1st Trimester

In 2nd and 3rd tri is anyone planning on...

Having an occasional glass of wine?  What about smoking weed?  Just wondering, I know people that choose too.

P.S. Please don't clog up the thread with foul judgement, I am asking a serious question and am an adult and do not need to be lectured.  Real answers only reply!

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Re: In 2nd and 3rd tri is anyone planning on...

  • I wouldn't say no to an occasional glass of wine, but I can honestly say I would never smoke weed.  I may not be in the norm here but I never did before BFP so I wouldn't subject that to my baby now.  But wine, I see no problem with.
  • Wine, probably not.

    Weed, never.

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  • imageskylooo:
     Real answers only reply!

    You may get real answers if you ask a real question.

    And the flu shot is beneficial to PG women, it's beneficial to the human race, imho.

  • LMAO!!!! opening a can of worms is all i can say!!!!
  • No.  I happen to like my unborn baby and want them to have every chance possible to be healthy.
  • I might drink a small glass of wine in 2T or 3T.?

    ?Not a judgement, but, Marijuana is still illegal as far as I know, So I will still not be partaking in that. Nor will I be smoking cigarettes, cigars or anything else.?

  • I smoke weed everyday...............





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  • I thought I would have an occasional glass of wine and even though I haven't yet, I would if I was feeling up to it.  Maybe when the late tri aches and pains get out of control which I hear is about 35 weeks.

    There's no way I'd smoke weed though.

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  • OMFG!!!!!!  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jessimurph, I am stealing your word of the day


  • absolutly not.  Weed?  Are you serious?  I know you said not to judge, but i"m going to anyway. 
  • Since 1st tri, I've drank somewhere around 1-2 bottles of wine weekly, and smoke a blunt about 2-3 times a week.  From everything I've read, it not only helps you relax but also helps your baby grow!
    Chad and Emily - 10/28/06 Abigail Suzanne - 1/6/09 Corbin David - 11/6/12
  • NO- to both.

     Adult who chooses to smoke weed during pregnancy- hm, sounds moronic.

    Mom of 3 year old, one year old and one on the way (due late Summer 2013).
  • imageskylooo:

    Having an occasional glass of wine?  What about smoking weed?  Just wondering, I know people that choose too.

    P.S. Please don't clog up the thread with foul judgement, I am asking a serious question and am an adult and do not need to be lectured.  Real answers only reply!

    OMFG what is wrong with YOU??  I sure has hell hope this is MUD otherwise you have NO effing business being pg.  Get an fuucking clue, dumbass.  Oh how I wish CPS had jurisdiction over fetus'. 

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  • Uhhh the glass of wine will definatly come up for me in the 3rd once or twice but NO to the weed.


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  • oh yea, toke it up while pregnant, that sounds like an awesome idea....not! The fact that you want to smoke weed while pregnant disgusts me.
  • If you can't wait until you've had your baby to smoke or drink, I would ask your doctor to see what the real answer is.  Your doctor should be able to give you the best answer for this question.
  • I think you should smoke lots of pot.  It might help you relax.
    DS1 June 12, 2009
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  • imageskylooo:

    Having an occasional glass of wine?? What about smoking weed?? Just wondering, I know people that choose too.

    P.S. Please don't clog up the thread with foul judgement, I am asking a serious question and am an adult and do not need to be lectured.??Real answers?only reply!

    you are a waste of space my dear. ?no flu shots but weed is a-ok! ?it's natural right because it's grown in the ground? ?it can be laced you asshat. ?but that's fine if you're baby is exposed to chemicals just so you can have a little fun. ?heaven forbid you get a real vaccine that might actually do some good for the little fetus. ?you can't smoke a vaccine so what's the point? ?

  • Honestly, I think foul judgement would be to even consider doing drugs while pregnant.

    As a teacher, I've seen too many kids jacked up because their parents wouldn't give up their partying while they were pregnant. So no, I wouldn't dream of drinking any alcohol or doing any drug during any trimester. How hard is it to give up that stuff for 9 months, seriously?

    Real enough for ya?

    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • Real answers only reply! Yes b/c you are the nest God and can determine who post what. Nice try.

    It doesn't matter what stage of pregnancy you are in, weed will affect your child you dumbassstupidbitch. The fact you are even asking this question makes you a douchecvnt.

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  • imageMamaGoose8:

    I might drink a small glass of wine in 2T or 3T. 

     Not a judgement, but, Marijuana is still illegal as far as I know, So I will still not be partaking in that. Nor will I be smoking cigarettes, cigars or anything else. 

    What?  How can you NOT judge?  Grow some cajones, chick.

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  • Oh shitt nobody told me to stop getting hiiiigh

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  • AA anyone?  Rehab-- really?  This is nuts- it has to be MUD-- How can someone be so dumb?
    Mom of 3 year old, one year old and one on the way (due late Summer 2013).
  • I've drank the occassional glass of wine since the 2nd trimester.


    But weed?!?! You said no foul judgment. So I'm going to judge, it just won't be foul.


    Are you an idiot?

  • I don't plan on drinking any wine. I don't have any problems with anyone who does, it's just not for me (even though I REALLY want some)!

    And as for the weed, since I'm not 15, no, I don't plan on smoking any weed.

    Emma Kathryn (AKA "The Weans")


    Jackson Douglas (AKA "The Squishy")


  • Yowzas!!! That is opening a serious can of worms.  I say no to both.
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  • imageskylooo:

    Having an occasional glass of wine?  What about smoking weed?  Just wondering, I know people that choose too.

    P.S. Please don't clog up the thread with foul judgement, I am asking a serious question and am an adult and do not need to be lectured.  Real answers only reply!

    OMG WEED?!?!?  Indifferent GL with the honest, nonjudgemental responses.  LOLz

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  • imageSouthernBellelovesaYankee:

     Real answers only reply!

    You may get real answers if you ask a real question.

    Ditto, or how about try looking through old topics. Esp in 1st tri the same questions are asked at least 10 times a day.

  • I wonder if crazed negativity, evil thoughts, and stress can effect a fetus?
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  • My baby and I have an agreement.....she promises not to inhale!

  • you want a real answer?

    you shouldn't have gotten pregnant if you're honestly thinking about smoking weed while pregnant.

    maybe you should shoot some heroin instead.

  • wow how selfish could you be. i say how dare you try and damage your baby before it's even born!? with pot? how old are you?

    it's not about you anymore.


    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Weren't you the one that was asking Jessimurph "what kind of response is that and what is wrong with you?" maybe you should check yourself as well.
  • No and hell no!!! There is no way I'm going to take any chances as long as I have been trying to get PG!!!
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  • WOW. I wouldnt smoke weed even if i wasnt pg...i feel that i am too old for that garbage-had my share when i was younger. Second, i dont drink wine anyways, so i definitely wouldnt drink any no matter what trimester I was in.

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  • Didn't you all see the new study that shows you don't need the flu shot if you smoke weed?
  • imageskylooo:
    I wonder if crazed negativity, evil thoughts, and stress can effect a fetus?


    There's nothing like an obnoxious troll to stir things up on a slow day....

  • imageskylooo:
    I wonder if crazed negativity, evil thoughts, and stress can effect a fetus?

    Not the way weed will, a$$hat. Oh, and just so you know, this does not stress me out. This is just the internet, nothing on it stresses me out. Good try though.

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  • why stop with weed? why not pass the crack pipe around too while you're at it?
  • imageskylooo:

    What about smoking weed?  Just wondering, I know people that choose too.


    I leave for 5 mins for lunch...

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