February 2020 Moms

November Symptoms


Re: November Symptoms

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    Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. For the past couple weeks, I've been feeling really restless at random points throughout the day - like this weird restless energy specifically in my chest.  I've tried to google it and most of what comes up is "restless leg syndrome"...it's what I imagine restless leg syndrome would feel like if it was "restless chest syndrome"  :)  Anyone else in this boat??? It's making it hard to sit still or sleep and it's driving me a little crazy!
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    @Swiftlet You crack me up! If I could do it - I would!

    @nhh11 Oh no! I'm not experiencing that but it doesn't sound fun! 
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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    @Swiftlet YES!! I will sleep under 20 blankets but you can not get me to wear clothes. We will see how that changes when I have children.

    @nhh11 That would drive me crazy. I've had a few minor bouts of RLS at night but thankfully nothing anywhere else. Hope that goes away for you
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    @nhh11 I get random times where I will feel like my chest is tighter and my heart is beating faster, but it’s not after activity or anything. It’s not very often though.
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    @nhh11 my body has felt weirdly restless the last few days but mostly my arms and legs. Last night I had some weird feelings in my chest that were similar but I chalked it up to anxiety maybe
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    Thanks for the support ladies! Hopefully none of you get it - it’s so weird. 

    @optimism3 sounds sort of similar...curious to hear if you experience that again (hopefully not!).  I’ll probably bring it up to my dr on Friday though I wonder if there’s even anything he could do. 
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    @nhh11 I get like fluttery heart sensations randomly throughout the day, ob sent me to a cardiologist but we found nothing. Chalk it up to hormones making my body crazy. 
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    @nhh11 it's funny you asked about this, I get a similar feeling in my shoulders a fair bit.  
    I was actually just coming here to ask if anybody else is experiencing the restless legs though! I've got it bad today 
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    @babyroma I get Restless Legs bad at night sometimes! I got them before being pregnant when I was super tired, but now they happen most evenings. 
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    Tailbone pain while sitting. Tried to get past it at work by switching my desk to a standing desk. Then back hurt. Switch back. Tailbone pain. 

    Funnnnnn game...
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    @sassypants2010 that’s scary! I’m glad it was nothing

    @babyroma thats interesting that you’re getting it in your shoulders. I haven’t had RLS yet to my knowledge (unless this is just how it manifests in my body?). Hope yours improves soon!
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    Been having moments of this warm feeling in my uterus. Not uncomfortable but strange! 
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    craftywitchcraftywitch member
    edited November 2019
    Heartburn is killing me! I worked out today and only ate 1 meal, immediately got heartburn, and I’ve been burping it back up ever since. I’m starving and feel like that wasn’t enough calories for the day, but I’m not feeling up for eating anything with lunch still going up and down. 🤢🤢🤢 Ugh drinking baking soda water and hoping to avoid this in the future. I’m opposed to taking anything if I can help it, but at some point the ability to eat will take priority if this keeps up...
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    Oh no @craftywitch maybe you could work out first thing in the morning before breakfast?
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    @craftywitch Almonds and yogurt (not together) both really help my heartburn when I am trying to avoid Tums. 
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    I just need to cry about how much my pelvis hurts today, I seriously don't know how I'm going to make it through the day at work. I had some stretching pains around 16 weeks or so but they weren't this bad...😩 almost 30weeks and hoping this pain today is just temporary and not a permanent fixture until 40weeks. Anyone else have this problem while working? Did you take Tylenol for it or tough it out?
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    @foreveronyourside I can't say I have had pelvis pain specifically, but I do get a lot of abdominal pain/discomfort especially as the day goes on. Mostly I just tough it out and when I get home I climb into bed and lay on my side because that seems to help. 
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    @foreveronyourside I haven't had pelvis pain so far but a ton of upper back pain and now sciatica is starting on BOTH sides :'(  I've often wondered how I'm going to make it through the rest of this pregnancy since I'll only get bigger. I'm sorry you are hurting!
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    @foreveronyourside I have had it for a couple of months now. I am sorry you are dealing with it as well. I have been in so much pain as of late, that that I almost made an extra appt to speak to my OB about it but am trying to hold out for my appt on the 3rd. It is central to my pelvic area, but also radiates down my left leg. I can barely get off the floor without being in extreme pain and have to literally lift my left leg with my arm to help move it when moving positions in bed or getting into the car. Tylenol doesn't work for me unfortunately but I hope you can find some relief. <3
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    Is the pelvic pain normal then I assume? Like to know what to expect - what do they attribute it to? Just the typical stretching/space issues? 
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    @mandk1233 @nhh11 @bg122785 Thank you all for your sympathy and kind words! I made it through the day and it definitely got better as the day went on and now I feel fine! This week I have had those moments where I move my left leg just right and it sends shooting pain in my back and hip! I plan on doing absolutely nothing when I get home because I am exhausted! I feel like laying down is the only thing that really helps. 

