@marbellie I am having the same thing. My heart starts racing at random times. I don’t remember having this last pregnancy.
I’m having general exhaustion, very gassy and will get random shoots of pain in my right boob. I’m currently nursing and my supply tanked pretty much overnight. Not pregnancy related but I’m dealing with a virus right now which has left me not hungry and can’t smell or taste anything, so I don’t know i don’t have any aversions or cravings yet.
I’m so bloated... like unbutton my pants at work bloated. Haven’t really had much nausea unless I eat too much or too fast. Just ridiculously bloated
Me too. I commented how I felt so crampy and uncomfortable to my H, then went in the bathroom and I could immediately see why. After two pregnancies and diastasis recti my abs don't hold anything in; I looked easily 6 months pregnant. It may be hard to hide an early pregnancy with a basketball shaped bloat like that! Like, if I saw that dramatic of a change in anyone else I would feel safe in assuming pregnancy.
This was me last time around, not so much this time around, though. I’m looking forward to the day I can get my diastisis permanently fixed!
Anyone else getting leg cramps yet? I already drink almost 100oz a day, but I can't seem to shake these dang things 😭 I'm wondering if it's more from Barrè than my water intake? I don't know, but they stink...
Anyone else getting leg cramps yet? I already drink almost 100oz a day, but I can't seem to shake these dang things 😭 I'm wondering if it's more from Barrè than my water intake? I don't know, but they stink...
Like Charlie horses? I had them last time. My MW told me to take a magnesium supplement and up my potassium
Sorry I've been MIA, but the nausea has hit me hard these past few days. I haven't thrown up yet, but I feel like it's inevitable. Is anyone else feeling nauseated all the live long day?
TTC History
Me: 38 DH: 52
Started trying June 2018
BFP Jan 2019 DD born October 2019
TTC July 2021 BFP, ended in MMC August 2021
TTC October 2021
BFP January 2022
MMC March 2022
Beginning May 2022 under the supervision of an RE - Benched while undergoing testing
Sorry I've been MIA, but the nausea has hit me hard these past few days. I haven't thrown up yet, but I feel like it's inevitable. Is anyone else feeling nauseated all the live long day?
Yup. Par for the course here. “Morning” sickness lasts 24/7.
If you need something other than ginger and bland food, the following is what is generally recommended:
you can try unisom + b6. The theory behind it is the unisom (the one that isn’t the same ingredient as Benadryl) helps with the post nasal drip and b6 to settle the stomach (don’t quote me on the b6’s effect).
if that doesn’t work- Zantac. MS can actually be heartburn and is fairly hard to distinguish.
dont be afraid to ask for something stronger if you need something else, too. If there’s no improvement after 3/4 days, move on to something else.
Sorry I've been MIA, but the nausea has hit me hard these past few days. I haven't thrown up yet, but I feel like it's inevitable. Is anyone else feeling nauseated all the live long day?
Sorry you’re so sick, it’s definitely no fun! I feel terrible too. “Let me just go throw up real quick before we eat!” Is something I have now said 🤢 Feeling constantly sick really doesn’t help with energy levels, but it does make me feel like things are progressing. 🤞🏼 It doesn’t get much worse for us.
@elle-0409 sorry you're feeling so poorly! I'm not there yet, thankfully, but in my last pregnancy I had a lot of improvement with b6 and unisom, might want to consider asking your doctor about that!
TTC history in spoiler
Me: 31 Him: 37 Married: Oct 2015 Baby G born June 2017 TTC#2: July 2018 BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19 BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
@soralette and @jenferlee82, how are you guys doing today? Hope the spotting has subsided. Thinking of you both! ❤❤
Been a bit of a stressful weekend! We've so much snow here in Seattle, the RE can't get me in until tomorrow (Monday), but the spotting finally stopped without turning red or getting "pad level" heavy, so... Fingers crossed everything is okay. Thank you for asking!!
I'm gonna spend some time getting caught up here.
--- ♥ Married since June 2009 ♥ TW: Living children & Losses:
Mom of sons "Alpha" (Feb 2012) & "Beta" (May 2016) Pregnant after 4 losses via IVF/FET with daughter "Gamma" (EDD Oct 2, 2019)
Anyone else getting leg cramps yet? I already drink almost 100oz a day, but I can't seem to shake these dang things 😭 I'm wondering if it's more from Barrè than my water intake? I don't know, but they stink...
