March 2020 Moms

Weekly Question Thread w/o 11/4

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Me: 33 | DH: 34
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17 <3 DS1 born on 3/2/17
EDD 3/8/20 <3 DS2 born on 3/10/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)


Re: Weekly Question Thread w/o 11/4

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    Ok TMI warning...

    has anyone had what looks like a legitimate mucus plug make an appearance early on? I’m 23+1 (TTM) and I went pee earlier and had what appeared to be a BUNCH of “discharge” that had the same appearance/consistency as my previous mucus plugs. No blood tinge and no other symptoms. Ugh
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    @mommyxthree2020 umm... what is a mucus plug?! Is this something I need to prepare for?! 

    This may have been mentioned before, but any recommendations for a dairy-free, pregnancy-safe protein powder?
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    @mommyxthree2020 I’ve heard it’s normal to lose and regrow the mp many times in pregnancy. I would worry much unless you get other symptoms. 
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    @dunder_mifflin Google it.  I say that only because I don't really want to describe it, lol.  Mine was super anticlimactic when I lost it.  I've also heard that many women lose multiple mucus plugs, but you could check in with your doc if you're feeling worried.  
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    AHH I just googled it!! Why doesn’t anyone warn you his gross pregnancy is?? I can’t unsee it! 

    @mommyxthree2020 I don’t have too much advice since I just saw what it was, but I would call your OB/Midwife just to be sure 
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    Lol @dunder_mifflin yeahhhhhhhh. I mean it’s not like. A huge deal. But it’s nasty when it happens. 
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    @dunder_mifflin Girl, you WANT to see your (for real) mucous plug... for me when I lost the WHOLE thing it meant labor was 4 days away! It's gross... but also amazing? Also, I'm a vegan and have used Promix pea based protein powder. I also have used this one:

    Sadly, my favorite, by Rawr, hasn't been available in forever!!!!

    @mommyxthree2020 Isn't it crazy how even on our third baby so much stuff seems new? I obviously don't know how much you lost, but I think it is totally normal that you lose some or just have thick discharge as you go along.

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

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    @EmilyLove25 my MP came out three weeks before labor. 😭. It doesn’t always mean it’s coming soon! 
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    @miss.sally oh no! Mine meant labor was <48 hrs away. I heard the second+ time around it means nothing bc it can regrow. :weary: Stinks I won’t be able to go by that this time. 

    Last time I had all the telltale signs within the 48 hrs before: dropped, lost weight all of a sudden, and lost mp. I also had a feeling. Hours before I went into labor, I made DH finish all our final errands with me. I just had a feeling it needed to be done that night.

    And the  DH slept through my contractions all night :eye roll: 
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    Thanks ladies! All seems well over here, so apparently my body is just being gross at the moment lol. 

    And YES, AGREED @mrsvp614 ... nothing is as gross as a slew of MP pics. Gag.
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    @dunder_mifflin I drink shakeology! protein + more. they have several vegan flavors. 
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    I never lost my mucus plug and my water never broke, even after having a foley balloon in for 12 hours. :shudders: never again. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Ok, how much soda is too much soda? Asking for a friend.

    But seriously, I want to drink like 2 or 3 a day but I've been sticking to one root beer. I usually only drink maybe 1 a month. 
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    @keeksie84 my ob said I could have two caffeinated drinks a day to help with headaches so I’m guessing two if you don’t drink coffee. Although I know some root beer doesn’t even have caffeine. Also I’ve been buying the little sized cans so I don’t feel bad about about having two sometimes. I also don’t drink pop but it helps with the heartburn and heartaches while pregnant. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I went to the er this morning for what felt like contractions. I am 19 weeks 3 days. I wasn’t dilated and they stopped after being there for about 30 mins. She told me to get a belly band. Are contractions normal this early? This is my first baby. 
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    @nurseandftm yes it’s totally normal to get Braxton Hicks contractions, or cramps if you’re on your feet too much/overdo it. 
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    Hi everyone!

    I have finally decided that I want to create a baby registry for my little one  I've been doing a lot of research on which is the best registry site to use and I am feeling conflicted. There were a good number of suggestions regarding Babylist being a favorite. I did some more in depth research though and found a site called MyRegistry. I heard a few good reviews about it but I am still unsure of which site might be better for me. Does anyone have a preference of one they used and liked? I would appreciate the feedback!!
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    @AAAG13 and @varimama I should have clarified - I'm concerned with sugar, not caffeine.  I've convinced myself that soda = evil and have a done a pretty good job of avoiding it...until now.  I realize that there is not hard and fast answer - maybe I just needed validation that its ok to drink 2 sodas a day.   :D:D:D
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    @keeksie84 I feel ya 100%. I haven't had pop in years, but I had the same genius idea as @AAAG13 and bought the little cans. Never ever thought pop would be a craving! 
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    Just for fun:

    Who says "soda" and who says "pop" and what area of the country or Canada do you live in?

