April 2018 Moms

January Symptoms

Trying out a monthly format for those pesky symptoms driving us all insane.  What’s going on with you this month? 
Me: 31  DH: 32
Married: 10/3/15 
TTC: May 2017
BFP: 7/20/17
EDD: 3/29/18

Re: January Symptoms

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    Shortness of breath is killing me this month, and I think I got my first little stretch mark in the little piece of skin that used to hold my belly button piercing in many moons ago... *cries*
    Me: 31  DH: 32
    Married: 10/3/15 
    TTC: May 2017
    BFP: 7/20/17
    EDD: 3/29/18
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    Anyone getting cysts like under their bump or boobs? My mom gets cysts a lot she has had even had some surgically drained.  I sometimes get them from time to time but I have been getting them pretty badly with this pregnancy.  Today at my Dr's appointment I showed my Dr one that appeared a few days ago and she says it looks pretty bad I might have to have it surgically drained.  (Thankfully this has no affect on baby more of just a pain for me) my Dr we can wait till my next appointment (which is two weeks from now) to see if home remedies get it drain on its own.  If not or it gets worse might have to do more.  I really hope it goes away on its own. 


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    @Dumbgurl04 ugh no experience there but that sounds awful!! Glad they don’t affect baby at all but sorry you are dealing with them. Did your doc tell you to try hot compresses at home? Hopefully the home remedies work. Do you think seeing a dermatologist would be helpful? 
    Me: 31  DH: 32
    Married: 10/3/15 
    TTC: May 2017
    BFP: 7/20/17
    EDD: 3/29/18
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    @frenchiekinplusone yes she did and my mom suggested it too.  Which I have been doing that and most of them shrink and disappear or drain on their own but this one while it has shrunk some it is still there.  


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    Hmm - my other suggestion would be to maybe try epsom salt if you haven’t tried that already (obvi clear with your doc first as I’m not 100% sure of it’s affects during pregnancy but I’m pretty sure it’s safe according to Dr Google lol)
    Me: 31  DH: 32
    Married: 10/3/15 
    TTC: May 2017
    BFP: 7/20/17
    EDD: 3/29/18
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    @Dumbgurl04 ugh that sounds awful! Since your mom gets them too, is it genetic? Somehow related to larger boobs (if you have them)? You should not have to deal with that crap on top of all the other lovely boob changes of pregnancy!! For weird breast issues, I have recurring eczema on one of my breasts but thankfully it seems to go away when I’m pregnant and/or BF. All other times, suuuper fun place to itch lol

    AFM, definitely noticing the normal leg cramps but just this week I’ve been getting butt cramps. Wtf, body?! 
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    Love this thread! I can never keep track of the randoms. I go through and "love" posts but by the time I get to the bottom I've forgotten everything I wanted to reply to.

    I've actually been feeling better this past week except for the shortness of breath. It gets so bad sometimes I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate, which of course makes me super light-headed. Even reading a book to DS last night I had to take a break to try to catch my breath. It's completely insane.
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    @Dumbgurl04 Have you tried apple cider vinegar? I've had a couple of non-pregnancy-related cysts in the past and soaking them for an hour or so with ACV worked wonders.
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    Speaking of shortness of breath @kaymaroo, have you or has anyone else noticed it being way worse in the morning before you’ve eaten? I have solo morning duty with DS and eat breakfast once I get to work but I have noticed struggling for air trying to get him ready, and just feeling weak and hungry in general. I’ve never been a person that needs to eat as soon as I wake up but maybe that’s the solution...
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    @Puddlewonderful I think it could be.  I think my mom's mom got them too but I'm not 100% sure.  

    @frenchiekinplusone I have never heard of using Epsom salts.  Might have to look into that 


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    @Puddlewonderful I haven't noticed that. Mine is usually worse when I get overheated.
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    @mountainsmama That sounds bad.  Is there any physical therapy you can do now that might help in keeping it from getting too bad after labor.  

