September 2018 Moms

PP Preparedness


Re: PP Preparedness

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    My hospital actually had decent food and they fed DH as well. The food situation is a really good question for the hospital to if you are taking one
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    @Lcardinal04 did you find that the witch hazel stung at first? I had tried putting a little in my peri-bottle diluted with water but didn't end up using it since it stung so bad. Maybe I used too much. I will definitely have dermaplast on hand for recovery, that stuff was gold. Also, tucks pads felt good too.
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    @nlc8424 I didn’t have any stinging at all, but I also didn’t use it in the peri bottle. I used medicated round pads/thingies (I’m blanking on what to call them) and the big ingredient was witch hazel. I did a line of three or four of those on top of the ice pads I received from the hospital, then dermoplast. Hahaha, thinking back my walking with all that probably looked hilarious. 
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    @Lcardinal04 I'll have to look for something like that. I plan on asking my OB about episiotomies and tearing with a second delivery to prep myself mentally, so being well prepared for the vag situation is important!
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    @EErin86 that could definitely be true. I'll be willing to give it a try on those DIY padsicles. 
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    @nlc8424 “The vag situation”...I am dreading that situation!!! I need to make a note to ask my doctor about it as well, especially since this baby will likely be bigger than my first :# 
    Me: 32   DH: 32
    BFP #1: 1/23/2012  DD: Born 9/20/2012  <3
    BFP #2: 12/30/2017  DS: Due 9/10/2018  <3

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    @Car0liiine it so does look like a sub!!! The tuck pads looked like slices of provolone! 
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    I'm pretty freaked out about post partum vag this time too. Mostly because of the freaking veins. Delivery is just going to do wonders for those veins :expressionless:

    And I remember hating padsicles. They just ended up giving me a "diaper rash" from all the added moisture down there as they thawed. I'll probably just make sure to have some ice packs set aside for that specific area. 
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    @lpq0309 I had an episiotomy with my first. I'd been pushing for 90 minutes and my ob was consistently seeing DD's head get to the same point, and then sneak back in between contractions. I wasn't making progress, and we started to see distress in the baby. She asked me first...we'd either need to do an epi or get me down for a c section right away. I chose epi and she came out with the next push. I felt nothing when she made the incision as it was during a contraction. Since she'd been watching me push for so long, she could see where one of the constraining points was and made the incision perfectly. I didn't tear anything more. I don't remember how many stitches to close it up. They freaked me out too and were specifically something I wanted to avoid and mentioned that to my ob. In the end, it was necessary for us and not as bad as I feared.

    As for the husband stitch, I made my comment earlier tongue in cheek about my ob making it. I don't think she actually did, but we had pp sex pain issues that went unaddressed. They aren't specific to epis though and a doctor could make one from tearing too. I don't think they're as common today as they were even ten years ago.
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    I looked into them a ton but never bothered with padsicles. I used ice packs in the hospital but found peri bottle then tucks pads on my pad to be enough once I was home.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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    I liked the padsicles personally but basically they are only good enough to “numb” the area. Once they thawed I would throw them out, pat dry, and place a new clean pad. But I’m a weirdo who hated dermoplast. It made my tear burn so badly. The peri bottle was a Godsend. I forgot to take it with me to the grocery store one time when I was 4 or 5 days PP and there was definitely audible yelling from the restroom when I inevitably had to pee. 
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    Is this a good list of stuff to have ready to take care of the vag? And do you get any of it from the doctor or hospital? Or buy it all ahead of time? 

    heavy pads
    peri bottle
    tucks pads
    ice packs for down there
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    nackienackie member
    @magnolia209 I think that’s pretty much all I used. And my hospital sent me home with some of everything so I didn’t need to buy any for several days. If you’re buying in advance, make sure you get the right color dermoplast!
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    @magnolia209 - I didn't need anything else. My hospital provided a peri bottle and my awesome nurse grabbed a second for me when I told her we had a multi-floor house.

    Pads I was happy to have different absorbancies, but you could always have some heavy ones on hand then wait and see what you end up needing. It was nice to switch to something less heavy once PP bleeding allowed.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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    I took a bunch of pairs of mesh underwear since they were comfy at the hospital then never ended up using them at home. I had bought some size up cotton bikinis which I found I very much preferred once I was home.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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    @Car0liiine I told my H the same thing about wanting to have that time with the nurses to figure out how to be parents if that makes sense. I want that time to take in what just happened too lol. I'm definitely going to ask H about learning how to make some pp pads for me..

