March 2018 Moms

February Symptoms


Re: February Symptoms

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    @sarahhedger7 Hm doesn't sound the same. Just a million red dots everywhere. I'd take a picture, but I'll spare everyone the horror of my pasty thigh.  :p
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    @muggle621, you’re definitely not a hypochondriac. My pre-e with DD1 developed quite quickly (I was fine at 34 week appointment, had a positive diagnosis at 36 weeks). But mine was harder to diagnose because I have a long documented history of migraines and headaches. My doc reassured me that the 124/82 from earlier today (with trace protein also) is completely normal but my BP also usually floats around 110/70 so naturally I’m anxious. I’ve got appointments every week from here on out so I’ll not have to go too long without being checked- but the side effects that led to my diagnosis with DD1 was blurry vision (with occasional floaty spots), swelling in the extremities, 2 elevated BP readings taken more than 4 hours apart, and the elevated urine proteins. All in all, I was 5/5 for symptoms. Don’t let the doctors/nurses make you feel bad- you know your body better than they do. 
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    @muggle621 funny you mention greys anatomy sending you into panic :)
    i normally have low bp, and yesterday when I wasn't feeling well went to get my bp taken (thought it dropped very low) and was actually slightly high. So thinking of that episode, i called my ob right away and he said if it's not really really high it's not really an indication of pre e. I told him I'm normally low, so he said it didn't really matter, unless it's significantly higher then normal, it isn't anything to worry.
    so just another opinion :)
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    Anyone experiencing right side pain right under rib cage? I’d occasionally get some but the past few days have been pretty intense by evening.  Last night was so intense I also started feeling nauseous as well.  I haven’t been able to sleep much either because sitting/laying doesn’t help the pain either. 
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    @mmom3 baby could just be wedged in there funny or if it comes only at night it could be your gallbladder. I had that with my first and had to have it removed.
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    Yesterday was all day, but the intensity was almost unbearable by later afternoon and by evening I had been in so much pain for quite a while I felt nauseous and lightheaded.  I’ve never experienced it that bad.  I’m seeing my OB for my 37 week appointment today and will mention to her.  
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    Had BW yesterday and an OB appointment today.... My GBS came back positive and my platelets dropped way down. Pretty bummed because now I'm in the no epidural stage of numbers. Anxious to talk to my hemotologist. 
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    @mmom3 I had that too a couple of weeks ago and sonogram showed it was the baby's head jamming right into my rib....
    it was the most painful thing i ever experienced. 
    He has since turned to head down position and the pain disappeared.
    Hope you get some relief soon. 
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    @baybeesunflower I'm so sorry about your platelets!  Mine have yo-yo'ed up and down throughout my pregnancy.  My last draw was back down again (after I went up 26 points).  I know they will draw blood when I go to the hospital, so i'm hoping they come back up.  You still have a chance for yours to come back up in to epidural territory!  If not, you can do it!  Hang in there!  

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    @mmom3 Hope you're feeling better (or at least getting some answers!) today!
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    @sarabeth5678 my insomnia has lightened up a very small bit. Now I'm only up for 45 minutes in the night staring at the ceiling :D your dog must be happy about this insomnia lol
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    @sarabeth5678 My insomnia is very uncomfortable. Usually I'll wake up because of some symptom like heartburn and then my brain turns on and reminds me of fears and anxieties. I want the sleep so bad, especially knowing I'm going to be so under slept so soon. To be fair though I have struggled with sleep problems for most of my adult life so definitely prone to it. 
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    @sarabeth5678 and @vflux33 I have it too. I go to the bathroom lay back down then my mind goes out of control... how long since I last felt the baby move, are my kids ok, so I have everything I need for when baby comes.... 
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    vflux33 said:
    Anyone with a linea nigra that isn't in the center of your belly? Mine is centered below the belly button, but off to one side above it. The side with extra space above the belly button is the same side where the slightly larger twin is--not sure whether that is a coincidence or not...