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    @foreveronyourside definitely also dealing with some major pelvic pains. I have a desk job so I sit a lot, but it hurts to get up and get walking. I've been kinda limping/waddling around the last few weeks. It's really bad getting up in the middle of the night. I can hardly walk at all! 

    Talking to my Dr. about it at my next appointment. Sounds like it might be SPD.
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    @optimism3 Some pelvic pain is normal. SPD is not. Diagnosed cases are less than 1% but experts think that around 20-25% of women could actually be suffering from it unknowingly. I had SPD with my first pregnancy and the pain was unbearable at times. If you're having trouble walking, climbing stairs, getting into vehicles, etc. I suggest you talk to your OBs ASAP. They can't fix it, but they can prescribe things that may help like physical therapy or chiropractor visits...or even suggest things like certain pregnancy belts that help. For me, my MFM ultimately prescribed disabled placards because I couldn't walk long distances or climb stairs in parking garages. 
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    @lanie1000 so I bought a pregnancy belt but I got the wrong size and ended up returning it (Amazon purchase). Any recommendations on a good one? This is the one I purchased originally and it just seemed like it had a lot of "parts" 

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    Interesting @lanie1000

    Sorry to everyone dealing with this! 
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    Super tired today. Went to bed late last night and had to get up early this AM but actually took an hour nap in my break today at work and still just feeling so drained. 
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    @foreveronyourside that’s the belt I had last pregnancy and loved it! I ordered a different one this time that is just one piece and it’s done nothing for me! I’m actually going to order that one again now that you reminded me! 
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    A cheaper option that my chiropractor suggested last pregnancy was to tie a scarf around my hips to help stabilize them ...you can also look into kineso tape (I think that's the name?) And look up some safe taping for pregnancy :) 
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    @foreveronyourside maybe we are feeling some of the same stuff because I get that pain down my buttock and leg sometimes too. Which I was thinking is sciatica - so maybe I’m in your same boat 😕 it’s always so jarring when I put pressure on my leg just to roll over or something and it’s a sharp pain! 
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    @foreveronyourside Honestly, I'm a terrible person to ask because I didn't have much luck with one last time. I assume the perfect option is probably different for each person depending on their size/shape and the size/shape of their bump. I have heard that the cheaper ones work just as well (if not better) than the expensive, complicated ones so I'm not surprised that scarves and PT tape are being recommended by the professionals like @misstree5 mentioned. 

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    Got my first MOTN charley horse in my calf this pregnancy 😫 Now it’s going to be sore all day for work today.
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    @daffodil_shoe it's not just the little tinkle (because yes i do that too lol) ..I swear as soon as I stand, my bladder feels full again because it just doesn't empty because if the pressure the baby puts in it 😂 
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    Is anyone else having almost carpal tunnel like symptoms? My hands are killing me.
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    @TennisLove30 - Not personally, but when one of my co-workers was pregnant she did develop carpel tunnel, had to wear braces, and then it went away after giving birth. -- Hope this helps.
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    @TennisLove30 🙋 my fingers/hands feel like pins and needles, sorta numb in a way! Very annoying. 
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    @TennisLove30 I had it with my second or at least I had exactly what @foreveronyourside said. I haven’t yet this time 
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