    @kaymaroo I didn't know about Apple cider vinegar either.  That might be another thing I will try to help.


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    Everything!!! Back pain, hip pain, sciatica, heartburn that last all day, shortness of breath, feeling like my stomach is about to explode. Feel like a total wimp and that I am completely useless at work. 
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    @Dumbgurl04 This sounds gross, but could it be a boil?  I've NEVER had one before, and I got one on my butt this pregnancy.  I was thoroughly grossed out, but the dermatologist said they are really common.  It's basically an infection from something as simple as an ingrown hair.  It look a long time to go away, but a round of oral antibiotics cleared it up.  No home remedies seemed to help.  I was lucky I didn't have to have it drained but I think they can sometimes get to that point. Have you consulted a dermatologist?

    As far as less gross symptoms I've been having...back pain.  It's awful.  I feel like I have a pretty high tolerance for being uncomfortable but this is making me crazy.  Nothing seems to help.  I just got one of those belly support bands so I'm hoping may that will make a difference.  Other than that the most annoying thing is getting kicked in the bladder.  I felt like I was going to pee my pants last night.  Good thing I've been doing my kegels.  :wink:
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    @kaymaroo same with the shortness of breath. I hate feeling like I can’t get enough air - it makes me panicky, which of course makes it worse. Being short of breath 24/7 for the past 1-2 weeks has sucked really bad. Definitely lucky that that’s my most annoying issue right now, but still hate it! 

    @mountainsmama I’m gonna have to look into that, I don’t know much about it. I’ll sometimes get uncomfortable in that area/feel heaviness or pressure there, not necessarily pain... guess I’ll have to start paying a little more attention. Sorry you are dealing with it all over again! Hope you can get it figured out this time. 
    Me: 31  DH: 32
    Married: 10/3/15 
    TTC: May 2017
    BFP: 7/20/17
    EDD: 3/29/18
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    @fancybelmont same with the kicks to the bladder and just to what feels like every organ inside of me. It doesn’t hurt but it’s sooooo uncomfortable and distracting all day long. I try to put a positive spin on it like like “oh you’re trying to say hi that’s cute”. 

    My main discomforts today are nausea which I woke up with after having said bye to that for a whole trimester. Hoping this doesn’t last..... 

    i also just bought a new sleep mask to see if I can sleep through the night; pregnancy pillow seems to help some but I’m still not sleeping that great. although part of my problem is this damn steam heat waking me up every time the boiler is activated.
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    I woke up this morning and my lower pelvic area was just sore. And my heartburn kept me up till after midnight last night then kept waking up every half hour. Wish I could get a good night sleep.
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    @fancybelmont I don't believe they are boils.  I have had a cyst or two before getting pregnant and the ones i have now are similar in look and feel as those.  I have had quite a few in this pregnancy and so far almost all have gone away with a warm compress.  I just have one that seems to be taking a little bit longer. 


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    Oh man I am with you all with the reflux and heartburn. I had it some at the beginning but it got better during the 2nd trimester. Then 3rd trimester hit and bam its after every meal. I'm also having lower back pain and shortness of breath. 

    Also he moved this week and sometimes when I start to walk from sitting I feel immense pressure very low like something is trying to come out or I have to pee. Had the same thing happen with my 2nd pregnancy. I forgot how the 3rd trimester is really the longest, uncomfortable trimester of them all. 
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    Oh man I am with you all with the reflux and heartburn. I had it some at the beginning but it got better during the 2nd trimester. Then 3rd trimester hit and bam its after every meal. I'm also having lower back pain and shortness of breath. 

