August 2019 Moms

Spotting Support! ** TW **

I have seen in some of the other threads that several of us are having spotting. Feel free to come in and discuss, give and receive support, etc.

General *TW* on this entire thread that discussion may include spotting, bleeding, or other scary symptoms. 

Hugs Mamas! 
Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!

Re: Spotting Support! ** TW **

  • I luckily haven’t experience any spotting yet this pregnancy, but spotted and bled a little until 14 weeks with my daughter, who is a happy and healthy 5. I had a subchorronic hemorrhage that caused mine. Just sharing my experience. Hugs to all. 

  • I go here.  I had it with my first too, but it was a few times and just came off on the TP real quick and bright red for the most part, and stopped after 20 weeks.  I have been spotting this time for about a week now it slowed yesterday, and it came back today.  Not filling a panty liner even remotely but still makes me want my ultrasound to come fast.

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

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  • I started having some light pink discharge Thursday. It was on and off all morning, then tapered off. Had some more Friday, then tapered off. Seems to have gone away today, so fingers crossed it was just one of those things that happens sometimes. I spotted and cramped with my son, to the point where I had to wear a panty liner so this wasn’t as bad as that. I made an appointment with my midwife on Monday but I’m thinking of canceling it if I go all day without spotting tomorrow. 
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • My spotting has been very light, only noticeable when wiping so far. I have spotted with both prior pregnancies, so I know it can go either way. Somehow I'm still just as anxious! So I've just been taking it easy as much as possible. 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
  • I just had some spotting, which I never had thoroughout my first pregnancy. So I’m now kind of anxious 😔 Hoping it doesn’t continue
  • moon1417moon1417 member
    edited December 2018
    @lfrank12 did you contact your doctor? For both I did right away and both times they set me up for blood test for betas and an ultrasound. 

    Eta: wrong punctuAtion

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • @moon1417 Not yet! I haven’t even called to set up my first appointment so I’m going to give them a call first thing tomorrow.
  • TW
    i has bright red blood when wiping the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving (quite a few wipes with toilet paper) my dr didn’t want to see me but said if the bleeding persisted and got heavier  or cramping started to go to the ER... she wanted me to keep my original appt for 12/20

    that was the only time I saw blood (never in previous 2 pregnancies) so still waiting for 12/20 to see what’s going on 
  • I spotted Thursday-Sunday but it's mostly stopped. It was always dark brown and tacky so I think it was implantation bleeding. I didn't have that with my first so I thought it was a CP and told DH it was that. He was so surprised when 2 days later I told him it was actually looking like the real deal.
  • How's everyone doing? I haven't spotted at all since Saturday morning, so I am thinking (hoping) mine was implantation-related.
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • edited December 2018
    Mine seems to be slowing down as well,  but it's not entirely gone yet. Yesterday I only had 1 incidence of spotting (TMI warning!) And it was after a BM. So I'm thinking things are just irritable at the moment. But, I'm still praying it just goes away!
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
  • Fingers crossed for you @WinchesterGirl! I think when I spotted with my second it was a solid week, maybe week and a half. 
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I had my ultrasound on Tuesday. They said my bleeding is likely due to an implantation bruise. It keeps coming back bc I must not be letting it heal (picking up DD and other activities may aggrivate it). I notice it comes and goes depending on my activity over the past two ish days. She said to not pick up my daughter (nothing over 25lbs and she is 27) but that has proven absolutely impossible. Days like today where she tantrums and I’m all alone and I literally just pick her up and force her in the car seat wouldn’t be possible. Idk what to do about that. 

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • That is really tough, @moon1417! I think just keep doing the best you can on minimizing picking her up. I know that's hard though, my son asks to be picked up about 87 times a day. When she naps can you at least put your feet up for a rest? 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
  • Erg, that's a tough spot to be in @moon1417... I think just do the best you can and rest as MUCH as you can. Maybe when you do have help, you just... sit with your feet up? Sorry you're going through this mama!
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Yes I think so - Last night I went to bed right after DD did, at 8pm..

