September 2020 Moms

April Symptoms


Re: April Symptoms

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    Everything is setting me off today.  Potty training went horrible past few days with my toddler so we’re back to diapers and have a husband who is usually sooo amazing but this too much togetherness is just starting to settle.  Not having alcohol during this time really sucks.
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    19 weeks and I’m still nauseous 😕. Last week, I switched from bonjesta to b6 and Unisom. My insurance co is now charging me $300 more than for bonjesta. I’m hanging in there with you. 
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    @momofmiracles31889 I’m still sick. Taking zofran and it isn’t helping. I’m almost 19 weeks and feeling like it is never going away.

    @slr1229  sorry about the rough potty training. I’m in the same boat. Every time I feel like we have a good day we have a day with 3 accidents. Ugh.  
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    @slr1229 Sorry for the rough potty training. It is such an event. It felt like forever until it stuck when we pulled diapers and went commando for each of ours. And even 7mo later with my youngest we still have occasional days that are just messy. 

    @momofmiracles31889 Overall mine has faded substantially, but I am starting to have and upswing of nausea and gagging in the evening again at 20 weeks. 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
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    Sorry to hear some of you are still struggling with nausea :( it’s so rough!  it does make me feel better to know I’m not alone though. When I talk to my OB nurses about it they’re always like “well, you should start to feel better at second trimester” I’m like um yeah well I’m already almost 18 weeks people 😂 I puked two times again the other day bc of trying to get off the bonjesta after not puking for over a week and felt AWFUL nausea all day so I called them crying and asked to stay on bonjesta and thankfully the nurse talked to the one OB who is really nice and she wrote me up a new prescription and said I should stay on it instead of suffering. So now back to just drowsiness from the pills and mild nausea all day- I’ll take it! 

    Sorry to those of you having potty training struggles too- I’m nervous for that stage! Since the potty training discussion is going on- what age did you all start the process for your kiddos? Our DS is 20 months and starting to show some interest in our toilet but the thought of potty training him right now sounds a bit daunting... 
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    Goodness golly I wish our youngest would start showing interest in potty training! She just turned 2, but..  :D Our son was PT by 2, our other daughter closer to 3. So we will see what this kiddo decides. So far she will follow us into the bathroom, hand us toilet paper, the whole bit, but SHE wants nothing to do with it. Refuses sitting on the big potty or her potty chair, doesn’t even like to talk about it actually! So.. we will see. 
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    My son is 2.5 yo and he is getting closer to potty training. But I really want him to say “potty” or “pee” before we start. When we do we are going to do the 3 day potty training boot camp. I highly recommend it! 
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    @ktholysz we did that too! I'd say we tried the first time when she was not quite there yet (20mos). But then she already knew the basics when we did it for real like 6 months later and it worked like a charm. Hopefully it goes smoothly at your house 😉. 
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    Oh but also, related to symptoms, I asked my doc about my vaginal itchiness and she thought it sounded like a yeast infection... I am not sure I agree bc I haven't seen any of the discharge she described... So that's still a mystery for me. 
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    insomnia! Got a solid 3 hours of sleep last night - yay/boo
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    @jennifer_louise Mine kept telling me yeast infection too, but I was in denial and didn't want to put the money out for the treatment kit.  But I've been struggling with it all month so I finally gave up in desperation and have started a 7 day treatment- already feel better!  I didn't have much yeast-like discharge either. 
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    @readytobemama thanks! That's really good to know. My itchiness kinda comes and goes but it's terrible at night... Did you use Monistat or something else? 
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    @jennifer_louise I used the Monistat 7, figured I'd struggled with it for so long it might take longer to go away.  It was only $10 so I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner. 
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    @momofmiracles31889 We potty trained both boys at 28mo and the age seemed good. They were not as defiant as they became closer to 3 but were communicative and cognitively aware enough to grasp the concept.  We mostly followed the Oh Crap Potty Training book but with a chocolate morsel reward. Neither kid showed much interest leading up to the day we cut daytime diapers, but it worked. The first two weeks were trying but by a month we were all feeling pretty confident. My first also was speech delayed so we used sign language until he got the words. Once he got the words he called everything pee which was also fine. We kept nighttime pull ups until my first requested to no longer wear them (second is still in them), but we did not use pull ups during naps at the point we pulled diapers. Best of luck when you do make the jump!
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
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    Wellllll after much deliberation on the clinics part they’re going to have me come BACK in today to do an ultrasound on my leg to rule out a clot. I’m just annoyed because they had me go into the same day clinic last week for an exam and I had just asked that they do it then if they were going to do it at all and they said they didn’t believe it was necessary. Here we are, still having discomfort, so they want me to come back in. I wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for Covid, but I was already terrified to go in last week much less a second time..  :( I almost want to say it must be sciatica related, but it’s not sharp or shooting at all. Just a very dull ache similar to a toothache and it’s now my entire leg from my hip down to my toes..  :/
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    YIKES @chasingroygbiv keep us posted! That's a bit scary. 
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    @chasingroygbiv Hope you appointment goes well and it’s nothing serious. 
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