    Also he moved this week and sometimes when I start to walk from sitting I feel immense pressure very low like something is trying to come out or I have to pee. Had the same thing happen with my 2nd pregnancy. I forgot how the 3rd trimester is really the longest, uncomfortable trimester of them all. 
    Same! Usually when I get up from my desk or get out of the car, and I basically cradle my belly from underneath to support it and the waddle begins. Oh boy these might be a long couple few months...
    Me: 31  DH: 32
    Married: 10/3/15 
    TTC: May 2017
    BFP: 7/20/17
    EDD: 3/29/18
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    LO isn’t super low anymore so now heartburn and shortness of breath have really kicked up. Plus my tailbone pain has also moved up and is my entire lower and mid back. The back pain is pretty severe. Trying out a new chiropractor hopefully for some relief. The insomnia is also really bad. Generally I wake up for a 2-4 hour stretch every night. 

    Me (33). DH (37). DD (2.2012). MCs x4. After 4 years & 7 months, due 4.2018!

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    Heartburn / reflux cough  Gave up on just diet helping and went back on protonix today. I’ve been laying in bed for a half hour and no coughing so I hope this does the trick!  Low back/hip pain when laying in bed and walking too fast too. 
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    Oh my lawwwwd the lower back pain is real. That has been my worst enemy the last two weeks. Shortness of breath as well and I got my first pregnancy stretch marks... 

    @frenchiekinplusone I am getting winded just putting my shoes on it’s unreal 

    @Dumbgurl04 good thing you are on top of it. I hope you get some relief soon 
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    @frenchiekinplusone omg thats it! Yep I started the waddle. Its not crazy noticeable yet but I can tell, its the "I am trying to hold in a watermelon whose baring down on my lady parts" waddle. Sooo uncomfortable and its just going to get worse. 
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    @mountainsmama, add me to the SPD club. I started noticing early sxs in the last couple weeks. Fortunately, I’ve been mindful of getting up/out of the bed/out of the car, and that seems to be helping. I’m hoping it doesn’t get as bad as last time!
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    Same ol sciatica and tailbone pain, runny nose again, fatigue has come back strong. And hellloooooo peeeeeeeeeee
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    Yep, I am with you ladies....shortness of breath, up every 2-3 hours at night to pee, dry skin, feet swelling and the Olympics are apparently going on already...boxing or gymnastics, I can't tell....

    And yes, I feel like Baby A is ready to reach through and make his appearance any day.  I have no idea how I am going to make it another 9 weeks, but whatever it takes....
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    I'm waddling by midday bc of all the pain point you ladies mentioned. And so freakin tired!! My nose is also stuffy...I'm bound to start snoring anyday now...
    Proud mama-llama of 2

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    Indigestion! No matter what I eat, how much I eat, how fast or how slow I eat indigestion after every meal. Fatigue and hip and abdominal soreness.
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    I can't remember anything. I'm pretty sure the people at work who don't know I'm pregnant think I'm completely incompetent. 
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    Image result for waddlers unite gif

    I try and walk normal but that does not last for very long.  @lesliegolem I'm right there with you on the pressure down low.  The other day while I was leaving my Dr's office I was walking ok then all of sudden I got horrible pressure down low and I had to stop walking and take one step at a time.  I'm sure I looked super weird. 


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    @ekendall09 Ha I just used the rotisserie analogy to describe my sleeping patterns.
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    @ekendall09, I am with you on the weight gain. I eat healthy, workout daily, and track my eating, but I can’t seem to keep it under control. I know that it’s hard for me in general, I have to keep a huge deficit to maintain a healthy weight, but it’s definitely an emotional challenge for me. 
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    @okayrunner sorry to hear others are dealing with it too.  I thought my metabolism was still repairing (which it likely is) but i'm afraid i'm in the same boat as you needed the pretty big deficit to lose/maintain
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    @ekendall09 I feel you on the weight gain. Mine is still “appropriate” according to my doctor but it’s more than i’ve gained in past pregnancies at this point, and like you say there’s really no good reason for it - my eating patterns have been pretty consistent over past pregnancies. And yes, the idea of losing it all after giving birth makes me tired just thinking about it.
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