May 2019 Moms

Anatomy Scan Results Discussion Thread


Re: Anatomy Scan Results Discussion Thread

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    @expandcontract DS didn’t cooperate with MFM either.  It took an hour for them to get what they could and I had to go back for a second scan too.  He was more cooperative the second one and they got what they needed to rule out cleft palate.  Hopefully your next scan will be smoother!

    This LO showed them everything they needed in 20 minutes.  Amazing how different they can be!
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    @chucksmom15 wow, that’s impressive! After 80 minutes at my A/S they gave up trying to get it all, but they never called back saying I needed another one so they obviously got enough without checking all the boxes. She was being such a stinker with her head nuzzled into the placenta the whole time.
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    @chucksmom15 I'm so glad someone else had a quick scan! Mine was about 20 minutes as well because baby was so cooperative, while my girls flipped around so much that they both took around an hour each (so I thought that was normal). I've been a tad nervous that maybe they missed something, but little guy is just more laid back I guess!
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds steroids help clear up skin? I've always read the opposite and it does actually make me breakout. 

    @chucksmom15 I think that since the doctor was able to get the other measurements they are okay with me waiting another 4 weeks.  However, I will admit that after the tech left I tried wiggling around as much as I could to get baby to move. 

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    @expandcontract yup, DS has very severe eczema and they've given it to him once for that purpose alone, and then several times for his asthma and it always clears his skin, we get super excited and then it comes back and is unmanageable again. We also use topical steroids for it occasionally. 
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    I had 6 weeks between mine @expandcontract bc they saw enough to know there wasn’t anything really bad going on.

    I wouldn’t worry @mrskoz428. If they didn’t see what they needed to, they would have said something.  They probably saw enough to know that there aren’t any facial issues.  DS didn’t want to show his face either.  
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    @chucksmom15 yes, I figured they’d call if they missed something. I think it was a from of the head shot (like a face shot) or something like that that was missed. She was drinking the amniotic fluid the whole time and I think she took a video of that to check for clefts. I was also told to expect a phone call from the doctor about her heart because “she calls everyone” but I haven’t gotten one so I’m taking no news as good news! Ultrasound technology honestly amazes me! The can see blood flow and bones and internal organs but also external features. So cool!
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds oh yes, eczema! I know about that.  For some reason I thought you were talking about pimples. And it didn't even occur to my pregnancy brain why would a little child get pimples to begin with.  Lol. Sorry.  

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    Just had my AS yesterday and found that I have a marginal placenta previa meaning my placenta is hanging low but could move up by the third trimester. I'm just in my own head about possibly not being able to choose how to deliver. 
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    @kbeers13 Mine was extremely low at a 16 week scan, and by my 21 week AS scan it had moved significantly. Fingers crossed yours moves up! I was told more often than not it does move as the uterus expands upwards. 
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    @jkduer Thanks! I'll be scheduling another US around 30-32 weeks to review again.  :sweat:
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    Currently have been sitting in the MFM waiting room for 45 minutes because someone else’s anatomy scan and MFM consult has gone long. This is not good for the nerves! 

    @kbeers13 the exact same thing happened to my friend at her 20 week scan and by 32 weeks, it had move and was not an issue going forward. Fingers crossed it goes this way for you as well!
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    Hang in there, @chloe97!
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    @chloe97 fingers crossed for your great scan! Thanks for the input! I really appreciate it. 
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    @liliumstargazer13 that's very interesting she did that. They're generally not allowed to say anything whether baby is fine or not. I'm glad all went well, though! 
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds really? Every single step was, "This is great. This is perfect. This is exactly what we want to see." I'm certainly not complaining, but someone should retrain her is so, haha. 
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    @liliumstargazer13 yeah, because she can't tell you if something is wrong (assuming this was a tech and not a radiologist, but I'm assuming it wasn't a radiologist lol), so if she's like "this is great, this is perfect, just what we want to see" and then sees something wrong and is completely silent, she's going to cause a ton of anxiety. Whereas if they keep a positive, but stoic demeanor, they can continue that if they find anything wrong. My lady was very sweet, and would say "I'm looking for his kidneys, that's his eye, that's his heart" but she didn't give any information that would signify all was well. 
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    That's what I remembered from DD! 
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    We learned to be that way in nursing school when doing assessments. You don't want to alarm someone if you're like "good, good, *silent........*" 😂 
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds my tech was the same way. She was very nice but gave me no information really unless I asked. At one point they couldn't get the machine to work (I guess they were doing training the previous night and so it wasn't set up right) and there were 3 techs all looking at the screen but I didn't know it was the machine they were trying to figure out! One tech said "have you ever seen that before" and the other one is like "no I haven't". At that point I jumped in and asked if everything was okay and they told me not to worry and it was the machine program they were talking about but I was a little upset they didn't make that clear in the first place. Other then that they were nice very professional. 
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    @chloe97 glad your A/S went well. Was thinking of you.