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • Just saw a very little bit of light pink spotting. Cramping also, but that has been offf and on so now I can’t really tell if it’s my stress thinking it’s worse or if it is actually worse. Will call my doctor first thing in the morning and see if I can get in. First US was scheduled for 12/20.  I had a SCH last pregnancy, so hoping it’s a similar issue. I need your good vibes sent my way please!

  • @database6 sending all the positive thoughts & SBV your way!
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @database6 Praying for you! If you're cramping & you can, chug some water & put your feet up. Dehydration can exacerbate cramps I believe.
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
  • @database6 So happy to hear that!!!
  • That's awesome @database6! I'm so glad you got good news! 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
  • Yes! That’s great, @database6!
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @database6 good to hear!!

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • I get very light pink spotting after an orgasm.  Anyone the same? I'm worried the contractions from an orgasm can cause a miscarriage? I've read that its safe but still have my worries.
  • @knottieb85eb11a30866b8c you are fine, orgasms won’t hurt the baby or cause a miscarriage. If you are worried about spotting I would call your doctor. I just had some spotting and was told as long as it is not a decent amount of bright red blood that everything was fine. 

    Also, please consider changing your name and doing an intro in the Introductions thread if you haven’t already 💕

  • I just had brown spotting on the TP. Freaking me out TBH. I’m 4w5d. It was very light and looked old - and my PT did some internal work yesterday so I wonder if that’s why, although she wasn’t anywhere near my cervix. I guess only time will tell!
  • I'm 6 wk 5 days Due 8/10/19. I had mild cramping all day yesterday, when I got home from work blood when I wiped, then the next time I tinkled it was more like period blood than spotting, so we rush to the ER, they did blood & pee test and an ultrasound. We got to see the baby for the first time too. They said everything is fine and to contact my OB. My OB still doesn't want to see me until my original first appointment on January 7th. I'm still spotting bright red but not period blood again. This is sooo scary. I feel like I have to take it super easy so the bleeding doesn't come back 
  • @cantwaittobeamama89 I'm glad the ER was able to say everything is OK!  Were you able to see the heart beat? 

    Has your OB requested that you do blood tests to check your HCG levels? Typically these double every 48 hours so its nice to get them done to confirm the pregnancy is progressing. I wonder if since you had the ultrasound they decided to forego it.   

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • @moon1417 yes we did see the heartbeat in the ultrasound which was suprising because they werent sure if we would see it this early. When I called my OB they said it was still a really early pregnancy and that all I should do is rest until they see me on Jan 7th. 
  • I just had brown spotting on the TP. Freaking me out TBH. I’m 4w5d. It was very light and looked old - and my PT did some internal work yesterday so I wonder if that’s why, although she wasn’t anywhere near my cervix. I guess only time will tell!

    Loss warning*

    This was a fast m/c. Heart broken but looking forward to hopefully rejoining at some point. Wishing everyone the very best for healthy pregnancies. 
  • I'm so sorry for your loss, @justhereforthemusic. Try to take it easy, and be kind to yourself as you go through this. 
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
  • @justhereforthemusic please take care of yourself.  So sorry for your loss
  • I'm so sorry for your loss @justhereforthemusic
  • @justhereforthemusic I’m so sorry take it easy this weekend. 

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • @justhereforthemusic, I’m so sorry. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • Sending lots of hugs, @justhereforthemusic. My first pregnancy ended with a loss (right at this time of year, actually) and it was tough. Take care of yourself. Joining a message board for mamas who had miscarried helped me immensely when we were TTC again. *hugs*
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I had some bright red spotting this morning.  The previous spotting had stopped for about a week so I called the OB just to make sure it is still related to the implantation bruising/whatever the nurse just called it and my Dr wants me to get an ultrasound today at 11am.  so I'll be off to do that again in about 45 minutes. As much fun as it is to see the little bebe, I just want to have an uneventful pregnancy.

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

  • All the SBV to you @moon1417! Fingers crossed for a clear ultrasound!
    FORMER USERNAME: @runningisrad

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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