    I say "soda" and I'm from Colorado. Buuuut I'm currently living in ND and everyone here says "pop." It drives me nuts  :D

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

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    @stassischroeder I was just about to make a clicky poll because @pdx2020 called it pop and even after living in many places where they call it pop, I still twitch every time I hear it. SODA for liiiiiife! 😂
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    @miss.sally hey I like the clicky poll idea! Why not? the board is so slow!

    *Formerly LuND*
    Me: 35 | DH: 37
    TTC: 7/2016
    Low AMH, mild MFI
    BFP 7/29/17
    EDD: 4/5/18
    <3  DS born 4/4/18  <3
    BFP #2 7/2/19
    EDD 3/13/20

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    @keeksie84 I've also been craving soda like crazy! Last pregnancy was Dr Pepper, and this time around is orange soda... which I basically never drink. 
    Me: 33 DH: 33
    Married: 10.15.16
    BFP: 12.24.16
    DS BD: 8.20.17
    TTC #2 1.1.19
    BFP #2 7.3.19
    EDD #2 3.13.20
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    I also have been craving soda like crazy. An ice cold Dr. Pepper sounds amazing. 
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    Now I want Dr. Pepper. And I don’t even like soda usually. 
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    @stassischroeder and @miss.sally, I grew up all over the place, but pop is from my high school days in southern VA. So is y’all. They say soda in OR, but 🤷🏼‍♀️ I usually don’t drink it so I don’t say it. 
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    @stassischroeder,  I've lived in ND throughout my life and when I was young I said 'pop' because my family did, but when I got older it became 'soda' - mostly due to a change in people I was around.  pretty much everyone I knew in college said soda. 

    @keeksie84 I've been drinking an average of a soda a day, but I eat other sugar-laden things so I'm sure I get the majority of my sugar from there.  I wouldn't worry about it too much, as long as your weight gain is on track and you aren't on the verge of gestational diabetes or anything.
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    I stopped drinking all soda 3 years ago yet I have been craving coke SO BAD. I've had a couple of root beers but not the same as a coke. I've stayed strong so far...hoping I can continue! 
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    Soda is the one thing (well besides drugs and alcohol ha) that DH asks me not to consume while pregnant. Last pregnancy, I craved Coca Cola so freaking badly. It was way harder than giving up wine for me. This time I don't really crave it. After birth last time, I made DH get me a giant thing of cokes in a can and I drank like 3 a day while nursing early days. I plan to do the same thing this time even though I'm not craving it the same. 

    I ate like absolute garbage while nursing: double stuff Oreos and Coca Cola all day. 
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    @leslierachel350 I used babylist last time and liked it. The completion discount only works on a few items sponsored by babylist. Their registry gift box was probably my fave one I got.

    I have no opinion on MyRegistry. Some of these sites charge the buyer a fee so I would just make sure you aren't screwing over the people who are buying you baby presents. 
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    @leslierachel350 I actually had a similar question. I was leaning towards Babylist, but then a friend recommended I try MyRegistry. She liked them a lot because she was also able to create registries for other events as well, not just for her baby. And she also said how you can link registries from specific stores to your MyRegistry account. I created one for my baby and I think it's very convenient. I would recommend them.
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    I’ve definitely had coke a few times! Is Diet Coke bad? My friend said she avoided artificial sweeteners while KU so I guess I am too, but normally I’m a Diet Coke lover. I’ve had about 2 regular Coke’s a week lately.
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    Okay, question! Does anyone have a link to a good site that explains what the numbers and abbreviations on your ulstrasound photo might mean? Most sites I am finding say to ignore them, but I am so dang curious!
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    I went and got a Dr. Pepper because everyone was talking about them and I wanted it so badly and it was AMAZING but now my stomach hurts so badly. It’s probably more sugar that I usually consume in an entire day. Haha
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    Anybody else feel SO bloated by the end of the day, that your stomach/bump literally feels like it’s literally going to pop?? And then when u lay on ur side to sleep, it falls to the side very uncomfortably?! Ahhh! 
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