that wasn't pink or purple. When I finally did find one in primary colours, of course it has flowers moulded on it. Whatever. He loves it. 

    I said I wouldn't do a lot of things with my kids- and I still haven't done them. Being flexible is good, but you also don't have to throw everything you believe in out the window just because something else might be easier. There are some things I've done that I swore I wouldn't, but the list isn't very long. 

    A few years ago a friend and I were in Montenegro and went on a boat tour with a huge bunch of Italians. All the little kids there were just wearing bottoms, no tops- even girls 9, 10 years old. There was one girl there with breast buds and from my point of view I felt that was a bit inappropriate, but nobody blinked an eye at it. It's very normal over there. Little girls don't have breasts, ergo their chests are not seen as something sexual that should be covered up. 

    Agree HIMYM is not funny. BBT used to be, but I didn't even watch the last season past the first couple episodes. 

    My UO: I am soooo sick of them bringing back old players on Survivor. At this point having all new people on the show would be a novelty. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 
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    maelic said:
    I guess it's cultural, weddings are celebrations with your loved ones and if your loved ones have children, well, they're obviously included. :)

    I never cared about crying/running around/fussing that kids do and my wedding was no exception. 

    Having worked at weddings children are typically a pain in the ass.  I'm walking around with huge trays of expensive food over my head through door ways and potentially carrying the tray stand in the other and I have a child running at me or around a corner that I can't see.  It's a recipe for disaster.

    Also, I had a decent size wedding where 4+ 16 person tables were under the age of 35 and heavily drinking.  This was not the place for children.  Also if we had invited children it easily would have added another 50+ children and we wouldn't have fit in the venue and it would have increased the bill dramatically.  Not something I was interested in.  I made a point to tell a couple of cousins and they spread the word.

    I think evening weddings should be for adults.  Especially if there is going to be heavy drinking and if it's a plated meal. 

    Married the love of my life June 18, 2011 -- Me (28) DH (29)
    TTC #1 since June 2012
    BFP #1 6.29.12 EDD 3.12.13 MMC discovered 8.11.12 9w5d D&C 8.15.12
    BFP #2 11.2.12 EDD 7.14.13 MMC 6w5d discovered 8w6d 2 failed rounds miso D&C 12.27.12
    BFP #3 8.5.13 EDD 4.18.14 MMC 7w4d discovered 9.25.13 at 10w6d -Trisomy 13- 1 round miso & emergency D&C 10.2.13
    RPL Testing. DX Asherman's November 2013. Low AMH (0.44) January 2014. 
    Operative Hysteroscopy January 2014 to remove scar tissue.
    BFP#4 6.18.14 EDD 3.3.15 Team Pink
    --AL always welcome--
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    Double posts drive me insane, but trying to control the Internet is like trying to nail jello to the wall. Pointless. Also, I can't believe we are STILL discussing lack of symptoms, or morning sickness going away, or morning sickness showing up.

    The thing is it's really not "trying to control the internet".  If you look at any other board (and all of the others that I've been a part of) there is board etiquette (asking people to lurk first, search for your topic, post an intro, give support to receive support, etc.).  Obviously there are the few that ignore the etiquette but if overall we direct them to where it would be more appropriate to post then we would have less posts & we would be able to add more support to individual posts.  Ahhh I'm going on my tangent.  I will save it for my later post.
    Married the love of my life June 18, 2011 -- Me (28) DH (29)
    TTC #1 since June 2012
    BFP #1 6.29.12 EDD 3.12.13 MMC discovered 8.11.12 9w5d D&C 8.15.12
    BFP #2 11.2.12 EDD 7.14.13 MMC 6w5d discovered 8w6d 2 failed rounds miso D&C 12.27.12
    BFP #3 8.5.13 EDD 4.18.14 MMC 7w4d discovered 9.25.13 at 10w6d -Trisomy 13- 1 round miso & emergency D&C 10.2.13
    RPL Testing. DX Asherman's November 2013. Low AMH (0.44) January 2014. 
    Operative Hysteroscopy January 2014 to remove scar tissue.
    BFP#4 6.18.14 EDD 3.3.15 Team Pink
    --AL always welcome--
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    Hmmmmmm let's see...

    - Love The Office and HIMYM, although both got/are getting much less funny as the series neared the end. Have zero desire to watch BBT -- from what I've seen, I don't think it's my particular cup of tea.

    - Guests who bring anyone to a wedding who was not listed on the invitation toast my cookies. Weddings are not a block party. Personally, even if my kids were invited, I'd leave them at home (unless they were older or it was a super casual morning / afternoon affair)... Who doesn't want an adult evening out??