Have to second cmbt2's suggestion of magnesium and potassium! That can absolutely cause charlie horses. I usually get one really, really bad one per pregnancy before I start remembering the magnesium and potassium, LOL.
--- ♥ Married since June 2009 ♥ TW: Living children & Losses:
Mom of sons "Alpha" (Feb 2012) & "Beta" (May 2016) Pregnant after 4 losses via IVF/FET with daughter "Gamma" (EDD Oct 2, 2019)
I'm 6 weeks and I feel so bloated - does anyone feel a constant pressure in their pelvic area? I also feel like my nausea gets worse when I don't have a bowel movement. Could I be backed up? I bought prune nectar today to help with the constipation but I'm afraid to try it because I feel like it will make my nausea worse. My nausea is constant - the best thing I can compare it to is when you are in the car and you are looking at your phone and you suddenly get that queasy feeling. I know I should be drinking lots of water but I can't even get through half a cup without feeling like I want to throw up. I hve not actually thrown up but I feel like I'm always on the brink. I also feel like I'm tip toeing around food which worries me because I'm not eating half of what I used to when in fact I should be eating more.
I was taking a shower when I suddenly felt very nauseous and lightheaded. Luckily, I had the forethought to sit down so I wouldn't have as far to fall if I passed out. Next thing I knew, I woke up lying face-down on the shower floor. It was terrifying!
Turns out I have a real-life Lassie dog though! My dog, who always lies faithfully on the bath rug while I shower, ran downstairs and barked at my H to alert him something was wrong. ❤
5 weeks here and so far I'm just exhausted. I normally suffer from insomnia, but I feel like I could sleep anywhere, anytime. My boobs have been hurting for a week and a half so bras are extra annoying. I'm pretty thrown off by how well I've been feeling compared to my last pregnancy.
@galentine how are you feeling since? That's so scary!
I got dizzy a lot during my last pregnancy and would just sit down wherever I was just in case. I fainted at work once and they were v dramatic about it.
@marbellie, I think it was a combination of hot water, low blood pressure, and not eating enough. After doing some reading up, it sounds like this is fairly common in pregnancy.
@aishmc and @c.gardner37, thanks, I felt pretty woozy afterward and vomited once (maybe just from adrenaline?) but I feel fine now!!
With my previous children I didn’t find out until I was about 6 weeks and that’s when the nausea started and I ended up with HG both times. This time I found out super early at just 4 weeks. I’ve had very few symptoms here and there. Main one being my boobs are sore. Well I turned 6 weeks yesterday and the nausea has started. I had started to wonder if I’d get HG this time and now I’m going to vote yes. Lol I’m still super excited to be nauseated though!!
@galentine That is crazy! I’ve been super dizzy too, my RE said it was the progesterone supplements and as of today’s visit had me stop them because everything looked good. Are you on those?? Either way I’m glad you’re feeling better!
I've had some cramping, but I think that's more related to the constipation, which is RUTHLESS!!! I have very sore boobs and I'm also very tired. Peeing a lot! That's about all at the moment.
@jenferlee82, I am not on progesterone supplements. I'm going to go ahead and take this as a sign now that my progesterone must be at a super healthy level, if I'm that lightheaded 😁
@jenferlee82, I am not on progesterone supplements. I'm going to go ahead and take this as a sign now that my progesterone must be at a super healthy level, if I'm that lightheaded 😁
Yes! It really might be the case, because he said I didn’t need the supplements so they were pushing it way high and making me dizzy. So we will go with that! 😁
@galentine ugh, I’m sorry! Are you feeling better today?
how often are you eating? This happened to me with DS1, and it came down to the fact that my sugar levels were dropping really low by going 3-4 hours without food
@cmbt2, I definitely had not eaten enough, I'm sure that played into the fainting. My H is a wonderful cook and was planning an elaborate meal that wasn't going to be done for awhile.... I was trying to be polite and not snack since he was working so hard to cook for us. But we both agreed that next time he'd rather me spoil dinner with a snack than faint again.
@cmbt2@manillabar Thanks for the B6 + Unisom recommendation! I've been taking B6, but will pick up some Unisom later.
@c.gardner37 Oh my gosh, your comment, "Let me just go throw up real quick before we eat" is next level! I'm so sorry that it's hitting you that hard. I still haven't thrown up, but I feel a constant motion sickness sensation. Has anyone tried Preggie Pops? My friend is giving me some of hers because she doesn't need them anymore. I hope that they work!