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    @chasingroygbiv hope your appointment goes okay! 
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    Thanks ladies for all the potty training tips!! Much appreciated. I think we might just buy a training potty so it’s there if he wants to try it out at all and start reading some potty themed books but will wait until he’s 2-2.5 to really start trying! 

    @chasingroygbiv sorry to hear you’re going through that! If it makes you feel better I had a lot of leg cramps/pains earlier on and still get them some and my OB had me do an ultrasound to make sure I didn’t have a clot and everything was fine. I know they like to be very cautious with those because if there is anything it’s better to catch it early while it’s in your leg and not let it travel to lung! Prayers all turns out well though and no issues! 
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    Thank you all for the well wishes. I was sent home and told they’d call shortly with results, but I never heard anything..... hoping that’s a good sign. A friend that works there said they likely wouldn’t have let me leave if they thought there was anything even slightly concerning since blood clots can become deadly, quickly. Hoping it’s just a nerve/muscle issue. Which seems crazy this early on, but?! 
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    @chasingroygbiv I hope everything goes well with the us results. 

    @jennifer_louise I had yeast infections with both my boys, both around the same time in the pregnancies. It started very mild, especially my second, and I went 5-6 weeks with it because I didn’t really have the discharge or anything, just some itching. Finally had my dr check and she’s like, “yeah, you’ve had a yeast infection this whole time probably.” I treated it and it was gone in three days. Wish I had done it sooner!

    Im taking notes about all the potty training. I’d like to not have three kids in diapers when this one arrives.

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    Well, because my sleep is so screwy I forgot to take my nausea medication for 2 days. I'm now sitting here fighting down the vomit. Seriously, I'm 20 weeks on Friday. GO AWAY
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    @mflowers929 that is awful! So sorry you’re so sick still! I went back on full dose Bonjesta (2 a day) bc when I tried to switch to B6 I puked twice that day and felt awful all day and basically begged my OB office to renew my bonjesta prescription. The nurses are always like well you should start to feel better in the second trimester- it’s like should is not the same as actually feeling better! I’m not a fan of meds but this pregnancy im on all the meds and this is our first pregnancy to thrive so I’ve just accepted a pregnancy full of meds 😂 I’m not going off bonjesta until I can without puking that’s for sure! 
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    I've been having a lot of issues with my bladder in second trimester but I have issues with that in general, outside of pregnancy, so not sure what to tell you! 
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    @momofmiracles31889 it seems that a lot of us are struggling with nausea still, which is really sucky. It's so completely different from my pregnancy with my son. I was basically not sick with him until the very end. This one I've been sick since the start =(
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    I'm lucky in that Scarlett's been merciful- second trimester hit and my nausea is completely gone. I even ate a Braums burger last night for dinner!! I haven't had one since McDonald's went bad! 

