February 2020 Moms

Post Ultrasound Pics Here!


Re: Post Ultrasound Pics Here!

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    @tashia5587 Was your 12 weeks ultrasound routine or apart of an genetic screening? I have my appointment coming up and I don't know if I'll get another ultrasound or not (I'll be 12+6). Just curious, I know all places are different. 
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    @foreveronyourside for DS I had an initial 10-week dating scan, and then the anatomy scan. I’m at a different hospital for this one, and I had a 7-week dating scan, and my midwife said she will do one on Tuesday at my 12-week. Then of course I will have the anatomy scan.
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    @foreveronyourside @brookert615 i also was told i woupd only have one at the anatomy scan. We are also having a specialist do a heart scan because of previous heart conditions. But They are so convenient to wrap it all in one. Like i didnt want to get to look twice. And yeah it is frustrating when everyone else seems to get one every week lol.
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    My appointment schedule says I'm only getting 2 ultrasounds (dating and anatomy) but more if its medically necessary. 
    I will be having one at my 12 week appointment in a few weeks though as part of the Downs syndrome testing.
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    I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and 8 weeks because we had fertility treatments. Now that I am with a regular OB I am having the 12 week NT scan (didn’t get it with DD) and the anatomy scan. 

    Try not to be jealous of those who get lots of ultrasounds. It’s usually because we are high risk or had fertility treatments. I would trade early ultrasounds for not dealing with IF in a heartbeat. 
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    Thank you everyone for the responses! 
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    @brookert615 my practice does a first u/s around 8 weeks (dating), then a second one around 12 weeks (NT scan) and a third one around 20 weeks (anatomy).Everybody gets it no matter how old you are or how you got pregnant. The NT scan is considered a routine exam.
    "An NT screen is often part of routine prenatal testing during the first trimester and is recommended for all women. While it's widely available, some areas (especially rural ones) may not have the machine and technicians with the experience to perform the procedure."
    10/2018: MFI (2 SA under 9 million/ml)
    11/2018: HSG shows right Fallopian tube slightly damaged 
    1/2019: Husband diagnosed with grade 3 varicocele
    4/05/2019: varicocele repair surgery
    6/13/2019: BFP!!! EDD: 2/22/2020 <3  Baby girl born 2/27/2020
    7/18/2019: Total Motile Count at 3 months post surgery = 51 millions!! (number must be >20 millions to conceive naturally).

    TTC #2
    9/07/2021: BFP - CP: 9/10/2021
    10/07/2021: BFP - CP: 10/23/2021
    12/23/2021: BFP! EDD: 08/31/2022

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    @rikiteacup That's really cool they include the NT as routine! We had a couple options of the prenatal testing and one was the ultrasound and a blood test, the other was the Claritest which was more thorough blood NIPT test, and I forget the other. Since we chose the Claritest we are unable to do another one. Although I'm happy with our decision! The good news is if we REALLY want to see baby we could go back to that ultrasound place and pay the 50 bucks lol. 
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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    Not everyone is offered these options. Just saying, because i wouldnt want any ftm to feel like they are missing something. My doctors office is only doing the anatomy scan at 20 weeks.
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    @robynlynn2000 my doctor is the same! I only have an anatomy scan around 20 weeks! If I didn’t know my last period then I would be sent for a dating ultrasound. 
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    @foreveronyourside It was a part of the nuchal transparency screening. 
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    @mayapapaya005 aww. Looks kinda like baby is sucking his/her thumb. 
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    Not everyone is offered these options. Just saying, because i wouldnt want any ftm to feel like they are missing something. My doctors office is only doing the anatomy scan at 20 weeks
    Thanks for the reassurance. I had several early on because of my MC earlier this year but my last one was 8.5 wks and next one won’t be till 20 wks. At 8.5, I couldn’t see much - he kind of looked like a little burrito (pic below)😊 so I was bummed about not getting another until 20.
    I know it sounds silly, but even thinking about our announcement post or when I show people the photo, I wish I had something that was a little clearer to see because I see all these beautiful 12 week pictures. (Plus I just want to see him again! 😊) But it was so special to see him and his little heartbeat! 

    @brookert615 I looked into those boutique places and it looks like they all require physician consent. Did yours require that? 

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    @nhh11 Mine required us to be under care of an OB and we had to list all the contact information! 
    BFP 6/3/19 EDD 2/14/20 BFP 4/15/21 EDD 12/20/21
    Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
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    @nhh11 I also went to a boutique place and they just want to make sure you aren't using them as your primary care.  The US there are just for fun and not to be used a diagnostic tool.  Obviously you already have an OB and are getting care so it shouldn't be an issue.  I would call around and see what they say!
    Me:37 MH:37
    TTGP since 07/2017
    **TW** in spoiler
    DX: PCOS, anovulatory, AMA
    Femara X3: no response
    Clomid X3: BFN (cyst and thin lining)
    IUI (Dec '18) MMC
    IVF (April '19) 9 retrieved, 7 fertilized, 2 normal PGT-A
    FET 06/12/19 - BFP! EDD 02/27/20

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    @nhh11 I also went to a boutique place and they just want to make sure you aren't using them as your primary care.  The US there are just for fun and not to be used a diagnostic tool.  Obviously you already have an OB and are getting care so it shouldn't be an issue.  I would call around and see what they say!
    Thank you!! That makes me feel better.  Just all the websites I’ve seen have a “required” physician referral form so it makes it seem necessary. I’ll try calling around.
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    @nhh11 yeah im a little bummed I have to go halfway without getting to see an U.S.. And I didnt get to hear the heartbeat until 13 weeks. I mean I want a "jelly bean, gummy bear, peanut, blob" photo too lol. But I also was scared they would offer one early and it be a mmc like my first pregnancy so I try to look on the bright side.
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    I only got as many scans as I did because I've been going to a specialist. Now that I've been "graduated" to a regular OB my next scan is on week 17 (I am 14.3 today)
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