    @vflux33 - mine is centered until my belly button and then after it veers off to the left.. so weird!
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    My insomnia is driven by waking up either freezing cold or covered in sweat. My body is all over the map at night, it’s so annoying. 
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    I am there with the insomnia. I can't get comfortable and also just wake up wide awake. I would say I wake up an average of once an is horrible.

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    IF DX: MFI (low count & morphology) & mild PCOS

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    @gg620 Yep! 1 hour minimum for me, usually 2.

    @cford08 Haha dog loves the attention at all hours :)

    Uhg at least we aren't alone, ladies!
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    aos620 said:
    @baybeesunflower I'm so sorry about your platelets!  Mine have yo-yo'ed up and down throughout my pregnancy.  My last draw was back down again (after I went up 26 points).  I know they will draw blood when I go to the hospital, so i'm hoping they come back up.  You still have a chance for yours to come back up in to epidural territory!  If not, you can do it!  Hang in there!  

    Thank you! Trying to stay hopeful!!!
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    megpeg said:
    @sarabeth5678 and @vflux33 I have it too. I go to the bathroom lay back down then my mind goes out of control... how long since I last felt the baby move, are my kids ok, so I have everything I need for when baby comes.... 
    @megpeg right there with's usually the thought of when I felt baby last that keeps me up......and then DS has decided to wake up a full hour and a half earlier then norm this week
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    Hey ladies!  I did talk with my OB who sent me to the hospital for additional testing to check for the pain.  When I went in I was having contractions 3-5 minutes apart and then my pain started to radiate to my lower back and I began experiencing back labor as the baby is facing a certain way.  My contractions increased to one minute apart - so they admitted me.  They continued like that for several hours.  I finally did some pain meds in the IV after 6 or so hours, which caused the contractions to start to lessen In intensity and frequency.  They also did not cause any cervical change.  The doctor did more testing because they thought something was wrong which is what caused my uterus to be contracting.  However, the didn’t find anything and think the baby had a large growth spurt that have pulled the muscles in my back and the baby has dropping down. They believe the only thing that will fix the pain at this point is eventually delivery in about 2-3 weeks at full term (I’m 37 now).  My contractions have slowed to about every 10 minutes and not as intense so I was sent home after about 24 hours.  So now I’m stuck with this horrible pain which is nothing I experienced in my prior pregnancies.  
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    @mmom3. That sounds miserable.  I hope it improves.
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    I’m so sorry @mmom3. That sounds miserable. 
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    @mmom3 I'm sorry that sounds awful. 
    Pardon my ignorance (FTM) but I thought 37 weeks was full term in the medical field - as in baby is fully cooked so to speak? 

    Me: 36    DH: 37
    Married: 5.27.16
    Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
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    @muggle621 I think it depends on the source? Some divide it up and call 37-38 weeks “Early Term.” 
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    I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow and as of late I have felt like the 1st trimester all over again. Nauseous, no appetite and tired as heck. Please someone tell me this is normal and there's a light at the end of the tunnel??
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    @mmom3 glad you at least got an answer for the cause of the pain! Hope everything calms down for you for a few more weeks! <3 
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    Oh and my gums were bleeding again when I brush my teeth and they haven't in a long time. They're super sensitive!
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    Ugh I am having period like cramps on my right side. Water is helping so I guess they are Bad BH. 
    Me: 36    DH: 37
    Married: 5.27.16
    Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @crossfitbabybump I'm there, too, and was with my first baby also. Giving birth was my cure. ...sorry.  :)
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    @LeahS927 - how long did it last for you until you gave birth? I'm praying this isn't for another week :(
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    @crossfitbabybump I'm sorry I don't remember. (That was over 2 years ago.) I just remember that 1st trimester symptoms all came back. I hope you can get some relief!
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    @crossfitbabybump Same symptoms for about 2 weeks now. 39 and some days. Also contractions all night long. No baby here yet, but I don’t think she will come any time soon. 
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    @chasingroygbiv - ugh the agony! I literally have all the signs yet I am afraid of the dr's tomorrow and them saying nothing's changed :(
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