    Very uncomfortable waking up though, slight hip and back pains all around. I sleep on my heating pad if my SO doesn't need it and I try to use my Hiccapop pillow, but it's just not working right now I think 😕 I really don't wanna have to buy another maternity pillow, especially not one of those huge bulky things.
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    Heartburn 🔥
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    @mflowers929 yes it’s true it seems a lot of us have struggled much past first trimester! I hope for all of us we are completely nausea free soon! I’m just thankful the meds are helping me not puke even though they make me need more sleep 

    @greyl yes! So I actually have hardly ever if ever had heartburn before and I’ve been getting this tight feeling in my chest like between my boobs lol especially when I lay down so at first I started freaking out like oh gosh... is it you corona? Then I looked into it more and read that exact description under what heartburn can feel like and it is especially common at this point in pregnancy! PHEW 
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    @mflowers929 also I’m curious to see if there’s any correlation between those of us who have been sick more and longer having girls vs boys. I saw you said you think yours is a girl and my friends keep guessing I’m having a girl based on my symptoms and my last ultrasound pic but I’m honestly not sure and am so eager to find out! I’ll be thrilled no matter which gender baby is just want to know lol 
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    @momofmiracles31889 I've read that increased morning sickness can sometimes be a girl, but it's also maybe an old wives tale. I had a feeling this baby was a girl just based on the fact that this pregnancy is almost a complete 180 from my pregnancy with my son and I just can't imagine boys being sooo different. Like even to the point that I have an anterior placenta this time where it was posterior before.
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    I was really sick with my daughter but not this sick. I threw up yesterday and haven’t done that in weeks. I’m also stressed so that could contribute. I feel way sicker this time so for that only reason I’m thinking boy lol. 

    @momofmiracles31889  the heartburn is so bad and it sucks that it can cause symptoms like cough shortness of breath and some chest pain. I’m thankful I’ve been through this before so there is less anxiety that it is something else. With my daughter I had really bad chest pain and ended up in the ER. They ran a bunch of tests to rule out blood clots and then said it was heartburn and I needed to take a Zantac. It was sort of embarrassing. 🙄

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    I threw up at least once a day in the first trimester with my oldest son. With my angel son and This boy I had extreme nausea the whole first trimester. I think I’m just someone who is sick/nauseous person. But thankfully they all resolved at the latest 14 weeks. 

    I honestly wonder if any of the wives tales are true lol. It’d be fun to figure out. I’d like to know too if it’s true that you conceive on ovulation it’s a boy and after it’s a girl. We’ve always been right on ovulation and we have boys. 
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    My pregnancy has been a complete 180 too from my first with my son! I swore I had to be having a girl; sneak peek showed boy. I was shocked! Will confirm 5/15 at AS and I won’t be In shock if they say it’s a girl based on my symptoms! But if it’s still a boy, then I guess each pregnancy is different because this one gave me hell the first 14 weeks!!!! 
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    I know this baby was conceived after we had a 2 week dry spell, so probably not many boy sperm still hanging around
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    @ktholysz Mines a boy and we hit CD 9 10 and 11 and I’m pretty sure I O’d on or around CD 12 because that’s when I felt mittelschmerz so not really sure which one made the cut lol literally. I also had no MS after first tri but I’m pretty sure my MIL said H made her sicker than his sister so I had no idea what to expect 
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    @momofmiracles31889 This pregnancy (girl) has been so much worse than my previous two which were both boys. 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
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    So.... I just noticed my left nip leak a little bit for the first time and I wasn’t ready 😳😳😳
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    Well I guess I’ll just have to wait and see in just under 2 weeks 😂 sounds like none of the theories are consistently accurate! 
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    I’m nauseated longer with my girls, still nauseated with my boys though. Heart rate wives tale has never been accurate for me. Heartburn wives tale (lots of hair or none/very little) also is always wrong for me so far. The only thing that’s been accurate is the way I carry. I carried my girls soo high! 
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    ugh, I've been having cramps/tightness today. They aren't bad, but it's definitely to the point of "this doesn't feel right/normal."  I'm actually stuck in a different city than where I usually live so I'm out-of-network for health insurance, and it's not like they could do anything for me if I went into L&D at only 20 weeks.  In my mom-gut-feeling, I think the baby is okay and just deciding that she's going to make my life hell for the next 19 weeks, and I read that Braxton Hicks are more noticeable in 3rd+ pregnancies, but I hate worrying!
    DS1 2009
    DS2 2010
    DS3 2014
    DD born 8/24/2020!
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