    @Patience7150 Thank you!! I read a story about an on OB that did an extra husband stich and the lady had terrible pain when she was cleared for sex after 6 weeks because it was so tight. That kind of freaks me out..but I will ask my OB all these things. 

    Thank you both! 
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    @nackie Did you ask the hospital for the extra pp supplies or did the nurses just give them to you? I didn't know if I should ask for extras or not. I plan on taking as much as possible though..that's what I've been told from other moms...take all the supplies you can! 
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    lpq0309 said:
    @nackie Did you ask the hospital for the extra pp supplies or did the nurses just give them to you? I didn't know if I should ask for extras or not. I plan on taking as much as possible though..that's what I've been told from other moms...take all the supplies you can! 
    I just posted this in the Hospital Bags thread, but I'll put it here too.

    Anything "consumable" that is put in your room and opened (diapers, wipes, tucks pads, regular pads, mesh underwear, etc.) cannot be given to another patient so I took it ALL home. A friendly nurse will usually bring you extras if you ask, or you can hide extras in your bag and tell the nurse you ran out.

    The only thing we were asked not to take was laundry items - baby hat, onesies, and blankets. However when we mentioned we had a dog to our super nice nurse, she brought in a ziploc bag from home so we could stick a used blanket in it to bring home to our dog to smell before arriving home with baby. I am crossing everything she still works at the hospital.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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    @DanyTargaryen Thank you! I wanted to have my H bring home something from the hospital for our dog to smell before we brought the baby home. I will definitely ask the nurse about putting a blanket in a bag for us. (Fingers crossed we have nice nurses like that) 
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    With the post partum bleeding- I know you can pat dry but not wipe. What was everyone’s experience with showers? Did you just air dry for a minute or did you pay dry with a towel? And I’m assuming if so, the towels got blood on them? I’ve picked up a few bath/beach towels that were on sale to put down on the bed and to sit on for the first few days.. but I’m wondering if I need to get shower towels that I can throw away if I stain them? Am I way over thinking this?
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    lpq0309 said:
    @DanyTargaryen Thank you! I wanted to have my H bring home something from the hospital for our dog to smell before we brought the baby home. I will definitely ask the nurse about putting a blanket in a bag for us. (Fingers crossed we have nice nurses like that) 
    I would bring one from home just in case they won't let you take one of the hospital blankets. That way if they won't let you take one you can wrap baby in your own blanket while still in the hospital and take that home to the dog.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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    Does it make sense to buy a Fridet?  Or just snag the regular peri bottles from the hospital?

    Same with the Tucks - will they have actual tuck pads enough to bring home? Or should I go ahead and get some from Amazon to have on hand?
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    @BusinessWife my hospital didn’t even offer tucks. It was just something I had on hand from reading recommendations while lurking BMBs.

    I don’t have any experience with the Fridet, but the bottles my hospital gave were fine. Maybe TMI I used them for an embarrassingly long time after birth because my periods were super heavy after, so it was nice to feel clean haha
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    stothistothi member
    edited June 2018
    @BusinessWife I'm a fan of the Fridet. At the end of my first pregnancy I had a hard time reaching all the important bits in the nether lands and it really helped out with potty time clean up. I don't want to talk about hemorrhoids too much, but if you wind up with them, being able to wash up as opposed to wipe up really comes in handy and the Fridet is better for getting certain angles. For me it was money well spent and definitely useful during 3rd tri and pp. I'm planning to buy another one soon.

    Eta: you'll have to ask your hospital what they supply in regards to tucks pads. Mine gave us plenty to use there and have some to take home.
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    @BusinessWife no tucks pads were sent home with me from the hospital, so I would buy some ahead of time.
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    @lpq0309 It’s kind of tradition around my area to take a hospital receiving blanket home as a souvenir of LO’s birth. I’m pretty sure the nurses and hospital staff expect it. I wouldn’t sweat it too much. I’m pretty sure it’s built into hospital budgets somewhat. 
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    I just snagged the regular peri bottle from the hospital. I actually ended up with two? Which really came in handy when I inevitably dropped one in the toilet one night.
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    I was given a peri bottle at the hospital and my nice nurse got me a second one. They did provide tucks pads, and I ended up getting extras to bring home even though I had already bought some. It's not guaranteed to go home with a bunch so I'd rather spend the few bucks at Target to be sure I have some right when I get home.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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