October 2019 Moms

Birth Stories from the STMs+


Re: Birth Stories from the STMs+

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    cmbt2cmbt2 member
    you are so right about that “oh shit” moment. It was shortly before I started to push with DS1 I told them i wasn’t ready to be a mom and push him back in 🙈😂

    My transition with DS2 was so short that I didn’t get that feeling until the midwife said to push when I was ready. I didn’t feel like I’d ever be ready!

    @andromedacorrine2 I think it’s because I had a slow (though rapid in time) ramp up with DS2 whereas with DS1, I went from 0 to 100 within 5 minutes. I also had back labor with DS1, so no break in between contractions
    BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
    BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
    BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
    BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies
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    I love reading these too! I felt like my labors we're terrible in how long they took. I hope this one doesnt!! Also I forgot to mention I had 3 stitches and 1 stitch, so hoping to stay on that trend 😂 I'm sure there's more details I left out but trying to write it all out was my main focus lol my suggestion going into a 3rd labor is have as fee extra people as possible 😂
    With DS, I had all 3 SILs and only one was helpful, she rubbed my lower back/butt where the pain was the worst, my mom, my best friend, my little sister(who I think was traumatized, she keeps saying having a baby is not for her, which is good at 15 anyway😂), my grandma(who kept pushing at my Dr to give me a Csection cause it would be so much easier, since she had one), another friend swung by. With DD, we had our friends come for most of it and they helped SO not be bored since nothing happened til night 2 really. I had a friend come for a bit and my mom. This time round we're having a birth photographer and probably no one else til the baby is born, I just want some peace and quiet😂

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    @stephanie123456 ugh sorry about your nurse! I feel that plays such an important role during birth and can negatively impact progression! Hopefully this time around if you're not grooving with a nurse, you can kindly tell her to leave. I know I will be using my voice a lot more this time lol 
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    @jal88144 I feel like I will be stronger this time for my own wants and needs because I sort-of know what to expect. A big part of me is really praying that the old-wives tale is true about second labors being easier, because I don't want to be in the hospital for almost a week again. 
    TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
    TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

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    @jal88144 Agreed. The atmosphere for my second delivery was so much more supportive and I really think that made a huge difference. 
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    @stephanie123456 I feel like the pushing part of my second labor was much better, it literally took 8 minutes to push her out. The induction part, hers was longer. The pain was more manageable because I knew what to expect. I had only one nurse I couldn't stand. It was with DS, she got huffy with me at 4 am when DS wouldn't stay latched and kept crying and crying. She came in and said "please tell me what's wrong now?" I had called the LC before once after he was born for latch help. All of my other nurses both times were so amazing. I actually had 2 of the same ones with both labors! They both were like Oh you're back! I hate needles with a passion(I nearly pass out at the blood draws) and aside from anything including needles, all my nurses always said I was a good patient. With DS I had one stay over an hour after shift change cause she was determined to see that baby born. She helped catch him 😊 definitely use your voice. Don't let anyone be rude or overbearing, you already have a lot going on ❤️

    not birth related but I had my appendix out at 18 cause it almost burst and my blood clotted, so they couldn't run the tests properly. The nurse came back and said they needed more and I was nearly out already from freaking. The ER nurse YELLED at me for clenching my veins(I didn't know you could do that?) Cause I was so scared, all alone in the room cause they wouldn't let my mom and boyfriend at the time back and I was upset. She threatened to take it out of my toe and I instantly went limp when she said that. I hate mean nurses like that. 

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    I had a great team of L&D nurses both times. But I had a recovery nurse with my daughter who in hindsight I should've reported. But I was a bleary eyed new mom, no longer sure of anything, and I just assumed she was doing her job. 
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    @junebabyh daaaaaaamn that's a fast birth! 
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    cmbt2cmbt2 member
    @junebabyh I’m surprised at the stirrups! (Yes, that is my take away here). I was literally folding myself in half both times 🙈 
    BFP #1 3/07, EDD 11/12/07, MMC 5/7/07
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
    BFP #3 8/19/16, EDD 4/30/17, DS2 4/25/17
    BFP #4 12/22/18, EDD 9/6/19 - CP 12/29/18
    BFP #5 1/18/19, EDD 10/3/19, It’s a Girl!
    ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
    High Risk Dx (6/14):  Homozygous MTHFR C677T, protein C & S deficiencies
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    Speaking of mentally preparing for #2 (or any subsequent birth), what are you STM+ moms doing, or going to do? Or you just will know from last time once it happens?

    I’m a STM but I’m trying to figure out how to mentally prepare again, and be ready for anything as we know how quickly birth “plans” can go out the window. I feel like this is going so fast and I almost haven’t wrapped my head around the fact that in ~19 weeks it’s all happening again. This may be something to go back to my therapist about but I feel like the reality isn’t hitting me yet 😳
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    @melanier26 My hospital does a “refresher course” on labor comfort measures for STMs. The FTM course was something like 12 hours over 2-3 days. This one is something like 2 hours. I’m planning to take that in 3rd trimester. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @jal88144 I’m worried #3 will be what Bad Nurse called a “stop n drop” ...when you get to the lobby and the baby basically comes out right there. 🙊
    @cmbt2 I delivered both while on my back in a bed, though I know this seems like an patriarchal method. The stirrups help for leverage though. 
    @ineedsixeggs Right! Which is why going into it with DS2 I was certain I’d get the epi immediately. No such luck. 
    @melanier26 I’m not ready to mentally prepare yet. Lol. But when I get closer I’ll just keep telling myself that whatever happens I can do anything for a day or two. The payoff is greater than the pain. 
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    @junebabyh haha yep! I would be feeling that way too. That's exactly how my sister-in-law's 3rd came after her rapid 2nd birth. 
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    @stephanie123456 wow you’ve had some doozy of nurses in your experiences. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with so much of that. I swear we’re not all like that and try to be a comfort to a nervous patient.
    Me: 35 DH: 47

    DSS: 20
    DSD: 17
    DS: 4(Nov'14)
    MMC: 1/18
    BFP: 2/7/19 EDD:10/16/19

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @melanier26 with DD, I got really bad anxiety right before induction and I look back and wish desperately I had done something to prepare again. Since I was little, labor has always terrified me. Even having been through it twice now, I'm still a little worried in the back of my head. But honestly the 2nd time went so much smoother because I knew what to expect mostly and had a better pain management plan. It also helped to have some of the same nurses there still 😊

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    @cooaladolly you’re so right about the “oh shit” moment. For some reason it hit me late with DD1 and not sure at all with DD2...but when I found out I was pregnant this time... it was immediately. It still crosses my mind and i have to stop myself from panicking ℓσℓ 
    I’m sorry that everything felt so traumatic. You’re right that taking classes prior may not have changed your outcome. It likely may have helped with your nerves and understanding what was going on. 

    I wish all Dr’s would be more forthcoming with info. Not in a million years should you be put through a scary situation without some sort of explanation even if it’s while you’re being wheeled into surgery. Thankfully he was a dr you knew and trusted 💜
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    DD#1 December '12
    DD#2 New Year's Baby '15
    Married 07/09
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    ab920ab920 member
    @melanier26 I read a lot about hypnobirthing and just having a positive mindset (I didn't actually take the course because of the cost). The contractions were waves pushing the baby closer and all that jazz. I accepted them and moved with them instead of bracing myself against them. 
    Agree with this! I also focused on my DH's face during the worst of them and had him count out loud. The worst ones lasted, at most, 90 seconds so it was comforting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I kept thinking, "Only 30 more seconds...", "Only 15 more seconds.." and usually, they would stop earlier. :smile:
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