@galentine I'm so sorry to hear about your fainting spell! I'm glad that you're not hurt, but that must have been scary. I have low blood pressure naturally, and since I've been pregnant I get light headed really easily. Do you tend to have lower blood pressure?
TTC History
Me: 38 DH: 52
Started trying June 2018
BFP Jan 2019 DD born October 2019
TTC July 2021 BFP, ended in MMC August 2021
TTC October 2021
BFP January 2022
MMC March 2022
Beginning May 2022 under the supervision of an RE - Benched while undergoing testing
@elle-0409, I don't think I normally have low blood pressure? At least, doctors have never said anything to me if I do. I am, however, prone to fainting. I've fainted 3 or 4 times before, but all in doctor's offices. This is the first time I've fainted at home, and hopefully the last!
@elle-0409 there’s two types of unisom- you want the one with the active ingredient that is different from Benadryl. Warning, it may make you super groggy the next day, like, more than you already are (or it could just be me who gets this way)
Hey ladies, I'm 5w3d today. I had super sore boobs for a few days and then they just felt full - like if I squished them it felt like there was more tissue (small boobs make it easy to tell). Today I noticed they seem back to normal. Has this happened to anyone else? **TW loss** My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage so my anxiety is set off easily. I'm having a really rough day mentally 😕
@melanier26 sorry you’re having a rough day! I think most of us understand your anxiety. It’s pretty normal for symptoms to be worse one day and better the next. So much is happening in our bodies and our hormones are all over the place. I know it’s not easy but try not to worry too much and if you are give the dr a call. Maybe they could check your hcg.
@c.gardner37 Thanks, I did message and the nurse is checking with the doctors because they typically don’t check hcg beyond the initial testing. If not I just have to hang in there until next week when I get an ultrasound
@melanier26 - after experiencing a loss it is so hard to not analyze every little thing isn’t it? I agree that what you described sounds within the realm of normal. I hope you feel some reassurance soon! We are all rooting for you!
@melanier26 my loss was 5w too. And I’m 5w3d. I’m just praying to get through until fridays ultrasound so I can hopefully feel more at ease. Sending hugs and strength your way. I totally get how you feel.
Re: February Symptoms??
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BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
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BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
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BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
If you need something other than ginger and bland food, the following is what is generally recommended:
you can try unisom + b6. The theory behind it is the unisom (the one that isn’t the same ingredient as Benadryl) helps with the post nasal drip and b6 to settle the stomach (don’t quote me on the b6’s effect).
if that doesn’t work- Zantac. MS can actually be heartburn and is fairly hard to distinguish.
dont be afraid to ask for something stronger if you need something else, too. If there’s no improvement after 3/4 days, move on to something else.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Married: Oct 2015
Baby G born June 2017
TTC#2: July 2018
BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
I'm gonna spend some time getting caught up here.
♥ Married since June 2009 ♥
TW: Living children & Losses:
Pregnant after 4 losses via IVF/FET with daughter "Gamma" (EDD Oct 2, 2019)
♥ Married since June 2009 ♥
TW: Living children & Losses:
Pregnant after 4 losses via IVF/FET with daughter "Gamma" (EDD Oct 2, 2019)
I was taking a shower when I suddenly felt very nauseous and lightheaded. Luckily, I had the forethought to sit down so I wouldn't have as far to fall if I passed out. Next thing I knew, I woke up lying face-down on the shower floor. It was terrifying!
Turns out I have a real-life Lassie dog though! My dog, who always lies faithfully on the bath rug while I shower, ran downstairs and barked at my H to alert him something was wrong. ❤
I got dizzy a lot during my last pregnancy and would just sit down wherever I was just in case. I fainted at work once and they were v dramatic about it.
@aishmc and @c.gardner37, thanks, I felt pretty woozy afterward and vomited once (maybe just from adrenaline?) but I feel fine now!!
Peeing a lot! That's about all at the moment.
how often are you eating? This happened to me with DS1, and it came down to the fact that my sugar levels were dropping really low by going 3-4 hours without food
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
BFP #2 5/4/14, EDD 1/15/15, DS1 1/19/15
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
**TW loss**
My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage so my anxiety is set off easily. I'm having a really rough day mentally 😕
BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
Diagnoses and Treatments
PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