    we also had the technician share what she was seeing during the scan (last Friday), and somethings she didn’t say good/bad but a few she did. Within 2 minutes of her finishing up, doctor came in to discuss results and say all was good so I assume he was seeing the images at the same time in a different room.
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    @liliumstargazer13 mine did what yours did. She would go to the kidneys and say “here are the kidneys” then she’s turn on the blood flow and say “this is the blood flow to the kidneys which shows both kidneys are DH ctioning properly”. Same with the heart. She showed all four chambers of the heart and said “blood flow through the heart looks good, no blood leaking into the other side (which could show a hole in the heart)”. She was very thorough and explained everything. She’d even explain what each bone was that she was looking at. “This is the radius. It is the upper arm bone.” She warned me that 8 out of 10 women get a call back from some sort of fetal medicine expert about something in the scan. I was fully prepared for that since I was born with a hole in my heart but I never got one! 👍🏼
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    My tech was really sweet but vague. I knew the normal range for some of the measurements so she'd say it and then I'd say oh good! She did a good job not confirming or denying everything was okay but I also know they would have paged my OB immediately if everything was not okay.

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    @kaitcrystalline That sounds terrifying! I definitely would have lost my mind if they were discussing things they have never seen before. Going through IUI cycles, the nurses were ALWAYS upfront when the system was on the fritz. They knew women trying to get pregnant were not the most relaxed, lol. 
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    @liliumstargazer13 yes it wasn't the best experience but as soon as I knew they weren't talking about the baby I calmed down. I think they just forget sometimes that there is a person on the table!
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    My scan this time around was at the MFM facility, and they were much more thorough and confirmed everything was fine as we went through the scan, then the doc came in at the end and did her own quick scan to confirm everything was good. My scan last time around at just the regular OB's office was the more silent type with no commentary. 
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    @sleepy33 I prefer when they talk me through it! My ultrasound tech did that today with just my kidney ultrasound.
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    My tech said everything looked good as she went and the MFM doc came in immediately after to confirm and scanned a few things himself.  Guess it depends on where you are and their policies??
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    Has anyone had to go back for follow up scans since they couldn’t see everything they needed to? I’ve had two already and she was still stubborn and left the tech needing two more third times the charm in 3 more weeks?! As this is my first, I didn’t know if that was normal. 
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    @ekauther my doctors office automatically schedules two anatomy scans — one at 16 weeks and one at 20 weeks.  The 16 week one is too early to see certain things with the heart, but I think another part of it is that the baby doesn’t always cooperate.  So I had 2 anatomy scans, although they ultimately got what they needed.  
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    @anonellis thank you! Yeah, my first was 19 weeks, 23 weeks and then we’ll try again at 26 weeks 🤣 she definitely gets her stubbornness from her father 🤪
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    They scheduled me at 19 weeks. Proclaimed it too early to see everything. And made me come back at 21 weeks. I think it's normal. These babies have a mind of their own already.

    Me: 36 & DH: 40
    Married: November 2015
    DD 10/19/2016
    BFP:  8/20/2018 - EDD 5/4/2019
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    I had my anatomy scan yesterday and it went very well. It was such a relief to see her moving around so much. I have been saying I haven't been feeling many kicks, but I think it is because she is so active that I feel generally uncomfortable with occasional flutters. It was much more noticeable during the scan. She was moving around so much the technician had to keep freezing the screen to get the pictures. He'd get the hand just right and then she'd move it someplace else. She's already a trouble maker! I do have to go back in two weeks to get more images, but not because there was anything wrong. They couldn't get clear shots because of how much she was moving and the position she was in. Thankfully, what they did see confirmed that everything is okay and developing normally.
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    @lappymom2019 my little guy was moving a lot too! I wont know until today if there were any issues though. But it was definitely fun to see him moving up a storm. 

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    @missy052819 I was wondering how yours went! It is definitely a good sign that he was wiggling away in there. I can't wait to hear the update later. I hope it is all good news.
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    @lappymom2019 they definitely know how to make a pregnant lady more crazy!

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