    - tankinis, rash guards, one pieces... That's our personal girl baby / toddler swimsuit MO. I do agree that 2 pieces are way easier for changing purposes.

    - Y'all know I'm on Team LOSE THE GINORMOUS BOW. I also just really don't give a shit if strangers mistake my girl for a boy. When she was little it happened a lot as the vast majority of our gear is gender neutral and I'm not an over-the-top frilly mama. If it was just a "he's so cute!" comment, I'd just say thanks "thanks so much!" or if they asked me a question ("how old is he?" etc), I'd respond using she/her. Why get your underpants in a twist over some stranger in the checkout line? NBD!
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
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    eme520 said:

    1) I think some people are ridiculous in how they completely change their life when they get pregnant. I use the same hygiene products, face wash with salicylic acid, eat processed food, eat sandwich meat, eat sushi, and drink coffee. Most things in life will not harm you or your pregnancy.
    I'm sorry, but I've seen a lot of posts like this and they really irritate me. That is all fine and good if you decide to make these choices, I still drink 1 cup of coffee, but please don't criticize other women who make these choices.

    The risk can be very small, but I personally would be devastated if I did something that could potentially harm my baby and it ended in another loss.

    I'm not sure why so many people feel like they need to call out women who are being careful.
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    Well, this was a boring UO. :) 

    2 piece bathing suits are infinitely better than one pieces for little girls. Easier for diaper changes and pottying. DD1 even had one w/ a triangle-ish top this year, eh, NBD. 

    To the poster @maelic who said they wouldn't have them wear a top until they had something to cover, um, so if your daughter doesn't develop breast buds until 10, 11, 12, they'll still be topless at the beach or pool? Let me know how that turns out. 

    I was growing up. Girl kids in Italy are, usually until around 7 or 8 at least, until they are old enough to deal with a wet one piece themselves. It's normal, their chest is indistinguishable from a boy's chest so there's no need for them to "cover up".

    It's definitely cultural. I almost asked what country you were from! I do agree that it technically isn't a big deal for a 5, 6, 7 year old girl to be top less, However, that's just not something I'm willing to test out here in the states.
    Haha, I'll test it out for you but only if my MIL doesn't kill me first. Good thing my husband is on the same page. :)
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    AcaAwkwardAcaAwkward member
    edited September 2013
    eme520 said:

    ckred27 said:

    It goes both ways, some of the careful ladies make those who have the occasional glass of wine or sushi ect sound like selfish biotches who dont care about there babies and then the ladies who aren't so worried about the rules get defensive and shoot back.  The next day the more laid back girls will say something that will piss off the more careful ones and then we get to play again.

    I guess... I just think it makes no sense at all to tell people who are following doctor's orders that they are being ridiculous.

    ------------------------- Eta: separation

    But some doctors are also more lenient than others -- mine is fine with wine in small amounts in 2nd/3rd Tri, doesn't have a ton to say about cosmetics, is cool with really fresh deli meat and sushi, etc. Thus, my more relaxed take on the rules are in complete compliance with my doctor's order.

    (Not disagreeing with your initial point of "why judge those who are more cautious"... Just wanted to point that our.)
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
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    It really irritates me when the first question I have to answer on an application (Like the college application I just filled out) is what ethnicity you are and if you are of hispanic descent. I'm sure it's anonymous and for statistics purposes but most of the time I wish there was a "who gives a shit!" answer. 

    Now with that being said I don't know the purpose of the question, all I know is it bothers me. It just makes me feel like I'm secretly being pre-judged by what I write down. 
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    eme520 said:
    ckred27 said:

    It goes both ways, some of the careful ladies make those who have the occasional glass of wine or sushi ect sound like selfish biotches who dont care about there babies and then the ladies who aren't so worried about the rules get defensive and shoot back.  The next day the more laid back girls will say something that will piss off the more careful ones and then we get to play again.
    I guess... I just think it makes no sense at all to tell people who are following doctor's orders that they are being ridiculous.
    And it makes no sense for those who are extra careful to throw scare tactic numbers at people who look at the other side of the numbers. Like I said, it goes both ways. Some docs say one this is ok and other docs say it isnt. I dont give anyone a hard time if they choose to cut out all alcohol/coffee/sushi or whatever, but have often felt judged for choosing to have the occasional glass of wine. It interseting to find that those on the other side of then fence feel judged too though.

     POS+April 2009-M/c May 2009, POS+July 2009-M/c Aug 2009, POS+ Novemeber 2009 -Baby Boy Charlie DOB 07/06/2010, POS+July 2011-M/c and D&C Aug 2011, POS+Dec 2011 -Baby Boy Ethan DOB 07/27/2012, POS+Aug 2013-TWIN BOYS! Jack and Miles born March 23rd 2014!!



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